California's War With Trump Part Of A Democrat Plan Of Economic Oppression


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

What better way to create a permanent underclass and at the same time create absolute dependency of the voters to government than pick a fight with the federal government.

In 3rd world banana republic dictators need a desperate and dependent country that is literally on the edge of starvation to stay in power. Perhaps this is why Democrats openly admire the Fidel Castros and similar totalitarian leaders. This is a product of liberal mindset based in communist upbringing. It seems that the only folks that admire communism the most never had to live under it.

California is daring Trump to withhold federal funds, or at least Governor Jerry Moonbeam Brown is. What better way to get his transplanted immigrant population behind him than to give them a Devil to hate.

California gave Hillary most of her imaginary popular vote advantage in a highly suspect election. They flouted election laws by allowing millions of illegals to vote and now they're threatening to withhold their federal taxes, yet another act of defiance that will create a massive legal problem for the president.

BTW, many criminals in US history skated the law only to get thrown in prison for income tax evasion. I sincerely hope Jerry Brown tries this.

If Trump does try to take away California’s federal dollars, he faces a rough time
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California is a perfect example of the consequences of uncontrolled leftism.
I think California is merely a test to see if it will work. Democrats have created this demagogue in Trump and they're going to try to use him to ruin the economy and the result is a subjugation of the population to total Democrat control.......a liberal utopia.
California has been out of touch with mainstream America for years. They only care about minorities in hope they will vote Democrat

California is a perfect example of the consequences of uncontrolled leftism.

...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world?

I'll take two please.
...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world? I'll take two please.

Give CA the same weather as Nebraska and you'll have a place more fucked up than Detroit.

Actually, CA is functionally bankrupt so one can argue it is there already. Just ask the people of Stockton and the pensioners of San Diego...or ask the workers of the dozens of hospitals that closed because they had to provide healthcare for so many illegals who did not pay their bills...

But the REAL fun will start when CALPERS has to start paying out pensions but has guaranteed a 7%+ rate of return in an era of near-zero interest rates - the taxes are going to go through the roof in CA, and the already-existing mass exodus to neighboring states will explode. How do you dimwits think oregon and Wash state are so liberal? Its all the moronic californians exporting their idiotic economic ideas as they leave CA to move to a state with rational taxes.
It seems to me they're doing what they can to push it to the supreme court before the next justice can be seated, as there's no reason to taunt in the manner they have aside from intentionally waving the red flag at a bull.

Trump needs to realize what the end game is, and it lies at the Supreme Court. With gorsuch, and likely anyone trump appoints, these people are dead meat. With that seat open they have an outside shot at tilting enough of the loons to a divided decision, in which case it reverts back to the prior court's ruling.

There's a reason this is coming up through the moonbat 9th circuit court.

This is a flanking maneuver. Eyes on the ball, donald.....
...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world? I'll take two please.

Give CA the same weather as Nebraska and you'll have a place more fucked up than Detroit.

Actually, CA is functionally bankrupt so one can argue it is there already. Just ask the people of Stockton and the pensioners of San Diego...or ask the workers of the dozens of hospitals that closed because they had to provide healthcare for so many illegals who did not pay their bills...

But the REAL fun will start when CALPERS has to start paying out pensions but has guaranteed a 7%+ rate of return in an era of near-zero interest rates - the taxes are going to go through the roof in CA, and the already-existing mass exodus to neighboring states will explode. How do you dimwits think oregon and Wash state are so liberal? Its all the moronic californians exporting their idiotic economic ideas as they leave CA to move to a state with rational taxes.

Yea, them socialists are just lucky.

Conservatives have been BSing about California's demize for many decades, you may as well stop, it's not going anywhere and they will get through whatever long term budget problems they may have.
...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world? I'll take two please.

Give CA the same weather as Nebraska and you'll have a place more fucked up than Detroit.

Actually, CA is functionally bankrupt so one can argue it is there already. Just ask the people of Stockton and the pensioners of San Diego...or ask the workers of the dozens of hospitals that closed because they had to provide healthcare for so many illegals who did not pay their bills...

But the REAL fun will start when CALPERS has to start paying out pensions but has guaranteed a 7%+ rate of return in an era of near-zero interest rates - the taxes are going to go through the roof in CA, and the already-existing mass exodus to neighboring states will explode. How do you dimwits think oregon and Wash state are so liberal? Its all the moronic californians exporting their idiotic economic ideas as they leave CA to move to a state with rational taxes.

Yea, them socialists are just lucky.

Conservatives have been BSing about California's demize for many decades, you may as well stop, it's not going anywhere and they will get through whatever long term budget problems they may have.
Barely getting thru it is part of the plan.
Democrats wanted to transform America. Create low expectations. People aren't dying in the streets.....well at least the media won't cover it. We have to take in every other country's problems because it's supposedly, how do they describe it, the very foundation of this country. Funny how liberals think the constitution is old hat, but when they need it, they use worn-out phrases that passed their practical use to take advange of, slipping through the cracks or misinterpretating its intended purpose.
Immigration was a way of recruiting talent but also a way of drawing more people to this country to build its bridges and fight its wars. It wasn't intended to create a permanent underclass that could be fooled into supporting one party over another, or force down wages to help the rich.
California is a perfect example of the consequences of uncontrolled leftism.

...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world?

I'll take two please.

Another slow fat kid on a track team trying desperately to ride the coat tails and glory of the people actually contributing...haha
I bet you wish Canada was another Mexico full of human cockroaches so they could invade from both the north and the south...imagine how awesome California would be!
California is a perfect example of the consequences of uncontrolled leftism.

...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world?

I'll take two please.

Another slow fat kid on a track team trying desperately to ride the coat tails and glory of the people actually contributing...haha
I bet you wish Canada was another Mexico full of human cockroaches so they could invade from both the north and the south...imagine how awesome California would be!

Is my argument so potent that you just start post whatever random nonsense that happens to pop into your head as a response?
California is a perfect example of the consequences of uncontrolled leftism.

...6th largest economy in the world from where Hollywood and Silicon Valley spread American culture and products all over the world?

I'll take two please.
If by "American culture" you mean AIDS, have as much as you want. that a serious statement or are you just trolling?

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