California surfer uses food stamps to buy sushi and avoid work

Why bother getting a job when you can jam out, surf and enjoy sushi with your bros, thanks to government food stamps?

[WATCH] California surfer uses food stamps to buy sushi and avoid work

If they can find a way to get rid of the abusers, I'd be all for it, but they have to do it without affecting the millions who truly need the help from SNAP. Despite stories like this, the vast majority of people on food stamps are elderly, disabled, or the working poor.
SNAP costs more than the 80 million this article claims.

They meant $80 billion. We see this type of journalism all over the Internet where nothing is proofed. The funniest thing is that these errors are never corrected.
So what's the answer to a small percentage of people that abuse a system?

What makes you think it's a small percentage?

If it sounds like small ball, it’s not. Last April, Eunice News (Louisiana) reported on brothers who own a pair of convenience stores and “defrauded the food stamp program out of $2.7 million and allowed customers to exchange their food stamps for alcohol, tobacco products, and cash.” While that may not seem like a lot by Washington standards, it would take a family of three at the current poverty level nearly 140 years to earn that much money.

1. They Are Ineffective at Reducing Hunger
2. They are Subject to Large Scale Fraud & Error
3. They Lack Transparency
4. They are a Form of Corporate Welfare
5. Food Stamp Advertising Emphasizes Enrollment over Need
6. They Overlap and Create Inefficiencies
7. They Lack Effective Work Requirements
8. They Create Dependency
9. They Have Become a Burden on Taxpayers
10. They Should Be Handled by States

Typical Democrat.

Typical teabagger, thinks 1 = majority or significant number.

And when people with fiscal responsibility on thier minds try to implement some controls on government benefits, we get called child abusers and other names.

Admit you would rather this lazy bastard get his freebies than implement more serious controls on the welfare state.

The controls people like you push for are just outright cuts in funding regardless of whom it effects. It has nothing to do with going after the abusers. It's the great war on the poor.
There is nothing wrong with being ashamed that you are on public assitance. Its a great motivator to get the hell off of it.

But since we've removed certain forms of shame from public life, its OK to be supported by the government, even when you dont have to be.

Someone has removed shame?!??!

The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

If it was about removing fraud, I'm would be all for it, but the track record from the right is just to cut benefits because of anecdotal evidence such as this. One person is abusing the system so we need to cut everyone off of welfare. That is the argument most often heard. It may not be your actual argument, but I assure you we have heard this argument made over and over again from many on the right.
Someone has removed shame?!??!

The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

If it was about removing fraud, I'm would be all for it, but the track record from the right is just to cut benefits because of anecdotal evidence such as this. One person is abusing the system so we need to cut everyone off of welfare. That is the argument most often heard. It may not be your actual argument, but I assure you we have heard this argument made over and over again from many on the right.

Who here has stated that welfare should be cut for everyone?

Post # or link to post.
Someone has removed shame?!??!

The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

If it was about removing fraud, I'm would be all for it, but the track record from the right is just to cut benefits because of anecdotal evidence such as this. One person is abusing the system so we need to cut everyone off of welfare. That is the argument most often heard. It may not be your actual argument, but I assure you we have heard this argument made over and over again from many on the right.

^^^ This

They find one person and want the whole thing flipped on its head. Then they freak out about Gun Control screaming "THIS IS ONE PERSON!!! INFRINGING ON THE LAW ABIDERS BECAUSE OF ONE PERSON!"

And they really never make the connection...or so they want you to believe
The Middle Class is being crushed. It's getting harder & harder to force them to pay for the massive Entitlements. The Gravy Train is going to derail. And that's when the real problems begin. The Collapse will force change. However, there will be much turmoil and chaos during the process of that change. It's gonna get real ugly. All i can say is, be smart and get prepared. Much darker days are ahead for this Nation.

You may be right, but I don't buy into it. I think we are on the cusp of a very long period of economic growth. Whenever the economy goes south for a while, all the doomsayers come out predicting the end of life as we know it. Then things get better and people stop bitching until the next downturn. Everything out there says that things are going to get better soon rather than getting worse.
The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

Who did it? Who removed Shame? I bet it was those liberals taking away things like Scarlet Letters and public shunning wasn't it? Those liberals are behind it all :eusa_shifty:

Just keep dodging the concept. You see it when the government proposes drug tests for people on welfare and the libs all go nuts, saying you are imposing and punishing poor people. It affects thier "dignity" yadda yadda yadda.

You see it when people propose workfare or place restrictions on how long people can get welfare, and libs complain that it affects thier dignity, again, yadda yadda yadda.

A couple of states tried the drug testing for welfare. It cost taxpayers way more than it saved. Hardly any of the welfare recipients turned up positive for drug use. And the reason for that? Because they are too poor to buy the drugs in the first place.
The Middle Class is being crushed. It's getting harder & harder to force them to pay for the massive Entitlements. The Gravy Train is going to derail. And that's when the real problems begin. The Collapse will force change. However, there will be much turmoil and chaos during the process of that change. It's gonna get real ugly. All i can say is, be smart and get prepared. Much darker days are ahead for this Nation.

When the takers finally figure out that there is nothing left to take, they will get very ugly. Again, I'm glad to be where I am, situated how I am. Reminds me, I need more ammo...too, bad the shelves are bare of what I need...already.
Someone has removed shame?!??!

The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

If it was about removing fraud, I'm would be all for it, but the track record from the right is just to cut benefits because of anecdotal evidence such as this. One person is abusing the system so we need to cut everyone off of welfare. That is the argument most often heard. It may not be your actual argument, but I assure you we have heard this argument made over and over again from many on the right.

No, you have it ass backwards and you know it.
The track record is every time we try to change the system so that fucks like this guy can not do what he does you accuse us of wanting to starve children.
There are numerous easier delivery systems other than retail with a honor system like we have now and you support that would end free shit to guys like him.
Hell, your team fights having a photo to vote on BS charges also.
Get real, the way they do it now is the easy way out, let the grocery lobby run the program and who cares if fraud is rampant.
They vote Democratic is all you care.
The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

Who did it? Who removed Shame? I bet it was those liberals taking away things like Scarlet Letters and public shunning wasn't it? Those liberals are behind it all :eusa_shifty:

Just keep dodging the concept. You see it when the government proposes drug tests for people on welfare and the libs all go nuts, saying you are imposing and punishing poor people. It affects thier "dignity" yadda yadda yadda.

You see it when people propose workfare or place restrictions on how long people can get welfare, and libs complain that it affects thier dignity, again, yadda yadda yadda.

Eating at the government trough, housed by your fellow man, you have no dignity to protect. So what's the big deal?
The guy is just one of thousands of freeloaders out there. Folks who could care less where that money that funds that EBT card comes from as long as they don't have to work and support themselves.

Hope the Welfare system crashs big time. Then we will see all those women with all those illegitimate kids going after the babys daddy for support for those kids. A good thing in my book.

Also freeloaders like this asshole will just have to get a job to support that sushi and Escalade habit.

The world you live in is not one based on reality. You want to see the welfare system collapse so we can have slums like they have in India and South America? That is what you want? You need to wake up to understand what happens in societies that have no safety net. Sorry if I prefer to not want such a horrible thing in this great country.
The guy is just one of thousands of freeloaders out there. Folks who could care less where that money that funds that EBT card comes from as long as they don't have to work and support themselves.

Hope the Welfare system crashs big time. Then we will see all those women with all those illegitimate kids going after the babys daddy for support for those kids. A good thing in my book.

Also freeloaders like this asshole will just have to get a job to support that sushi and Escalade habit.

The world you live in is not one based on reality. You want to see the welfare system collapse so we can have slums like they have in India and South America? That is what you want? You need to wake up to understand what happens in societies that have no safety net. Sorry if I prefer to not want such a horrible thing in this great country.

Defending free loaders.

I'm guessing you're in the tax bracket that pays no federal income taxes. Or you're on government cheese yourself. Which is it?
Enjoy it while you can. This Welfare/Warfare State is on its last legs. It cannot be sustained. The Collapse is inevitable.

Yep, and then what happens to those who can no longer live off of the rest of us? Scary!
unless you have a gun and plenty of ammo. The problem is they will go after conservatives, because they have been conditioned to think it's all our fault.

Actually, they'll go after anyone who has more than they do. Unfortunately, the only ones left (if government has its way) who will have armed guards will be the rich liberals. The conservatives will have been disarmed and rendered vulnerable.
The stigma attached to not being able to support yourself or your family anymore has been reduced to a shell of its former self. This attitude is evident from the left every time fiscal conservatives try to reign in the costs of welfare, or try to reduce the amount of fraud that takes place.

If it was about removing fraud, I'm would be all for it, but the track record from the right is just to cut benefits because of anecdotal evidence such as this. One person is abusing the system so we need to cut everyone off of welfare. That is the argument most often heard. It may not be your actual argument, but I assure you we have heard this argument made over and over again from many on the right.

Who here has stated that welfare should be cut for everyone?

Post # or link to post.

Here's one, right in this thread. I'm not going to waste my time searching for all the others. We all know they are there. Not every single person on the right believes this but many do.

The guy is just one of thousands of freeloaders out there. Folks who could care less where that money that funds that EBT card comes from as long as they don't have to work and support themselves.

Hope the Welfare system crashs big time. Then we will see all those women with all those illegitimate kids going after the babys daddy for support for those kids. A good thing in my book.

Also freeloaders like this asshole will just have to get a job to support that sushi and Escalade habit.
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If it was about removing fraud, I'm would be all for it, but the track record from the right is just to cut benefits because of anecdotal evidence such as this. One person is abusing the system so we need to cut everyone off of welfare. That is the argument most often heard. It may not be your actual argument, but I assure you we have heard this argument made over and over again from many on the right.

Who here has stated that welfare should be cut for everyone?

Post # or link to post.

Here's one, right in this thread. I'm not going to waste my time searching for all the others. We all know they are there. Not every single person on the right believes this but many do.

The guy is just one of thousands of freeloaders out there. Folks who could care less where that money that funds that EBT card comes from as long as they don't have to work and support themselves.

Hope the Welfare system crashs big time. Then we will see all those women with all those illegitimate kids going after the babys daddy for support for those kids. A good thing in my book.

Also freeloaders like this asshole will just have to get a job to support that sushi and Escalade habit.

No we all don't know they're there. That's why I asked for post # or link.

So ok, one person said she hopes to see it crash so all the abusers would suffer.

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