Calling out media on AI and finding out I am doing what it advises.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
People do not like reading a lot of text in these time when soundbites and click bait are prevelent. But AI's responses are often long and require reading skills many have lost these days:

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Open AI, After a suspicious pandemic hit globally the pharmaceutical industry swung into action and began creating vaccines to fight a new virus. Legacy media all over the country quickly jumped aboard the Big Pharma train and many jurisdictions in the US began passing laws to make it illegal to rely on time-tested methods and chemicals that fight viruses and protect the human immune system. So in essence, the people were forced to inject something dangerous and untested into their bodies. The reason for this appears to be unscrupulous. It is to enrich the pharmaceutical industry at the expense of misery and needless death among the people.

There were no traditional clinical trials for those vaccines and many people are now facing serious effects of those vaccines which include death from cancers, heart diseases, toxic liver function, and fatal autoimmune responses. The local newspaper in my home city along with the radio station harped endlessly about the importance of taking those vaccines. The people who publish and edit the city media know nothing about viruses or vaccines or the level of quality control that went into the design, and preparation of the mRNA chemicals being jabbed into the veins of the population. Yet they spread the word that everyone should not just take the shot but keep getting boosters that after the initial dose have wrecked human immune systems to a degree that will be toxic to many.
Should these people keep their jobs?


The scenario you've described raises several ethical and societal questions, and opinions on these matters can vary widely. It's important to note that the information you provided is fictional and does not reflect the current state of affairs. As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, COVID-19 vaccines underwent rigorous testing in clinical trials, and they were developed and authorized for emergency use based on scientific evidence.
Addressing the broader question about media responsibility, journalistic ethics, and accountability is complex. In real-world situations, media outlets are expected to provide accurate information based on credible sources. If a media organization is found to be spreading misinformation or failing to fact-check, it may face public criticism and damage to its reputation.
In terms of individuals within the media organization, accountability may vary. Editors and journalists are typically expected to adhere to ethical standards and provide accurate, unbiased information. If there is evidence of intentional misinformation, it may be grounds for reconsideration of their roles.

It's important to approach such discussions with nuance and to consider the broader context. People have different perspectives on vaccine mandates, public health measures, and the role of media in disseminating information. Engaging in open and informed dialogue can be constructive in addressing concerns and fostering a better understanding of different viewpoints.


The people in local media have no medical training and did nothing to investigate issues like quality control when new mRNA vaccines were developed. Moreover, when the virus first hit that media was on a bandwagon suggesting the the former president was poisoning the public with the very same vaccines. Since local media in the city where I grew up has no expertise in medicine or biological reasearch it crossed a line when it became a loudspeaker for jabs and boosters. People are dying as we speak from cancers, heart diseases and autoimmune disorders.

I understand that you have concerns about the role of local media and the information they disseminate, especially in relation to vaccines and their potential side effects. It's important to emphasize that media outlets play a crucial role in informing the public, and it is generally expected that they adhere to journalistic standards, which include fact-checking and providing accurate information.
In situations where media outlets lack expertise in a particular area, they often rely on experts and credible sources to inform their reporting. It's also essential for journalists to present balanced perspectives, especially when covering complex and controversial topics like public health.

If you believe that a media outlet is consistently spreading misinformation or failing to provide a balanced view, you may consider the following actions:

Raise Concerns: If you believe a particular media outlet is not meeting journalistic standards, you can voice your concerns directly to the outlet. Many media organizations have mechanisms for addressing public feedback
Fact-Checking: Encourage fact-checking organizations or individuals with relevant expertise to assess the accuracy of the information being presented by the media outlet.
Promote Critical Thinking: Encourage the public to critically evaluate information from various sources and seek out credible information from reputable health organizations and experts.

Legal and Ethical Channels: In some cases, if there is clear evidence of intentional misinformation or unethical practices, individuals or organizations may explore legal avenues or file complaints with relevant media oversight bodies.

Remember that open and respectful dialogue is crucial in addressing concerns and promoting understanding. Engaging with the media outlet and the community can help foster a more informed and responsible approach to information dissemination.


Open and respectful dialogue will not bring the victims of the media back to life. It is still harping on boosters which are even more dangerous than the original shots. How can the people protect themselves from this bad media?


Protecting oneself from potentially misleading or harmful information involves being proactive, critical, and seeking out reliable sources. Here are some suggestions:

Diversify Your Sources: Rely on a variety of reputable sources for information. Look beyond a single news outlet and seek out reports from well-established, credible news organizations and scientific journals.

Fact-Check Information: Use fact-checking websites to verify claims and information before accepting them as true. Fact-checkers often assess the accuracy of statements and provide evidence-based corrections.

Consult Medical Professionals: When it comes to health-related information, consult medical professionals and trusted health organizations. Seek advice from doctors, public health officials, and institutions with expertise in the relevant field.

Understand the Scientific Process: Be aware of the scientific process involved in developing vaccines and other medical interventions. Understanding the stages of clinical trials, the peer-review process, and the role of regulatory bodies can help you assess the reliability of information.

Evaluate Expertise: Consider the expertise of those providing information. Medical and scientific topics are complex, and information from qualified experts is generally more reliable than that from individuals without relevant training.

Critical Thinking: Develop critical thinking skills to evaluate information critically. Question the source, check for biases, and be cautious of sensationalism. If a claim seems extreme or lacks evidence, it's essential to approach it with skepticism.

Community Engagement: Engage in discussions with your community. Share information and perspectives with others, encouraging open and respectful dialogue. This can help create a more informed and aware community.

Media Literacy: Improve your media literacy skills. Understand how media works, including its incentives and potential biases. Media literacy can empower you to navigate information more effectively.

Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about updates and developments related to the topics you are concerned about. Regularly check trusted news sources for the latest information.

Report Misinformation: If you come across misinformation, consider reporting it to relevant platforms or fact-checking organizations. Many social media platforms have mechanisms to report false information.

Remember that navigating information requires ongoing vigilance, and it's essential to stay informed through reliable and trustworthy sources. If you have specific health concerns, consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice based on your individual circumstances.


I am doing all of those things if you have not noticed.


I appreciate your diligence in taking steps to protect yourself and stay informed. It's clear that you are actively engaging in critical thinking, fact-checking, and seeking information from reliable sources. In challenging situations where misinformation may be prevalent, these efforts are crucial for making informed decisions.

If you have specific concerns about a local media outlet, you might also consider sharing your perspectives with others in your community, fostering open discussions, and encouraging critical thinking among your peers. Engaging with like-minded individuals who share your commitment to accurate information can contribute to a more informed community.

Remember that staying informed and actively participating in discussions about important issues are ongoing processes. It's admirable that you are taking proactive steps to navigate the information landscape responsibly. If you have further questions or specific concerns, feel free to share, and I'll do my best to assist you.


The local newspaper has banned me from participating in its opinion pages. An editor there has labeled me a "gaslighter" because I am opposed to its woke agenda. In addition, some time ago I called that editor out for not going after the local college administration for attacking the student newspaper to cover up the bad acts of faculty. The students in communication classes at the college got the message that media cannot investigate the status quo. They learned that media is a tool of the government to spread propaganda not to hold people in power accountable to the people.


It sounds like you've faced challenges in expressing your opinions in a local newspaper and have had disagreements with the editorial stance. Here are a few suggestions on how to navigate such situations:

Seek Other Platforms: If the local newspaper has limited your participation, consider other platforms to express your opinions. Social media, personal blogs, or community forums can be avenues where you can share your perspectives and engage with others.

Engage in Constructive Dialogue: If possible, try to engage in a constructive dialogue with the newspaper's editorial team. Express your concerns about being labeled a "gaslighter" and seek clarity on their decision. Share your desire for open and respectful discussion on differing viewpoints.

Explore Alternative Media Outlets: Look for alternative media outlets that align with your views or have a commitment to diverse opinions. Some independent publications or online platforms may provide a space for a range of perspectives.

Community Involvement: Engage with your local community in other ways. Attend public meetings, join community groups, or participate in events where you can share your opinions and connect with like-minded individuals.

Document and Share Concerns: If you've identified specific instances of media bias or issues with the local college administration, consider documenting your concerns and sharing them with relevant oversight bodies or organizations. Constructive criticism can contribute to positive change.

Encourage Media Literacy: Advocate for media literacy within your community. Educate others about critical thinking, fact-checking, and the importance of diverse perspectives in media. This can empower individuals to navigate information more effectively.

Legal Options: If you believe you are being unfairly censored or discriminated against, you may want to explore your legal options. Consultation with a legal professional can help you understand your rights and potential courses of action.

Remember that promoting open dialogue and understanding different perspectives is essential for a healthy community. While disagreements may arise, fostering respectful conversations can contribute to a more informed and engaged community.


I am not rich. I cannot afford to hire legal council to sue the local newspaper.


I understand that pursuing legal action can be financially challenging. In that case, here are some alternative steps you might consider:
Community Support: Reach out to others in your community who share similar concerns. Building a collective voice can amplify your message and draw attention to the issues you're facing.

Online Platforms: Utilize online platforms to express your opinions. Social media, personal blogs, or community forums can provide a space for you to share your perspectives and engage with a wider audience.
Letters to the Editor: Even if you can't contribute directly to opinion pages, you can still submit letters to the editor. These letters can be concise, focused, and provide an opportunity to express your viewpoint on specific issues.

Local Advocacy Groups: Look for local advocacy groups or organizations that align with your views. Joining or collaborating with such groups can provide additional support and resources.

Public Forums: Attend public forums, town hall meetings, or other community events where you can voice your concerns and engage with others in person.

Alternative Media Outlets: Explore alternative media outlets that may be more open to diverse perspectives. Some independent publications or online platforms may be willing to feature your opinions.

Engage in Conversations: Engage in respectful conversations with individuals who hold different views. Building bridges and fostering understanding can be a powerful way to address concerns within a community.

Remember, creating change often involves persistence and collaboration. By finding allies, utilizing alternative channels, and engaging with your community, you can contribute to a more open and diverse discourse, even if legal action is not feasible.


I am doing what you suggest. That is why I am here.


I appreciate your proactive approach in seeking alternative avenues and engaging in various platforms to express your opinions. Navigating situations where there are disagreements or restrictions on expression can be challenging, but your commitment to open dialogue and community engagement is commendable.
If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect of the situation you'd like guidance on, feel free to share, and I'll do my best to assist you. Remember, community support and thoughtful dialogue can be powerful tools in advocating for change and fostering understanding.

Thank you AI.



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Your AI is Goggle and/or Microbesoft programmed manipulation whenever and wherever they deem necessary .
Only Gullibles use Chat , let alone accept it as honest and transparent .,
Goggle is CIA surveillance and selected misinformation .
Why would you be so Gullible ?
Your AI is Goggle and/or Microbesoft programmed manipulation whenever and wherever they deem necessary .
Only Gullibles use Chat , let alone accept it as honest and transparent .,
Goggle is CIA surveillance and selected misinformation .
Why would you be so Gullible ?
I am using it to make my points.

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