Calm Thread: Does Trump/DeSantis 2024 Satisfy?

Won't be me, dude. I will be sitting right here in Jackson, TN doing my independent thing. If your next man has a rep of cheating people, defrauding people, taking the profits, declaring bankruptsy, stiffing contractors, lawyers, screwing anything that walks and making payoffs to cover it up, not to forget trying to overthrow national elections against the vote of the people, sicking mob on congress to try to disrupt the constitutionally mandated actions to record the vote as ratified by all 50 states, the voters, the recounts, the lawsuits and court challenges lost, including losing in trying to get the Supreme Court to decide in his favor, I will probably be against him.

Wouldn't it be easier, just to run normal patriotic Americans that will honor and abide by our laws, traditions, and morals? Republicans used to be conservative, moral, patriotic and true to the constitution. Surely you could find one that was worth a shit. Why does it have to be radicals? What is wrong with it being a conservative that not only talks the talk, but walks the walk? Why do you need a crazed loudmouth, bomb thrower that openly hates over half the country, to get past your primaries? What happened to you guy?

Bottom line is, the only thing wrong with a DeSantis/Trump thing in 2024 is Trump. He is poison and you will lose. After what he pulled, nobody will trust him with the country again, as the rest of us plan to keep the country of the people, by the people and for the people, so somebody that tried to overthrow the vote of the people, is a non-starter.
Except for the 80+ million who will vote for Trump because they didn't join the military.
I don't think he needs to change thing. He's obviously wildly successful.

Although I still love Trump's policies, DeSantis has clearly demonstrated that his performance is at least on par, and he can be successful with very controversial policies without being so abrasive.

Additionally, he has much stronger appeal to independents and is skillful at flipping districts which historically have been quite Blue.

He clearly has demonstrated that the Republican Party would tend to do better under his leadership than under Trump.

Trump has a very abrasive personality, and DeSantis is much better spoken. Trump makes everything about him, while DeSantis makes it about the people he represents. When speaking of accomplishments, DeSantis says "we." Trump says "I."


Trump lost Miami Dade county by 7%. DeSantis won it by 9%. That's quite telling.

On the border, Trump built a wall and got slammed for it. DeSantis sent illegals to Northern Dem territory, and while he got some negative press for it, I think it was viewed less negatively by the Liberal media and was very effective at exposing both the crisis at the border and the hypocrisy of the Dems.

On COVID, Trump bowed to pressure to shut things down. DeSantis gave Floridians freedom, and it has turned out to be wildly successful.

I don't know if DeSantis can beat Newsom, but he has a better chance than Trump, I think.

Thanks. That's a really good answer. I think you are the only one to even try to answer my question. I appreciate your time.
Won't be me, dude. I will be sitting right here in Jackson, TN doing my independent thing. If your next man has a rep of cheating people, defrauding people, taking the profits, declaring bankruptsy, stiffing contractors, lawyers, screwing anything that walks and making payoffs to cover it up, not to forget trying to overthrow national elections against the vote of the people, sicking mob on congress to try to disrupt the constitutionally mandated actions to record the vote as ratified by all 50 states, the voters, the recounts, the lawsuits and court challenges lost, including losing in trying to get the Supreme Court to decide in his favor, I will probably be against him.

Wouldn't it be easier, just to run normal patriotic Americans that will honor and abide by our laws, traditions, and morals? Republicans used to be conservative, moral, patriotic and true to the constitution. Surely you could find one that was worth a shit. Why does it have to be radicals? What is wrong with it being a conservative that not only talks the talk, but walks the walk? Why do you need a crazed loudmouth, bomb thrower that openly hates over half the country, to get past your primaries? What happened to you guy?

Bottom line is, the only thing wrong with a DeSantis/Trump thing in 2024 is Trump. He is poison and you will lose. After what he pulled, nobody will trust him with the country again, as the rest of us plan to keep the country of the people, by the people and for the people, so somebody that tried to overthrow the vote of the people, is a non-starter.
You are under the impression that I'm a mindless follower.
If Trump is what you say he is, which I seriously doubt....I'd drop him like a bad habit.
But up until now we've never had anyone we could trust to not screw us. Not Ted Cruz....not GWB....nobody.
Seems everyone has visited Jeff Epstein's island.
I still suspect Trump of being in collusion with the Democrats.......but their actions always seem to be so extreme against him that it takes the thought out of my mind.
The point that I've tried to get over to you doesn't matter who runs for the GOP....they will get the same treatment.
In a few years you'll be saying the same shit about DeSantis you're saying about Trump and believe it 100%.
You are under the impression that I'm a mindless follower.
If Trump is what you say he is, which I seriously doubt....I'd drop him like a bad habit.
But up until now we've never had anyone we could trust to not screw us. Not Ted Cruz....not GWB....nobody.
Seems everyone has visited Jeff Epstein's island.
I still suspect Trump of being in collusion with the Democrats.......but their actions always seem to be so extreme against him that it takes the thought out of my mind.
The point that I've tried to get over to you doesn't matter who runs for the GOP....they will get the same treatment.
In a few years you'll be saying the same shit about DeSantis you're saying about Trump and believe it 100%.
Now, now...White6 is a member of a cult.
You are under the impression that I'm a mindless follower.
If Trump is what you say he is, which I seriously doubt....I'd drop him like a bad habit.
But up until now we've never had anyone we could trust to not screw us. Not Ted Cruz....not GWB....nobody.
Seems everyone has visited Jeff Epstein's island.
I still suspect Trump of being in collusion with the Democrats.......but their actions always seem to be so extreme against him that it takes the thought out of my mind.
The point that I've tried to get over to you doesn't matter who runs for the GOP....they will get the same treatment.
In a few years you'll be saying the same shit about DeSantis you're saying about Trump and believe it 100%.
Well, you are right about me having the impression you were one of the mindless followers. I don't mean to be personally insulting if that is not the case.

I hope I don't sound, just totally jade by the spectacle of politics in the 21st century, but politicians are "Show Business Kids", like the Steely Dan song. Now days, some literally and the ones that go for politics (whether from the entertainment industry or not) are pretty short on humility in front of those they represent. They like to be the star of their own movie, rather than commit their projected ideology, their voters or even the country, as it may be inconvenient. "Show business kids, makin' movies of themselves, you know they don't give a fuck about anybody else". This includes all the loudmouth prima donnas among Republicans and Democrats, in it for the attention, rather than service to the American people. This includes the ones most often quoted on the tabloid 24-hour news and in the trump era, definitely trump and the ring leaders of the MAGA crowd. They intentionally say and do outrageous things for attention, sign on and verbalize weird theories like fire starting space lasers, kiddie porn/prostitution out of pizza parlors by the opposing party etc. Hate and vitriol sell well as many want to appeal to a class of people that would like to tell normal (conservative minded) people, their bosses or employees to get fkd, but can't, or they would lose their own position, so they admire and follow people that appear to get away with it. Other politicians are in it for the money, power and perks. Change Steely Dan lyrics from "You go to Los Wages" to "You go to max wages". You don't see them coming out of office as paupers. With fungible campaign money, expense accounts, paid travel, legal expenses (campaign and government funded) along with personal security in many cases, the perks add up, and there is always an invitation to party, where they are treated like the stars they want to be or be seen as. "While the poor people sleeping with the shade on the light, while poor people sleeping, all the stars come out at night". And when you come out of office you sing, "Well I've been around the world and I've been in the Washington zoo". "And in all my travels as the facts unravel I've found this to be true".
As for my attitude toward trump, I guess I failed to "detect the El Supremo from the room at the top of the stairs"

I think it checks all the boxes...

Now, if you're going to just post some stupid one line post that doesn't address the issue, please run along.

The GOP's problem here (all political parties have them come election time) is that you don't want to alienate Trump too much so that he breaks away to run 3rd party. I don't put anything past "The Donald" (I voted for him twice), his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness, and he simply can't help himself. I get that he's a brash buffoon, but he has infinitely better policy than the Democrat party for human beings who live the United States.. so even if he acts stupidly and lets his ego get into drama... that's like 10% of the issue. It's policy.

The GOP's problem here is that they have abandoned all principles because a malignant narcissist has control of enough of their base to make trouble.

Family Values Republicans are out there supporting a guy who cheated on all three of his wives, paid porn stars for sex, and has probably paid for abortions.
Defense Hawks have supported a guy who has undermined NATO and coddled Putin and Kim.
Fiscal Conservatives support a guy who recklessly added 8 trillion to the national debt.

So, if Trump's policy is legit, and Ron Desantis is clearly on board with shutting down "Woke" culture, why not have your cake and eat it too.. and run Trump/DeSantis 2024, and then DeSantis can run 2028 and possibly be reelected in 2032... 12 years of anti-woke presidential vigor.

Um, yeah, the problem is, Republicans are starting to figure out (six years too late) that Donald Trump is toxic to their brand. The problem with being "anti-Woke" is that you are advocating bigotries that are already on their way out, and history won't be kind to you.

My view, DeSantis is just as toxic as Trump, but he doesn't come off as an erratic crazy person.

Personally, I'd like Desantis yesterday... but Trump has a loyal Conservative following that would be required to defeat a MSM/Big Tech/Hollywood/Acadmia-backed Democrat party. Consider the end results, not any petty individual pride for a second.

But that's the problem, isn't it? This has stopped being about forwarding sensible policies such as strong defense, family values or fiscal responsibility, and became about "getting back at our enemies!" It's an ugly look, which is why the GOP fared so poorly in elections where they SHOULD have done very well.

Now the GOP Civil War starts to take their party back from Trump. Letting Trump run as a third party might be a good thing. He'll take about 20% of the vote and won't win a single elector, but it will put some space between the GOP and MAGA, which would be a good thing for the GOP.

The bigger problem the GOP has that it has lost young people, though. Young people showed up on Tuesday, and as the boomers die off, they will become the dominant political force. The big problem of "Woke" isn't that they are going to make your kids trans, it's that they are going to make your kids tolerant.

And then all the GOP has to run on is 'We want to rich to be richer and the working class to be poorer", and that's not a winning message at all.
He wasn't a sleaze till he ran as a Republican. And speaking of sleazes.....

Before he ran for office, he was just that guy with the fake game show. After he ran for office, and fell ass backwards into the White House, he became a real danger.

I wonder....Do they have early voting for a run-off?

The gop really needs to get a handle on the whole early voting thing.....The dems are eating their lunch.

At least Oz tried to encourage folks to vote early while Trump was doing the opposite.

Early voting sucks but it's not going away any time soon.

Why should it? Frankly, you only argument against early voting is that it helps Democrats in that people who might not be able to get time off on Tuesday in November can vote.

Early voting is great if it increases voter participation!

Frankly, I'd like to see them move voting to Saturday so more people can vote, or make election day a holiday.

The problem with the GOP is that they know their message doesn't resonate and Trump is toxic, so they don't want people to vote on it.

If your whole political strategy is based on voter suppression and gerrymandering to avoid the reckoning that most people don't like you, your policies or that orange buffoon you can't get rid of, maybe it's time to rethink what your party is about.
Trump didn't alienate part of the country....the corrupt media did it.
98% negative press coverage will do that :auiqs.jpg:

The media had nothing to do with it. Trump is responsible for what he said and did every day.
So if “moving on” causes a Trump 3rd party run and insures a 2024 Democrat victory.. you’re cool with that?

You’d basically be directly supporting the Democrat party

Running Trump again assures a Democrat victory.

let's be blunt about what happened in 2016. Trump didn't do any better in the popular vote than the Weird Mormon Robot did. What happened was that enough Democrats didn't like Hillary or felt Bernie got a bad deal (he didn't, they were too nice to a guy who wasn't even a member of their party) voted third party so they could feel special about themselves because, hey, the polls all said Hillary had this in the bag.

Trump lost the House in 2018 because people just don't like him. He lost the Presidency and the Senate because he left the country in flaming ruins in 2020. And he turned what SHOULD have been a GOP wave (because of Gerrymandering and historical out of party gains) into a red trickle because young people were motivated to get out and vote.

So your "logic' is that the GOP should acquiesce to Trump because he is going to take hostages if you don't.

Time is not on your side. Young people are increasingly identifying with the Democrats and minority populations are growing. Trump is a big turnoff to 55% of the electorate.

The reason why the GOP has been able to survive is recognizing when people were toxic and cutting them out - McCarthy and Nixon come to mind. This is what you need to do with Trump.
None of it's going to happen. Soros has bought and paid for our politicians and they will hand us over to the UN. They underestimated Trump, or Hillary would have already made the transition for us. They are not going to make that mistake again. Socialism will take us down just like it has Venezuela. 4th richest country in the world. Now their children eat out of garbage cans. Every dime of theirs has been stolen.
This country is done.
^^^^ This is why the GOP is done. This kind of crazy has taken over the party.
Well, you are right about me having the impression you were one of the mindless followers. I don't mean to be personally insulting if that is not the case.

I hope I don't sound, just totally jade by the spectacle of politics in the 21st century, but politicians are "Show Business Kids", like the Steely Dan song. Now days, some literally and the ones that go for politics (whether from the entertainment industry or not) are pretty short on humility in front of those they represent. They like to be the star of their own movie, rather than commit their projected ideology, their voters or even the country, as it may be inconvenient. "Show business kids, makin' movies of themselves, you know they don't give a fuck about anybody else". This includes all the loudmouth prima donnas among Republicans and Democrats, in it for the attention, rather than service to the American people. This includes the ones most often quoted on the tabloid 24-hour news and in the trump era, definitely trump and the ring leaders of the MAGA crowd. They intentionally say and do outrageous things for attention, sign on and verbalize weird theories like fire starting space lasers, kiddie porn/prostitution out of pizza parlors by the opposing party etc. Hate and vitriol sell well as many want to appeal to a class of people that would like to tell normal (conservative minded) people, their bosses or employees to get fkd, but can't, or they would lose their own position, so they admire and follow people that appear to get away with it. Other politicians are in it for the money, power and perks. Change Steely Dan lyrics from "You go to Los Wages" to "You go to max wages". You don't see them coming out of office as paupers. With fungible campaign money, expense accounts, paid travel, legal expenses (campaign and government funded) along with personal security in many cases, the perks add up, and there is always an invitation to party, where they are treated like the stars they want to be or be seen as. "While the poor people sleeping with the shade on the light, while poor people sleeping, all the stars come out at night". And when you come out of office you sing, "Well I've been around the world and I've been in the Washington zoo". "And in all my travels as the facts unravel I've found this to be true".
As for my attitude toward trump, I guess I failed to "detect the El Supremo from the room at the top of the stairs"

All I can say after that long winded response is the Democrats just elected a vegetable and a dead guy to you have no room to talk.
A former gameshow host with bigtime leadership experience is better than what you guys have to offer. Obama and Biden are just a couple of racist perverts with no leadership at all. Biden can't find his way around without a leash and Obama was raised by communists. Neither of them has a moral compass or a principled bone in their body.
And taking your lack of judgement into consideration....I find it difficult to believe you also live in TN like I do.
Clearly you are a transplant from some 3rd world shithole similar to NYC....which is where you probably picked up your idiotic values and lack of principles.
Before he ran for office, he was just that guy with the fake game show. After he ran for office, and fell ass backwards into the White House, he became a real danger.

Why should it? Frankly, you only argument against early voting is that it helps Democrats in that people who might not be able to get time off on Tuesday in November can vote.

Early voting is great if it increases voter participation!

Frankly, I'd like to see them move voting to Saturday so more people can vote, or make election day a holiday.

The problem with the GOP is that they know their message doesn't resonate and Trump is toxic, so they don't want people to vote on it.

If your whole political strategy is based on voter suppression and gerrymandering to avoid the reckoning that most people don't like you, your policies or that orange buffoon you can't get rid of, maybe it's time to rethink what your party is about.
What fake game show?
From what I was one of the most popular shows on television.
No....Obama started two wars. Libya and Syria. He also restarted wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and helped fund and arm ISIS.
According to the media the GOP is a bunch of warmongers.....but apparently Democrats love starting wars like Ukraine, Libya, and Syria. So you can cram that war/WMD bullshit up your ass.....and apparently Bush is really a Democrat.....because he likes hanging around with those assholes.

View attachment 723935
Democrats do photo ops with Bush hoping to attract gullible republicans to their side.
All I can say after that long winded response is the Democrats just elected a vegetable and a dead guy to you have no room to talk.
A former gameshow host with bigtime leadership experience is better than what you guys have to offer. Obama and Biden are just a couple of racist perverts with no leadership at all. Biden can't find his way around without a leash and Obama was raised by communists. Neither of them has a moral compass or a principled bone in their body.
And taking your lack of judgement into consideration....I find it difficult to believe you also live in TN like I do.
Clearly you are a transplant from some 3rd world shithole similar to NYC....which is where you probably picked up your idiotic values and lack of principles.
My lack of judgement? BS. My judgement said there would not be a blow-out Red Wave in the 2022 Midterm Election. There wasn't. Looks like the Democrats will keep control of the Senate, and Republican might squeak out a victory in the House, with the least turn over in my memory. You were a "Red Wave" guy, unless I am mistaken. You should give up and support candidates, based on their character and commitment to the United States, it's constitution and rule of law, not their ability to bash their enemies with Twitter twaddle and attempt to overthrow free elections and their results. Your attacks on normalcy are weak and pointless, but all you have. I pity you, as you grow (or linger) a frustrated old man, into your twilight years.
What do you think "off budget" means?
Emergency off Fiscal year budgetary funding, to avoid the known real projected costs of the war appearing on the actual Budget requests with full knowledge the deficit would be passed along to future administrations and the country.
Emergency off Fiscal year budgetary funding, to avoid the known real projected costs of the war appearing on the actual Budget requests with full knowledge the deficit would be passed along to future administrations and the country.
I think you mean "supplemental spending"
In a long - term conflict, these are difficult to avoid as you cannot possibly budget a year out for a war.

I thought you might have meant "off the books", which, of course, is false, as every dollarspent by the US Government gets added to the bottom line.
I think you mean "supplemental spending"
In a long - term conflict, these are difficult to avoid as you cannot possibly budget a year out for a war.

I thought you might have meant "off the books", which, of course, is false, as every dollarspent by the US Government gets added to the bottom line.
Of course it looks better to have low budget numbers, if doing tax breaks to the rich (because we can afford it) if the main budget does not show what we are actually spending. Of course, the Obama administration put it back on the main line item Fiscal Budget, after Bush left with the economy in tatters.
The GOP's problem here is that they have abandoned all principles because a malignant narcissist has control of enough of their base to make trouble.

Family Values Republicans are out there supporting a guy who cheated on all three of his wives, paid porn stars for sex, and has probably paid for abortions.
Defense Hawks have supported a guy who has undermined NATO and coddled Putin and Kim.
Fiscal Conservatives support a guy who recklessly added 8 trillion to the national debt.
A. I don't care about what people do in their own time if they're in charge. They might do things I disagree with, but as long as they're not forcing the populace to participate or support it, nobody should care.
B. NATO deserved to be questioned, and Trump has butted heads with both Putin and Kim. Misinformation by you.
C. Fiscal conservatives have a point, but considering what Biden is doing, Trump would be the better choice of the two.

So, regular GOP voters really aren't in the turmoil you're attempting to portray... like some MSNBC writer.
Um, yeah, the problem is, Republicans are starting to figure out (six years too late) that Donald Trump is toxic to their brand. The problem with being "anti-Woke" is that you are advocating bigotries that are already on their way out, and history won't be kind to you.

My view, DeSantis is just as toxic as Trump, but he doesn't come off as an erratic crazy person.
Of course you'd view Desantis as toxic.. he disagrees with you, and view anyone who disagrees with you as hateful, bigoted, etc. You're basically a child in this regard.

History won't be kind to those who support late term abortions and performing transgender surgeries on children..
This has stopped being about forwarding sensible policies such as strong defense, family values or fiscal responsibility,
Glad to hear you can admit that these are the sensible policies. You're welcomed to hop onto the Conservative train any time.
and became about "getting back at our enemies!" It's an ugly look, which is why the GOP fared so poorly in elections where they SHOULD have done very well.
It's easy to call for peace and harmony when those in the opposition have spent the past 6 years, especially the past 2, pushing narratives that paint Conservatives as worse than middle eastern terrorists, nazis, etc. The Democrats and their allies in the MSM have been throwing non-stop haymakers while using institutions to attack... and Conservatives are supposed to yet again take the high road and not retaliate? Ha. Hey, I used to like how GWB, Romney, etc. didn't drop to the left's level, but from what I can tell the left has no good faith and will never appreciate anyone who compromises in the name of unity. Until they do, the Democrats deserve a serving of the treatment they gave Trump, Kavanaugh, etc... and if anyone has a problem with that, maybe they should direct their concerns at those who have been so violent rhetorically, which would be the Democrats.
The big problem of "Woke" isn't that they are going to make your kids trans, it's that they are going to make your kids tolerant.
Nope... "Woke" doctrine dictates that if you don't support and celebrate trans, you're an evil bigot. Woke is about intolerance of opposing ideological viewpoints. "Tolerance" does not involve participation and celebration.

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