Can government check ID to buy a gun and vote?

Is checking your ID to get a Constitutional right a violuation of your Constitutional Rights?

  • No: It's fine to check your ID, including to buy a gun and to vote

  • No: It's fine to check ID to buy a gun but it's not OK to check an ID to vote

  • Yes: It's not OK to check an ID to buy a gun, but voting isn't a Constitutional right so ID is OK

  • Yes: It's not OK to check an ID to buy a gun or to vote

Results are only viewable after voting.
I think it makes perfect sense to check ID for voting and buying a gun.

In the case of a gun, harder to track owner if used in a crime.

In the case of voting, to ensure the citizen right is exercised by the actual citizen.

I think the real problem with the voter ID problem i the belief that the poor will not have id. Simple solution--ensure all the poor(not just voting poor) have ID. Think--how are you going to get a job withut ID? How are you going to pull yourself out of poverty without ID. ID is fundemental to surviving in the US.

You could argue it surpress the vote--but it reveals a serious social problem if that argument is true.

It's not producing the ID that is the problem, it is the restrictive nature of the ID requirements. Having to have a current photo ID with your current name on it can be restrictive. If you just got married, but didn't change your registration, just your ID? No vote for you!

Do you know how many Americans can't produce this restrictive form of ID? It's around 10%...that's a few million people. Do you know what the rate of voter fraud that would be stopped with a photo ID is? It's hovering around the far less than 1% mark.

How about we even those numbers out a bit before requiring that everyone have a current photo the meantime a utility bill, government check, Social Security card or a Student ID should be enough.
No, that's a terrible analogy. Shooting your weapon is something you do on your own. I'm in the woods, who do I show my ID to? Buying a weapon or voting are when you are presenting yourself to someone else to do something for you. hand you a gun or a ballot. That's when you would need to prove who you are.

Seriously, you thought that made sense? Proving who you are when there is no one there and you're not asking anything from them? You seriously suck at analogies.

I'm sorry, you think my analogy fails because you don't know who to show your ID to?

No, it doesn't fail, it was right on the money.

I'm voting by mail, Kaz...who do I show my ID to?

How many times?

Once every election.

If I'm voting by mail who do I show my ID to?

Obviously I'm passing on your offer to out eight year old me. Actually beyond passing I'm conceding, you can't out eight year old an eight year old.

So since you're persisting with your question, I will ask what is the relevance of it?

Oh look, Kaz can't answer the question so he's going to be a dick and slew insults instead.

You could have stopped at "I'm conceding". I knew you couldn't answer the questions from the start.

What a ditsy broad, you crack me up, it's the only reason you're not on ignore.

Oh yeah, kaz, well, they don't check ID when you're shooting a gun in the woods? Well, they don't check ID when I send mail either, what do you say to that, kaz? I got you there.

LOL, what a tool
Why New Photo ID Laws M
[URL='']Why New Photo ID Laws Mean Some Won't Vote

Disenfranchising millions to stop a couple of people...not a good trade off.

ean Some Won't Vote[/URL]

Disenfranchising millions to stop a couple of people...not a good trade off.

Giving people a free ID to vote is depriving them of their right to vote. You are consistently a dumb ass, I'll give you that
I'm sorry, you think my analogy fails because you don't know who to show your ID to?

No, it doesn't fail, it was right on the money.

I'm voting by mail, Kaz...who do I show my ID to?

How many times?

Once every election.

If I'm voting by mail who do I show my ID to?

Obviously I'm passing on your offer to out eight year old me. Actually beyond passing I'm conceding, you can't out eight year old an eight year old.

So since you're persisting with your question, I will ask what is the relevance of it?

Oh look, Kaz can't answer the question so he's going to be a dick and slew insults instead.

You could have stopped at "I'm conceding". I knew you couldn't answer the questions from the start.

What a ditsy broad, you crack me up, it's the only reason you're not on ignore.

Oh yeah, kaz, well, they don't check ID when you're shooting a gun in the woods? Well, they don't check ID when I send mail either, what do you say to that, kaz? I got you there.

LOL, what a tool

Come on're the photo ID proponent. If I'm voting by mail, who do I present my ID to? Can't answer it so you act the dick. SOP for Kazzie.

Giving people a free ID to vote is depriving them of their right to vote. You are consistently a dumb ass, I'll give you that

Disenfranchising millions to stop fewer than are consistently a conservative tool.
How many times?

Once every election.

If I'm voting by mail who do I show my ID to?

Obviously I'm passing on your offer to out eight year old me. Actually beyond passing I'm conceding, you can't out eight year old an eight year old.

So since you're persisting with your question, I will ask what is the relevance of it?

Oh look, Kaz can't answer the question so he's going to be a dick and slew insults instead.

You could have stopped at "I'm conceding". I knew you couldn't answer the questions from the start.

What a ditsy broad, you crack me up, it's the only reason you're not on ignore.

Oh yeah, kaz, well, they don't check ID when you're shooting a gun in the woods? Well, they don't check ID when I send mail either, what do you say to that, kaz? I got you there.

LOL, what a tool

Come on're the photo ID proponent. If I'm voting by mail, who do I present my ID to? Can't answer it so you act the dick. SOP for Kazzie.

There must be a lot of ridiculous arguments in the wytch household given your dearth of logic.

You aren't making any logical argument. Why do I need to answer who you show your ID to when you mail it in? How does that relate to my argument that you have a loophole?

You're the one just being a dick, dyke, you have an asshole question that doesn't contradict anything I said.

Answer this, Sherlock.

Seahag can't show her ID when she votes by mail

that contradicts kaz when he said


Saying I support you showing your ID to vote doesn't contradict that you have a sequence that you can't.

Giving people a free ID to vote is depriving them of their right to vote. You are consistently a dumb ass, I'll give you that

Disenfranchising millions to stop fewer than are consistently a conservative tool.
Begging the question

How is giving a free ID and checking it to vote preventing anyone from voting?
To the OP.................It depends on whether the I.D. is for registration of the gun..............To me registration of guns is the first step to gun confiscation..................As it has been done in places like Canada.

I have no problem with showing my I.D. to make a purchase, or to vote............but a have a problem with showing it and being put on a Gov't data base for it.
Once every election.

If I'm voting by mail who do I show my ID to?

Obviously I'm passing on your offer to out eight year old me. Actually beyond passing I'm conceding, you can't out eight year old an eight year old.

So since you're persisting with your question, I will ask what is the relevance of it?

Oh look, Kaz can't answer the question so he's going to be a dick and slew insults instead.

You could have stopped at "I'm conceding". I knew you couldn't answer the questions from the start.

What a ditsy broad, you crack me up, it's the only reason you're not on ignore.

Oh yeah, kaz, well, they don't check ID when you're shooting a gun in the woods? Well, they don't check ID when I send mail either, what do you say to that, kaz? I got you there.

LOL, what a tool

Come on're the photo ID proponent. If I'm voting by mail, who do I present my ID to? Can't answer it so you act the dick. SOP for Kazzie.

There must be a lot of ridiculous arguments in the wytch household given your dearth of logic.

You aren't making any logical argument. Why do I need to answer who you show your ID to when you mail it in? How does that relate to my argument that you have a loophole?

You're the one just being a dick, dyke, you have an asshole question that doesn't contradict anything I said.

Answer this, Sherlock.

Seahag can't show her ID when she votes by mail

that contradicts kaz when he said


Saying I support you showing your ID to vote doesn't contradict that you have a sequence that you can't.

Calling me stupid isn't helping you answer the question I see...:lol:

Some Libertarian you are...supporting the big government "papers please" Voter ID laws...that don't actually stop fraud but DO stop minorities, young people and the elderly from voting.
Obviously I'm passing on your offer to out eight year old me. Actually beyond passing I'm conceding, you can't out eight year old an eight year old.

So since you're persisting with your question, I will ask what is the relevance of it?

Oh look, Kaz can't answer the question so he's going to be a dick and slew insults instead.

You could have stopped at "I'm conceding". I knew you couldn't answer the questions from the start.

What a ditsy broad, you crack me up, it's the only reason you're not on ignore.

Oh yeah, kaz, well, they don't check ID when you're shooting a gun in the woods? Well, they don't check ID when I send mail either, what do you say to that, kaz? I got you there.

LOL, what a tool

Come on're the photo ID proponent. If I'm voting by mail, who do I present my ID to? Can't answer it so you act the dick. SOP for Kazzie.

There must be a lot of ridiculous arguments in the wytch household given your dearth of logic.

You aren't making any logical argument. Why do I need to answer who you show your ID to when you mail it in? How does that relate to my argument that you have a loophole?

You're the one just being a dick, dyke, you have an asshole question that doesn't contradict anything I said.

Answer this, Sherlock.

Seahag can't show her ID when she votes by mail

that contradicts kaz when he said


Saying I support you showing your ID to vote doesn't contradict that you have a sequence that you can't.

Calling me stupid isn't helping you answer the question I see...:lol:

Some Libertarian you are...supporting the big government "papers please" Voter ID laws...that don't actually stop fraud but DO stop minorities, young people and the elderly from voting.

Begging the question, who is prevented from voting?

And what about being libertarian means I support fraud? That's just stupid
Oh look, Kaz can't answer the question so he's going to be a dick and slew insults instead.

You could have stopped at "I'm conceding". I knew you couldn't answer the questions from the start.

What a ditsy broad, you crack me up, it's the only reason you're not on ignore.

Oh yeah, kaz, well, they don't check ID when you're shooting a gun in the woods? Well, they don't check ID when I send mail either, what do you say to that, kaz? I got you there.

LOL, what a tool

Come on're the photo ID proponent. If I'm voting by mail, who do I present my ID to? Can't answer it so you act the dick. SOP for Kazzie.

There must be a lot of ridiculous arguments in the wytch household given your dearth of logic.

You aren't making any logical argument. Why do I need to answer who you show your ID to when you mail it in? How does that relate to my argument that you have a loophole?

You're the one just being a dick, dyke, you have an asshole question that doesn't contradict anything I said.

Answer this, Sherlock.

Seahag can't show her ID when she votes by mail

that contradicts kaz when he said


Saying I support you showing your ID to vote doesn't contradict that you have a sequence that you can't.

Calling me stupid isn't helping you answer the question I see...:lol:

Some Libertarian you are...supporting the big government "papers please" Voter ID laws...that don't actually stop fraud but DO stop minorities, young people and the elderly from voting.

Begging the question, who is prevented from voting?

And what about being libertarian means I support fraud? That's just stupid

People without birth certificates, people whose Alabama ID offices closed, elderly that don't drive, the poor who can't take time off work.

Can you provide 10 prosecuted cases of voter fraud that would have been stopped by a voter ID law? Can you find one?

If you truly wanted to stop the potential for fraud, instead of supporting restrictive voter ID laws, you would instead support linked statewide databases.

BTW, I'm not opposed to voter ID laws, just not silly restrictive ones that require a current state issued photo ID.
What a ditsy broad, you crack me up, it's the only reason you're not on ignore.

Oh yeah, kaz, well, they don't check ID when you're shooting a gun in the woods? Well, they don't check ID when I send mail either, what do you say to that, kaz? I got you there.

LOL, what a tool

Come on're the photo ID proponent. If I'm voting by mail, who do I present my ID to? Can't answer it so you act the dick. SOP for Kazzie.

There must be a lot of ridiculous arguments in the wytch household given your dearth of logic.

You aren't making any logical argument. Why do I need to answer who you show your ID to when you mail it in? How does that relate to my argument that you have a loophole?

You're the one just being a dick, dyke, you have an asshole question that doesn't contradict anything I said.

Answer this, Sherlock.

Seahag can't show her ID when she votes by mail

that contradicts kaz when he said


Saying I support you showing your ID to vote doesn't contradict that you have a sequence that you can't.

Calling me stupid isn't helping you answer the question I see...:lol:

Some Libertarian you are...supporting the big government "papers please" Voter ID laws...that don't actually stop fraud but DO stop minorities, young people and the elderly from voting.

Begging the question, who is prevented from voting?

And what about being libertarian means I support fraud? That's just stupid

People without birth certificates, people whose Alabama ID offices closed, elderly that don't drive, the poor who can't take time off work.

None of those can't get free ID's, you're full of shit

Can you provide 10 prosecuted cases of voter fraud that would have been stopped by a voter ID law? Can you find one?

Why? On the other hand, can you name one person who can't get "time off work" during the day for four years? You're a joke

If you truly wanted to stop the potential for fraud, instead of supporting restrictive voter ID laws, you would instead support linked statewide databases.

BTW, I'm not opposed to voter ID laws, just not silly restrictive ones that require a current state issued photo ID.

Right, because people who want to vote will go vote, but they won't get a free ID to do it. You support voter fraud, you think it helps Democrats, be honest
To the OP.................It depends on whether the I.D. is for registration of the gun..............To me registration of guns is the first step to gun confiscation..................As it has been done in places like Canada.

I have no problem with showing my I.D. to make a purchase, or to vote............but a have a problem with showing it and being put on a Gov't data base for it.

If you read my OP, you know I oppose registration or anything except checking ID when the gun is purchased. The one point I didn't address which you asked about is I agree with you, there should be no record of who tried to purchase a gun unless it was a convicted felon who broke the law trying to buy a gun
Once every election.

If I'm voting by mail who do I show my ID to?

Obviously I'm passing on your offer to out eight year old me. Actually beyond passing I'm conceding, you can't out eight year old an eight year old.

So since you're persisting with your question, I will ask what is the relevance of it?

Oh look, Kaz can't answer the question so he's going to be a dick and slew insults instead.

You could have stopped at "I'm conceding". I knew you couldn't answer the questions from the start.

What a ditsy broad, you crack me up, it's the only reason you're not on ignore.

Oh yeah, kaz, well, they don't check ID when you're shooting a gun in the woods? Well, they don't check ID when I send mail either, what do you say to that, kaz? I got you there.

LOL, what a tool

Come on're the photo ID proponent. If I'm voting by mail, who do I present my ID to? Can't answer it so you act the dick. SOP for Kazzie.

There must be a lot of ridiculous arguments in the wytch household given your dearth of logic.

You aren't making any logical argument. Why do I need to answer who you show your ID to when you mail it in? How does that relate to my argument that you have a loophole?

You're the one just being a dick, dyke, you have an asshole question that doesn't contradict anything I said.

Answer this, Sherlock.

Seahag can't show her ID when she votes by mail

that contradicts kaz when he said


Saying I support you showing your ID to vote doesn't contradict that you have a sequence that you can't.

No answer by you or your ho, the clown Sara Palin, huh?
Come on're the photo ID proponent. If I'm voting by mail, who do I present my ID to? Can't answer it so you act the dick. SOP for Kazzie.

There must be a lot of ridiculous arguments in the wytch household given your dearth of logic.

You aren't making any logical argument. Why do I need to answer who you show your ID to when you mail it in? How does that relate to my argument that you have a loophole?

You're the one just being a dick, dyke, you have an asshole question that doesn't contradict anything I said.

Answer this, Sherlock.

Seahag can't show her ID when she votes by mail

that contradicts kaz when he said


Saying I support you showing your ID to vote doesn't contradict that you have a sequence that you can't.

Calling me stupid isn't helping you answer the question I see...:lol:

Some Libertarian you are...supporting the big government "papers please" Voter ID laws...that don't actually stop fraud but DO stop minorities, young people and the elderly from voting.

Begging the question, who is prevented from voting?

And what about being libertarian means I support fraud? That's just stupid

People without birth certificates, people whose Alabama ID offices closed, elderly that don't drive, the poor who can't take time off work.

None of those can't get free ID's, you're full of shit

Can you provide 10 prosecuted cases of voter fraud that would have been stopped by a voter ID law? Can you find one?

Why? On the other hand, can you name one person who can't get "time off work" during the day for four years? You're a joke

If you truly wanted to stop the potential for fraud, instead of supporting restrictive voter ID laws, you would instead support linked statewide databases.

BTW, I'm not opposed to voter ID laws, just not silly restrictive ones that require a current state issued photo ID.

Right, because people who want to vote will go vote, but they won't get a free ID to do it. You support voter fraud, you think it helps Democrats, be honest

Wrong, because we are disenfranchising voters. For every .001 incident of voter fraud, you're disenfranchising a thousand voters.

About 10% of the country does not have the restrictive ID many states require. That's millions of people.

Again, if you were truly as interested in stopping voter fraud as I am, you'd abandon support for ridiculous ID laws that don't stop fraud and support linked statewide databases that do.

Oh, and for the record, I'm in charge of voter registration for a California county.
There must be a lot of ridiculous arguments in the wytch household given your dearth of logic.

You aren't making any logical argument. Why do I need to answer who you show your ID to when you mail it in? How does that relate to my argument that you have a loophole?

You're the one just being a dick, dyke, you have an asshole question that doesn't contradict anything I said.

Answer this, Sherlock.

Seahag can't show her ID when she votes by mail

that contradicts kaz when he said


Saying I support you showing your ID to vote doesn't contradict that you have a sequence that you can't.

Calling me stupid isn't helping you answer the question I see...:lol:

Some Libertarian you are...supporting the big government "papers please" Voter ID laws...that don't actually stop fraud but DO stop minorities, young people and the elderly from voting.

Begging the question, who is prevented from voting?

And what about being libertarian means I support fraud? That's just stupid

People without birth certificates, people whose Alabama ID offices closed, elderly that don't drive, the poor who can't take time off work.

None of those can't get free ID's, you're full of shit

Can you provide 10 prosecuted cases of voter fraud that would have been stopped by a voter ID law? Can you find one?

Why? On the other hand, can you name one person who can't get "time off work" during the day for four years? You're a joke

If you truly wanted to stop the potential for fraud, instead of supporting restrictive voter ID laws, you would instead support linked statewide databases.

BTW, I'm not opposed to voter ID laws, just not silly restrictive ones that require a current state issued photo ID.

Right, because people who want to vote will go vote, but they won't get a free ID to do it. You support voter fraud, you think it helps Democrats, be honest

Wrong, because we are disenfranchising voters. For every .001 incident of voter fraud, you're disenfranchising a thousand voters.

About 10% of the country does not have the restrictive ID many states require. That's millions of people.

Again, if you were truly as interested in stopping voter fraud as I am, you'd abandon support for ridiculous ID laws that don't stop fraud and support linked statewide databases that do.

Oh, and for the record, I'm in charge of voter registration for a California county.

Here's the thing, to get greater than 0%, you have to name one and you haven't. You named people who were too butt lazy to get a free ID to vote. You have named zero people who were actually denied the right to vote.

So, you and Sara put your heads together and name one. BTW, you can't. Zero people are "disenfranchised" by checking ID. Not one person can't get a free ID and vote. Not one
Calling me stupid isn't helping you answer the question I see...:lol:

Some Libertarian you are...supporting the big government "papers please" Voter ID laws...that don't actually stop fraud but DO stop minorities, young people and the elderly from voting.

Begging the question, who is prevented from voting?

And what about being libertarian means I support fraud? That's just stupid

People without birth certificates, people whose Alabama ID offices closed, elderly that don't drive, the poor who can't take time off work.

None of those can't get free ID's, you're full of shit

Can you provide 10 prosecuted cases of voter fraud that would have been stopped by a voter ID law? Can you find one?

Why? On the other hand, can you name one person who can't get "time off work" during the day for four years? You're a joke

If you truly wanted to stop the potential for fraud, instead of supporting restrictive voter ID laws, you would instead support linked statewide databases.

BTW, I'm not opposed to voter ID laws, just not silly restrictive ones that require a current state issued photo ID.

Right, because people who want to vote will go vote, but they won't get a free ID to do it. You support voter fraud, you think it helps Democrats, be honest

Wrong, because we are disenfranchising voters. For every .001 incident of voter fraud, you're disenfranchising a thousand voters.

About 10% of the country does not have the restrictive ID many states require. That's millions of people.

Again, if you were truly as interested in stopping voter fraud as I am, you'd abandon support for ridiculous ID laws that don't stop fraud and support linked statewide databases that do.

Oh, and for the record, I'm in charge of voter registration for a California county.

Here's the thing, to get greater than 0%, you have to name one and you haven't. You named people who were too butt lazy to get a free ID to vote. You have named zero people who were actually denied the right to vote.

So, you and Sara put your heads together and name one. BTW, you can't. Zero people are "disenfranchised" by checking ID. Not one person can't get a free ID and vote. Not one

You saying it is laziness does not make it so.

HOUSTON – A day before Texans go to the polls, an unusual group gathered for lunch at a Mexican restaurant not far from downtown: an unemployed African-American grandmother; a University of Houston student originally from Pennsylvania; a pregnant mother who had recently moved back to the area with her family; and a low-income white woman who struggled to make eye contact and kept her money in a pack strapped around her waist.

They had not met each other before, but they had one thing in common: Thanks to Texas’s strict voter ID law, they all faced massive hurdles in casting a vote. Over fish tacos and guacamole, they shared their stories—hesitantly at first, then with growing eagerness as they realized they weren’t alone in being victimized by their state.

Texas sees surge of disenfranchised voters

Just making it free does not remove barriers.

I noticed you still haven't produced a single case of fraud that would be stopped by an ID.

Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem...and it does nothing to stop fraud...linked statewide databases do.
Begging the question, who is prevented from voting?

And what about being libertarian means I support fraud? That's just stupid

People without birth certificates, people whose Alabama ID offices closed, elderly that don't drive, the poor who can't take time off work.

None of those can't get free ID's, you're full of shit

Can you provide 10 prosecuted cases of voter fraud that would have been stopped by a voter ID law? Can you find one?

Why? On the other hand, can you name one person who can't get "time off work" during the day for four years? You're a joke

If you truly wanted to stop the potential for fraud, instead of supporting restrictive voter ID laws, you would instead support linked statewide databases.

BTW, I'm not opposed to voter ID laws, just not silly restrictive ones that require a current state issued photo ID.

Right, because people who want to vote will go vote, but they won't get a free ID to do it. You support voter fraud, you think it helps Democrats, be honest

Wrong, because we are disenfranchising voters. For every .001 incident of voter fraud, you're disenfranchising a thousand voters.

About 10% of the country does not have the restrictive ID many states require. That's millions of people.

Again, if you were truly as interested in stopping voter fraud as I am, you'd abandon support for ridiculous ID laws that don't stop fraud and support linked statewide databases that do.

Oh, and for the record, I'm in charge of voter registration for a California county.

Here's the thing, to get greater than 0%, you have to name one and you haven't. You named people who were too butt lazy to get a free ID to vote. You have named zero people who were actually denied the right to vote.

So, you and Sara put your heads together and name one. BTW, you can't. Zero people are "disenfranchised" by checking ID. Not one person can't get a free ID and vote. Not one

You saying it is laziness does not make it so.

HOUSTON – A day before Texans go to the polls, an unusual group gathered for lunch at a Mexican restaurant not far from downtown: an unemployed African-American grandmother; a University of Houston student originally from Pennsylvania; a pregnant mother who had recently moved back to the area with her family; and a low-income white woman who struggled to make eye contact and kept her money in a pack strapped around her waist.

They had not met each other before, but they had one thing in common: Thanks to Texas’s strict voter ID law, they all faced massive hurdles in casting a vote. Over fish tacos and guacamole, they shared their stories—hesitantly at first, then with growing eagerness as they realized they weren’t alone in being victimized by their state.

Texas sees surge of disenfranchised voters

Just making it free does not remove barriers.

I noticed you still haven't produced a single case of fraud that would be stopped by an ID.

Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem...and it does nothing to stop fraud...linked statewide databases do.

Apparently you don't know what the word "disenfranchised" means. A dictionary would change the lives of leftists. Nothing you said backs up the point I challenged, you haven't named one person who was denied the ability to vote. that they have to work to do it isn't "disenfranchised." Sorry, toots. You and sara can keep working on that
People without birth certificates, people whose Alabama ID offices closed, elderly that don't drive, the poor who can't take time off work.

None of those can't get free ID's, you're full of shit

Can you provide 10 prosecuted cases of voter fraud that would have been stopped by a voter ID law? Can you find one?

Why? On the other hand, can you name one person who can't get "time off work" during the day for four years? You're a joke

If you truly wanted to stop the potential for fraud, instead of supporting restrictive voter ID laws, you would instead support linked statewide databases.

BTW, I'm not opposed to voter ID laws, just not silly restrictive ones that require a current state issued photo ID.

Right, because people who want to vote will go vote, but they won't get a free ID to do it. You support voter fraud, you think it helps Democrats, be honest

Wrong, because we are disenfranchising voters. For every .001 incident of voter fraud, you're disenfranchising a thousand voters.

About 10% of the country does not have the restrictive ID many states require. That's millions of people.

Again, if you were truly as interested in stopping voter fraud as I am, you'd abandon support for ridiculous ID laws that don't stop fraud and support linked statewide databases that do.

Oh, and for the record, I'm in charge of voter registration for a California county.

Here's the thing, to get greater than 0%, you have to name one and you haven't. You named people who were too butt lazy to get a free ID to vote. You have named zero people who were actually denied the right to vote.

So, you and Sara put your heads together and name one. BTW, you can't. Zero people are "disenfranchised" by checking ID. Not one person can't get a free ID and vote. Not one

You saying it is laziness does not make it so.

HOUSTON – A day before Texans go to the polls, an unusual group gathered for lunch at a Mexican restaurant not far from downtown: an unemployed African-American grandmother; a University of Houston student originally from Pennsylvania; a pregnant mother who had recently moved back to the area with her family; and a low-income white woman who struggled to make eye contact and kept her money in a pack strapped around her waist.

They had not met each other before, but they had one thing in common: Thanks to Texas’s strict voter ID law, they all faced massive hurdles in casting a vote. Over fish tacos and guacamole, they shared their stories—hesitantly at first, then with growing eagerness as they realized they weren’t alone in being victimized by their state.

Texas sees surge of disenfranchised voters

Just making it free does not remove barriers.

I noticed you still haven't produced a single case of fraud that would be stopped by an ID.

Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem...and it does nothing to stop fraud...linked statewide databases do.

Apparently you don't know what the word "disenfranchised" means. A dictionary would change the lives of leftists. Nothing you said backs up the point I challenged, you haven't named one person who was denied the ability to vote. that they have to work to do it isn't "disenfranchised." Sorry, toots. You and sara can keep working on that

I know that you are more interested in doing it than stopping fraud. You want to put an undue burden on poor people, young people and minorities. And for what purpose? We know it's not to stop fraud since voter ID laws don't actually do that.

A conservative judge's devastating take on why voter ID laws are evil

Then there's the argument that getting a photo ID is easy and cheap, and therefore that people without them must not care enough about voting to bother. The three-judge panel wrote that obtaining a photo ID merely requires people "to scrounge up a birth certificate and stand in line at the office that issues driver's licenses." Posner replies that he himself "has never seen his birth certificate and does not know how he would go about 'scrounging' it up." Posner appends a sheaf of documents handed to an applicant seeking a photo ID for whom no birth certificate could be found in state records. It ran to 12 pages.

As for its supposedly negligible cost, "that's an easy assumption for federal judges to make, since we are given photo IDs by court security free of charge. And we have upper-middle-class salaries. Not everyone is so fortunate." He cites a study placing the expense of obtaining documentation at $75 to $175 -- which even when adjusted for inflation is far higher than "the $1.50 poll tax outlawed by the 24th amendment in 1964."
The Big Lie Behind Voter ID Laws

Similar laws have been aggressively pushed in many states by Republican lawmakers who say they are preventing voter fraud, promoting electoral “integrity” and increasing voter turnout. None of that is true. There is virtually no in-person voter fraud; the purpose of these laws is to suppress voting.

In Texas, where last week a federal judge struck down what she called the most restrictive voter ID law in the country, there were two convictions for in-person voter impersonation in one 10-year period. During that time, 20 million votes were cast. Nor is there any evidence that these laws encourage more voters to come to the polls. Instead, in at least two states — Kansas and Tennessee — they appear to have reduced turnout by 2 percent to 3 percent, according to a report released last week by the Government Accountability Office.

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