Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

Anytime the Dems win a big enough majority in the next 20 to 30 years, you will not recognize this country ever again. They will throw our constitution in the trash and impose a fascistic, intrusive tyrannical regime and create a political structure that will keep them in power in perpetuity. Of course, by then we could also be involved in a full on civil war of red states vs blue states, which in essence if you’re living in a blue state, you’re the laboratory guinea pigs that are fucked either way.
Aw come on. It'll be fun to fuck with the feds again. We used to do it all the time in the 60's, we can do it again.
Capitalists kill other people, communists kill their own. That you can't understand why the difference is significant says a lot. Communism is so intellectually bankrupt it cannot survive internal dissent,thus it must be ruled through fear and oppression. Capitalists can survive both an armed populace and free and open dissent.
Capitalism is tyranny at every level so of course, it continues to exist even though it's obsolete. The future is communism, by default. Technology reduces wage-labor and eventually eliminates it, requiring socialized production. Producing everything with technology to meet our needs, not for profit.
When there are no more jobs or not enough jobs due to wage-labor being replaced with technology, you will become a communist too.
Bla bla bla.

You just don't get it.

Meat doesn't come from the supermarket.

Where's the gold going to come from, for all this electronic connectors? How about the lithium, for the batteries?

You haven't thought this through.
Capitalism is tyranny at every level so of course, it continues to exist even though it's obsolete. The future is communism, by default. Technology reduces wage-labor and eventually eliminates it, requiring socialized production. Producing everything with technology to meet our needs, not for profit.
Communism is a failed ideology, it has no future.
Bla bla bla.

You just don't get it.

Meat doesn't come from the supermarket.

Where's the gold going to come from, for all this electronic connectors? How about the lithium, for the batteries?

You haven't thought this through.

People will continue to work but not for a wage. Technology will make work easier, safer and we will work to maintain the system that is providing us with a high standard of living. Millionaires and billionaires aren't the only people that can work or break a sweat for reasons other than a wage. We will have all of our needs met yet we won't need money. Our work schedules in the future will also be less intensive unless we want to work more.
Communism is a failed ideology, it has no future.
Communism is a mode of production that is in the process of replacing capitalism. It's doing it now slowly but surely. As wage-labor is reduced, the need for communism will become more and more apparent.
Communism is a failed ideology, it has no future.

Elon Musk and SpaceX will be on those asteroids mining that gold long Long LONG before any government gets there.

The fucking GOVERNMENT will be pissing away our money on idiotic production less ideas like UBI, while Elon's creating jobs and contributing to science and helping the country and all of mankind
Elon Musk and SpaceX will be on those asteroids mining that gold long Long LONG before any government gets there.

The fucking GOVERNMENT will be pissing away our money on idiotic production less ideas like UBI, while Elon's creating jobs and contributing to science and helping the country and all of mankind

Elon depends heavily on the US government right now and the American taxpayer. He's also a horrible employer, treating his employees like slaves. Why would you want to give the asteroids to Elon Musk, with all of its profits? You like slavery? When was last time Elon held an election at SpaceX?
Were you given that computer you're using to post by the state?

No I live in a capitalist economy so I had to sell my labor power and earn an income to purchase this computer. If we were living in a communist society, everyone would get one or two computers per year or once every two or three years.
It's because Germany was the most advanced and powerful military at the time. The Soviets lost nine million soldiers and about 18 million civilians from many different causes. You're quite ignorant.

And yet you have been wrong in every historical fact.

And I have been correct.
Communism requires lots of killing their own to reinforce the fear and oppression.
That sounds more like capitalism. The imperialist effort to keep captive markets and take control of the natural resources of developing nations. Those capitalists love to impose sanctions and wage war it's very profitable for them. It creates monopolies and a lot of profits. If you want to argue death tolls you're going to lose.
No I live in a capitalist economy so I had to sell my labor power and earn an income to purchase this computer. If we were living in a communist society, everyone would get one or two computers per year or once every two or three years.

Sure you would. Why did they have lines for food? Why didn't every Soviet citizen get a car till AFTER the CCCP collapsed?
And yet you have been wrong in every historical fact.

And I have been correct.
But yet you haven't backed anything you've said so far with any sources. Just your own conjured-up capitalist rhetoric is what you have to offer.
If we were living in a communist society, everyone would get one or two computers per year or once every two years.

I hope the state gives you an apartment large enough to hold it ...

That sounds more like capitalism. The imperialist effort to keep captive markets and take control of the natural resources of developing nations. Those capitalists love to impose sanctions and wage war it's very profitable for them. It creates monopolies and a lot of profits. If you want to argue death tolls you're going to lose.

Capitalists SELL things to people you retard. It's hard to sell things to dead people.
So how come Ukrainian citizens using personal firearms against Russians is admirable, but Americans wanting to be able to do the same thing makes us sound unhinged?

I'd rather have a small chance, than no chance at all. Partisans are extremely irritating and damaging to military forces.
Didn't work for the Ukrainians did it? Iraqis, Afghanistan were armed to the teeth.

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