Can ANY man stand up to the new #MeToo standard?

Can any woman stand up to it?
What guy here hasn't received sexual innuendos, a grab of the butt...comments about the size of their dick etc.
I sure did.
:laugh: "witch hunt" is their favorite buzzword projection

no, women aren't hunting for any witches, they're hunting for mutual respect.

naturally all the typical deplorables are offended :eusa_clap:
Stop gas lighting us. . . .
:laugh: "witch hunt" is their favorite buzzword projection

no, women aren't hunting for any witches, they're hunting for mutual respect.

naturally all the typical deplorables are offended :eusa_clap:

Once Trump started to use the word you knew that his zealots would use it 10 times a day. One has to emulate their savior as much as possible.
They have been given a lot of rope..and are now commencing to hang themselves. Some that cry metoo now get eye rolls. They are about as pertinent as BLM.
I worked as a sexual assault guidance counselor in college.

This is a very serious issue in a certain age demographic, in a certain culture, especially where alcohol is involved. I still think a lot of awareness needs to be raised, but this movement is probably going to do more harm than good in the end.

This whole cultural shift is probably doing great damage to that continuing effort on campuses, so now, if shit like Brock Turner happens, folks on the right are probably not going to take it with the seriousness it needs to be taken.

. . . and kids that go off to school are not going to take male/female relationships mixing with alcohol, treating it with the seriousness it needs to be treated.

Girls will continue to be disappointed, and boys will continue to not remember what happened and have their lives ruined b/c of it.
Exactly, the aim of metoo is to destroy any man that has power be they in politics, hollywood or the media. The aim is to destroy the lives of these men for being freaking human!

The goal is to replace these men with women. This is underhanded and wrong in every way.

I have a problem with destroying peoples lives because they want to go on a date with someone or anything that is agreed to between both parties. I am sorry but if you agree to it you can't go on a hunting spree afterwards.

HOw about a fast and simple rule.

Don't date coworkers, don't hit on coworkers, don't treat a coworker as a sexual object.

While i do agree with the OP that MeToo has turned into kind of a witch hunt, most of the guys who are being targeted are married men who hit on co-workers.

Nobody is getting crucified for making a clumsy pass in a bar.

Why do women wear fuck me heels to work?

Probably for the same reason I wear assless chaps to work. :dunno:
:laugh: "witch hunt" is their favorite buzzword projection

no, women aren't hunting for any witches, they're hunting for mutual respect.

naturally all the typical deplorables are offended :eusa_clap:

Once Trump started to use the word you knew that his zealots would use it 10 times a day. One has to emulate their savior as much as possible.

This witch hunt is a nothing-burger started by snowflakes.

Am I doing this right?
I think that there isn't a man alive who could stand up to the new #MeToo standard, which is that you NEVER EVER made a mistake in your life when it comes to a woman.

THERE I said it.

We need to end this witch hunt now.

Yep, in the case of men, the act of even looking at an women or asking for their phone number is probably enough to make some of these women come after you. What's occurring with this metoo movement is the reality that one "group of people" doesn't need to provide evidence to destroy another "class" making that class second class citizens. That second class is any man that dares to do anything even the least bit sexual no matter how innocent...And besides, you think some women won't use this shit to advance their careers? I've seen plenty that would do exactly that. Simple human nature. Its sick but it is reality..

We must demand evidence or one group will abuse such unchallenged power. We can't have this or we won't be free very long.
Heard this all before.....all before...after Tailhook. Rule of thumb....if you don't want your behavior to happen to your own sister, wife, mother, daughter then DON'T DO IT! Simple.
The NY attorney general, I think he was engaging in B&D with consenting women, and now they're lying about it.

Could be; there' a lot of phoniness being perpetrated.

Liberals, what are you going to do about the Clintons if you're truly committed to the sanctity of #MeToo?
Never voted for B. Clinton again. That's what I did.
I find it interesting, as well as disgusting, that they waited 20/30 years to report whatever they are claiming...and its mostly because they already got their coveted parts, lived the life they wanted, then when their looks dried up as well as the offers, THEN they screamed loud. That skank McGown is prime example.

Which fucks it up for women who did not become actresses or famous but were abused. Who will listen to them now?

Numerous studies over the years have found that a majority of rapes are never reported. These are millions of people who aren't looking for a TV role or a payout. One of the biggest reasons given for not reporting rapes is that the victim feels they won't be believed. Comments in this thread prove that their fears are not unfounded.
We know these Hollywood starlets were looking for a TV role or a payout. The casting couch is how they get ahead.
That's what predators hope for.
Exactly, the aim of metoo is to destroy any man that has power be they in politics, hollywood or the media. The aim is to destroy the lives of these men for being freaking human!

The goal is to replace these men with women. This is underhanded and wrong in every way.

I have a problem with destroying peoples lives because they want to go on a date with someone or anything that is agreed to between both parties. I am sorry but if you agree to it you can't go on a hunting spree afterwards.

HOw about a fast and simple rule.

Don't date coworkers, don't hit on coworkers, don't treat a coworker as a sexual object.

While i do agree with the OP that MeToo has turned into kind of a witch hunt, most of the guys who are being targeted are married men who hit on co-workers.

Nobody is getting crucified for making a clumsy pass in a bar.

Why do women wear fuck me heels to work?
I don't get that either....why do men wear choking ties?
I think that there isn't a man alive who could stand up to the new #MeToo standard, which is that you NEVER EVER made a mistake in your life when it comes to a woman.

THERE I said it.

We need to end this witch hunt now.
There is one good thing about the standard it gives the realy old the advantage of being too old to care! The being to old to care is the only advantage the aged have. Makes me feel a little less bad!
:laugh: "witch hunt" is their favorite buzzword projection

no, women aren't hunting for any witches, they're hunting for mutual respect.

naturally all the typical deplorables are offended :eusa_clap:

Sure....explain that one to AG Schneiderman.
I think that there isn't a man alive who could stand up to the new #MeToo standard, which is that you NEVER EVER made a mistake in your life when it comes to a woman.

THERE I said it.

We need to end this witch hunt now.

I have never had a problem. If a woman seemed uncomfortable, I stopped. I ask women if they are comfortable or what they want. I have never assumed that I could do what I want.

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