Can anyone demonstrate one lie Trump told?

I did what you did not expect me to do. I went to the site and listened to Trump talking to the troops in Iraq. Trump actually said and you confirmed, make it 10 percent. But Trump, had you paid attention did not say they got 10 percent. He said what he told others about the raise.

Anyway, we can trade Biden lies for Trump lies and it will not solve a damned thing. Biden is the president and the man continues to lie.

"I got you a big one"
"Make it 10%"
"You have gotten one in 10 years."

Dear Lord Robert.

Just admit he LIED.

"I got you a big one"
"Make it 10%"
"You have gotten one in 10 years."

Dear Lord Robert.

Just admit he LIED.

I still have my jacket Trump is wearing. I wore it to work this morning.
I just posted this and we were having a good discussion, but it got deleted.
Biden would be an easy example, " I knew nothing about my son's business practices". Blatant lie, and extremely damaging. The only lie that I can think of that Trump told isn't even really a lie because I think he believed it himself but "Mexico will pay for the wall "could be construed as a falsehood.

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It really comes down to the charity or intent or understanding of those calling out 'lies'.

If I tell you my product cures cancer when I know it doesn't, that's a lie.
If I tell you my product is best when I know it isn't, there's a gray area in there between lying and salesmanship.

If I say I told you that exactly 100 times when I know I didn't, that's a lie.
If I say I told you that a million times, we both know I didn't but it is just using hyperbole to emphasize a point. Not a lie.

Are those who believe in God and say so lying in the eyes of an Atheist who argues there is no evidence of any kind for that? If Trump and many others believe the 2020 election was stolen and say so are they lying when the media, etc. say there is no evidence that it was?

Being wrong is no more a 'lie' than believing in a flat Earth or that the Holocaust was faked or Elvis is still alive makes that belief a lie.

Is it a lie to be wrong or exaggerate for emphasis?
Or is a lie an intentional act to deceive?

My definition is a lie is intended to mislead or deceive.
Those who say Trump lies seem to believe if it isn't verifiably true, then it's a lie.
Several of Trump's deliberate lies have already been shown in this topic, willfully blind monkey.

As for "salesmanship", I've been saying for a while now that deep down in your souls, you all know you would not buy a used car from Donald Trump.
I am surprised this topic is still going, seeing as how not just one lie by Trump, as requested, has been provided, but rather a mountain of lies has been.

The poor Trumptards will now feel it necessary to deflect, distract, and misdirect the subject.

"Red herrings for everyone!"
The OP appears to believe this hasn't been tried before here.

All they have to do is ask for examples, deny that they are examples, and claim victory. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Cults gotta cult.
No one can successfully demonstrate any of his myriad lies because they will be dismissed as fake news. No matter how clear they are.

no doubt.

It would be an abject waste of time and effort, when we already know what will happen. So this thread is pointless.

'eh... sometimes it's fun watching what ridiculousness they come up with as a self satisfying stellar reply that sure shows the libtards his stellar prowess...

as demonstrated:

Then you should easily be able to provide one. Just one.


<ahem> i gots 15.

this is my favorite!


We finally have a winner, who actually said.... Yes....Trump Lied. :eusa_clap:
It should be just as easy for Democrats to admit they still are lied to by Biden and the Media.
Biden would be an easy example, " I knew nothing about my son's business practices". Blatant lie, and extremely damaging. The only lie that I can think of that Trump told isn't even really a lie because I think he believed it himself but "Mexico will pay for the wall "could be construed as a falsehood.

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I did not vote for Trump because he said Mexico would pay for the wall, which is tantamount to them building the wall. I never trusted Mexico to lift one sorry finger to help the US.
In the Primaries, in fact, I voted for somebody else to run for President and it was not Hillary. When the general election rolled around, the only one to vote for was Trump. And I would do it all over. I have been very open in my evaluations of Trump. For example the man is a consummate bullshitter. It annoys me. When he brags what he did is the best of all times, while I understand it is his way, it annoys me.

Now we will pick a president. And trust me, I will never vote for Biden.

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