Calls To Ban Muslims From Entering the U.S. Are Offensive And Unconstitutional

That's actually your upper lip.

Apparently not enough if we're letting people in from countries where the populations hate us.
What countries have populations that hate us? name them

Let's just narrow it down to all Muslim countries...k?
We have never had a problem with refugees- why make a big deal now

We are at war with radical Islam. It makes sense to keep them at bay.
Do we have a problem with the Muslims who live in this country

Frankly, the radical ones, yes.
It's true if the intent is to prevent a religious group from entering the Country like FDR did to the Jews fleeing from Nazi atrocities but the intent of Trump's executive order is to prevent potential terrorists from countries that exploit terrorists from entering the U.S. Why don't we all agree on that concept?
Most reasoning rational people do. Liberals do not have any rationale or reason. They are media fed fools.
Have we had any problems with the refugees who has entered this country over the years?
Yes. Remember San Bernadino?
...Says Mike Pence.

----------------------------------------- :afro:--- hey SYTFE !! [chuckle]
It's true if the intent is to prevent a religious group from entering the Country like FDR did to the Jews fleeing from Nazi atrocities but the intent of Trump's executive order is to prevent potential terrorists from countries that exploit terrorists from entering the U.S. Why don't we all agree on that concept?
Most reasoning rational people do. Liberals do not have any rationale or reason. They are media fed fools.
Have we had any problems with the refugees who has entered this country over the years?
Yes. Remember San Bernadino?
Never supply facts to one of these libtards. All they do then is twist it and attack you with it. It's all they know how to do.
My farts are lethal!

I know. I can smell them from here.

We need to be selective with whomever we let in to the country. Period. We owe Muslims nothing.


That's actually your upper lip.

Apparently not enough if we're letting people in from countries where the populations hate us.
What countries have populations that hate us? name them

Let's just narrow it down to all Muslim countries...k?
We have never had a problem with refugees- why make a big deal now
You were already listed for 3 or 4 that WERE in fact a problem.
Did we allow a lot of German immigration during WWI and WWII?
---------------------------------------------- I don't know the answer about German but I don't try to justfy the good sense move on banning muslims . muslims are a different case as muslims are shariah loving and are not suitable for any Western Society SLiberty !!
It is not now nor has it ever been Unconstitutional to control immigration. We can and do routinely determine what Country or Countries can immigrate here and we set quotes on how many are allowed if any.
...Says Mike Pence.

but calls to ban immigrants from certain problem countries is not.....
Debate ended with the Eagle post. First round knockout.

Wrong, it IS unconstitutional. Courts will not hold this up.
Liar, the Federal Government has Constitutional authority to determine immigration since the Constitution was created. Perhaps you should actually read it?
If it was up to me I wouldn't let anyone in from countries that hate us. And all these Muslim countries hate us. No need to take any chances.

Dropping bombs and droning folks'll generate that kinda thing.

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