California, the promise land

The land of spoiled milk and skunked honey. Its pretty nasty. The amount of trash piles, feces on the ground, needles is just astounding but not surprising.
Someone mentioned the Surgeon General earlier. Why is he not ordering quarantines?
The obsession of trump's cult about California is concerning. I live in LA and except some spots that were there always I have no idea where you guys get your alternative facts.
Those homeless people the majority of them are white, have mental issues, most are not even Californians, some are veterans.
Keep on telling yourself that every street in LA is like what FOX tells you if it makes you feel better
The obsession of trump's cult about California is concerning. I live in LA and except some spots that were there always I have no idea where you guys get your alternative facts.
Those homeless people the majority of them are white, have mental issues, most are not even Californians, some are veterans.
Keep on telling yourself that every street in LA is like what FOX tells you if it makes you feel better

Some spots that were always there? WTF, those "spots" are getting much larger, certainly Typhoid wasn't a problem 10-20 years ago. And it really doesn't matter if some or "most" aren't Californians....they're there now. Dumbass.
The obsession of trump's cult about California is concerning. I live in LA and except some spots that were there always I have no idea where you guys get your alternative facts.
Those homeless people the majority of them are white, have mental issues, most are not even Californians, some are veterans.
Keep on telling yourself that every street in LA is like what FOX tells you if it makes you feel better

Keep on telling yourself that the situation in LA and others is normal.
The obsession of trump's cult about California is concerning. I live in LA and except some spots that were there always I have no idea where you guys get your alternative facts.
Those homeless people the majority of them are white, have mental issues, most are not even Californians, some are veterans.
Keep on telling yourself that every street in LA is like what FOX tells you if it makes you feel better
Lots of places besides fox are telling the same story liar. lol the homeless people in california are not californians. I know, they're mexicans.
The obsession of trump's cult about California is concerning. I live in LA and except some spots that were there always I have no idea where you guys get your alternative facts.
Those homeless people the majority of them are white, have mental issues, most are not even Californians, some are veterans.
Keep on telling yourself that every street in LA is like what FOX tells you if it makes you feel better

They are in California but not Californians? WTF? What have you been smoking?
You guys don't like typhoid? Just wait, it's going to get worse.

EDIT: Neat a conservative agrees with me that climate change is going to bring many more diseases.
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Then the chilly winds blew down
Across the desert
through the canyons of the coast,
to the Malibu
Where the pretty people play,
hungry for power
to light their neon way
give them things to do

Some rich men came and raped the land,
Nobody caught 'em
Put up a bunch of ugly boxes,
and Jesus people bought 'em
'nd they called it paradise
The place to be
They watched the hazy sun, sinking in the sea

And you can see them there,
On Sunday morning
They stand up and sing about
what it's like up there
They call it paradise
I don't know why
You call someplace paradise,
kiss it goodbye - Don Henley
The obsession of trump's cult about California is concerning. I live in LA and except some spots that were there always I have no idea where you guys get your alternative facts.
Those homeless people the majority of them are white, have mental issues, most are not even Californians, some are veterans.
Keep on telling yourself that every street in LA is like what FOX tells you if it makes you feel better

You can see the racism of the left spilling out. "the majority are white". What does that have to do with anything?

If they have mental issues, wouldn't one of the most wealthy cities in the union, in fact one of the most wealthy in the world, be tasked with helping them?

Not sure what being a veteran has to do with anything. Just more excuses for failure I guess. "Well they are vets, so it's not our fault our left-wing city sucks!".

I haven't seen this on Fox News yet. I just see the videos on twitter and youtube. Are you saying they are all fabricated?
Ca. is a receptacle and for the weather they can hitch-hike in from Boston in about two weeks. Typhoid, May 2019, Kelly's Roast Beef, Saugus, Ma.
The obsession of trump's cult about California is concerning. I live in LA and except some spots that were there always I have no idea where you guys get your alternative facts.
Those homeless people the majority of them are white, have mental issues, most are not even Californians, some are veterans.
Keep on telling yourself that every street in LA is like what FOX tells you if it makes you feel better

Now you can tell us THIS is the "new normal"....dumbass.
California use to be a rich vibrant state. Nowadays it is just another Democrat controlled shithole with the nation's most poverty, worst schools and most debt.

Democrats fuck up everything they touch and Detroit use to be the poster child but California has taken over that spot.
We spent two months traveling through CA earlier this year. It is our most beautiful state by a long shot. The sun shined every day. Spent a week in SF and saw very few homeless and didn’t see anyone urinate or defecate in the streets. The people we met were very nice.
Fifty miles south of Detroit, Chinese heroin moved in to help make the cancer lesion even larger.

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