Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

Your silly exercise of citing supposed death tolls to invalidate socialism is just pathetic. I can just as easily do the same with capitalism. It's dumb.

No, you can't. You can lie. But the world knows what happened.
The currency is rapidly approaching worthlessness.

Read what happens in a hyper inflationary spiral.

That only occurs due to a lack of necessary regulations, and lack of production/employment. A bit of central planning would eliminate the inflation issue.
It's impossible for a militia with small arms to defeat a modern standing army ...

View attachment 667875
That you have to go back 50 years and forget what actually happened... um, yeah.

End of the day, the Vietcong fought a guerilla war, but they couldn't have done it without the backing of the North Vietnamese Army, which had to finish the job.

The untold story of the Tet Offensive is that the Vietcong and NVA were utterly crushed by the US Army and their ARVN allies. It wasn't until the political response in the US turned negative that the Vietcong realized they might stand a chance.
Did you miss 7-4-1776 somehow? It’s not about government permission you moron.

Yes, the Founding Slave Rapists saved us from the horrors of being Canadians!!!

The reality is, the Founders used WELL REGULATED MILITIAS, not angry mobs with guns.

The Founders didn't beleive in Angry Mobs with Guns, any more than they believed in angry mobs voting.

The Second and Third Amendments were about defining militias, but their original meaning has been lost today, as armed mobs face off against militarized police departments.
Wait, you're the second person I've seen here talking about "unfired" guns being more valuable -----------------------

Is this like unopened First Editions? Or more for the 21th Century, action figures or video games still in the package? More resale value if never used?

Hmmmmmmmm, I generally suppose things are for using. The idea of keeping wine around 200 years without opening it ---- something is wrong there.
In this particular instance (newer gun) it does not really mean that much other than than there is less possibility that you would be buying other's problems.....Look at it as a just a nice bonus.

That said if it would remain that way for the next 50 years then it would sell for a bit of a premium.
The problem is that conservatives make the mistake of believing that they must somehow ‘justify’ possessing an AR 15 to stave-off calls that the weapon be ‘banned’ – which is ridiculous.

Consequently, conservatives lie about ‘needing’ AR 15s for ‘self-defense’ or opposing ‘government tyranny.’

Citizens aren’t required to ‘justify’ exercising a fundamental right as a ‘prerequisite’ to indeed do so.

Rightists need to stop with the stupid lies and simply state that they want an AR 15 for no other reason than they want one.

The problem is Nazis reject reality in their zeal for absolute power by the state.

Nazi minions like Saul Goodman believe that if they can disarm the peasants, then the tyranny they dream of will be a reality.

The US Military was driven from Vietnam by insurgents with small arms

The US Military was driven from Iraq by insurgents with small arms

The US Military was driven from Afghanistan by insurgents with small arms

But the Nazis are utterly convinced that citizens with small arms are powerless to stop their Reich.
Evidence. Anyways even if that were the case, and it's not, it doesn't render socialism or communism an ineffective economic system.
Well let's see...Mao killed about 40 million Chinese and Stalin killed about 20 million Soviet citizens. Then there was Pol Pot who killed another 2 million Cambodians. That's not even counting the people killed by Communists in North Korea, North Vietnam and Cuba! The Nazis were responsible for about 20 million deaths. You do the math!

Communism has NEVER been an effective economic system!
No one is telling that. Your Founding Fathers said that. There are a hundred million gun owners in America with 300 million guns and a trillion rounds of ammunition! That makes Americans the largest standing army in the world, if we should be so provoked to organize and fight united.

Of course, a lone person with a handgun is not going to hold off SWAT teams and crowds of cops! That was never the intention.

The government counts on pussies like you all-too-ready to surrender and give up before the fight even begins.

With God's help we pray it never comes to such a battle, but good to know you've already given up should it happen, you will be among the first to die or maybe turn traitor and join the other side.

BY ALL MEANS please do surrender to tyranny at your first chance! There is no room for cowards or traitors in America.
If we have the largest standing army, how come we haven't won a war since WWII, and even then we needed lots of help?
Yes, the Founding Slave Rapists saved us from the horrors of being Canadians!!!

The reality is, the Founders used WELL REGULATED MILITIAS, not angry mobs with guns.

The Founders didn't beleive in Angry Mobs with Guns, any more than they believed in angry mobs voting.

The Second and Third Amendments were about defining militias, but their original meaning has been lost today, as armed mobs face off against militarized police departments.
Wrong the amendments were about defining and protecting the rights of individuals.

The milita were not well regulated

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