Can anyone demonstrate one lie Trump told?

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Leave it to the left to redefine the term "lie". Biden's fantasy accounts are never examined and his flubs and errors are excused but if Trump quotes a figure of a million and the real number is nine hundred and ninety nine thousand it's viewed by the left and their minions in the media as a "lie". The left has a built in tax exempt source (Media Matters) for analyzing and spinning every word ever spoken by republicans. There is no such advantage on the right.

Same with defining inflation
What's your guess -- looking at the posts from the cultists, do they really believe (at least consciously) that Trump is honest and never lies, or are they just trolling?

My personal experience from talking with Trumpsters in real life is that they do believe it, or at least they've talked themselves into believing it.

Some of them have made so many enemies by supporting Trump, family and friends, that they can't do anything but keep hoping Trump's going to come through. He's bitch slapped them so many times with "lock her up, zero out the national debt, make Mexico pay for the wall, repeal and replace Obamacare," and a hundred other things.

All they have left is to try and save face. They're not man/woman enough to admit Trump is a fraud. That he duped them into their support. They were looking for a hero on the right so hard. And they fell just as hard for a fake one.

This is one awesome thing about being independent. Because every politician is going to let you down. It's inevitable. But being independent allows me the freedom to kick any of them to the curb, at any moment and for any reason. It's like I have a "This establishment reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason" on our ball caps.
Trump's not near as good as his supporters are. But he's also not near as bad as the left makes him out to be.
But both sides seem to be owned by Trump.

He's the world more interesting guy.
Some of them have made so many enemies by supporting Trump, family and friends, that they can't do anything but keep hoping Trump's going to come through. He's bitch slapped them so many times with "lock her up, zero out the national debt, make Mexico pay for the wall, repeal and replace Obamacare," and a hundred other things.

All they have left is to try and save face. They're not man/woman enough to admit Trump is a fraud. That he duped them into their support. They were looking for a hero on the right so hard. And they fell just as hard for a fake one.

This is one awesome thing about being independent. Because every politician is going to let you down. It's inevitable. But being independent allows me the freedom to kick any of them to the curb, at any moment and for any reason. It's like I have a "This establishment reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason" on our ball caps.
Yeah, I've never understood the draw of picking a tribe and running with it to the exclusion of contrary evidence. It's never made sense to me.

I think you're right regarding saving face. This has gone so far beyond politics for them that it's personal. Criticize him and you're criticizing them, in their eyes. At some level, they have to know they've been duped, and that makes them even MORE defensive.

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