Callous Conservatives, Time to wake up!

How will you vote in Nov. 2016

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Your false premise Bubs?

Nope, what you posted contradicted nothing that I said

You mean the false premise you put up as truth??

What was that, Holmes? I said nothing about wages and salaries in relation to corporate profits at all, you pulled it out of your ass, dud

You mean the shrinking share of costs as RECORD CORP PROFITS KEEP GROWING, yet according to you, it's because of being lazy and a slob the Corps aren't hiring OR PAYING ENOUGH? lol

Nothing I said had anything to do with "corporate profits." What is wrong with you? How stupid are you? The world ... may never know, sucker

Oh right Bubba, you created the false premise about being lazy and a slob!
It changed a few peoples lives but hurt a few businesses as well. "The owner of Z Pizza says she’s being forced to close her doors, because she can’t afford the higher labor costs", some business has to lay off workers to meet the minimum wage demand, trimming staff hours, opening later closing earlier, raising prices all in an effort to meet the requirement. It seems to me it hurts more people than it helps.

MORE right wing BS. Shocking. Hint if she closed her doors, GUARANTEED she had problems BEFORE they upped the min wage

Hurts more people? lol


you are the same idiot who cries it almost never gets raised in the first place dullard; so by your own admission you are staking a claim it doesnt do any harm based on very limited evidence
You didn't answer the question, how much should a burger flipper be paid?

It depends on the business revenue. How much should a CEO be paid? Should it not depend on the success of the business? And if so, the contrabutions of other employees contribute to a successful business.

So in response the stupid question, it depends. Notice too, American teens are less and less seeking jobs in the fast food industry, tired of being exploited they have mostly moved on. Now the FF industry relies mostly on immigrants.

Still haven't answered the question.

You got an answer, "it depends" with an explanation. If you're too stupid to understand that was an answer, that makes you pitiful.

On the other hand, if you a playing the conservative game, and will continue to ask the queston over and over, and deny it has not been answered (because it wasn't what you wanted to hear) it's more likely you are a dishonest callous conservative, as well as willfully ignorant.

No you didn't answer the question. "It depends" isn't an answer and two questions doesn't make an answer. The answer would be in the form of a dollar amount. How much should a burger flipper be paid?

AT LEAST MIN WAGE. Min wage today in the US should be $15 an hour, then adjust it for inflation!

But to the loserterian the workers should make pennies, the corporation should take over and rule the the entire "market" and there shouldn't be any standards. You see, we're talking to people that just don't give a damn about what made this a better country over the past 120 years. This is quite scary as there's a lot of these idiots. They have played right into the rich mans hand and now we're sliding backwards.

me, I'd like to see more funding for science and infrastructure....It would generate jobs and our economy would grow...Of course, that would be fought tooth and nail by the idiots as they're brainwashed dopes.
This liberal brain trust doesn't understand regulate, invest, insurance or profit. Sorry libs, I know better than to discuss things with idiots.
Nope, what you posted contradicted nothing that I said

You mean the false premise you put up as truth??

What was that, Holmes? I said nothing about wages and salaries in relation to corporate profits at all, you pulled it out of your ass, dud

You mean the shrinking share of costs as RECORD CORP PROFITS KEEP GROWING, yet according to you, it's because of being lazy and a slob the Corps aren't hiring OR PAYING ENOUGH? lol

Nothing I said had anything to do with "corporate profits." What is wrong with you? How stupid are you? The world ... may never know, sucker

Oh right Bubba, you created the false premise about being lazy and a slob!

what false premise? You keep repeating the rhetoric without answering the question
Don't understand what Gov't actually does huh? Shocking

SS the INSURANCE program keeps nearly half of seniors out of poverty!

I understand that Americans and their employers, not their government, set aside funds for retirement. Then the government "borrows" from them.

Well yes, thanks mainly to Ronnie increasing SS taxes by 40% to hide the REAL costs of tax cuts for the rich, trust funds were "created" to save SS. Weird how CONservatives/GOP don't want tto pay it back though?

How'd the workers (NOT employers, as economists say that share is actually coming from wages that would've otherwise been paid to employees!) do pre SS again Bubs? You know to "save"- for retirement?

It changed a few peoples lives but hurt a few businesses as well. "The owner of Z Pizza says she’s being forced to close her doors, because she can’t afford the higher labor costs", some business has to lay off workers to meet the minimum wage demand, trimming staff hours, opening later closing earlier, raising prices all in an effort to meet the requirement. It seems to me it hurts more people than it helps.

MORE right wing BS. Shocking. Hint if she closed her doors, GUARANTEED she had problems BEFORE they upped the min wage

Hurts more people? lol


you are the same idiot who cries it almost never gets raised in the first place dullard; so by your own admission you are staking a claim it doesnt do any harm based on very limited evidence
You didn't answer the question, how much should a burger flipper be paid?

It depends on the business revenue. How much should a CEO be paid? Should it not depend on the success of the business? And if so, the contrabutions of other employees contribute to a successful business.

So in response the stupid question, it depends. Notice too, American teens are less and less seeking jobs in the fast food industry, tired of being exploited they have mostly moved on. Now the FF industry relies mostly on immigrants.

Still haven't answered the question.

You got an answer, "it depends" with an explanation. If you're too stupid to understand that was an answer, that makes you pitiful.

On the other hand, if you a playing the conservative game, and will continue to ask the queston over and over, and deny it has not been answered (because it wasn't what you wanted to hear) it's more likely you are a dishonest callous conservative, as well as willfully ignorant.

No you didn't answer the question. "It depends" isn't an answer and two questions doesn't make an answer. The answer would be in the form of a dollar amount. How much should a burger flipper be paid?

AT LEAST MIN WAGE. Min wage today in the US should be $15 an hour, then adjust it for inflation!

You are an idiot. But you probably already know that.

You want to pay a person that has ZERO experience, ZERO skills and limited education 15 bucks an hour to super size your fries, or wash your car or pick fruit?
MORE right wing BS. Shocking. Hint if she closed her doors, GUARANTEED she had problems BEFORE they upped the min wage

Hurts more people? lol


you are the same idiot who cries it almost never gets raised in the first place dullard; so by your own admission you are staking a claim it doesnt do any harm based on very limited evidence
It depends on the business revenue. How much should a CEO be paid? Should it not depend on the success of the business? And if so, the contrabutions of other employees contribute to a successful business.

So in response the stupid question, it depends. Notice too, American teens are less and less seeking jobs in the fast food industry, tired of being exploited they have mostly moved on. Now the FF industry relies mostly on immigrants.

Still haven't answered the question.

You got an answer, "it depends" with an explanation. If you're too stupid to understand that was an answer, that makes you pitiful.

On the other hand, if you a playing the conservative game, and will continue to ask the queston over and over, and deny it has not been answered (because it wasn't what you wanted to hear) it's more likely you are a dishonest callous conservative, as well as willfully ignorant.

No you didn't answer the question. "It depends" isn't an answer and two questions doesn't make an answer. The answer would be in the form of a dollar amount. How much should a burger flipper be paid?

AT LEAST MIN WAGE. Min wage today in the US should be $15 an hour, then adjust it for inflation!

But to the loserterian the workers should make pennies, the corporation should take over and rule the the entire "market" and there shouldn't be any standards. You see, we're talking to people that just don't give a damn about what made this a better country over the past 120 years. This is quite scary as there's a lot of these idiots. They have played right into the rich mans hand and now we're sliding backwards.

me, I'd like to see more funding for science and infrastructure....It would generate jobs and our economy would grow...Of course, that would be fought tooth and nail by the idiots as they're brainwashed dopes.


another left-wing idiot making accusations aganst people and their intentions that he can even begin to back up!!

what a suprise!!!
You mean the shrinking share of costs as RECORD CORP PROFITS KEEP GROWING, yet according to you, it's because of being lazy and a slob the Corps aren't hiring OR PAYING ENOUGH? lol

Dumb2Three, you were a massive advocate of Obama's Fascist Care scheme. You of the mindless left claimed that costs would go down. Of course costs to the consumer tripled.

So what happened to CORPORATE PROFITS, like those of George Soros' Blue Cross?

Several million previously uninsured Americans now have coverage because of Obamacare, but it could be argued that the people who have benefited most from the law—at least financially—are the top executives and shareholders of the country’s health insurance companies.

Among those who apparently have not yet benefited much at all, at least so far, are owners of small businesses who would like to keep offering coverage to their employees but can no longer afford it. They can’t afford it because insurers keep jacking their rates up so high every year that more and more of them are dropping employee health benefits altogether.}

Health insurers watch profits soar as they dump small business customers

You're a mindless fucking hack.
Your ad hom noted and ignored Bubs

what about your yelling and stomping your feet demanding other people's money?

OPM? Oh you mean GOOD GOV'T POLICY the society gets to decide on? You've heard of it right? In the US it was created when the Founders chose the BIG FEDERAL GOV'T Constitution over that libertarian Articles of CONfederation?

Actually the founders picked the libertarian Constitution over the anarchist articles of confederation. you'd know that if you weren't an idiot. You welfare whores came later, much later

Sure Bubba, sure. Which is closer to losertarian ideals, the Articles or that STRONG Fed Gov't thing that created Gov't policy like HUGE PROTECTIONIST POLICY?

The Constitution is almost identical to modern small government libertarian views. It has zero in common with liberalism. You are just leeches who latch on to any potential meal ticket you can subvert

Sure it is Bubba, sure

Weird Uncle Miltie had a REAL LIFE trial in Chile for 16 years with that losertarian BS, how'd it work out? Oops
Don't understand what Gov't actually does huh? Shocking

SS the INSURANCE program keeps nearly half of seniors out of poverty!

I understand that Americans and their employers, not their government, set aside funds for retirement. Then the government "borrows" from them.

Well yes, thanks mainly to Ronnie increasing SS taxes by 40% to hide the REAL costs of tax cuts for the rich, trust funds were "created" to save SS. Weird how CONservatives/GOP don't want tto pay it back though?

How'd the workers (NOT employers, as economists say that share is actually coming from wages that would've otherwise been paid to employees!) do pre SS again Bubs? You know to "save"- for retirement?


HINT AGAIN; that same amount of money would be a fortune if invested; and IF the markets lost it THEN the government could step in
what about your yelling and stomping your feet demanding other people's money?

OPM? Oh you mean GOOD GOV'T POLICY the society gets to decide on? You've heard of it right? In the US it was created when the Founders chose the BIG FEDERAL GOV'T Constitution over that libertarian Articles of CONfederation?

Actually the founders picked the libertarian Constitution over the anarchist articles of confederation. you'd know that if you weren't an idiot. You welfare whores came later, much later

Sure Bubba, sure. Which is closer to losertarian ideals, the Articles or that STRONG Fed Gov't thing that created Gov't policy like HUGE PROTECTIONIST POLICY?

The Constitution is almost identical to modern small government libertarian views. It has zero in common with liberalism. You are just leeches who latch on to any potential meal ticket you can subvert

Sure it is Bubba, sure

Weird Uncle Miltie had a REAL LIFE trial in Chile for 16 years with that losertarian BS, how'd it work out? Oops

damn this loon is losing it!!
So the federal government can't invest in our own country. Do you realize that we'd be the only nation on earth that can't do that? Do you have any fucking idea how much weaker we'd be if we stopped? Do you even think such shit through????? Of course you don't, but you'll blame Obama for our economic troubles.

The federal government can't invest anything, because they produce no product. Simply a drain on the economy or agent of redistribution, which they consistently do a poor job of being successful in their programs.

Don't understand what Gov't actually does huh? Shocking

SS the INSURANCE program keeps nearly half of seniors out of poverty!

How is government confiscating and redistributing money "insurance?" You get more stupid every day in every way

Don't understand how insurance works huh Bubs? Shocking

No, you don't. Insurance is when you buy protection from a potential event. Social Security pays out to all based on age, that has nothing to do with "insurance"

Yet if you die you get money. Or disabled. Or hit a certain age. Weird right Bubs?
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OPM? Oh you mean GOOD GOV'T POLICY the society gets to decide on? You've heard of it right? In the US it was created when the Founders chose the BIG FEDERAL GOV'T Constitution over that libertarian Articles of CONfederation?

Actually the founders picked the libertarian Constitution over the anarchist articles of confederation. you'd know that if you weren't an idiot. You welfare whores came later, much later

Sure Bubba, sure. Which is closer to losertarian ideals, the Articles or that STRONG Fed Gov't thing that created Gov't policy like HUGE PROTECTIONIST POLICY?

The Constitution is almost identical to modern small government libertarian views. It has zero in common with liberalism. You are just leeches who latch on to any potential meal ticket you can subvert

Sure it is Bubba, sure

Weird Uncle Miltie had a REAL LIFE trial in Chile for 16 years with that losertarian BS, how'd it work out? Oops

damn this loon is losing it!!

You have lost it along time ago thinking that our federal government shouldn't be able to regulate or tax. Really go back to school and maybe in a few years come back.
Actually the founders picked the libertarian Constitution over the anarchist articles of confederation. you'd know that if you weren't an idiot. You welfare whores came later, much later

Sure Bubba, sure. Which is closer to losertarian ideals, the Articles or that STRONG Fed Gov't thing that created Gov't policy like HUGE PROTECTIONIST POLICY?

The Constitution is almost identical to modern small government libertarian views. It has zero in common with liberalism. You are just leeches who latch on to any potential meal ticket you can subvert

Sure it is Bubba, sure

Weird Uncle Miltie had a REAL LIFE trial in Chile for 16 years with that losertarian BS, how'd it work out? Oops

damn this loon is losing it!!

You have lost it along time ago thinking that our federal government shouldn't be able to regulate or tax. Really go back to school and maybe in a few years come back.

again nobody at all said that idiot. you lost and will continue to lose as long as you arent man enough to debate honestly, no matter how much you deny you're lying to yourself and misrepresenting the other side's views
This liberal brain trust doesn't understand regulate, invest, insurance or profit. Sorry libs, I know better than to discuss things with idiots.

Your inability to address anything with substance, but to rely on simple right wing memes built for bumper sticker mentality of the right wing is noted Bubs
Callousness is telling the poor you will help them escape poverty in exchange for their votes, then keeping them in poverty. I just defined the Democratic Party.

Yet the red states are the poorest and the GOP base. Go figure!

What's weird is even they respect some federal funding and regulations. I wouldn't want to see how bad it would be if it wasn't for that.

WE'd probably see slavery, child labor, smog so bad that the rest of us would suffer and corporations ruling over the market place so no small business could get in! All things the federal government makes sure none of the states have.

Probably why they're so angry!
You mean the false premise you put up as truth??

What was that, Holmes? I said nothing about wages and salaries in relation to corporate profits at all, you pulled it out of your ass, dud

You mean the shrinking share of costs as RECORD CORP PROFITS KEEP GROWING, yet according to you, it's because of being lazy and a slob the Corps aren't hiring OR PAYING ENOUGH? lol

Nothing I said had anything to do with "corporate profits." What is wrong with you? How stupid are you? The world ... may never know, sucker

Oh right Bubba, you created the false premise about being lazy and a slob!

what false premise? You keep repeating the rhetoric without answering the question

Right Bubba, I've only mentioned it 3-4 times now, YOUR FALSE PREMISE THAT lazy/slobs are not getting employed based on their character flaws, NOT that the right wing supports the race to the bottom as Corps have record profits and pay the lowest tax burden in decades!
MORE right wing BS. Shocking. Hint if she closed her doors, GUARANTEED she had problems BEFORE they upped the min wage

Hurts more people? lol


you are the same idiot who cries it almost never gets raised in the first place dullard; so by your own admission you are staking a claim it doesnt do any harm based on very limited evidence
It depends on the business revenue. How much should a CEO be paid? Should it not depend on the success of the business? And if so, the contrabutions of other employees contribute to a successful business.

So in response the stupid question, it depends. Notice too, American teens are less and less seeking jobs in the fast food industry, tired of being exploited they have mostly moved on. Now the FF industry relies mostly on immigrants.

Still haven't answered the question.

You got an answer, "it depends" with an explanation. If you're too stupid to understand that was an answer, that makes you pitiful.

On the other hand, if you a playing the conservative game, and will continue to ask the queston over and over, and deny it has not been answered (because it wasn't what you wanted to hear) it's more likely you are a dishonest callous conservative, as well as willfully ignorant.

No you didn't answer the question. "It depends" isn't an answer and two questions doesn't make an answer. The answer would be in the form of a dollar amount. How much should a burger flipper be paid?

AT LEAST MIN WAGE. Min wage today in the US should be $15 an hour, then adjust it for inflation!

You are an idiot. But you probably already know that.

You want to pay a person that has ZERO experience, ZERO skills and limited education 15 bucks an hour to super size your fries, or wash your car or pick fruit?

A living wage for everyone? Like MOST industrialized nations do it? How horrible right? Of course PERHAPS those "job creators" will need to take less income/profit?

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