Calm Thread: Does Trump/DeSantis 2024 Satisfy?

You have a choice I guess…

Your ego vs. Acting against conservative policies being implemented
Trumps ego and mouth is far bigger than mine.
Kinda why he lost a sure thing.

Find someone else if you want Independents on board, because some conservatives frankly alarm me too.
Trumps ego and mouth is far bigger than mine.
Kinda why he lost a sure thing.

Find someone else if you want Independents on board, because some conservatives frankly alarm me too.
Welp, with what you propose, I'd assume that you're okay with how Democrats are running things. Are you?
At least for me, Trump/DeSantis does absolutely nothing except make me less likely to show up at the polls at all.

I have no love for either end of that ticket. Trump is a clown. His days (as few as they were) are gone. Desantis offers me nothing of value either. I’m looking for lifestyle Conservatives, not blowhards who are more interested in image than substance.
Why dont we take the presidency for the next 50 years in a row instead? Thats way better than 12 years.

Your scenario would be AWESOME, but we arent winning 3 elections in a row. Especially not if it starts with 4 years of Trump. People will want a change after that and then we dont get Desantis at all.
None of it's going to happen. Soros has bought and paid for our politicians and they will hand us over to the UN. They underestimated Trump, or Hillary would have already made the transition for us. They are not going to make that mistake again. Socialism will take us down just like it has Venezuela. 4th richest country in the world. Now their children eat out of garbage cans. Every dime of theirs has been stolen.
This country is done.
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They said before he was elected that they needed a thousand stories to be generated in the media to trash Trump. They actually put out the word after he was nominated. They didn't have to have a story. They just needed to make some shit up. So they created Russian Collusion. Jan 6th is another fake Trump story....because he had absolutely nothing to do with it. And the raid on his home was a frame-up by the same FBI that created and ran with Russian Collusion.

The claims that he's a racist are fake and the grabbing pussy story isn't about something he did....but something that he was talking about with a shock jock recorded without his knowledge.

However, we do know that Biden has been taking bribes from China thru his son Hunter Biden. We do know he's sending billion of our money to Ukraine to keep a proxy war going. We do know that he jammed his hand up his secretary's pussy when he was a senator. We do know he seems to like grabbing women and putting his hands all over children while sniffing their hair. We do know that Biden has called half of America a threat to Democracy.
You are right on all this. But Trump was to quick to jump on every little thing. He was too antagonistic. He was probably screwed no matter what but he could have been a little smarter with his tweeting.
You are right on all this. But Trump was to quick to jump on every little thing. He was too antagonistic. He was probably screwed no matter what but he could have been a little smarter with his tweeting.
The situation is we have Democrats who have to lie and cheat and steal to stay in power.
And we have the GOP....that sits around and watches them do it and does nothing about it.
They're basically punchingbags......and anyone who dares to trade punches with the Democrats becomes a target.
Everything they say about us....they are themselves are guilty of it.
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Trump has done nothing of the sort.
He's simply being treated like the outsider that he is.
The fact matter who the GOP runs.....they will progressively be treated worse until the truth is unrecognizable.
Trump was treated worse than Bush....and Bush was treated worse than Reagan.
The truth doesn't matter to folks like you anymore.
You only believe what you want to believe.

You mean bush, who started two wars, (one of them off budget) and was in charge of the economy for 8 years ending in the worst crash since the great depression way treated worse the Ronald Reagan? And you are surprised at this? Really? And you think it has bearing on Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
You mean bush, who started two wars, (one of them off budget) and was in charge of the economy for 8 years ending in the worst crash since the great depression way treated worse the Ronald Reagan? And you are surprised at this? Really? And you think it has bearing on Trump? :auiqs.jpg:
No....Obama started two wars. Libya and Syria. He also restarted wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and helped fund and arm ISIS.
According to the media the GOP is a bunch of warmongers.....but apparently Democrats love starting wars like Ukraine, Libya, and Syria. So you can cram that war/WMD bullshit up your ass.....and apparently Bush is really a Democrat.....because he likes hanging around with those assholes.

Nope, We need to move on to younger candidates, and DeSantis fits the bill. We also need to use the VP slot to prep someone to take over for DeSantis IF he wins and gets his two terms.
I’d go with DeSantis with Lake, Noem, or Haley as potential VP’s. A lot of people want Trump, but DeSantis would be a big winner in the general election. Time to go with the man who WILL win instead of who some people WANT to win.
No....Obama started two wars. Libya and Syria. He also restarted wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and helped fund and arm ISIS.
According to the media the GOP is a bunch of warmongers.....but apparently Democrats love starting wars like Ukraine, Libya, and Syria. So you can cram that war/WMD bullshit up your ass.....and apparently Bush is really a Democrat.....because he likes hanging around with those assholes.

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Bush sent the troops to Afghanistan to hunt Bin laden in 2001 (which he failed at) and he started the war in Iraq in 2003, so there that. I did not mention any WMD, though it turned out Iraq did not have any.

Look, we all know you are in the bag for Trump. We get it. Doesn't matter. He is part of history, and you should put him in the rear view mirror. He is cancer on the Republican Party and the country.
Bush sent the troops to Afghanistan to hunt Bin laden in 2001 (which he failed at) and he started the war in Iraq in 2003, so there that. I did not mention any WMD, though it turned out Iraq did not have any.

Look, we all know you are in the bag for Trump. We get it. Doesn't matter. He is part of history, and you should put him in the rear view mirror. He is cancer on the Republican Party and the country.'re wasting your time talking about Bush and his warmongering ways...especially when Biden helped start a war on his watch and armed both sides of the conflict with our stockpile in Afghanistan and his constant shipments to Ukraine.
Biden wants to take our guns and give em to our enemies.'re wasting your time talking about Bush and his warmongering ways...especially when Biden helped start a war on his watch and armed both sides of the conflict with our stockpile in Afghanistan and his constant shipments to Ukraine.
Biden wants to take our guns and give em to our enemies.
I can't help it if it makes you uncomfortable. The main thrust of what I am saying, is that for the good of the party, and the good of the country, Trump should shut up and go away.
I can't help it if it makes you uncomfortable. The main thrust of what I am saying, is that for the good of the party, and the good of the country, Trump should shut up and go away.
Yeah.....and whenever you folks decide to do the same shit to the next man up...we're supposed to go along with it.

I think you should just mind your own fucking business and let us decide who we're going to vote for.
I think it checks all the boxes...

Now, if you're going to just post some stupid one line post that doesn't address the issue, please run along.

The GOP's problem here (all political parties have them come election time) is that you don't want to alienate Trump too much so that he breaks away to run 3rd party. I don't put anything past "The Donald" (I voted for him twice), his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness, and he simply can't help himself. I get that he's a brash buffoon, but he has infinitely better policy than the Democrat party for human beings who live the United States.. so even if he acts stupidly and lets his ego get into drama... that's like 10% of the issue. It's policy.

So, if Trump's policy is legit, and Ron Desantis is clearly on board with shutting down "Woke" culture, why not have your cake and eat it too.. and run Trump/DeSantis 2024, and then DeSantis can run 2028 and possibly be reelected in 2032... 12 years of anti-woke presidential vigor.

Personally, I'd like Desantis yesterday... but Trump has a loyal Conservative following that would be required to defeat a MSM/Big Tech/Hollywood/Acadmia-backed Democrat party. Consider the end results, not any petty individual pride for a second.
Trump and DeSantis won't happen. Trump never shows an ounce of respect towards anyone he perceives as a political threat. And DeSantis isn't interested in a second class position.

This childishness could give the Democrats a victory in 24
Do Santos yes trump no. The party needs to move ahead not wallow in the past. Demand is is a leader. He won't throw sissy fits nor brag incessantly.
How is "Americans in America first" wallowing in the past?
Every other nation on earth is wallowing in the past?
OK. Give me a view on Ron. Do you think he will make it back toward the center, or keep trying to be Trump Lite.
I don't think he needs to change thing. He's obviously wildly successful.

Although I still love Trump's policies, DeSantis has clearly demonstrated that his performance is at least on par, and he can be successful with very controversial policies without being so abrasive.

Additionally, he has much stronger appeal to independents and is skillful at flipping districts which historically have been quite Blue.

He clearly has demonstrated that the Republican Party would tend to do better under his leadership than under Trump.

Trump has a very abrasive personality, and DeSantis is much better spoken. Trump makes everything about him, while DeSantis makes it about the people he represents. When speaking of accomplishments, DeSantis says "we." Trump says "I."


Trump lost Miami Dade county by 7%. DeSantis won it by 9%. That's quite telling.

On the border, Trump built a wall and got slammed for it. DeSantis sent illegals to Northern Dem territory, and while he got some negative press for it, I think it was viewed less negatively by the Liberal media and was very effective at exposing both the crisis at the border and the hypocrisy of the Dems.

On COVID, Trump bowed to pressure to shut things down. DeSantis gave Floridians freedom, and it has turned out to be wildly successful.

I don't know if DeSantis can beat Newsom, but he has a better chance than Trump, I think.
Yeah.....and whenever you folks decide to do the same shit to the next man up...we're supposed to go along with it.

I think you should just mind your own fucking business and let us decide who we're going to vote for.
Won't be me, dude. I will be sitting right here in Jackson, TN doing my independent thing. If your next man has a rep of cheating people, defrauding people, taking the profits, declaring bankruptsy, stiffing contractors, lawyers, screwing anything that walks and making payoffs to cover it up, not to forget trying to overthrow national elections against the vote of the people, sicking mob on congress to try to disrupt the constitutionally mandated actions to record the vote as ratified by all 50 states, the voters, the recounts, the lawsuits and court challenges lost, including losing in trying to get the Supreme Court to decide in his favor, I will probably be against him.

Wouldn't it be easier, just to run normal patriotic Americans that will honor and abide by our laws, traditions, and morals? Republicans used to be conservative, moral, patriotic and true to the constitution. Surely you could find one that was worth a shit. Why does it have to be radicals? What is wrong with it being a conservative that not only talks the talk, but walks the walk? Why do you need a crazed loudmouth, bomb thrower that openly hates over half the country, to get past your primaries? What happened to you guy?

Bottom line is, the only thing wrong with a DeSantis/Trump thing in 2024 is Trump. He is poison and you will lose. After what he pulled, nobody will trust him with the country again, as the rest of us plan to keep the country of the people, by the people and for the people, so somebody that tried to overthrow the vote of the people, is a non-starter.

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