Call for boycott of the rose bowl parade

Going off on a tangent here, sort of off topic. I also don't like to quote from the bible, and I am sure you've read the following verses:

However, if you can somehow guarantee me that God will forgive me for acknowledging homosexuality, then I am willing to listen.

You are kidding, right?

Ou don't like to quote the bible? Why is that? Is it because you paint yourself into a corner?

I don't believe in any god.....but I am pretty sure that yours is supposed to forgive anyone for long as you repent. Is that not the case?
If you believe in an afterlife as I do, then there is no guarantee that all is forgiven. Will God forgive serial killers?

I am beginning to wonder if this will go anywhere.

You are the believer.......what does the bible say about forgiveness of sin? really think you will be sent to hell if you don't avoid a parade that has some gay people? That kind of fear has to be a bummer.
I just heard that the Boy Scouts are officially allowing gay people in the organization next year. Oh no!!!!!

Nothing like sex practices as your identifier.

Great around kids.

Every straight person who talks about their wife/husband, children, wedding, boyfriend/girlfriend is using sex practices as their identifier.
I just heard that the Boy Scouts are officially allowing gay people in the organization next year. Oh no!!!!!

Nothing like sex practices as your identifier.

Great around kids.

Every straight person who talks about their wife/husband, children, wedding, boyfriend/girlfriend is using sex practices as their identifier.

Not whilst leading Boy Scouts.

"My wife made cookies for the troop" = Non-sexual.

"I am your scout leader and I am a gay man who forced acceptance of my open lifestyle by the BSA"
= Sexual.
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You are kidding, right?

Ou don't like to quote the bible? Why is that? Is it because you paint yourself into a corner?

I don't believe in any god.....but I am pretty sure that yours is supposed to forgive anyone for long as you repent. Is that not the case?
If you believe in an afterlife as I do, then there is no guarantee that all is forgiven. Will God forgive serial killers?

I am beginning to wonder if this will go anywhere.

You are the believer.......what does the bible say about forgiveness of sin? really think you will be sent to hell if you don't avoid a parade that has some gay people? That kind of fear has to be a bummer.
I am well aware that the bible says that sinners with faith in God will be forgiven if asked. I am also aware that it says that homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Draw your own conclusion.
If you believe in an afterlife as I do, then there is no guarantee that all is forgiven. Will God forgive serial killers?

I am beginning to wonder if this will go anywhere.

You are the believer.......what does the bible say about forgiveness of sin? really think you will be sent to hell if you don't avoid a parade that has some gay people? That kind of fear has to be a bummer.
I am well aware that the bible says that sinners with faith in God will be forgiven if asked. I am also aware that it says that homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Draw your own conclusion.

You are one of those bible cherry-pickers, I see. Lots of them here.
You are kidding, right?

Ou don't like to quote the bible? Why is that? Is it because you paint yourself into a corner?

I don't believe in any god.....but I am pretty sure that yours is supposed to forgive anyone for long as you repent. Is that not the case?
If you believe in an afterlife as I do, then there is no guarantee that all is forgiven. Will God forgive serial killers?
from your pov he made them .....

No, the devil made them. Next point.
the the faux cowboy is seeking just as much attention as the "evil" gays.
fully clothed :lol:
and he has his own agenda,just like you.
gays offend to defend not the other way around.
it's simple, mind your own business and let them mind theirs...

Offend to defend? That's all you needed to say. Wow, i could say more, but i let your statement speak for itself.
due to gay marriage being shoved down people's throats despite the parade having nothing to do with social issues or politics. And the aids brigade denies there's an agenda. Read teh comments, they boast about how they love shoving it in people's faces.

SoCal Woman Calls For Rose Parade Boycott Over Same-Sex Wedding Float « CBS Los Angeles

Protesting and boycotting's how to handle things you don't like. I'd rather just close my eyes if something I objected to went by, but I'm lazy. :)
Call me what you want, however if I have to choose between renouncing my faith or not acknowledging homosexuality, there is no contest, my faith supersedes all else. My faith has been with me a lifetime, and will be with me till my final breath.

What did Jesus say about gay people?
Jesus said some are born gay.

Here Jesus refers to "eunuchs who have been so from birth." This terminology ("born eunuchs") was used in the ancient world to refer to homosexual men. Jesus indicates that being a "born eunuch" is a gift from God.
Listen to a sermon on this topic:

Some Christians confidently assert that God did not create homosexual people "that way." This is important because they realize if God did create gays "that way," rejecting them would be tantamount to rejecting God’s work in creation. In pressing their “creation order” argument, some Christians are fond of saying, "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!" To bolster their position, they often cite Jesus’ words in Matthew 19:4-5, where he responds to a question about whether divorce is permissible:

“Jesus answered, ‘Have you not read that the One who made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh”? Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate.’ ”

From these words, some Christians draw the conclusion that heterosexuality is the creation norm and, thus, heterosexual marriage is the only legitimate way for people to form romantic relationships. Ironically, Jesus’ own words in this very same passage refute these conclusions.

As the dialogue continues, Jesus’ disciples are disturbed by his strict teaching on divorce. The disciples say that if divorce is not a ready option, perhaps it would be best for a man not to marry a woman. Jesus responds:

“Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to whom it is given. For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.” (Matthew 19:11-12)

Here Jesus identifies three classes of men who should not marry women. Taking his categories in reverse order, first, there are those who have made themselves “eunuchs” for the kingdom of heaven, i.e., those who foreswear marriage to better serve God. Second, he mentions those who have been “made eunuchs by others,” an apparent reference to castrated males. But Jesus mentions a third category — eunuchs who were born that way. Some might argue that Jesus was referring to males born without testicles, but this would be extremely rare. Moreover, this interpretation ignores how the term “born eunuchs” was used in other literature of the time.

In the ancient world, including ancient Jewish culture (as reflected in the Talmud), “natural” or “born” eunuchs were not associated with missing testicles. Rather, they were associated with stereotypically effeminate characteristics and behavior (just like modern gay men), and were thought by Rabbi Eliezer to be subject to “cure” (just like modern gays). Moreover, as we have also seen, eunuchs were commonly associated with homosexual desire. (For a complete discussion of the term "born eunuch" and the connection with homosexuality, see The Early Church Welcomed a Gay Man.) As a reasonably informed person of his time, Jesus would have been aware of this common view of eunuchs. Yet he very matter-of-factly asserts that some people are simply born that way. The implication of his statement is profound — God created gay people the way they are! Jesus says so.

Unlike Rabbi Eliezer, Jesus feels no need to “cure” these born eunuchs. He speaks no words of condemnation. Rather he lists people born gay alongside another honored class (eunuchs for the kingdom), and accepts them as a natural part of God’s creation order.

Thus, when Matthew 19 is read as a whole, we see Jesus teaches that most people are created for heterosexual marriage. (We too accept this as God’s predominant creation paradigm.) But, unlike some modern Christians, Jesus does not see this as the only honorable way to live. He acknowledges that some human beings have been created by God to follow a less common, but equally legitimate path. There are some who have been eunuchs from birth — made that way by God.

Would Jesus Discriminate? - Jesus said some are born gay

A eunuch (/ˈjuːnək/; Greek: Ευνούχος) is a man who (by the common definition of the term) may have been castrated, typically early enough in his life for this change to have major hormonal consequences. In some ancient texts, "eunuch" may refer to a man who is not castrated but who is impotent, celibate, or otherwise not inclined to marry and procreate. Most eunuchs who are castrated before puberty are asexual.

Castration was typically carried out on the soon-to-be eunuch without his consent in order that he might perform a specific social function; this was common in many societies. The earliest records for intentional castration to produce eunuchs are from the Sumerian city of Lagash in the 21st century BC.[1][2] Over the millennia since, they have performed a wide variety of functions in many different cultures: courtiers or equivalent domestics, treble singers, religious specialists, government officials and guardians of women or harem servants.

Eunuch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Words and distinctions referring to homosexuality didn't exist in Yeshua's time. Thus Yeshua never said some are gay. Think a German psychologist first coined the term homosexual, up until then, and certainly 2000 years ago, people just had sex with other people with no particular breakdown into who was what. Thus the prohibition in Tanach (OT is a corrupted version of Tanach) describes the actual act, but uses no particular word referring to what we now think of as the orientaiton.

Interestingly, though Tanach forbids things with great detail, no mention or prohibition is made for 'lesbianism.' Women are mention often, and forbidden many other things, but not sex with other women.
due to gay marriage being shoved down people's throats despite the parade having nothing to do with social issues or politics. And the aids brigade denies there's an agenda. Read teh comments, they boast about how they love shoving it in people's faces.

SoCal Woman Calls For Rose Parade Boycott Over Same-Sex Wedding Float « CBS Los Angeles

I don't watch parades. They bore me.
I would not boycott the TRP over this..
If these two knuckleheads want to engage in an institution that has a slightly greater than 50% chance of failure, let them have at it.
Maybe to be fair they can have a gun float

This is what the woman protesting is referring to when she expressed concern over the parade falling victim to political correctness.
To add further concern, this Parade has a long history of art appreciation, imaginative and beautiful floats adorned with flowers. It should stay that way.
I fear with this move, the TRP may become a political tool for a myriad of groups both mainstream and fringe.
Here Jesus identifies three classes of men who should not marry women. Taking his categories in reverse order, first, there are those who have made themselves “eunuchs” for the kingdom of heaven, i.e., those who foreswear marriage to better serve God. Second, he mentions those who have been “made eunuchs by others,” an apparent reference to castrated males. But Jesus mentions a third category — eunuchs who were born that way. Some might argue that Jesus was referring to males born without testicles, but this would be extremely rare. Moreover, this interpretation ignores how the term “born eunuchs” was used in other literature of the time.

A eunuch does not have sex. Either because of a vow, because they have been castrated or because they were born that way. If Jesus was speaking of homosexuals, the implication is that they not have sex at all. Which makes sense because to commit a homosexual act would be a sin, so these men would have been born that way, not having sex at all.
Well, our faith does not condone homosexuality, so it would clearly set a bad example. At his age he should not have to worry about why there is a conflict between his faith and a gay float on a parade.
non tolerant surprise there!
Call me what you want, however if I have to choose between renouncing my faith or not acknowledging homosexuality, there is no contest, my faith supersedes all else. My faith has been with me a lifetime, and will be with me till my final breath.

You sound like those people that were shocked and apalled when Mike and Carol Brady slept in the same bed in The Brady Bunch. You can bitch and moan all you want but this will not even be a issue in ten years when your son and his generation will look back and wonder what the big deal was.
Gee, let's comport the hysteria over the fowl family patriarch being (briefly) suspended by the far right, and the far right (in the persona of novasteve) supporting - it seems - a boycott of the RB Parade because of one float expressing support for the rights of a minority of citizens.

It seems only the dumbest of the dumb would support such a move today.

Well, that would be the OP and most conservatives.

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