Campaign flyer tells blacks in Alabama to vote or face the honoring of ‘klansmen’


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
Campaign materials aimed at getting out the black vote are featuring references to lynchings, Jim Crow-era signs, racial unrest — and, as of last weekend, the Ku Klux Klan.

In Alabama, flyers distributed in largely black communities warn voters to cast ballots or else “land may be given to extremist groups to honor klansmen.” A copy of the flyer was obtained by The Washington Times.

The specter of the KKK comes as the latest example of the rise of racially charged scare tactics aimed at bolstering turnout in the black community, a traditional Democratic Party voting bloc that strategists view as key to winning razor-thin races in an otherwise Republican year.

Read more: Campaign flyer tells blacks in Alabama to vote or face the honoring of klansmen - Washington Times
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Too funny, you Dems are ignorant sonsabitches.....the "boogie racists" are coming.
They are sick, sick, sick.

And those very ones, if,you look far enough back in their own closet, I bet you might find a white robe with a hood.
Campaign materials aimed at getting out the black vote are featuring references to lynchings, Jim Crow-era signs, racial unrest — and, as of last weekend, the Ku Klux Klan.

In Alabama, flyers distributed in largely black communities warn voters to cast ballots or else “land may be given to extremist groups to honor klansmen.” A copy of the flyer was obtained by The Washington Times.

The specter of the KKK comes as the latest example of the rise of racially charged scare tactics aimed at bolstering turnout in the black community, a traditional Democratic Party voting bloc that strategists view as key to winning razor-thin races in an otherwise Republican year.

Read more: Campaign flyer tells blacks in Alabama to vote or face the honoring of klansmen - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Too funny, you Dems are ignorant sonsabitches.....the "boogie racists" are coming.

Democrat Candidate for Governor Hulsey Confronted…:
Gubernatorial candidate to hand out Klan hoods - Yahoo News

I call bullshit.
Campaign materials aimed at getting out the black vote are featuring references to lynchings, Jim Crow-era signs, racial unrest — and, as of last weekend, the Ku Klux Klan.
Nothing new about that from Democrats. They've been threatening blacks with the Ku Klux Klan (founded and long staffed by Democrats such as Robert Byrd and many others), lynchings, and racial strife, for more than 150 years.

Some things never change.
The KKK were terrorists, plain and simple. And the Democrat party is returning to their KKK roots by becoming terrorists. This is not surprising.

All the things on the list are things right wingers have advocated, and the gentleman in the clip was accurate in what he said. It's a sad situation when the right wing's goals need to be exposed this way. I guess you can be mad at the messenger if you want to, but the facts remain the came.
The levels of willful ignorance as displayed in this thread is exactly why I don't bother trying to discuss anything with any amount of seriousness on this site.

Really now? So you endorse this kind of language?


There wasn't anything inflammatory or libelous written on the list. They are truthfully pointing out what could very well happen if they don't vote for their interests. These are things that the right wing advocates. The right would like to put an end to or greatly curtail healthcare, section 8 housing, student loans, pell grants, unemployment benefits, etc. The right thinks discrimination based on race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc is just hunky dory. Nothing wrong with pointing out that you can't change anything if you don't get out and vote for the changes you believe in.

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