Can a person sincerely be a conservative American and also participate in the attacks on Trump?

And you believe in a nanny state.
You believe in the same, but taxpayers are given the bill. Hence that negates personal responsibility. In four decades, we now have two major gay plagues. And the Progs have successfully convinced the massive majority it is their fault. Costing hundreds of billions of dollars if not trillions over the same period of time. This will end of course because it will not be afforded anymore.

Billionaires donated BIGLY to

I'm sorry, but YOU are a perfect description of the Bible's FALLING AWAY of the Christian Church....

You do not follow Christ's teachings of love, forgiveness, loving your enemy, being faithful, etc...and support an Anti Christ, (multi time adulterer, a perpetual liar whose father is satan, a man of lawlessness, an arrogant, filthy, bold, lover of money, unChristlike in every mannor) and you are supporting your Church's false prophets instead of Jesus Christ....and the Bible.

You seem filled with unrighteous anger, and malice towards serve no purpose for God and spreading His love, for all men, all of His creation.

Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe I am not....and God put those words in to my mouth and in to my typing fingers to help you, see the LIGHT and the error of your ways! May your sour, impatient, hardenned heart, be softened! The good Lord, willing!

So Trump is to you a "multi time adulterer, a perpetual liar whose father is satan, a man of lawlessness, an arrogant, filthy, bold, lover of money, unChristlike in every manner", and yet you won't even go near what's known about Joe Biden?

Ok. :laughing0301:
You believe in the same, but taxpayers are given the bill. Hence that negates personal responsibility. In four decades, we now have two major gay plagues. And the Progs have successfully convinced the massive majority it is their fault. Costing hundreds of billions of dollars if not trillions over the same period of time. This will end of course because it will not be afforded anymore.

I've never pretended to not support the state helping those who need it.
So Trump is to you a "multi time adulterer, a perpetual liar whose father is satan, a man of lawlessness, an arrogant, filthy, bold, lover of money, unChristlike in every manner", and yet you won't even go near what's known about Joe Biden?

Ok. :laughing0301:

Why do you expect people to be someone different than you are? (I didn't vote for Biden).
So Trump is to you a "multi time adulterer, a perpetual liar whose father is satan, a man of lawlessness, an arrogant, filthy, bold, lover of money, unChristlike in every manner", and yet you won't even go near what's known about Joe Biden?

Ok. :laughing0301:
Biden is the opposite of tramp.
I have to say no. Not anymore.

On August 7, 2022, I would have said yes. It was possible that a person with conservative views, who only followed the mainstream media would think that the endless investigations of Trump were legitimate, and that Congress only failed to convict Trump at his two impeachment trials due to partisanship. If you only read headlines, and watch the very short television news (compared to newpapers and text media), it was possible to think, 'that Trump is a jerk who makes the GOP look bad. I'll be glad when he's gone so we can have real conservatives in charge again.'

On August 8th, the anti-Trumpers revealed themselves as the fascists they are in a way that no one can claim to still be ignorant of. If you are still joining in with the Trump bashing, you are throwing your lot in with the worst anti-Americans to ever come into power in the United States so far. They hate Trump more than they love America, at least as a democratic republic. No matter your view on this or that con vs. prog issue, the first step is to restore that democratic republic by bringing the entrenched security state under control, and make votes count fairly again.

If you think Liz Cheney is the kind of Republican you can get behind, then you are equally behind Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin. You have been for a while, but now you cannot claim not to know it.
Trump is not a conservative, his spending was way out of line from a fiscal conservative, he spent and Added to the debt, he didn’t try to curb spending or balance the budget and socially he is a moderate.
Biden is the opposite of tramp.
Both seem clueless to me, they both spend like drunken sailors, both have no clue as to what is happening fiscally and both lack management skills, both lack self awareness, they both push agendas that are not sustainable. These two are the product of the lesser of two evils BS.
You believe in the same, but taxpayers are given the bill. Hence that negates personal responsibility. In four decades, we now have two major gay plagues. And the Progs have successfully convinced the massive majority it is their fault. Costing hundreds of billions of dollars if not trillions over the same period of time. This will end of course because it will not be afforded anymore.
What absolute nonsense. Educate yourself:

Though the CDC discovered all major routes of the disease’s transmission—as well as that female partners of AIDS-positive men could be infected—in 1983, the public considered AIDS a gay disease. It was even called the “gay plague” for many years after.

In September of 1982, the CDC used the term AIDS to describe the disease for the first time. By the end of the year, AIDS cases were also reported in a number of European countries.

  • Monkeypox is transmitted to humans through close contact with an infected person or animal, or with material contaminated with the virus.
  • Monkeypox virus is transmitted from one person to another by close contact with lesions, body fluids, respiratory droplets and contaminated materials such as bedding.
  • Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease that occurs primarily in tropical rainforest areas of central and west Africa and is occasionally exported to other regions.



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Name a president who governed more conservatively than Trump the past 100 years. You can't do it.
You must be defining conservative to mean failure cuz that is what Trump succeeded in.

  • Trump increased the deficit every year even before Covid is that conservative?
  • Trump is a trade protectionist which isnt conservative
  • Trump was friendly with Russia, not conservative.
I have to say no. Not anymore.

On August 7, 2022, I would have said yes. It was possible that a person with conservative views, who only followed the mainstream media would think that the endless investigations of Trump were legitimate, and that Congress only failed to convict Trump at his two impeachment trials due to partisanship. If you only read headlines, and watch the very short television news (compared to newpapers and text media), it was possible to think, 'that Trump is a jerk who makes the GOP look bad. I'll be glad when he's gone so we can have real conservatives in charge again.'

On August 8th, the anti-Trumpers revealed themselves as the fascists they are in a way that no one can claim to still be ignorant of. If you are still joining in with the Trump bashing, you are throwing your lot in with the worst anti-Americans to ever come into power in the United States so far. They hate Trump more than they love America, at least as a democratic republic. No matter your view on this or that con vs. prog issue, the first step is to restore that democratic republic by bringing the entrenched security state under control, and make votes count fairly again.

If you think Liz Cheney is the kind of Republican you can get behind, then you are equally behind Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin. You have been for a while, but now you cannot claim not to know it.
Ummmmmmm, it is democrats who have turned themselves into the Nazi Gestapo, rounding up those on the other side, finding them guilty in kangaroo courts, and jailing them. They have also tried eliminating the filibuster in order to attain complete power by using that to add blue states to the Union and seats to the Supreme Court. Only Manchin and Sinema stood in their way of accomplishing that.
You're using the term "conservative" rather loosely. Let me define it for you:

Support for Natural Law, unalienable rights, republicanism, and Americanism
Limited government and balanced budgets
Capitalism and free markets
Classroom prayer
Respect for human life and prohibition of abortion
Abstinence education
Traditional marriage, not same-sex "marriage"
The concept of retribution for crimes, including the death penalty for heinous murders proven beyond reasonable doubt
Family values, including traditional relationships and division of labor within the household
Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
Laws against pornography
First Amendment rights to free speech and religious freedom
The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
Economic allocative efficiency (as opposed to popular equity)
Parental control of education (parental rights)
Private medical care and retirement plans
Canceling failed social support programs
Opposition to globalism, one-world government, and the War on Sovereignty
Economic nationalism over globalist "free" trade
Valuing patriotism, self-governance, and sovereignty
Border security and enforcement of strong immigration laws, opposition to mass migration and open borders
Respect for our military, both past and present
Rejection of fake science such as evolution and global warming
Minimal taxation
Federalism (Separation of powers among the National, State and Local governments)
Favoring states' rights over federal power, while accepting the Constitutional role of the federal government, and favoring subsidiarity
Opposition to big government and the Nanny State
A strong national defense
An Originalist and Textualist interpretation of the Constitution, and strongly oppose judicial activism
A dedication to the truth, and an ability to seek it
Ending entitlement programs
Voluntary charity to those in genuine need

Modern-day conservatism also generally believes in these: Pro-sovereignty, pro-parental rights, pro-homeschooling, pro-Christianity in the public square, pro-traditional marriage (opposition to "same-sex" "marriage"), pro-working class, pro-patents, anti-Communist, anti-feminist, anti-judicial supremacy, and anti-illegal immigration

Have you explored your list in detail? Start with parental rights.
Ummmmmmm, it is democrats who have turned themselves into the Nazi Gestapo, rounding up those on the other side, finding them guilty in kangaroo courts, and jailing them. They have also tried eliminating the filibuster in order to attain complete power by using that to add blue states to the Union and seats to the Supreme Court. Only Manchin and Sinema stood in their way of accomplishing that.
Godwin has long ago thrown up his hands in futility

Google "Godwin's Law"
So you think being conservative is no longer about principles and ideology but about loyalty and adoration of one man??

Wow. Cult.

More like people no longer will support republicans who hide behind "principles" as an excuse to do nothing.
Ummmmmmm, it is democrats who have turned themselves into the Nazi Gestapo, rounding up those on the other side, finding them guilty in kangaroo courts, and jailing them. They have also tried eliminating the filibuster in order to attain complete power by using that to add blue states to the Union and seats to the Supreme Court. Only Manchin and Sinema stood in their way of accomplishing that.

Autocrats and nationalists like Gestapo and Savak. They put socialists and Democrats in prison. You're talking Fascism.

Wasn't Desantis talking about some private army in Florida that would be under his control?
More like people no longer will support republicans who hide behind "principles" as an excuse to do nothing.

Or worse than that, Republicans who hide behind "principles" as an excuse to give the Democrats aid and comfort. That is reprehensible.

"Can a person sincerely be a conservative American and also participate in the attacks on Trump?"​

Nope. That's obvious.

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