Can Atheists be Moral?

The one that thought you required simplistic bronze aged allegories to reach reasonably obvious conclusions about archetypes, and you've got it so bad that you actually brag about decoding the pieces of toilet paper called scripture.

I didn't need any book to understand bronze age allegories about human archetypes.

Everyone I knew was already fluent in grade school.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Why dont you skip beating around the bush and advise the folks that are tossing around ideas here what YOU think was the origin of everything....or the cause of it, or if it even had a cause.

Ill clearly tell you mine, because it doesnt spook me to be cross examined: "I dont know."
Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?
No, I'd like your opinion on where/when/how existence came to be. Youre obviously drawn to these discussions ~ declining to offer your own view would allude to you being a bad faith actor.
You think that scientific discoveries disprove the fantastic stories in scripture
Some of them, absolutely. Like, zombies, global floods, and living in whales. And you agree.
concluded that its all just magical bullshit
Yes, all the magical parts. And anyone who believes any of them would agree, had they not already taken up faith in them.

Do you plan to make my points for me all day? Thanks, I'll grab some coffee and relax.
Genesis is the allegorical account of the history of the world that all people share. The first five books of the Bible (known as the Torah) were written by Moses - an adopted son of the king of Egypt - in approximately 1400 B.C.. These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Torah records the history that all nations have in common. These allegorical accounts of the history of the world had been passed down from generation to generation orally for thousands of years. Moses did not write the first 11 chapters of the Bible. Moses was the first Hebrew to record them.

Approximately 1500 years before Moses recorded the allegorical accounts of the history of the world. The Chinese recorded this history as symbols in the Chinese language. They drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. They used well known history and common everyday things to make a word so people could easily remember it. The account of Genesis found it's way into the Chinese written language because the Chinese had migrated from the cradle of civilization. Prior to this migration they all shared a common history and religion.

The Bible even explains how it was possible for the Chinese to record the account of Genesis 1500 years before Moses recorded it. The account of the Tower of Babel was the allegorical account of the great migration from Mesopotamia. This also explains why all ancient cultures have an account of a great flood. Because they all shared a common history and religion before the great migration from the cradle of civilization.

So if we start from the belief that the first eleven chapters of the Torah are an allegorical account of world history before the great migration from Mesopotamia - which was an actual historical event - then the first eleven chapters of the Torah takes on new meaning. Seen in this light these accounts should be viewed less like fairy tales and more like how important information was passed down in ancient times. Just as the Chinese used well known history and everyday things as symbols in their written language to make words easier to remember, ancient man used stories to pass down historical events and important knowledge to future generations. Interspersed in these allegorical accounts of history are wisdoms that they deemed important enough to pass down and remember. Such as man knows right from wrong and when he violates it, rather than abandoning the concept of right and wrong he rationalizes he didn't do wrong. Most people don't even realize this wisdom is in the Torah because they read it critically instead of searching for the wisdom that ancient man knew and found important enough to include in his account of world history.

We have to keep in mind that these accounts are 6,000 years old and were passed down orally from one generation to the next for thousands of years. Surely ancient man believed these accounts were of the utmost importance otherwise they would not have been passed down for thousands of years before they were recorded in writing. We shouldn't view these accounts using the context of the modern world. Unfortunately, we are so far removed from these events that we have lost all original meaning. If you were to ask almost any Jew what the Tower of Babel was about he would have no clue that it was the allegorical account of the great migration from the cradle of civilization. That is not intended to be a criticism. It is intended to be an illustration of just how difficult a task it is to discover the original meaning from ancient accounts from 6,000 years ago. We read these texts like they were written yesterday looking for ways to discredit them and make ourselves feel superior rather than seeking the original meaning and wisdom.
You think that scientific discoveries disprove the fantastic stories in scripture
Some of them, absolutely. Like, zombies, global floods, and living in whales. And you agree.
concluded that its all just magical bullshit
Yes, all the magical parts. And anyone who believes any of them would agree, had they not already taken up faith in them.

Do you plan to make my points for me all day? Thanks, I'll grab some coffee and relax.
lol... before you go running for a touchdown grab your crotch and start twerking you should try to wrap your head around the fact that scientific discoveries disprove nothing since those stories were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people.

They are not and never were about zombies, living in whales or floating up into the sky etc.

Is this above your grasp professor? Are you a zombie? Living in the belly of the beast? Hello? Is there anyone in there?

Lordy, man. If the Bible’s aren’t intend to be taken literally, I sure wish we could have had a Dr. Seuss version. We could have had some real interesting characters.
Indeepenent, a fellow Jew of yours, believes Genesis is a literal account. I don't. My faith and common sense tells me that they are allegorical accounts of world history and wisdoms that ancient man deemed important enough to pass down orally from generation to generation for thousands of years. In fact, the establishment of Israel is based upon these accounts.

I bet you would never make fun of Indeependent for his beliefs or any Jew for that matter, now would you.
I didn't need any book to understand bronze age allegories about human archetypes.

Everyone I knew was already fluent in grade school.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Why dont you skip beating around the bush and advise the folks that are tossing around ideas here what YOU think was the origin of everything....or the cause of it, or if it even had a cause.

Ill clearly tell you mine, because it doesnt spook me to be cross examined: "I dont know."
Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?
No, I'd like your opinion on where/when/how existence came to be. Youre obviously drawn to these discussions ~ declining to offer your own view would allude to you being a bad faith actor.

Ok, fair enough.

Before God created heaven and earth the world was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep for billions of years.

Every living thing on the planet was trapped in the violent struggle for survival, eat or be eaten. People were brute unthinking animals. The survival of the fittest and all that.

Then God said, let there be light, and the law came down from heaven like a tree of life to teach the wild beasts of the field to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, life and death.

and so man was raised up from the dust of the earth and became aware, a living being..... and then fucked it all up, threw his mind in the trash and said with clenched fist raised in anger against God, I will not stop being a dick
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After you sober up, you should search the streets of any city looking for a jew, grab his cloak and then ask him about it.

If you show a modicum of respect maybe they will take pity on you and tell you that I am right.
Haha, what a stupid argument. Yes, I will collect one anecdote, and that will settle it. Now you see why people like you are prone to believe hilarious magical horseshit...your reasoning skills are dull, and made duller by faith...
You argue like a first grader. You are worse than the guy you are arguing with. For your sake I hope you don't act like this in real life.
Anyone who bases their logic on false premises are bound to have faith in false conclusions, even you.
Irrelevant. Again, you aren't going to rearrange words just the right way to get around this.

Its not about rearranging words.

You think that scientific discoveries disprove the fantastic stories in scripture and have concluded that its all just magical bullshit written by superstitious people even though those stories were never intended to be taken literally by intelligent people.

What does that tell you about yourself?
Its indicative of jesus being no more important than Dr. Seuss or Walt Disney
That's a pretty stupid statement given the fact that Western Civilization was built upon Christianity.
Nahh. The nuns were right to tell you that you would go blind if you didn't stop masturbating. It will always be true.
Im not sure about jerking off, but I do know that I dont require fairy tales to learn the psychology of human archetypes - and also Im sane and reasonable enough to not pretend to know if a creator God exists or not.

You take a half-step to rationality in that the bible is nonsense and not literal, but then go full retard and believe in a creator god and somehow pretend thats not as bad and unreasonable as a biblical literalist.

Thatsssssssss... kind of worse, bro!

This is fascinating!

What creator God do I believe in?
The one that thought you required simplistic bronze aged allegories to reach reasonably obvious conclusions about archetypes, and you've got it so bad that you actually brag about decoding the pieces of toilet paper called scripture.

I didn't need any book to understand bronze age allegories about human archetypes.

Everyone I knew was already fluent in grade school.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.
You are right about what Hobelim does and wrong that we can't know God exists. We can use the evidence of creation, we can use our experiences as a creator, we can use logic and reason but most importantly we can test it by entering into a relationship with God.
Im not sure about jerking off, but I do know that I dont require fairy tales to learn the psychology of human archetypes - and also Im sane and reasonable enough to not pretend to know if a creator God exists or not.

You take a half-step to rationality in that the bible is nonsense and not literal, but then go full retard and believe in a creator god and somehow pretend thats not as bad and unreasonable as a biblical literalist.

Thatsssssssss... kind of worse, bro!

This is fascinating!

What creator God do I believe in?
The one that thought you required simplistic bronze aged allegories to reach reasonably obvious conclusions about archetypes, and you've got it so bad that you actually brag about decoding the pieces of toilet paper called scripture.

I didn't need any book to understand bronze age allegories about human archetypes.

Everyone I knew was already fluent in grade school.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Dude, you are the only person here that has a bigger hard on for me than GT. I suspect you guys will be best friends by the end of this thread.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Why dont you skip beating around the bush and advise the folks that are tossing around ideas here what YOU think was the origin of everything....or the cause of it, or if it even had a cause.

Ill clearly tell you mine, because it doesnt spook me to be cross examined: "I dont know."
Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?
No, I'd like your opinion on where/when/how existence came to be. Youre obviously drawn to these discussions ~ declining to offer your own view would allude to you being a bad faith actor.

Ok, fair enough.

Before God created heaven and earth the world was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep for billions of years.

Every living thing on the planet was trapped in the violent struggle for survival, eat or be eaten. The survival of the fittest and all that.

Then God said, let there be light, and the law came down from heaven like a tree of life to teach the wild beasts of the field to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, life and death.

and so man was raised up from the dust of the earth and became aware, a living being..... and then fucked it all up, threw his mind in the trash and said with clenched fist raised in anger against God, I will not stop being a dick
Funny, but really its a good thing to know about ya.
After you sober up, you should search the streets of any city looking for a jew, grab his cloak and then ask him about it.

If you show a modicum of respect maybe they will take pity on you and tell you that I am right.
Haha, what a stupid argument. Yes, I will collect one anecdote, and that will settle it. Now you see why people like you are prone to believe hilarious magical horseshit...your reasoning skills are dull, and made duller by faith...

Damn. It has never been a secret that Torah means instruction, not history.

Maimonides was writing about the figurative language of the prophets and the use of metaphors analogies, hyperbole, homonyms, etc., used throughout scripture in the 12th century.

The gospels specifically say that the character Jesus spoke only in parables and was using figures of speech.

You are an ignorant asshole.
It takes one to know one.
This is fascinating!

What creator God do I believe in?
The one that thought you required simplistic bronze aged allegories to reach reasonably obvious conclusions about archetypes, and you've got it so bad that you actually brag about decoding the pieces of toilet paper called scripture.

I didn't need any book to understand bronze age allegories about human archetypes.

Everyone I knew was already fluent in grade school.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Dude, you are the only person here that has a bigger hard on for me than GT. I suspect you guys will be best friends by the end of this thread.
this post pretty much aligns with how fuckin delusional all of your beliefs are :lol:
The one that thought you required simplistic bronze aged allegories to reach reasonably obvious conclusions about archetypes, and you've got it so bad that you actually brag about decoding the pieces of toilet paper called scripture.

I didn't need any book to understand bronze age allegories about human archetypes.

Everyone I knew was already fluent in grade school.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Why dont you skip beating around the bush and advise the folks that are tossing around ideas here what YOU think was the origin of everything....or the cause of it, or if it even had a cause.

Ill clearly tell you mine, because it doesnt spook me to be cross examined: "I dont know."
Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?

Believers and unbelievers alike can't seem to grasp that genesis was never about the origin of all things. sheesh.

If you want to talk about science you are in the wrong place.
I have seen professional dodgeball players make less of a dodge than you just did. :lol:
The one that thought you required simplistic bronze aged allegories to reach reasonably obvious conclusions about archetypes, and you've got it so bad that you actually brag about decoding the pieces of toilet paper called scripture.

I didn't need any book to understand bronze age allegories about human archetypes.

Everyone I knew was already fluent in grade school.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Dude, you are the only person here that has a bigger hard on for me than GT. I suspect you guys will be best friends by the end of this thread.
this post pretty much aligns with how fuckin delusional all of your beliefs are :lol:
Speak for yourself. You are here on Saturday afternoon arguing about something you don't believe in. In my book, that's pretty damn funny.

Back in my day, I never gave it a second thought.
I didn't need any book to understand bronze age allegories about human archetypes.

Everyone I knew was already fluent in grade school.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Why dont you skip beating around the bush and advise the folks that are tossing around ideas here what YOU think was the origin of everything....or the cause of it, or if it even had a cause.

Ill clearly tell you mine, because it doesnt spook me to be cross examined: "I dont know."
Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?
No, I'd like your opinion on where/when/how existence came to be. Youre obviously drawn to these discussions ~ declining to offer your own view would allude to you being a bad faith actor.
So I actually have a basis for this belief while he won't offer his and you don't have one. But I 'm the crazy one? Oy Vey!
I didn't need any book to understand bronze age allegories about human archetypes.

Everyone I knew was already fluent in grade school.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Dude, you are the only person here that has a bigger hard on for me than GT. I suspect you guys will be best friends by the end of this thread.
this post pretty much aligns with how fuckin delusional all of your beliefs are :lol:
Speak for yourself. You are here on Saturday afternoon arguing about something you don't believe in. In my book, that's pretty damn funny.

Back in my day, I never gave it a second thought.
yepp, your day is clearly long past.
I didn't need any book to understand bronze age allegories about human archetypes.

Everyone I knew was already fluent in grade school.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Why dont you skip beating around the bush and advise the folks that are tossing around ideas here what YOU think was the origin of everything....or the cause of it, or if it even had a cause.

Ill clearly tell you mine, because it doesnt spook me to be cross examined: "I dont know."
Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?

Believers and unbelievers alike can't seem to grasp that genesis was never about the origin of all things. sheesh.

If you want to talk about science you are in the wrong place.
I have seen professional dodgeball players make less of a dodge than you just did. :lol:

I'm sure it seems that way, but I assure you it only seems that way.

Things that have been kept secret since the foundation of the world are flying right over your head.

Some people don't have enough sense to look up even when it starts raining.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Why dont you skip beating around the bush and advise the folks that are tossing around ideas here what YOU think was the origin of everything....or the cause of it, or if it even had a cause.

Ill clearly tell you mine, because it doesnt spook me to be cross examined: "I dont know."
Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?
No, I'd like your opinion on where/when/how existence came to be. Youre obviously drawn to these discussions ~ declining to offer your own view would allude to you being a bad faith actor.

Ok, fair enough.

Before God created heaven and earth the world was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep for billions of years.

Every living thing on the planet was trapped in the violent struggle for survival, eat or be eaten. People were brute unthinking animals. The survival of the fittest and all that.

Then God said, let there be light, and the law came down from heaven like a tree of life to teach the wild beasts of the field to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, life and death.

and so man was raised up from the dust of the earth and became aware, a living being..... and then fucked it all up, threw his mind in the trash and said with clenched fist raised in anger against God, I will not stop being a dick
When did the universe begin? How did the universe begin? Where was God before the universe began.

Please don't tell me the universe has always existed because then I will have to bitch slap you with science.

Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Why dont you skip beating around the bush and advise the folks that are tossing around ideas here what YOU think was the origin of everything....or the cause of it, or if it even had a cause.

Ill clearly tell you mine, because it doesnt spook me to be cross examined: "I dont know."
Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?
No, I'd like your opinion on where/when/how existence came to be. Youre obviously drawn to these discussions ~ declining to offer your own view would allude to you being a bad faith actor.

Ok, fair enough.

Before God created heaven and earth the world was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep for billions of years.

Every living thing on the planet was trapped in the violent struggle for survival, eat or be eaten. The survival of the fittest and all that.

Then God said, let there be light, and the law came down from heaven like a tree of life to teach the wild beasts of the field to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, life and death.

and so man was raised up from the dust of the earth and became aware, a living being..... and then fucked it all up, threw his mind in the trash and said with clenched fist raised in anger against God, I will not stop being a dick
Funny, but really its a good thing to know about ya.
Really? You are going to leave it at that?

Maybe you don't know how the universe began. Is that the problem?
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Dude, you are the only person here that has a bigger hard on for me than GT. I suspect you guys will be best friends by the end of this thread.
this post pretty much aligns with how fuckin delusional all of your beliefs are :lol:
Speak for yourself. You are here on Saturday afternoon arguing about something you don't believe in. In my book, that's pretty damn funny.

Back in my day, I never gave it a second thought.
yepp, your day is clearly long past.
Nope. I am just hitting my stride. But if you keep normalizing your deviance you can count on a few predictable surprises along the way. And given your worldview, the best you can hope for is to suffer without complaint. My money is on complaint.
You tell ding hes damned because he worships god wrong.

That makes you a theist, or at the very least deist, and neither are a rational conclusion. We dont know is the currently verifiable answer.

Never go full retard.


Ding isn't damned because he worships God wrong. Where the hell did you get that?

Ding filled his mind with irrational garbage and consequently lost his mind.

Have a chat with him if you don't believe me.
Why dont you skip beating around the bush and advise the folks that are tossing around ideas here what YOU think was the origin of everything....or the cause of it, or if it even had a cause.

Ill clearly tell you mine, because it doesnt spook me to be cross examined: "I dont know."
Do you want me to read you a bedtime story?

Believers and unbelievers alike can't seem to grasp that genesis was never about the origin of all things. sheesh.

If you want to talk about science you are in the wrong place.
I have seen professional dodgeball players make less of a dodge than you just did. :lol:

I'm sure it seems that way, but I assure you it only seems that way.

Things that have been kept secret since the foundation of the world are flying right over your head.

Some people don't have enough sense to look up even when it starts raining.
It was a total dodge. But then the best part was when you stepped up to the plate and opened your mouth and revealed how ignorant you are of what the evidence shows. That was priceless. I've eaten swiss cheese with less holes than your story.

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