Can GOP Legally Stop Obamacare? NO --- Illegally? NO


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2013
Paul Krugman:

Recent political reporting suggests that Republican leaders are in a state of high anxiety, trapped between an angry base that still views Obamacare as the moral equivalent of slavery and the reality that health reform is the law of the land and is going to happen.

But those leaders don’t deserve any sympathy. For one thing, that irrational base is a Frankenstein monster of their own creation. Beyond that, everything I’ve seen indicates that members of the Republican elite still don’t get the basics of health reform — and that this lack of understanding is in the process of turning into a major political liability.
I hope it goes through and you lose your healthcare due to a job reduction in pay by cutting your hours to just below full time and you make too much money to get the free and then you come on here crying . BUT BUT OBAMA said Unless you already receive the free healthcare
....On the unstoppability of Obamacare: We have this system in which Congress passes laws, the president signs them, and then they go into effect. The Affordable Care Act went through this process, and there is no legitimate way for Republicans to stop it.

Is there an illegitimate way? Well, the G.O.P. can try blackmail, either by threatening to shut down the government or, an even more extreme tactic, threatening not to raise the debt limit, which would force the United States government into default and risk financial chaos. And Republicans did somewhat successfully blackmail President Obama back in 2011.
Opinion as 'proof' by the troll again...

Who the fuck has pos repped this guy out of the red??
....On the unstoppability of Obamacare: We have this system in which Congress passes laws, the president signs them, and then they go into effect. The Affordable Care Act went through this process, and there is no legitimate way for Republicans to stop it.

Is there an illegitimate way? Well, the G.O.P. can try blackmail, either by threatening to shut down the government or, an even more extreme tactic, threatening not to raise the debt limit, which would force the United States government into default and risk financial chaos. And Republicans did somewhat successfully blackmail President Obama back in 2011.

Republican politicians are playing for the sound bites now, to rev up the 'base', but they know they don't have snowball's chance in hell to even slow Obamacare down.

Yes, that's right!! Only king obama can ignore and alter laws he doesn't like.
Republicans did somewhat successfully blackmail President Obama back in 2011.

However, that was then. They faced a president on the ropes after a stinging defeat in the midterm election, not a president triumphantly re-elected.

Furthermore, even in 2011 Mr. Obama wouldn’t give ground on the essentials of health care reform, the signature achievement of his presidency. There’s no way he would undermine the reform at this late date.

Republicans did somewhat successfully blackmail President Obama back in 2011.

However, that was then. They faced a president on the ropes after a stinging defeat in the midterm election, not a president triumphantly re-elected.

Furthermore, even in 2011 Mr. Obama wouldn’t give ground on the essentials of health care reform, the signature achievement of his presidency. There’s no way he would undermine the reform at this late date.


he already delayed part of it what does that tell you?
Paul Krugman:

Recent political reporting suggests that Republican leaders are in a state of high anxiety, trapped between an angry base that still views Obamacare as the moral equivalent of slavery and the reality that health reform is the law of the land and is going to happen.

But those leaders don’t deserve any sympathy. For one thing, that irrational base is a Frankenstein monster of their own creation. Beyond that, everything I’ve seen indicates that members of the Republican elite still don’t get the basics of health reform — and that this lack of understanding is in the process of turning into a major political liability.

Key word: "basics of health reform"

What is the basic purpose of ACA?
Single payer health insurance?

We have 99.87% of the 316 million people covered that are legal and want coverage.
So what purpose then is ACA?

ACA was passed because erroneously 42 million people that
a) didn't want coverage
1) 18 million of the "46 million" don't want health insurance as they are under 34, make over $50k and spend less then their employer share!
So use 18 million from 46 million you come up with 28 million NOT 46 million!

But the "phony number" gets worse.

b) didn't know they were covered
2) 10 million counted in his "46 million" WERE NOT citizens!!!
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

c) are not Americans
3) 14 million that say they are uninsured DON"T KNOW they are covered by Medicaid! Obama/and CMS of ALL people should know THAT!!!
were counted as part of the 46 million.

I'm still not sure why this is up for dispute!

So do you really think 99% of Americans KNOW this?
Do you think then wouldn't it have been less expensive to just take
$20 billion from Medicare's budget and pay for the 4 million that truly need and want insurance?
Then hospitals wouldn't overcharge Medicare/insurance companies sometimes 6,000% over charges saving easily $50 billion a year to both!
Then Medicare costs drop and insurance companies won't be paying padded and passed claims be forced by state laws to lower premiums!

Why is that so complicated???
Obama/Reid are totally in favor of destroying $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local tax revenue.
Putting 400,000 people out of work as 1,300 insurance companies go out of business.

That is their objective???
Congress has the power and the responsibility to defund this thing. It is opposed by the majority of AMericans. The House is the most representative body in government as they were actually elected by the people, unlike Obama who wasn't.
Defund Obamacare Now!
Republicans did somewhat successfully blackmail President Obama back in 2011.

However, that was then. They faced a president on the ropes after a stinging defeat in the midterm election, not a president triumphantly re-elected.

Furthermore, even in 2011 Mr. Obama wouldn’t give ground on the essentials of health care reform, the signature achievement of his presidency. There’s no way he would undermine the reform at this late date.


he already delayed part of it what does that tell you?

Let Krugman answer that! :)

But wait — hasn’t the administration delayed the employer mandate, which requires that large firms provide insurance to their employees? Yes, it has, and Republicans are trying to make it sound as if the employer mandate and the individual mandate are comparable. Some of them even seem to think that they can bully Mr. Obama into delaying the individual mandate too. But the individual mandate is an essential piece of the reform, which can’t and won’t be bargained away, while the employer mandate is a fairly minor add-on that arguably shouldn’t have been in the law to begin with.
And when told that an independent Congressional Budget Office study had determined that repealing Obamacare would actually increase the deficit, a narrow plurality of respondents preferred to keep the law. On the question, 48 percent said “Congress should keep the program to expand coverage because it’s important to reduce the number of Americans without health insurance,” while 42 percent said “Congress should repeal the program to expand coverage because the government can’t afford it at a time of large budget deficits.”
A New ACA Poll | National Review Online
Obama is stopping ObamaCare.

He's missed over half of the deadlines he approved when he signed the law.

...The new CRS memo, dated June 5, 2013, is an addendum to a series of previous reports in which the agency examined missed deadlines during the law’s first two years. The CRS excluded from its analysis deadlines that don’t reflect on the administration’s competence; for example, as states expand Medicaid, the federal spending associated with those expansions occurs more or less automatically. Deadlines that the law imposes on non-federal government actors, like state governments and private companies, were also excluded.

41 out of 82 deadlines missed by the administration

As of May 31, 2013, when the CRS analysis was completed, the White House had yet to meet 9 of 12 deadlines from the first year after the Affordable Care Act was enacted. It failed to meet 22 of 53 deadlines in the second year; another 8 became moot after Congress did not appropriate funds to complete the assigned tasks. In year three, the administration missed 10 out of 17 deadlines. That’s a total of 41 out of 82 deadlines missed.

If you exclude the 9 deadlines that became moot because Congress never appropriated the funds to meet them, the Obama administration missed 41 out of 73 deadlines, or 56 percent....

Unpublished CRS Memo: Obama Administration Has Missed Half Of Obamacare's Legally Imposed Implementation Deadlines - Forbes
Congress has the power and the responsibility to defund this thing. It is opposed by the majority of AMericans. The House is the most representative body in government as they were actually elected by the people, unlike Obama who wasn't.
Defund Obamacare Now!

It may make you feel better son, but ACA is the law of the land, and will remain the law of the land ....

60% of Americans support ACA as is or a stronger law - preferably single payer.

A 14% Congress can only lick a finger to flip the pages!

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....On the unstoppability of Obamacare: We have this system in which Congress passes laws, the president signs them, and then they go into effect. The Affordable Care Act went through this process, and there is no legitimate way for Republicans to stop it.

Is there an illegitimate way? Well, the G.O.P. can try blackmail, either by threatening to shut down the government or, an even more extreme tactic, threatening not to raise the debt limit, which would force the United States government into default and risk financial chaos. And Republicans did somewhat successfully blackmail President Obama back in 2011.

Care to explain in which "legitimate way" the POTUS can delay implementation?
Please quote the Section and Paragraph of the ACA that gives him that authority
....On the unstoppability of Obamacare: We have this system in which Congress passes laws, the president signs them, and then they go into effect. The Affordable Care Act went through this process, and there is no legitimate way for Republicans to stop it.

Is there an illegitimate way? Well, the G.O.P. can try blackmail, either by threatening to shut down the government or, an even more extreme tactic, threatening not to raise the debt limit, which would force the United States government into default and risk financial chaos. And Republicans did somewhat successfully blackmail President Obama back in 2011.

Care to explain in which "legitimate way" the POTUS can delay implementation?

Let Krugman answer that! :)

But wait — hasn’t the administration delayed the employer mandate, which requires that large firms provide insurance to their employees? Yes, it has, and Republicans are trying to make it sound as if the employer mandate and the individual mandate are comparable. Some of them even seem to think that they can bully Mr. Obama into delaying the individual mandate too. But the individual mandate is an essential piece of the reform, which can’t and won’t be bargained away, while the employer mandate is a fairly minor add-on that arguably shouldn’t have been in the law to begin with.
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....On the unstoppability of Obamacare: We have this system in which Congress passes laws, the president signs them, and then they go into effect. The Affordable Care Act went through this process, and there is no legitimate way for Republicans to stop it.

Is there an illegitimate way? Well, the G.O.P. can try blackmail, either by threatening to shut down the government or, an even more extreme tactic, threatening not to raise the debt limit, which would force the United States government into default and risk financial chaos. And Republicans did somewhat successfully blackmail President Obama back in 2011.

Care to explain in which "legitimate way" the POTUS can delay implementation?
Let Krugman answer that! :)

But wait — hasn’t the administration delayed the employer mandate, which requires that large firms provide insurance to their employees? Yes, it has, and Republicans are trying to make it sound as if the employer mandate and the individual mandate are comparable. Some of them even seem to think that they can bully Mr. Obama into delaying the individual mandate too. But the individual mandate is an essential piece of the reform, which can’t and won’t be bargained away, while the employer mandate is a fairly minor add-on that arguably shouldn’t have been in the law to begin with.

Should or shouldn't isn't the point.
It IS in the law.

Section and Paragraph, please

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