Calm Thread: Does Trump/DeSantis 2024 Satisfy?

You are dead on it. Congrats.
OK. Give me a view on Ron. Do you think he will make it back toward the center, or keep trying to be Trump Lite. I actually don't know that much about him. I didn't think much of his Disney move, from a business contract law standpoint or tax base standpoint, and his stunt with picking up aliens in Texas (I guess he didn't have any in his state he could spare for a political stunt) and dumping them unexpected at that resort island, but I understood it, in a way. Those were what I call "Trump Lite" moves, showy, not well thought out, but appealing to the Trump base.
OK. The real game is a year away. If he wants to be "Da Man", how does he balance the act with enough chutzpah to keep the yokels entertained but not so much an asshole that he alienates the rest of the country as Trump did. Then how long to get close enough back to center to win?
What constitutes the center? Prog politicians have always talked about being moderates then they vote like Mao is on the House floor with them.
Do Santos yes trump no. The party needs to move ahead not wallow in the past. Demand is is a leader. He won't throw sissy fits nor brag incessantly.
Doing a bunch a negative crap, proving you are lacking in character will bring negative press coverage. He didn't mind, as he thinks all publicity is good publicity. It is not. He is a sleaze and the country has his number. Write him off or write off the Republican Party.

You don't understand. Not at all.

Look here - before Trump entered the '16 race, all the righties were screaming "my kingdom for a horse". The entire right wing, such as it was at the time, considered the existing field of 16 other candidates to be "inadequate". To effectively counter Hillary, let's say.

When Trump came along, everyone already knew who he was. He'd just finished cutting Mr T's hair on WWE, he was a celebrity. Everyone already knew about Marla and all that - and I remember hearing this exact thing from a lot of righties: "well, he's not my favorite horse but he's the only one who'll ride". And also, "at least he's inside the tent pissing out".

This whole business with Trump obsession and cultism is a gigantic media lie. Righties would throw Trump under the bus in a heartbeat if they could find someone better.

And what do they consider "better'? Trump on steroids! Super-Donald. A fighter, without the baggage that comes from being a successful businessman and a celebrity (read: an outsider). Someone who knows the political ropes a little better. Someone who can actually get the job done.
100%. 4 years of Trump and 8 of DeSantis might give us enough time to undo the damage done to our economy, and children...
Why dont we take the presidency for the next 50 years in a row instead? Thats way better than 12 years.

Your scenario would be AWESOME, but we arent winning 3 elections in a row. Especially not if it starts with 4 years of Trump. People will want a change after that and then we dont get Desantis at all.
Clearly Ronnie has no issue acquiescing, being he's America's premier beta male, but Ronnie's ego won't have it.

Donnie's threatened by Ronnie's potential.
Why does all left wing media refer to him as an ex jock and a bully if what you say is true? I think you actually believe he is an alpha, so you called him the complete opposite because you thought it would be insulting. Haha, you think Desantis is a badass alpha male! :laugh:
DeSantis would be served with a high Cabinet position than VP. Get his feet wet at the federal level and leave room to branch out for his own show. Trump's biggest weakness was having to rely on the establishment early on, they screwed him until he came into his own power.
I think it checks all the boxes...

Now, if you're going to just post some stupid one line post that doesn't address the issue, please run along.

The GOP's problem here (all political parties have them come election time) is that you don't want to alienate Trump too much so that he breaks away to run 3rd party. I don't put anything past "The Donald" (I voted for him twice), his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness, and he simply can't help himself. I get that he's a brash buffoon, but he has infinitely better policy than the Democrat party for human beings who live the United States.. so even if he acts stupidly and lets his ego get into drama... that's like 10% of the issue. It's policy.

So, if Trump's policy is legit, and Ron Desantis is clearly on board with shutting down "Woke" culture, why not have your cake and eat it too.. and run Trump/DeSantis 2024, and then DeSantis can run 2028 and possibly be reelected in 2032... 12 years of anti-woke presidential vigor.

Personally, I'd like Desantis yesterday... but Trump has a loyal Conservative following that would be required to defeat a MSM/Big Tech/Hollywood/Acadmia-backed Democrat party. Consider the end results, not any petty individual pride for a second.

Nope, We need to move on to younger candidates, and DeSantis fits the bill. We also need to use the VP slot to prep someone to take over for DeSantis IF he wins and gets his two terms.
Nope, We need to move on to younger candidates, and DeSantis fits the bill. We also need to use the VP slot to prep someone to take over for DeSantis IF he wins and gets his two terms.
So if “moving on” causes a Trump 3rd party run and insures a 2024 Democrat victory.. you’re cool with that?

You’d basically be directly supporting the Democrat party
So if “moving on” causes a Trump 3rd party run and insures a 2024 Democrat victory.. you’re cool with that?

You’d basically be directly supporting the Democrat party

That's on Trump if he loses the Primary, not me.

If he wins the Primary, he has my vote.

I want to win, and DeSantis has a better shot one on one against any Dem than Trump does.
What constitutes the center? Prog politicians have always talked about being moderates then they vote like Mao is on the House floor with them.
Musk said it best:

No. Trump winning a general election is never going to happen. Having him on a ballot is a disaster for Republicans.

Many women won't vote for him. Many independents/moderates won't vote for him. The dems have figured this out. Why Republicans haven't I have no idea.

I did not vote for him in '16 but did in 2020. I think the dems launched the most underhanded undermining of a president in history and did it for their own self-preservation, as some have admitted. That sucks, but they largely got away with it. In accounting parlance all of that is sunk cost.

We need to win the next election, not the last one, and if republicans want to do that, they'll move away from Trump and towards DeSantis, for a host of reasons, the most important one being DeSantis can actually win.

As a bonus it would be nice if Trump would cut the crap with his rallies, as his remaining visible only serves to keep that tool in the dem's pocket. He had his time and I thought his policies were good even if his demeanor was that of a child, but that time is done.
That's on Trump if he loses the Primary, not me.

If he wins the Primary, he has my vote.

I want to win, and DeSantis has a better shot one on one against any Dem than Trump does.
If Trump takes 10-15% of conservatives with him, the right loses before the election even starts.

But hey, at least you’ll have your pride, as Democrats win and continue to push policies you claim to disagree with but indirectly support.
If Trump takes 10-15% of conservatives with him, the right loses before the election even starts.

But hey, at least you’ll have your pride, as Democrats win and continue to push policies you claim to disagree with but indirectly support.

The thing is Trump's nomination may lose us the 10%-15% of moderate Republicans/Independents we need to win anyway.

Catch 22 situation.
Depends on how much Trump wants to defeat the woke.
Trump cares nothing about "defeating the woke". Trump cares about absolutely nothing except Trump.

Right now, Trump thinks many his fellow Republicans have betrayed him. He's about petty vendettas now, and not about helping Republicans.
But Trump gave them the material.
They said before he was elected that they needed a thousand stories to be generated in the media to trash Trump. They actually put out the word after he was nominated. They didn't have to have a story. They just needed to make some shit up. So they created Russian Collusion. Jan 6th is another fake Trump story....because he had absolutely nothing to do with it. And the raid on his home was a frame-up by the same FBI that created and ran with Russian Collusion.

The claims that he's a racist are fake and the grabbing pussy story isn't about something he did....but something that he was talking about with a shock jock recorded without his knowledge.

However, we do know that Biden has been taking bribes from China thru his son Hunter Biden. We do know he's sending billion of our money to Ukraine to keep a proxy war going. We do know that he jammed his hand up his secretary's pussy when he was a senator. We do know he seems to like grabbing women and putting his hands all over children while sniffing their hair. We do know that Biden has called half of America a threat to Democracy.

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