California With Highest Gas Tax in America Raises Tax Again

Not if you have money it's not.

Why didn't you move to Florida? It's in a lot of ways better than Cali. You moved to what state? I don't want to hear because it's not going to be as nice. Go ahead, tell me.
In Michigan you could buy a home in a subdivision for $200K. Ranch.

Like I said, you lucky Californians who have homes to sell. You purchased them years ago for nothing and you can sell them, move to a cheap red state and live out your days on that cali money you made.

The life you have, would not have been possible where you live now. You wouldn't have what you have if you did what you did in cali in the state you are in now. Consider that. It's why you only moved out when you no longer need to work. Congrats. Red states are like Mexico used to be. Cheap living. Your kids won't usually follow because they need to find work.

OR sometimes it's good gramps puts roots down in a red state then your kids can look for work when they visit. No hurry. I love Trump country. I just don't like Republican politicians. People? I love the people.
California was run by Republicans once. Those that bought then before the Chines started buying up everything and Democrats destroying it were lucky
The kid without a college degree can learn a trade and buy a home in a few years.

It’s interesting you say a kid with a college degree and 200k in loans is actually way behind the apprentice electrician in the ability to purchase a home. You’re proving the point that these college degrees are a liability. Not everyone needs one. And the majority of those taking out loans to get one can’t even afford to pay it off.
Loser mentality. I don’t get it. Every parent I know wants their kid to be successful and I mean more than just a plumber. That is what we settle for not strive for.

I don’t know very man super successful eneducated people.

Funny they say a college degree is worth a million dollars over the course of 30 years. And that’s about exactly what I make. If uneducated make $50k I make about $80k. $30k x 30 years is $1 million. And thats why I’ll have a million when I retire and they won’t.

I know, you make more than $50k. Well I make more than $80. I was just making things easy for you because you’re uneducated.
They aren't happy they have to leave California. It's like moving out of a big nice new sky rise corporate tower to a cheaper shittier office in a strip mall. They're moving to a shit hole. LOL.

Who wants to put up with this when you can rent a u-hail and more to another state?
Loser mentality. I don’t get it. Every parent I know wants their kid to be successful and I mean more than just a plumber. That is what we settle for not strive for.

I don’t know very man super successful eneducated people.

Funny they say a college degree is worth a million dollars over the course of 30 years. And that’s about exactly what I make. If uneducated make $50k I make about $80k. $30k x 30 years is $1 million. And thats why I’ll have a million when I retire and they won’t.

I know, you make more than $50k. Well I make more than $80. I was just making things easy for you because you’re uneducated.
You’re fucked without plumbers. You aren’t capable of fixing it. Why are you such an egotistical prick? When your toilet is backing up your college degree is worthless. The most valuable person in your home at that moment is the lowly plumber. And he probably makes 100k. Which you will complain about while paying the bill. The paper on your wall doesn’t make you valuable in those moments.
Bullshit. Clinton ruled, bush ruined everything. Obama fixed bushs mess, trump shit the bed with Covid. N comes Biden.
California was #1 in schools, affordability, jobs, housing, etc.

Then Democrats took over and its last in everything.
If California residents aren't going to punish their elected officials for doing stuff like this, why should they stop doing it?
Loser mentality. I don’t get it. Every parent I know wants their kid to be successful and I mean more than just a plumber. That is what we settle for not strive for.

I have a son in law who is a plumber. Started out working for his dad and learned the trade.

He is now out on his own and is making 12 grand a month.

Not bad for an "uneducated, unsuccessful" plumber, wouldn't you say.

He makes enough that my daughter doesn't have to work.

She's happy with the life they live. I would call that success, but that's just me.
Bullshit. Clinton ruled, bush ruined everything. Obama fixed bushs mess, trump shit the bed with Covid. N comes Biden.
Ever wonder why everyone is fleeing blue states to go to red states?

Blue are turning dark blue.
Thus you get things like California.
Ever wonder why everyone is fleeing blue states to go to red states?

Blue are turning dark blue.
Thus you get things like California.
California corporate profits reached $368 billion in 2021, reflecting a 155% increase since 2002 in inflation-adjusted terms.

The bush years were hard on Michigan too
That’ll help the poor!

And California has the worst roads.
Newsom wants to do to America what he’s done to California.

I lived most of my life in CA and the past 5 years have been living here in Idaho. Idaho has much better roads than CA has. Speak up for your state. How are things there?
Are corporations and rich people doing well in Cali? Talk to them. Organize.
California has plenty of the rich and should have the best roads, schools, living conditions yet for all the money they grab from the rich, they rank terrible. But that is how Democrats handle things.
Stay in that blue state, you deserve it.......Really.
I purchased my condo on a lake in 1995 for $60k. I‘m going nowhere.

Lucky me. My brother has places up north Michigan for deer hunting, Florida for winter and Greece in the summer. I’ll be spending most of my time in Michigan.

Would I save money if I bought a car in a red state?
California has plenty of the rich and should have the best roads, schools, living conditions yet for all the money they grab from the rich, they rank terrible. But that is how Democrats handle things.
Consider the alternative
That’ll help the poor!

And California has the worst roads.
Newsom wants to do to America what he’s done to California.

They F'ing LIE! The state and federal taxes are only the tip of the iceberg. That's why gas in nearby states is over $1.50 a gallon cheaper even though the supposed gas tax here is only 67 cents.
They F'ing LIE! The state and federal taxes are only the tip of the iceberg. That's why gas in nearby states is over $1.50 a gallon cheaper even though the supposed gas tax here is only 67 cents.
Why can’t republicans win over 51% of the citizens?
There is a reason a U-Haul out of CA to TX is near four times more expensive than from TX to CA.
That’ll help the poor!

And California has the worst roads.
Newsom wants to do to America what he’s done to California.

Hmm, well, I guess that will be of no consequence to the drivers with California’s ev mandates. All vehicles to be electric by 2035? Or something like that ?

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