Can a person sincerely be a conservative American and also participate in the attacks on Trump?

You believe in the same, but taxpayers are given the bill. Hence that negates personal responsibility. In four decades, we now have two major gay plagues. And the Progs have successfully convinced the massive majority it is their fault. Costing hundreds of billions of dollars if not trillions over the same period of time. This will end of course because it will not be afforded anymore.
Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of these homosexual disease vectors infecting the whole society. It's like all the other Dem-protected groups of abnormals: since they are defective, it's just fine whatever crimes and harm they do.
I have to say no. Not anymore.

On August 7, 2022, I would have said yes. It was possible that a person with conservative views, who only followed the mainstream media would think that the endless investigations of Trump were legitimate, and that Congress only failed to convict Trump at his two impeachment trials due to partisanship. If you only read headlines, and watch the very short television news (compared to newpapers and text media), it was possible to think, 'that Trump is a jerk who makes the GOP look bad. I'll be glad when he's gone so we can have real conservatives in charge again.'

On August 8th, the anti-Trumpers revealed themselves as the fascists they are in a way that no one can claim to still be ignorant of. If you are still joining in with the Trump bashing, you are throwing your lot in with the worst anti-Americans to ever come into power in the United States so far. They hate Trump more than they love America, at least as a democratic republic. No matter your view on this or that con vs. prog issue, the first step is to restore that democratic republic by bringing the entrenched security state under control, and make votes count fairly again.

If you think Liz Cheney is the kind of Republican you can get behind, then you are equally behind Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin. You have been for a while, but now you cannot claim not to know it.

Whatevers. The Capitol Kerfuffle should only be judged on January 6 not August 2022. It is certainly possible some people went to peacefully protest and got caught up in the moment. Instigators and anarchists rely on that, be it January 6, a WTO meeting, a BLM march, or any of the other litany of out of control protests over the years.
The better question is: Are bidophiles actual human beings?

Or are they only bytes in a Dominion algorithm?

I've never met a single person that voted for or supports that stuttering fuck....

Just sayin'....
I have to say no. Not anymore.
It would depend on your definition of "conservative".

For example, the fact that Liz Cheney has been a solid, consistent conservative for a long time cannot be denied. Her voting record is beyond reasonable reproach. Her sin, and her ruination, is the fact that she believes that Trump and Trumpism are a clear and present danger to this country. Other conservatives also believe that, of course.

So, it appears clear that a person's views on issues and policy are no longer the main identifier of whether or not they are considered to be conservative. The obvious identifier now is whether they have obediently fallen in line behind the Narcissistic Personality Disorder-stricken buffoon who is clearly, somehow, in control of the GQP.

So, by these new standards, I would have to agree with you.
Autocrats and nationalists like Gestapo and Savak. They put socialists and Democrats in prison. You're talking Fascism.

Wasn't Desantis talking about some private army in Florida that would be under his control?
I'm not a Desantis fan.
Or worse than that, Republicans who hide behind "principles" as an excuse to give the Democrats aid and comfort. That is reprehensible.
You really think Liz was doing that? Just trying to help out Dems?

In some alternative universe maybe
[ From a Republican Strategist ]

In a scenario where Republicans control the House, it will be these Trump-backed candidates who will cause the most agita in the party. While political fortunes can be won and lost over 32 times in the next 80 or so days, it looks like there will not be a big red wave here, but rather a red ripple, which will leave Rep. McCarthy with a much slimmer majority – one where every vote matters.

All of this may be enough for Rep. McCarthy to long for the days when he worked with principled conservatives like outgoing Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.

I support dismantling the FBI but some sort of law enforcement has the right to address someone taking things that do not belong to them.
Every president in history has taken things from the Oval Office as they left. Some had to return some things, some had to put things in their libraries. One sent potentially incriminating evidence to the University of Delaware.

Exactly ONE had his home invaded and his wife's clothes pawed through with his lawyer being refused her right to observe the search.
Every president in history has taken things from the Oval Office as they left. Some had to return some things, some had to put things in their libraries. One sent potentially incriminating evidence to the University of Delaware.

Exactly ONE had his home invaded and his wife's clothes pawed through with his lawyer being refused her right to observe the search.
Classified documents?
Every president in history has taken things from the Oval Office as they left. Some had to return some things, some had to put things in their libraries. One sent potentially incriminating evidence to the University of Delaware.

Exactly ONE had his home invaded and his wife's clothes pawed through with his lawyer being refused her right to observe the search.

There is a little bit of difference between "some things" and 30 boxes of classified documents.

There is a difference between things "taken" being stored in a guarded NA warehouse and them being stored in someone's den.
Every president in history has taken things from the Oval Office as they left.

Sure but not classified material and then refuse to return it. Would I support law enforcement going in to retrieve a china set? No.

I mentioned conservatives in my OP, but it applies to liberals as well. No reasonable and sincere liberal can support what is being done to Trump and what they are trying to do to his voters.

Liberals are often accused of bashing the US and their response is that they love America enough to chastise their country when it's wrong.

Here's your chance. America, in the form if the DOJ/FBI, is as wrong as can be. Will you say so or giggle because it's Trump?
I would distinguish between being a conservative and supporting conservative values. The notion of being a conservative approaches politics from the standpoint of identity. Supporting conservative values does so from the standpoint of ideology.

The vast majority of posters here who identify as liberal absolutely despise liberal values. This is because they are only capable of understanding what team they are on as they see politics as identity. I see a lesser tendency towards this among the conservatives, but there is also a strong attachment to identity instead of ideology.

Trump is not a pure conservative. Many of his policies have actually been liberal in nature such as his position on protecting the jobs of working people, and he is more of a populist in nature. Can "conservatives" criticize him? Sure, of course. Can liberals? Ditto.

The problem that I see is that too few people recognize the nature of the coordinated effort to take him down. The divide here isn't between conservative and liberal but between Nationalist and Globalist. Those who value our national sovereignty have every reason to be alarmed at the apparatus that has been brought into play to remove him, and this SHOULD be true for people who are actually liberal as well as conservative.
There is a little bit of difference between "some things" and 30 boxes of classified documents.

There is a difference between things "taken" being stored in a guarded NA warehouse and them being stored in someone's den.
Sure but not classified material and then refuse to return it. Would I support law enforcement going in to retrieve a china set? No.
I've seen no evidence of any refusal to return anything. The family passports aren't classified. Any documents Trump declassified as president aren't classified.

Melania's underwear has no state secrets.

Hillary kept thousands of classified docs on devices she and her staff later destroyed with hammers. No FBI raid, just the FBI conspiring to turn the investigation into Operation Protect Hillary.

Biden campaign sent operatives to the University of Delaware to look for documents pertaining to an alleged rape by Biden. Documents he took out of the Senate and gave to the University to be sealed.

What they found and What they took is unknown since Biden won't let U of D release the records. When will the FBI be raiding?
I've seen no evidence of any refusal to return anything. The family passports aren't classified. Any documents Trump declassified as president aren't classified.

Melania's underwear has no state secrets.

Hillary kept thousands of classified docs on devices she and her staff later destroyed with hammers. No FBI raid, just the FBI conspiring to turn the investigation into Operation Protect Hillary.

Biden campaign sent operatives to the University of Delaware to look for documents pertaining to an alleged rape by Biden. Documents he took out of the Senate and gave to the University to be sealed.

What they found and What they took is unknown since Biden won't let U of D release the records. When will the FBI be raiding?

If they were declassified, for which there is no evidence. But even documents that have been declassified can still have restricted access

Hillary should be in jail for what she did. Trump really dropped the ball on that one.

School documents do not belong to the Fed Govt, thus the FBI has no role at all in regards to them.

You are just grasping at straws and it makes you look even more desperate than normal.
If the raid were so correct and by the book, why would the FBI not allow Trump's lswyercto observe? Why the demand to turn off security cameras?
If the raid were so correct and by the book, why would the FBI not allow Trump's lswyercto observe? Why the demand to turn off security cameras?

Let's say the police have legitimate evidence someone is dealing heroin. (legitimate, not made up evidence). They get a search warrant. They don't allow the one being search to call in their lawyer to oversee the raid.

Now maybe that might be a good idea but that's another discussion.

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