Can a person sincerely be a conservative American and also participate in the attacks on Trump?

I'm conservative and I vote for democrats. Cheney is a republican and I don't agree with her views, but I admire her on the Jan 6th committee. There are many conservatives that vote for democrats.

You're using the term "conservative" rather loosely. Let me define it for you:

Support for Natural Law, unalienable rights, republicanism, and Americanism
Limited government and balanced budgets
Capitalism and free markets
Classroom prayer
Respect for human life and prohibition of abortion
Abstinence education
Traditional marriage, not same-sex "marriage"
The concept of retribution for crimes, including the death penalty for heinous murders proven beyond reasonable doubt
Family values, including traditional relationships and division of labor within the household
Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
Laws against pornography
First Amendment rights to free speech and religious freedom
The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
Economic allocative efficiency (as opposed to popular equity)
Parental control of education (parental rights)
Private medical care and retirement plans
Canceling failed social support programs
Opposition to globalism, one-world government, and the War on Sovereignty
Economic nationalism over globalist "free" trade
Valuing patriotism, self-governance, and sovereignty
Border security and enforcement of strong immigration laws, opposition to mass migration and open borders
Respect for our military, both past and present
Rejection of fake science such as evolution and global warming
Minimal taxation
Federalism (Separation of powers among the National, State and Local governments)
Favoring states' rights over federal power, while accepting the Constitutional role of the federal government, and favoring subsidiarity
Opposition to big government and the Nanny State
A strong national defense
An Originalist and Textualist interpretation of the Constitution, and strongly oppose judicial activism
A dedication to the truth, and an ability to seek it
Ending entitlement programs
Voluntary charity to those in genuine need

Modern-day conservatism also generally believes in these: Pro-sovereignty, pro-parental rights, pro-homeschooling, pro-Christianity in the public square, pro-traditional marriage (opposition to "same-sex" "marriage"), pro-working class, pro-patents, anti-Communist, anti-feminist, anti-judicial supremacy, and anti-illegal immigration
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Don't have to adore him or be loyal to him.

But if you believe in America as a democratic republic, you would condemn the way Trump is being treated. If not, not.

This is the core argument that has a broad, lasting impact on his support. How many "protest" votes will he receive simply because of those who want to defend his right to be who he is and to be free from the 24/7 persecution?

It's bee six years, how often has Trump been the topic of discussion on CNN? What % of all MSM have mentioned him multiple times a day, even post election loss?

I'm conservative and I vote for democrats. Cheney is a republican and I don't agree with her views, but I admire her on the Jan 6th committee. There are many conservatives that vote for democrats.
You're a Jennifer Rubin type "conservative" aren't you?

Defined as: one who holds no conservative positions, yet calls herself a conservative while she hammers true conservatives.
You're using the term "conservative" rather loosely. Let me define it for you:

Support for Natural Law, unalienable rights, republicanism, and Americanism
Limited government and balanced budgets
Capitalism and free markets
Classroom prayer
Respect for human life and prohibition of abortion
Abstinence education
Traditional marriage, not same-sex "marriage"
The concept of retribution for crimes, including the death penalty for heinous murders proven beyond reasonable doubt
Family values, including traditional relationships and division of labor within the household
Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
Laws against pornography
First Amendment rights to free speech and religious freedom
The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
Economic allocative efficiency (as opposed to popular equity)
Parental control of education (parental rights)
Private medical care and retirement plans
Canceling failed social support programs
Opposition to globalism, one-world government, and the War on Sovereignty
Economic nationalism over globalist "free" trade
Valuing patriotism, self-governance, and sovereignty
Border security and enforcement of strong immigration laws, opposition to mass migration and open borders
Respect for our military, both past and present
Rejection of fake science such as evolution and global warming
Minimal taxation
Federalism (Separation of powers among the National, State and Local governments)
Favoring states' rights over federal power, while accepting the Constitutional role of the federal government, and favoring subsidiarity
Opposition to big government and the Nanny State
A strong national defense
An Originalist and Textualist interpretation of the Constitution, and strongly oppose judicial activism
A dedication to the truth, and an ability to seek it
Ending entitlement programs
Voluntary charity to those in genuine need

Opposition to the nanny state but prohibitions on pornography. I can't quite wrap my head around that one.
My answer is that Trump is far from being a Conservative. He holds a few conservative social views, some of which he just "found" when he choose to run as a Repub.

If being a Conservative means believing in smaller government and less spending, then supporting Trump is really no different than supporting Biden
Name a president who governed more conservatively than Trump the past 100 years. You can't do it.

Don't have to adore him or be loyal to him.

But if you believe in America as a democratic republic, you would condemn the way Trump is being treated. If not, not.
Trump is not being treated any different than anyone else who may have broken the law. There are investigations and if there is conclusive evidence of breaking the existing laws, than they are indicted.

So far, there are a few investigations in many States about what he may have done. Let the Law take its course instead of maybe simply believing that he is totally innocent because you may not have interest in the 1/6 investigation, or the investigation on what he said in Georgia, or his dealing with his own business, the Trump organization.

There is evidence of him not following the law in many of this cases. The investigation continues, and at some point it will come to an end. No one is jumping on him and simply indicting him and arresting him. There is a process, and it is being properly followed.
Name a president who governed more conservatively than Trump the past 100 years. You can't do it.

Ignoring the long established rules of the country is governing conservatively?

Trump couldn't understand why he couldn't just wave his hands and Obama's EO's would just be overturned.
Name a president who governed more conservatively than Trump the past 100 years. You can't do it.
Every single one.
Except Reagan and Bush Jr.

Just because you CLAIM to be conservative, doesn't make you one.
Not ONE self-proclaimed "conservative" hasn't balanced a budget, let alone reduced the deficit in 40 years, including Reagan, who hijacked the term, who almost tripled the debt.
Name a president who governed more conservatively than Trump the past 100 years. You can't do it.

Well, we have not had a conservative president since Coolidge so you are correct.

But that does not make Trump a conservative, or even close to one.

There was nothing fiscally conservative about Trump
Government serving its purpose of protecting its citizens, is not the same as a "nanny state." Pornography is detrimental to society, as are prostitution and drugs.

Right, a nanny state. You have to protect people who decide to do things you disagree with.
I have to say no. Not anymore.

On August 7, 2022, I would have said yes. It was possible that a person with conservative views, who only followed the mainstream media would think that the endless investigations of Trump were legitimate, and that Congress only failed to convict Trump at his two impeachment trials due to partisanship. If you only read headlines, and watch the very short television news (compared to newpapers and text media), it was possible to think, 'that Trump is a jerk who makes the GOP look bad. I'll be glad when he's gone so we can have real conservatives in charge again.'

On August 8th, the anti-Trumpers revealed themselves as the fascists they are in a way that no one can claim to still be ignorant of. If you are still joining in with the Trump bashing, you are throwing your lot in with the worst anti-Americans to ever come into power in the United States so far. They hate Trump more than they love America, at least as a democratic republic. No matter your view on this or that con vs. prog issue, the first step is to restore that democratic republic by bringing the entrenched security state under control, and make votes count fairly again.

If you think Liz Cheney is the kind of Republican you can get behind, then you are equally behind Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin. You have been for a while, but now you cannot claim not to know it.
It’s not a matter of hating Trump, it is recognizing how dangerous and bad he is for our country. An power hungry unethical dishonest narcissist who is trying to pit our country against eachother and our instititions to protect his ego. No thanks. Has nothing to do with conservatism. Everything to do with morals and ethics
Government serving its purpose of protecting its citizens, is not the same as a "nanny state." Pornography is detrimental to society, as are prostitution and drugs.

And here we have yet one more example of a conservative who wants the Govt to control everything.
This is the core argument that has a broad, lasting impact on his support. How many "protest" votes will he receive simply because of those who want to defend his right to be who he is and to be free from the 24/7 persecution?

It's bee six years, how often has Trump been the topic of discussion on CNN? What % of all MSM have mentioned him multiple times a day, even post election loss?
HIs supporters do not want to watch or read anything coming from mainstream media. A different take on what they are hearing 24/7.

That is a huge problem, in any country, in order to being able to make one's mind based on possible facts.

Some anchors at Fox have been more forthcoming in looking at what is actually happening with Trump, but that is recent. It did not happen during his administration, as they do work for the Murdoch company. Who is Murdoch for President? Does it make a difference if one works for someone who only wants positive things said about the President he voted for?
Seymour Flops they would have to be a patriot too. Trump isn't a conservative.

You must have missed the memo, Stinky. If you are a Republican and don't support Trump, you aren't a "conservative." You would be a "RINO".

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