California Will Give Free High School Diplomas To Kids Who Flunked the Exit Exam


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I've been saying for years that to graduate from HS you should have to pass the GED. California has been doing something like that with this exit exam, but now they've decided to cancel the program no doubt because of pressure from the moron illegals.

sep 11 2015
  • The state of California is poised to award thousands of high school degrees to dropouts by passing a new law retroactively removing the requirement to pass a high school exit exam.
The California High School Exit Exam (CASHEE) was created in 2004, and is intended to make sure that students have a rudimentary grasp of English and mathematics before being awarded a high school diploma, and to counter the phenomenon of students receiving passing grades while learning almost nothing. The test is hardly complex. The math test, for instance, only covers 8th grade-level material and can be passed if students answer 55 percent of questions correctly. About 80 percent of California high schoolers take and pass it on their first try while in the 10th grade, and overall passage rates for the class of 2014 were above 97 percent.

But now, a bill passed Thursday by the California legislature, which Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign, suspends the exam through 2018, while also retroactively suspending it back to 2004. That means thousands of students who failed to ever pass the exam but otherwise completed all other requirements will now be able to receive diplomas.
I've been saying for years that to graduate from HS you should have to pass the GED. California has been doing something like that with this exit exam, but now they've decided to cancel the program no doubt because of pressure from the moron illegals.

sep 11 2015
  • The state of California is poised to award thousands of high school degrees to dropouts by passing a new law retroactively removing the requirement to pass a high school exit exam.
The California High School Exit Exam (CASHEE) was created in 2004, and is intended to make sure that students have a rudimentary grasp of English and mathematics before being awarded a high school diploma, and to counter the phenomenon of students receiving passing grades while learning almost nothing. The test is hardly complex. The math test, for instance, only covers 8th grade-level material and can be passed if students answer 55 percent of questions correctly. About 80 percent of California high schoolers take and pass it on their first try while in the 10th grade, and overall passage rates for the class of 2014 were above 97 percent.

But now, a bill passed Thursday by the California legislature, which Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign, suspends the exam through 2018, while also retroactively suspending it back to 2004. That means thousands of students who failed to ever pass the exam but otherwise completed all other requirements will now be able to receive diplomas.

"CASHEE was already scheduled to be on hiatus for several years while educators created a new test more in line with Common Core, which California has adopted. But the exam caused a ruckus over the summer when the state abruptly canceled a summer administration of the test and left several thousand students unable to graduate. Lawmakers moved quickly to let 2015 graduates receive diplomas without the test, but Brown then urged them to go further, and allow all prior students to receive a diploma as well."

Read more: California Will Give Free Diplomas To Kids Who Flunked Out | The Daily Caller

I'm fine with the 2015 group, since they can't test, but the rest should stand as they are...
I've been saying for years that to graduate from HS you should have to pass the GED. California has been doing something like that with this exit exam, but now they've decided to cancel the program no doubt because of pressure from the moron illegals.

sep 11 2015
  • The state of California is poised to award thousands of high school degrees to dropouts by passing a new law retroactively removing the requirement to pass a high school exit exam.
The California High School Exit Exam (CASHEE) was created in 2004, and is intended to make sure that students have a rudimentary grasp of English and mathematics before being awarded a high school diploma, and to counter the phenomenon of students receiving passing grades while learning almost nothing. The test is hardly complex. The math test, for instance, only covers 8th grade-level material and can be passed if students answer 55 percent of questions correctly. About 80 percent of California high schoolers take and pass it on their first try while in the 10th grade, and overall passage rates for the class of 2014 were above 97 percent.

But now, a bill passed Thursday by the California legislature, which Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign, suspends the exam through 2018, while also retroactively suspending it back to 2004. That means thousands of students who failed to ever pass the exam but otherwise completed all other requirements will now be able to receive diplomas.

Yet another example of modern American "everyone is a winner" crap. No child left behind crap.

Here's reality.... just because you show up, and suck air, doesn't mean you are a winner.

Right now, I have these two idiots at my work, that drive me absolutely crazy with their talk about how they deserve a raise. Why do they deserve a raise? Because they do a better job? No. Because they learned new skills that bring in more money to the company? No. Because they found ways to cut costs? No.

Because they sucked air. Sucking air, apparently is a job that requires a raise.

You don't succeed in life because you showed up. You don't succeed because you held a chair to the floor using your butt.

You succeed because you can do the job, and do it better over time, and are able to meet the requirements.

And it all goes back to this issue right here. In school we teach kids the exact opposite. We teach them that if they sucked air, and managed to cheat enough on the test, they get a bit of paper that says they are a winner.

It's exactly these kids, that think this bit of paper is what guarantees them a middle class income. Then they go out, fail miserably, end up flipping burgers at Burger King, and then blame society, and end up pooping in a park, and calling it Occupy Wall Street.

In India they are having the same problem. Rampant cheating to pass exams, so they can get a fantastic job. Of course, when you cheat on the test, you don't know jack, and you end up being unemployed, and protesting in the streets.

The worst case were students who cheated on medical exams, end up in hospitals, and killing patients before they end up unemployed.

Vyapam: India's deadly medical school exam scandal - BBC News

This is ridiculous people. You want these high school failures doing work for you?
In India they are having the same problem. Rampant cheating to pass exams, so they can get a fantastic job. Of course, when you cheat on the test, you don't know jack, and you end up being unemployed, and protesting in the streets.

The worst case were students who cheated on medical exams, end up in hospitals, and killing patients before they end up unemployed.

Similar thing in america with all the affirmative action scoring at our med schools. That's a type of cheating too and it's one reason i don't buy this story about ben carson being a great doctor. He has admitted he used AA to get his degree. I bet he can barely read.
We need more standardized testing in my book. Otherwise the teachers don't do their job and just pass everybody.
US needs to raise the standards not see how many children they can process through the system without actually teaching them anything.
AND BY THE WAY!........

Sorry to reply again to the same thread in a short time........ but this right here is EXACTLY why we need to completely eliminate government schools, and move to a private school system.

Can any of you, left-wing or right-wing, can any of you ever seeing any private school even considering this? Oh we decided to give all those students who failed out, a diploma from our school anyway.... We're generous and caring! No child left behind!

Can you even imagine some situation where they might do that? Heck no!

Only in a government controlled system, where voters and public opinion matter, could this happen. Only in system where politicians getting elected, is a higher priority, does this happen.

A private school would lose PAYING customers. Who the heck would pay for a school where people who are not educated, get a diploma?

No one. So what school who relies on paying customers would do that? None of them.

Only a school system which is funded by the tax payers, held hostage by tax laws, getting funding regardless of educational outcomes..... would this ever happen.

We need to eliminate public schools. Or at least blow the whole education system wide open with vouchers and unlimited school choice.
I've been saying for years that to graduate from HS you should have to pass the GED. California has been doing something like that with this exit exam, but now they've decided to cancel the program no doubt because of pressure from the moron illegals.

sep 11 2015
  • The state of California is poised to award thousands of high school degrees to dropouts by passing a new law retroactively removing the requirement to pass a high school exit exam.
The California High School Exit Exam (CASHEE) was created in 2004, and is intended to make sure that students have a rudimentary grasp of English and mathematics before being awarded a high school diploma, and to counter the phenomenon of students receiving passing grades while learning almost nothing. The test is hardly complex. The math test, for instance, only covers 8th grade-level material and can be passed if students answer 55 percent of questions correctly. About 80 percent of California high schoolers take and pass it on their first try while in the 10th grade, and overall passage rates for the class of 2014 were above 97 percent.

But now, a bill passed Thursday by the California legislature, which Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign, suspends the exam through 2018, while also retroactively suspending it back to 2004. That means thousands of students who failed to ever pass the exam but otherwise completed all other requirements will now be able to receive diplomas.
In my day all you needed to graduate was to be a jock,, with a starting position on a winning football team..
Can any of you, left-wing or right-wing, can any of you ever seeing any private school even considering this? Oh we decided to give all those students who failed out, a diploma from our school anyway.... We're generous and caring! No child left behind!

Actually yes, i can. Private schools are also under a lot of pressure to graduate everyone. Lots of people just want a certificate saying they graduated. That's why the important thing is not public vs private schools. The important thing is having a standardized test the student must pass to get the diploma. Let's use the GED.
I've been saying for years that to graduate from HS you should have to pass the GED. California has been doing something like that with this exit exam, but now they've decided to cancel the program no doubt because of pressure from the moron illegals.

sep 11 2015
  • The state of California is poised to award thousands of high school degrees to dropouts by passing a new law retroactively removing the requirement to pass a high school exit exam.
The California High School Exit Exam (CASHEE) was created in 2004, and is intended to make sure that students have a rudimentary grasp of English and mathematics before being awarded a high school diploma, and to counter the phenomenon of students receiving passing grades while learning almost nothing. The test is hardly complex. The math test, for instance, only covers 8th grade-level material and can be passed if students answer 55 percent of questions correctly. About 80 percent of California high schoolers take and pass it on their first try while in the 10th grade, and overall passage rates for the class of 2014 were above 97 percent.

But now, a bill passed Thursday by the California legislature, which Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign, suspends the exam through 2018, while also retroactively suspending it back to 2004. That means thousands of students who failed to ever pass the exam but otherwise completed all other requirements will now be able to receive diplomas.
In my day all you needed to graduate was to be a jock,, with a starting position on a winning football team..
Did they wear leather helmets?
Can any of you, left-wing or right-wing, can any of you ever seeing any private school even considering this? Oh we decided to give all those students who failed out, a diploma from our school anyway.... We're generous and caring! No child left behind!

Actually yes, i can. Private schools are also under a lot of pressure to graduate everyone. Lots of people just want a certificate saying they graduated. That's why the important thing is not public vs private schools. The important thing is having a standardized test the student must pass to get the diploma. Let's use the GED.
The GED is to easy, let's make them take a 20 year test on any position in need of filling...
I've been saying for years that to graduate from HS you should have to pass the GED. California has been doing something like that with this exit exam, but now they've decided to cancel the program no doubt because of pressure from the moron illegals.

sep 11 2015
  • The state of California is poised to award thousands of high school degrees to dropouts by passing a new law retroactively removing the requirement to pass a high school exit exam.
The California High School Exit Exam (CASHEE) was created in 2004, and is intended to make sure that students have a rudimentary grasp of English and mathematics before being awarded a high school diploma, and to counter the phenomenon of students receiving passing grades while learning almost nothing. The test is hardly complex. The math test, for instance, only covers 8th grade-level material and can be passed if students answer 55 percent of questions correctly. About 80 percent of California high schoolers take and pass it on their first try while in the 10th grade, and overall passage rates for the class of 2014 were above 97 percent.

But now, a bill passed Thursday by the California legislature, which Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign, suspends the exam through 2018, while also retroactively suspending it back to 2004. That means thousands of students who failed to ever pass the exam but otherwise completed all other requirements will now be able to receive diplomas.
In my day all you needed to graduate was to be a jock,, with a starting position on a winning football team..
Did they wear leather helmets?
New fangled plastic juans...
US needs to raise the standards not see how many children they can process through the system without actually teaching them anything.
In fact, economically we are way behind China, an ascending nation that takes the education of their youth very seriously. In the coming years, the nation with the most skilled workers wins.
US needs to raise the standards not see how many children they can process through the system without actually teaching them anything.
In fact, economically we are way behind China, an ascending nation that takes the education of their youth very seriously. In the coming years, the nation with the most skilled workers wins.
Yeah, that's why Chinese college students go to US colleges...
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I've been saying for years that to graduate from HS you should have to pass the GED. California has been doing something like that with this exit exam, but now they've decided to cancel the program no doubt because of pressure from the moron illegals.

sep 11 2015
  • The state of California is poised to award thousands of high school degrees to dropouts by passing a new law retroactively removing the requirement to pass a high school exit exam.
The California High School Exit Exam (CASHEE) was created in 2004, and is intended to make sure that students have a rudimentary grasp of English and mathematics before being awarded a high school diploma, and to counter the phenomenon of students receiving passing grades while learning almost nothing. The test is hardly complex. The math test, for instance, only covers 8th grade-level material and can be passed if students answer 55 percent of questions correctly. About 80 percent of California high schoolers take and pass it on their first try while in the 10th grade, and overall passage rates for the class of 2014 were above 97 percent.

But now, a bill passed Thursday by the California legislature, which Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign, suspends the exam through 2018, while also retroactively suspending it back to 2004. That means thousands of students who failed to ever pass the exam but otherwise completed all other requirements will now be able to receive diplomas.
You pass 12 years of school its fucking IGNORANT to have to pass a fucking exit exam AND your finals every single year to get your HS Diploma. FINALLY some common sense is coming back to education. South Carolina and Georgia are doing this.
US needs to raise the standards not see how many children they can process through the system without actually teaching them anything.
In fact, economically we are way behind China, an ascending nation that takes the education of their youth very seriously. In the coming years, the nation with the most skilled workers wins.
Yeah, that's why Chinese colleges students go to US colleges...
The ones that can afford to, but skilled workers don't require college, just a very good primary education and then occupational training. Idiot Americans send their kids to college to get a social studies degree while our industries are hurting for skilled labor. It will be Asians who fill those positions.
I've been saying for years that to graduate from HS you should have to pass the GED. California has been doing something like that with this exit exam, but now they've decided to cancel the program no doubt because of pressure from the moron illegals.

sep 11 2015
  • The state of California is poised to award thousands of high school degrees to dropouts by passing a new law retroactively removing the requirement to pass a high school exit exam.
The California High School Exit Exam (CASHEE) was created in 2004, and is intended to make sure that students have a rudimentary grasp of English and mathematics before being awarded a high school diploma, and to counter the phenomenon of students receiving passing grades while learning almost nothing. The test is hardly complex. The math test, for instance, only covers 8th grade-level material and can be passed if students answer 55 percent of questions correctly. About 80 percent of California high schoolers take and pass it on their first try while in the 10th grade, and overall passage rates for the class of 2014 were above 97 percent.

But now, a bill passed Thursday by the California legislature, which Gov. Jerry Brown is expected to sign, suspends the exam through 2018, while also retroactively suspending it back to 2004. That means thousands of students who failed to ever pass the exam but otherwise completed all other requirements will now be able to receive diplomas.

Yet another example of modern American "everyone is a winner" crap. No child left behind crap.

Here's reality.... just because you show up, and suck air, doesn't mean you are a winner.

Right now, I have these two idiots at my work, that drive me absolutely crazy with their talk about how they deserve a raise. Why do they deserve a raise? Because they do a better job? No. Because they learned new skills that bring in more money to the company? No. Because they found ways to cut costs? No.

Because they sucked air. Sucking air, apparently is a job that requires a raise.

You don't succeed in life because you showed up. You don't succeed because you held a chair to the floor using your butt.

You succeed because you can do the job, and do it better over time, and are able to meet the requirements.

And it all goes back to this issue right here. In school we teach kids the exact opposite. We teach them that if they sucked air, and managed to cheat enough on the test, they get a bit of paper that says they are a winner.

It's exactly these kids, that think this bit of paper is what guarantees them a middle class income. Then they go out, fail miserably, end up flipping burgers at Burger King, and then blame society, and end up pooping in a park, and calling it Occupy Wall Street.

In India they are having the same problem. Rampant cheating to pass exams, so they can get a fantastic job. Of course, when you cheat on the test, you don't know jack, and you end up being unemployed, and protesting in the streets.

The worst case were students who cheated on medical exams, end up in hospitals, and killing patients before they end up unemployed.

Vyapam: India's deadly medical school exam scandal - BBC News

This is ridiculous people. You want these high school failures doing work for you?
Its not everyone is a winner is like double jeopardy in court. They already passed their damn finals they shouldn't have to pass a fucking exit exam its a waste of money and its idiotic. Some people don't do well remembering EVERYTHING from 4 years of HS and some do technically its also discriminatory.

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