Can anyone demonstrate one lie Trump told?

When the agreement was signed in Feb of 2020, we had nearly 13,000 US troops in Afghanistan. When Biden took over Benedict Donald had ordered that number down to just 2,500. Those reductions were suppose to be based on the Taliban following the 7 conditions they agreed to. One of which was to crack down on terrorist like ISIS. They only followed one. While our Generals were force to follow all our conditions and troop withdrawals. The disaster in Afghanistan was the war of occupation, not the final withdrawal of those last 2500 troops. Why was there not a truce between the Afghanis and the Taliban? That was one of the first condition for us to start the withdrawal.

To be sure Joe Biden could have redeployed 10 of thousands of fresh bodies to correct all of Donnies fuckup ups during those troop reductions, but the nation was not in the mood for another decade or two of that Occupation.
To be sure Biden is totally responsible for the debacle. It would be nice if we could deflect on others but dishonest to do so.
When the agreement was signed in Feb of 2020, we had nearly 13,000 US troops in Afghanistan. When Biden took over Benedict Donald had ordered that number down to just 2,500. Those reductions were suppose to be based on the Taliban following the 7 conditions they agreed to. One of which was to crack down on terrorist like ISIS. They only followed one. While our Generals were force to follow all our conditions and troop withdrawals. The disaster in Afghanistan was the war of occupation, not the final withdrawal of those last 2500 troops. Why was there not a truce between the Afghanis and the Taliban? That was one of the first condition for us to start the withdrawal.

To be sure Joe Biden could have redeployed 10's of thousands of fresh bodies to correct all of Donnies fuckup ups during those troop reductions, but the nation was not in the mood for another decade or two of that Occupation.
To be sure Joe Biden was responsible for the debacle of the Afghanistan withdrawal. He was president at the time. It would be nice if we could deflect the Monstrous fuck up on to someone else but extremely dishonest. Nice try
You are a liar just like Joe! How does it feel?
If things were on the honest up and up, Biden did not need to lie about his business dealings. And he would admit he and his son were in it up their eyeballs.
When the agreement was signed in Feb of 2020, we had nearly 13,000 US troops in Afghanistan. When Biden took over Benedict Donald had ordered that number down to just 2,500. Those reductions were suppose to be based on the Taliban following the 7 conditions they agreed to. One of which was to crack down on terrorist like ISIS. They only followed one. While our Generals were force to follow all our conditions and troop withdrawals. The disaster in Afghanistan was the war of occupation, not the final withdrawal of those last 2500 troops. Why was there not a truce between the Afghanis and the Taliban? That was one of the first condition for us to start the withdrawal.

To be sure Joe Biden could have redeployed 10's of thousands of fresh bodies to correct all of Donnies fuckup ups during those troop reductions, but the nation was not in the mood for another decade or two of that Occupation.
Oh boo hoo, Biden did not have the authority to change the fuck up in Afghanistan. I will shed tears for him. Because of him, the Taliban now own Afghanistan.
To be sure Biden is totally responsible for the debacle. It would be nice if we could deflect on others but dishonest to do so.
Only if you ignore everything that happened in 2020 under Trump and pretend that the history of the Afghan occupation starts on Jan 20th, 2021. But that's what listening to the "Faux Not News" propaganda does to a person. Saul Biden.....
Getting 150,000 people out safely while losing only 13 lives, not through carelessness, but through terrorism, is a fucking miracle, which has never been achieved before in history.

Go look what happened when the USA left Viet Nam at the end of that war.
Well Biden gets the blame for the defeat of the US in Afghanistan. Forever and ever.
Oh boo hoo, Biden did not have the authority to change the fuck up in Afghanistan. I will shed tears for him. Because of him, the Taliban now own Afghanistan.
You're the GOP version of Pavlov's Dogs.

Saul Biden man, Saul Biden.
Well Biden gets the blame for the defeat of the US in Afghanistan. Forever and ever.
"How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

Benedict Donald's own words. The Blurted in Chief.

Only if you ignore everything that happened in 2020 under Trump and pretend that the history of the Afghan occupation starts on Jan 20th, 2021. But that's what listening to the "Faux Not News" propaganda does to a person. Saul Biden.....
Seems to me that Biden was in charge during the Afghanistan debacle. Kind of dishonest to blame it on someone else. That's what leftists are good at though I'll give you that. Maybe you should turn off CNN.
"How about that? Worse than Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process.

Donald Trump: (22:53)
21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame.

Benedict Donald's own words. The Blurted in Chief.

So you are a denier. You deny that Biden was in charge that day the 13 died and the masses he did evacuate amounted to Afghanis for the most part.
No one can successfully demonstrate any of his myriad lies because they will be dismissed as fake news. No matter how clear they are.

It would be an abject waste of time and effort, when we already know what will happen. So this thread is pointless.
In other words, he lies. All day, all of the time. Trump lies about everything - even things he doesn't have to lie about. It's gaslighting. Like the birther lie.

Sales people who want repeat business tell their customers the truth. If you lie to me to sell me something, eventually I'll realize you lied to me and I'm never going back to you again. But if you've dealt with me honestly and fairly, I'll be a loyal customer for life.

The lie about his own apartment in Trump Tower being 30,000 square feet, and then blaming it on the appraiser is just a "pants on fire lie". Trump is a real estate developer. He built his own apartment. There is no way he doesn't know to the square inch how big that place is. And he knows that roof access isn't counted in the square footage either.

New condos are priced by the square foot, and they're built by the square foot. I don't believe for one second Trump was mislead by any appraiser's numbers on the size of his apartment.
Back in post 55, the OP himself says "Trump is a bullshitter". And yet, he denies that Trump lies.

A bullshitter is a person who constantly says things they know aren't true and who often uses hyperbole.

So, yes. Trump is a habitual liar, and the OP admitted it.

Just another ridiculous MAGA cult thread.
Back in post 55, the OP himself says "Trump is a bullshitter". And yet, he denies that Trump lies.

A bullshitter is a person who constantly says things they know aren't true and who often uses hyperbole.

So, yes. Trump is a habitual liar, and the OP admitted it.

Just another ridiculous MAGA cult thread.
I believe you credited the OP for a statement that I made about Trump. However if you think Biden and Obama were not also bullshitters, you are simply biased.

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