California's About to Run Out of Water. We Have to Act Now!

You heard what liberals are saying, illegals are good for our economy.

BTW, California is actually building desalination plant somewhere near Carlsbad.

CA prolly has 2 million illegal kids in it's schools. At $15,000 per year per kid that's $30 billion dollars right there spent on people not even allowed to be here!!! Think how many de-salt plants that money could build?
California s About to Run Out of Water. We Have to Act Now WIRED
Golf courses aren't the only problem, but they're the most unnecessary problem.
Next most unnecessary problem is the people who insist on having pretty green grass in their yard despite living in a desert.
So do we really not have enough water for common needs.
"We" don't have to do anything. there isn't a damn thing anyone not in California can do about your drought or your water use circumstances.
"We" don't have to do anything. there isn't a damn thing anyone not in California can do about your drought or your water use circumstances.

Amen. CA created this problem by creating all the sanctuary cities for illegals. They can easily solve the problem by obeying the law and making the illegals leave.

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