Can anyone tell me about Politics....

I'm willing to learn about politics basic theory. I'm going to study it. Can you explain what is the politics...

. …. those who accept the collectivist agenda don’t read, don’t think, don’t learn. See what happens when you ask a Progressive/Liberal what books have informed their political outlook…just a puzzled look.

These three will lead to your enlightenment.

1. "Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline,"
by Robert H. Bork

2. "Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change,"
by Jonah Goldberg

3. "American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation's Character,"
by Diana West

They provide the context for the world you live in.

And, please do study the vast and scholarly documentation provided in each tome.

4. Extra Credit:


Study these four and you will hold your own in any debate or discussion.


Are those affiliate marketing links? Tsk, tsk.

Those are a few of the books that provided my basic education on the issues

Can you provide several of the books that have informed your geopolitical views?

Have you ever read a book?

Do you know what a 'book' is????

You are evading. Isn't affiliate marketing against the rules around here?

Question too tough for you, imbecile???
I'm willing to learn about politics basic theory. I'm going to study it. Can you explain what is the politics...
Well, regardless of what the definition is, it's a Religion in which the believers split each other into two or more groups, all of which place absolute faith in individuals known to be robbers, murderers, liars, and kidnappers, pretend they have different motives despite the fact that they all do the same things while in office, pretend that these individuals are above common decency and that the ethics that apply to us do not apply to them, and pretend that they are not only omnipotent, but that they know how to do absolutely everything better than anyone else, on the sole basis of calling themselves a Politician.

I think I summed that up quite nicely.
I'm willing to learn about politics basic theory. I'm going to study it. Can you explain what is the politics...

American political theory of both Republicans, and Democrats are downright pitiful.

One side thinks that Capitalism is king, but complains about the Illegal Immigrants imported by Capitalists.

The other side thinks Unions are king, but support the Illegal Immigrants who bust Unions, they also helped import

Basically, both sides are so dumb.
I'm willing to learn about politics basic theory. I'm going to study it. Can you explain what is the politics...

American political theory of both Republicans, and Democrats are downright pitiful.

One side thinks that Capitalism is king, but complains about the Illegal Immigrants imported by Capitalists.

The other side thinks Unions are king, but support the Illegal Immigrants who bust Unions, they also helped import

Basically, both sides are so dumb.

That's very Astute! So stopping illegal Immigration should make both sides happy. Capitalists would get quality legal labor and Quality legal Union labor would be protected! WIN! WIN! Build the WALL
I'm willing to learn about politics basic theory. I'm going to study it. Can you explain what is the politics...
A good way to put it would be how the theory falls on a spectrum from left to right and top down. For the left, this could be the acceptance of social issues like gay marriage abortion and for the right would be the rejection of those issues. Leftwing would also involve more of a statist ideology on the economy and the rightwing would be less of a statist viewpoint.
i dont want free stuff...i want to live free!
Then move somewhere with no government.

Good point. To a leftist, government is all about getting free stuff.
Why do you people entertain that bullshit narrative? What free shit?

What free shit? Free healthcare coverage, free food, free housing, free daycare centers, free cell phones, and now the Democrat runners for President want even more free shit like free college and free healthcare for every single American and illegal in this country.
i dont want free stuff...i want to live free!
Then move somewhere with no government.

Good point. To a leftist, government is all about getting free stuff.
Why do you people entertain that bullshit narrative? What free shit?

What free shit? Free healthcare coverage, free food, free housing, free daycare centers, free cell phones, and now the Democrat runners for President want even more free shit like free college and free healthcare for every single American and illegal in this country.
I think I recall one or two continuing to push for UBI. Was it Andrew Yang?

Yeah, though, pretty much the entire "leftist" platform is stealing more property from people and giving it to others. Hilariously, the Economic Calculation Problem means that they're giving out less than they stole.
i dont want free stuff...i want to live free!
Then move somewhere with no government.

Good point. To a leftist, government is all about getting free stuff.
Why do you people entertain that bullshit narrative? What free shit?

What free shit? Free healthcare coverage, free food, free housing, free daycare centers, free cell phones, and now the Democrat runners for President want even more free shit like free college and free healthcare for every single American and illegal in this country.
I think I recall one or two continuing to push for UBI. Was it Andrew Yang?

Yeah, though, pretty much the entire "leftist" platform is stealing more property from people and giving it to others. Hilariously, the Economic Calculation Problem means that they're giving out less than they stole.

Well that's one issue I think needs some serious consideration IF UBI replaces all social programs. I think I could be more willing to accept that.
Then move somewhere with no government.

Good point. To a leftist, government is all about getting free stuff.
Why do you people entertain that bullshit narrative? What free shit?

What free shit? Free healthcare coverage, free food, free housing, free daycare centers, free cell phones, and now the Democrat runners for President want even more free shit like free college and free healthcare for every single American and illegal in this country.
I think I recall one or two continuing to push for UBI. Was it Andrew Yang?

Yeah, though, pretty much the entire "leftist" platform is stealing more property from people and giving it to others. Hilariously, the Economic Calculation Problem means that they're giving out less than they stole.

Well that's one issue I think needs some serious consideration IF UBI replaces all social programs. I think I could be more willing to accept that.
Why settle for some theft/extortion when you can opt for none? The Mafia can't steal from you if you work around it.
i dont want free stuff...i want to live free!
Then move somewhere with no government.

Good point. To a leftist, government is all about getting free stuff.
Why do you people entertain that bullshit narrative? What free shit?

What free shit? Free healthcare coverage, free food, free housing, free daycare centers, free cell phones, and now the Democrat runners for President want even more free shit like free college and free healthcare for every single American and illegal in this country.
Okay, it’s not like any progressive wants all of that for themselves. That’s what you don’t get. I don’t qualify for food stamps and I am perfectly okay with that. I do, however, think it should go to those who actually need it. Not sure where this free phone narrative came from but whatever. Obviously single working moms need public assisted daycare out of necessity. It’s meant to benefit the kid above all anyway. Free tuition really is a no brainer. It’s how people pursue better careers without being troubled with debt. It’s not like getting a degree is a walk in the park anyway. Also, if more people go to college, it benefits society in general.

So even though I support these programs that are technically “free shit”, the concept of them is no different from you or anyone accepting “free” police assistance, fire assistance, kids going to public school, or snow plowing public roads. Of course we both know all of these programs are paid for by tax revenue which essentially means you live in a socialist country whether you like it or not.
Good point. To a leftist, government is all about getting free stuff.
Why do you people entertain that bullshit narrative? What free shit?

What free shit? Free healthcare coverage, free food, free housing, free daycare centers, free cell phones, and now the Democrat runners for President want even more free shit like free college and free healthcare for every single American and illegal in this country.
I think I recall one or two continuing to push for UBI. Was it Andrew Yang?

Yeah, though, pretty much the entire "leftist" platform is stealing more property from people and giving it to others. Hilariously, the Economic Calculation Problem means that they're giving out less than they stole.

Well that's one issue I think needs some serious consideration IF UBI replaces all social programs. I think I could be more willing to accept that.
Why settle for some theft/extortion when you can opt for none? The Mafia can't steal from you if you work around it.

That's the problem, we can't opt for none. It was here yesterday, it's here today, and will be here tomorrow.

I believe it was an article about Switzerland that got my attention. They had a vote on UI which failed, but I liked the theory behind it.

What they found is that by having UI for everybody and eliminating all government programs, it would actually save the country money. In American dollars, it was something like 18 or 20K a year. And then I got to thinking about it.

How many social problems would something like that solve? I say at least 80% of them.

Take healthcare for instance. Currently we have a real problem with healthcare because of the expense. If we instituted UI, everybody would be able to afford it. Okay, but what if you have insurance for your job? Well how about college for your kids; anther huge expense. If you are working and got UI, you could easily afford college for your children, because they would be adults by the time they went to college, and be part of the UI program as well.

HUD is a real problem and here's why: Our government thinks that if you mix lowlifes into middle-class and sometimes upper-middle-class communities, you can turn lowlifes into productive citizens. It doesn't work that way and never will. All you really do is destroy once nice and safe communities. If lower income people got this UI, they would not be able to afford homes in those areas and have children (another problem). They would have to make a choice between the two.

The way our welfare system currently works, you are penalized for trying to get out of them. If you make over X amount of money, they deduct that from your food stamps, HUD subsidy, and even your child care vouchers. With UI, nobody would get penalized, and it would do the exact opposite of what it's doing today which is discouraging people to work.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. And you would find very few instances where UI would not be a better system than we currently have. In short, it would solve a lot of problems many of us have, save the country money, and promote responsibility instead of promoting irresponsibility as we are today.
i dont want free stuff...i want to live free!
Then move somewhere with no government.

Good point. To a leftist, government is all about getting free stuff.
Why do you people entertain that bullshit narrative? What free shit?

What free shit? Free healthcare coverage, free food, free housing, free daycare centers, free cell phones, and now the Democrat runners for President want even more free shit like free college and free healthcare for every single American and illegal in this country.
Okay, it’s not like any progressive wants all of that for themselves. That’s what you don’t get. I don’t qualify for food stamps and I am perfectly okay with that. I do, however, think it should go to those who actually need it. Not sure where this free phone narrative came from but whatever. Obviously single working moms need public assisted daycare out of necessity. It’s meant to benefit the kid above all anyway. Free tuition really is a no brainer. It’s how people pursue better careers without being troubled with debt. It’s not like getting a degree is a walk in the park anyway. Also, if more people go to college, it benefits society in general.

So even though I support these programs that are technically “free shit”, the concept of them is no different from you or anyone accepting “free” police assistance, fire assistance, kids going to public school, or snow plowing public roads. Of course we both know all of these programs are paid for by tax revenue which essentially means you live in a socialist country whether you like it or not.

There are places government is needed and places where government is not. Police, fire, road maintenance, benefits all taxpayers either directly or indirectly. Free college and daycare does not. It only benefits the individual.

Also our Constitution allows cities, counties and states to run their own governments. So if they want to provide police, fire and city services, the federal government has no business in that.

If working moms can't take care of their children, then they should have never had children in the first place. Government taking care of individuals children is promoting irresponsibility and burdening the taxpayer at the same time.

Food stamps? How many links would you like me to provide where Republican states instituted requirements to get food stamps, and people dropped out of the program? Food stamps is vote buying less than necessity.
Then move somewhere with no government.

Good point. To a leftist, government is all about getting free stuff.
Why do you people entertain that bullshit narrative? What free shit?

What free shit? Free healthcare coverage, free food, free housing, free daycare centers, free cell phones, and now the Democrat runners for President want even more free shit like free college and free healthcare for every single American and illegal in this country.
Okay, it’s not like any progressive wants all of that for themselves. That’s what you don’t get. I don’t qualify for food stamps and I am perfectly okay with that. I do, however, think it should go to those who actually need it. Not sure where this free phone narrative came from but whatever. Obviously single working moms need public assisted daycare out of necessity. It’s meant to benefit the kid above all anyway. Free tuition really is a no brainer. It’s how people pursue better careers without being troubled with debt. It’s not like getting a degree is a walk in the park anyway. Also, if more people go to college, it benefits society in general.

So even though I support these programs that are technically “free shit”, the concept of them is no different from you or anyone accepting “free” police assistance, fire assistance, kids going to public school, or snow plowing public roads. Of course we both know all of these programs are paid for by tax revenue which essentially means you live in a socialist country whether you like it or not.

There are places government is needed and places where government is not. Police, fire, road maintenance, benefits all taxpayers either directly or indirectly. Free college and daycare does not. It only benefits the individual.

Also our Constitution allows cities, counties and states to run their own governments. So if they want to provide police, fire and city services, the federal government has no business in that.

If working moms can't take care of their children, then they should have never had children in the first place. Government taking care of individuals children is promoting irresponsibility and burdening the taxpayer at the same time.

Food stamps? How many links would you like me to provide where Republican states instituted requirements to get food stamps, and people dropped out of the program? Food stamps is vote buying less than necessity.
Again, it’s about the kid. I don’t see how that is hard to understand. Sure the mom shouldn’t have had the kid, but are we supposed to basically say “fuck you” to that kid and not do what is needed for them because the mom fucked up. It also doesn’t make any goddamn sense for a woman to be more incentivized to have kids knowing she would get public daycare out of it.

Requirements like what? Drug testing? Statistically that policy doesn’t make any sense because there is no correlation between drug use and SNAP. The program sure as Hell isnt vote buying because very few people even qualify for it. You do know that right?

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