Can Atheists be Moral?

^ proving my point that Hobelim has more in common with atheists than people of faith.
If you were trying to paint me crazy, thats not going to help.
You don't need my help for that.

Yeah I know.. In a world full of Jesus eaters anyone who has the audacity to say out loud that God is not edible is bound to seem crazy. Maybe I was raised by Martians? lol...

Brace yourself Nancy, you ain't seen nothing yet.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
^ proving my point that Hobelim has more in common with atheists than people of faith.
If you were trying to paint me crazy, thats not going to help.
You don't need my help for that.

Yeah I know.. In a world full of Jesus eaters anyone who has the audacity to say out loud that God is not edible is bound to seem crazy. Maybe I was raised by Martians? lol...

Brace yourself Nancy, you ain't seen nothing yet.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

All that means is that the preexisting metaphor for the word of God, manna from heaven, became flesh, a new metaphor for teaching from God, teaching that Jesus received from God like manna from heaven that became his flesh, given for the life of the world.

Complying with divine law in light of the revelation of Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

It is so freaking easy to do I find it astonishing that anyone even with the least intelligence can't master it.

Seriously, how hard is it really for a human being to not do something as stupid as worshipping another human being as if they were a god? You are human right? You read the Bible? How can you think thats not stupid?

I must be a martian. You better hope I don't figure out how to use this nifty ray gun I just found in my pocket.
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You made the claim, it’s up to you to back it up.
Ok, I will prove my point then. Here is a link to a video where a world renowned cosmologist explains what I have been telling you. It's slightly over 3 minutes long and I doubt you have ever even watched it.

You will dismiss it like you always do and you won't provide any evidence or links to support it. Checkmate.

He’s theorizing, not providing proof. Know the difference. And he’s not saying that a creator made the universe. Please try again.

I totally nailed it. See?

You will dismiss it like you always do and you won't provide any evidence or links to support it. Checkmate.


It’s not proof, just a theory, like what you propose, a theory.

You are still proving my point.

Where's your link again? I provided mine.

He’s giving an opinion, like you do. Science can’t see all the way back to the BB yet.
^ proving my point that Hobelim has more in common with atheists than people of faith.
If you were trying to paint me crazy, thats not going to help.
You don't need my help for that.

Yeah I know.. In a world full of Jesus eaters anyone who has the audacity to say out loud that God is not edible is bound to seem crazy. Maybe I was raised by Martians? lol...

Brace yourself Nancy, you ain't seen nothing yet.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

All that means is that the preexisting metaphor for the word of God, manna from heaven, became flesh, a new metaphor for teaching from God, teaching that Jesus received from God like manna from heaven that became his flesh, given for the life of the world.

Complying with divine law in light of the revelation of Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

It is so freaking easy to do I find it astonishing that anyone even with the least intelligence can't master it.

Seriously, how hard is it really for a human being to not do something as stupid as worshipping another human being as if they were a god? You are human right? You read the Bible? How can you think thats not stupid?

I must be a martian. You better hope I don't figure out how to use this nifty ray gun I just found in my pocket.
Is it too hard for you to perceive that there is more than just one heavenly realm and that what comes from that is heavenly (complete, walking talking, spiritual beings) is real and has been planted into earth from the beginning? You may search and find them within you because they were put there with breath but first they were planted before you were. These were planted here and still exist of the ancients and those ancient things were created to establish this world of earthy flesh we currently reside in. No one is telling you to worship another human being but you are supposed to fully respect that spirit that created the Son and worship no other.
If you were trying to paint me crazy, thats not going to help.
You don't need my help for that.

Yeah I know.. In a world full of Jesus eaters anyone who has the audacity to say out loud that God is not edible is bound to seem crazy. Maybe I was raised by Martians? lol...

Brace yourself Nancy, you ain't seen nothing yet.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

All that means is that the preexisting metaphor for the word of God, manna from heaven, became flesh, a new metaphor for teaching from God, teaching that Jesus received from God like manna from heaven that became his flesh, given for the life of the world.

Complying with divine law in light of the revelation of Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

It is so freaking easy to do I find it astonishing that anyone even with the least intelligence can't master it.

Seriously, how hard is it really for a human being to not do something as stupid as worshipping another human being as if they were a god? You are human right? You read the Bible? How can you think thats not stupid?

I must be a martian. You better hope I don't figure out how to use this nifty ray gun I just found in my pocket.
Is it too hard for you to perceive that there is more than just one heavenly realm and that what comes from that is heavenly (complete, walking talking, spiritual beings) is real and has been planted into earth from the beginning? You may search and find them within you because they were put there with breath but first they were planted before you were. These were planted here and still exist of the ancients and those ancient things were created to establish this world of earthy flesh we currently reside in. No one is telling you to worship another human being but you are supposed to fully respect that spirit that created the Son and worship no other.

You could have just slapped your head and said, oh, DUH, thats what the words that I posted without a clue are actually about. Instead you started gibbering your way into fantasyland.

have you no self respect?
You don't need my help for that.

Yeah I know.. In a world full of Jesus eaters anyone who has the audacity to say out loud that God is not edible is bound to seem crazy. Maybe I was raised by Martians? lol...

Brace yourself Nancy, you ain't seen nothing yet.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.
In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

All that means is that the preexisting metaphor for the word of God, manna from heaven, became flesh, a new metaphor for teaching from God, teaching that Jesus received from God like manna from heaven that became his flesh, given for the life of the world.

Complying with divine law in light of the revelation of Jesus is the only way to eternal life.

It is so freaking easy to do I find it astonishing that anyone even with the least intelligence can't master it.

Seriously, how hard is it really for a human being to not do something as stupid as worshipping another human being as if they were a god? You are human right? You read the Bible? How can you think thats not stupid?

I must be a martian. You better hope I don't figure out how to use this nifty ray gun I just found in my pocket.
Is it too hard for you to perceive that there is more than just one heavenly realm and that what comes from that is heavenly (complete, walking talking, spiritual beings) is real and has been planted into earth from the beginning? You may search and find them within you because they were put there with breath but first they were planted before you were. These were planted here and still exist of the ancients and those ancient things were created to establish this world of earthy flesh we currently reside in. No one is telling you to worship another human being but you are supposed to fully respect that spirit that created the Son and worship no other.

You could have just slapped your head and said, oh, DUH, that what the words that I posted without a clue are actually about. Instead you started gibbering your way into fantasyland.

have you no self respect?
"No self respect", you are in error. I will not deny who I am or what God has given. If I did then you may be able to say, "have you no self respect" and you would be correct but alas you are not, you are in error.

Even so "Hold on to what you've got";

Anyone who bases their logic on false premises are bound to have faith in false conclusions, even you.
Irrelevant. Again, you aren't going to rearrange words just the right way to get around this.

Its not about rearranging words.

You think that scientific discoveries disprove the fantastic stories in scripture and have concluded that its all just magical bullshit written by superstitious people even though those stories were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people.

What does that tell you about yourself?
You think that scientific discoveries disprove the fantastic stories in scripture
Some of them, absolutely. Like, zombies, global floods, and living in whales. And you agree.
concluded that its all just magical bullshit
Yes, all the magical parts. And anyone who believes any of them would agree, had they not already taken up faith in them.

Do you plan to make my points for me all day? Thanks, I'll grab some coffee and relax.
You think that scientific discoveries disprove the fantastic stories in scripture
Some of them, absolutely. Like, zombies, global floods, and living in whales. And you agree.
concluded that its all just magical bullshit
Yes, all the magical parts. And anyone who believes any of them would agree, had they not already taken up faith in them.

Do you plan to make my points for me all day? Thanks, I'll grab some coffee and relax.
lol... before you go running for a touchdown grab your crotch and start twerking you should try to wrap your head around the fact that scientific discoveries disprove nothing since those stories were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people.

They are not and never were about zombies, living in whales or floating up into the sky etc.

Is this above your grasp professor? Are you a zombie? Living in the belly of the beast? Hello? Is there anyone in there?
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You think that scientific discoveries disprove the fantastic stories in scripture
Some of them, absolutely. Like, zombies, global floods, and living in whales. And you agree.
concluded that its all just magical bullshit
Yes, all the magical parts. And anyone who believes any of them would agree, had they not already taken up faith in them.

Do you plan to make my points for me all day? Thanks, I'll grab some coffee and relax.
lol... before you go running for a touchdown grab your crotch and start twerking you should try to wrap your head around the fact that scientific discoveries disprove nothing since those stories were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people.

They are not and never were about zombies, living in whales or floating up into the sky etc.

Is this above your grasp professor? Are you a zombie? Living in the belly of the beast? Hello? Is there anyone in there?

Lordy, man. If the Bible’s aren’t intend to be taken literally, I sure wish we could have had a Dr. Seuss version. We could have had some real interesting characters.
those stories were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people
Which is stupid and wrong. Sorry, I reject your wishful nonsense.

After you sober up, you should search the streets of any city looking for a Jew, grab his cloak and then ask him about it.

If you show a modicum of respect maybe they will take pity on you and tell you that I am right.
You think that scientific discoveries disprove the fantastic stories in scripture
Some of them, absolutely. Like, zombies, global floods, and living in whales. And you agree.
concluded that its all just magical bullshit
Yes, all the magical parts. And anyone who believes any of them would agree, had they not already taken up faith in them.

Do you plan to make my points for me all day? Thanks, I'll grab some coffee and relax.
lol... before you go running for a touchdown grab your crotch and start twerking you should try to wrap your head around the fact that scientific discoveries disprove nothing since those stories were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people.

They are not and never were about zombies, living in whales or floating up into the sky etc.

Is this above your grasp professor? Are you a zombie? Living in the belly of the beast? Hello? Is there anyone in there?

Lordy, man. If the Bible’s aren’t intend to be taken literally, I sure wish we could have had a Dr. Seuss version. We could have had some real interesting characters.

More interesting than a talking donkeys, demons, and creepy things that creep? Great idea. How about a flock of dingbats fighting batboy for control of the underworld?
After you sober up, you should search the streets of any city looking for a jew, grab his cloak and then ask him about it.

If you show a modicum of respect maybe they will take pity on you and tell you that I am right.
Haha, what a stupid argument. Yes, I will collect one anecdote, and that will settle it. Now you see why people like you are prone to believe hilarious magical horseshit...your reasoning skills are dull, and made duller by faith...
After you sober up, you should search the streets of any city looking for a jew, grab his cloak and then ask him about it.

If you show a modicum of respect maybe they will take pity on you and tell you that I am right.
Haha, what a stupid argument. Yes, I will collect one anecdote, and that will settle it. Now you see why people like you are prone to believe hilarious magical horseshit...your reasoning skills are dull, and made duller by faith...

Damn. It has never been a secret that Torah means instruction, not history.

Maimonides was writing about the figurative language of the prophets and the use of metaphors analogies, hyperbole, homonyms, etc., used throughout scripture in the 12th century.

The gospels specifically say that the character Jesus spoke only in parables and was using figures of speech.

You are an ignorant asshole.
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Whale sounds so much more poetic than 'the thorns of the seas' or 'the spiney points of the scales of leviathan that lives in the seas', especially when they don't know what the Leviathan actually is in the first place. Zuph or compressed honeycomb.

Anyone who bases their logic on false premises are bound to have faith in false conclusions, even you.
Irrelevant. Again, you aren't going to rearrange words just the right way to get around this.

Its not about rearranging words.

You think that scientific discoveries disprove the fantastic stories in scripture and have concluded that its all just magical bullshit written by superstitious people even though those stories were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people.

What does that tell you about yourself?
Its indicative of jesus being no more important than Dr. Seuss or Walt Disney

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