Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

But yet you haven't backed anything you've said so far with any sources. Just your own conjured-up capitalist rhetoric is what you have to offer.

That's because I am on my phone so can't post links. However EVERYTHING I am posting is easy found.
In the former Soviet Union, a man stands in the line to buy a car. He plunks down the money for his new car. The person in charge says, “Come back in ten years to pick up your car.” The buyer says, “Morning or afternoon?”
“Does it really matter?” says the person in charge.

“Yes — the plumber’s scheduled to come in the morning.”
Sure you would. Why did they have lines for food? Why didn't every Soviet citizen get a car till AFTER the CCCP collapsed?
Lines are better than famines and capitalist countries have suffered horrible famines. During the rule of the Tsar there were horrific famines. The bread lines in the Soviet Union occurred mostly during the war and in the 1980s thanks to "perestroika", market reforms. In other words, the further away the USSR went from communism the more economic troubles it experienced.
Communism is a mode of production that is in the process of replacing capitalism. It's doing it now slowly but surely. As wage-labor is reduced, the need for communism will become more and more apparent.

Communism already lost out to capitalism you idiot. Where have you been for the last 30 years?
Elon depends heavily on the US government right now and the American taxpayer. He's also a horrible employer, treating his employees like slaves. Why would you want to give the asteroids to Elon Musk, with all of its profits? You like slavery? When was last time Elon held an election at SpaceX?

See? ^^°

These leftards just don't get it.

Business isn't about politics, dimwit.

I don't even know where to start with you. You probably mean well, but you're so myopic you become a hard case.

No one's going to "give" Elon anything. He's going to ask for what he needs, and then he'll get the job done.

You don't understand. There's a lithium shortage RIGHT NOW. They can't mine it fast enough, and the raw resources are running out.

But there's 2,000 times as much lithium in the asteroid belt, as there is on all of earth Batteries for generations. The US government is going to be practically BEGGING Mr Musk for that lithium. They'll give him whatever he wants.
Lines are better than famines and capitalist countries have suffered horrible famines. During the rule of the Tsar there were horrific famines. The bread lines in the Soviet Union occurred mostly during the war and in the 1980s thanks to "perestroika", market reforms. In other words, the further away the USSR went from communism the more economic troubles it experienced.

How do you think those 3 million died, dumbass.

Sociist countries can almost never feed their population.

North Korea? Nope. Venezuela? Nope. China? Nope.

Communism already lost out to capitalism you idiot. Where have you been for the last 30 years?
It was socialist principles that allowed Russia to recover after being raped economically and otherwise by the oligarchs in the 1990s. Capitalism annihilated Russia in the 1990s and now as technology advances, capitalist production will begin to get socialized, everywhere. Communism is coming and you know it, that's why you're upset.
It was socialist principles that allowed Russia to recover after being raped economically and otherwise by the oligarchs in the 1990s. Capitalism annihilated Russia in the 1990s and now as technology advances, capitalist production will begin to get socialized, everywhere. Communism is coming and you know it, that's why you're upset.

Communism ain't coming here. Maybe some other shithole you want to live in.

But not here.

You forgot to disarm us first.
But there's 2,000 times as much lithium in the asteroid belt, as there is on all of earth Batteries for generations.

And the cost of bringing Lithium (or any other rare element) from the asteroid belt to Earth is only a few million dollars a kilo.

I can't see why everyone isn't racing out there to get at it.
See? ^^°

These leftards just don't get it.

Business isn't about politics, dimwit.

I don't even know where to start with you. You probably mean well, but you're so myopic you become a hard case.

No one's going to "give" Elon anything. He's going to ask for what he needs, and then he'll get the job done.

You don't understand. There's a lithium shortage RIGHT NOW. They can't mine it fast enough, and the raw resources are running out.

But there's 2,000 times as much lithium in the asteroid belt, as there is on all of earth Batteries for generations. The US government is going to be practically BEGGING Mr Musk for that lithium. They'll give him whatever he wants.

We would get a lot more done if we relied more on the US Government than on Elon. SpaceX is a liability and eventually costs more because rather than the American people owning the infrastructure in space with all of its resources, it will be Elon. So you want to hand everything to a billionaire, where I prefer for all of those space resources to be our common wealth. It should belong to all Americans, not just one billionaire.
Capitalism annihilated Russia in the 1990s

And the cost of bringing Lithium (or any other rare element) from the asteroid belt to Earth is only a few million dollars a kilo.

I can't see why everyone isn't racing out there to get at it.

More like a few tens of millions per kilo.
Communism ain't coming here. Maybe some other shithole you want to live in.

But not here.

You forgot to disarm us first.

Show me where Marx ever wanted to disarm the proletariat? We want to arm the working-class, not disarm. I'm an American communist, not a Russian or Chinese one. I like my guns too.
Communism is a mode of production that is in the process of replacing capitalism. It's doing it now slowly but surely. As wage-labor is reduced, the need for communism will become more and more apparent.
No it isn't. The automation is privately owned. Wage labor is simply shifting away from physical labor towards service based employment, it is not being reduced.
We would get a lot more done if we relied more on the US Government than on Elon. SpaceX is a liability and eventually costs more because rather than the American people owning the infrastructure in space with all of its resources, it will be Elon. So you want to hand everything to a billionaire, where I prefer for all of those space resources to be our common wealth. It should belong to all Americans, not just one billionaire.

The government KILLED NASA for all intents.

Obummer single handedly turned NASA into a global joke.
And the cost of bringing Lithium (or any other rare element) from the asteroid belt to Earth is only a few million dollars a kilo.

I can't see why everyone isn't racing out there to get at it.
What are you, a dumbass commie?

Think out of the box.

Launch a satellite on the way up to pay for the trip, bring back minerals for free

Come on man, use your noggin.
Show me where Marx ever wanted to disarm the proletariat? We want to arm the working-class, not disarm. I'm an American communist, not a Russian or Chinese one. I like my guns too.

You hate the working class. My grandfather was American Communist Party. I was deluged with propaganda. Boy was he mad when I started asking him the hard questions.

He was just like you, ignorant, hateful, and stupid.

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