Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

No it is not.

All of that requires building and maintenance meaning more labor

The amount of tech-maintenance jobs will not replace the tens of millions of jobs that will be lost by technology. More, not everyone will be able to become a technician. Do you actually think everyone can become a tech or mechanic? Much of the technology will even be able to repair itself, so even tech jobs will be eliminated. In the future, work will not be for a wage or money, it will simply consist of volunteers working to supervise the system and contribute whatever they can of their labor, skills, and knowledge. Our standard of living is going to be very high, so dedicating a few hours a day or week to work that makes the world better and allows us to interact with eachother, is going to be valuable to us. We won't work for money or wages, because there will be no more need for money.
Yes according to the consitution which has no such point
The Constitution makes NO reference to self defense.

Article 1 Section 8 however says the following

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

"To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

The militia was twice used to put down such insurrections in those early years (Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion)

By te way...that's the Constitutional description of a "Well Regulated Militia" and it's not a bunch of fat slobs sitting around the barber shop cursing the government
The amount of tech-maintenance jobs will not replace the tens of millions of jobs that will be lost by technology. More, not everyone will be able to become a technician. Do you actually think everyone can become a tech or mechanic? Much of the technology will even be able to repair itself, so even tech jobs will be eliminated. In the future, work will not be for a wage or money, it will simply consist of volunteers working to supervise the system and contribute whatever they can of their labor, skills, and knowledge. Our standard of living is going to be very high, so dedicating a few hours a day or week to work that makes the world better and allows us to interact with eachother, is going to be valuable to us. We won't work for money or wages, because there will be no more need for money.
This guy is a troll

Unclear if he is a pretend communist but actual right wing troll or an actual Russian agitptop troll

But no supposed communist is going to attack liberals in MAGA terms like this creep does.

Troll fail
The amount of tech-maintenance jobs will not replace the tens of millions of jobs that will be lost by technology. More, not everyone will be able to become a technician. Do you actually think everyone can become a tech or mechanic? Much of the technology will even be able to repair itself, so even tech jobs will be eliminated. In the future, work will not be for a wage or money, it will simply consist of volunteers working to supervise the system and contribute whatever they can of their labor, skills, and knowledge. Our standard of living is going to be very high, so dedicating a few hours a day or week to work that makes the world better and allows us to interact with eachother, is going to be valuable to us. We won't work for money or wages, because there will be no more need for money.
They will exsceed and replace gthose jobs along with construction and support.

You live in delusional fantasy land
This guy is a troll

Unclear if he is a pretend communist but actual right wing troll or an actual Russian agitptop troll

But no supposed communist is going to attack liberals in MAGA terms like this creep does.

Troll fail


How do you figure that a genuine Marxist is going to ally himself/herself (binary yes, binary) with purple-haired libtard regressives, that can't even define what a woman is? I'm a troll because I don't want to subject children to dangerous hormone treatments in an attempt to "transition" them to the opposite gender? I'm a troll because I don't want to subject children to dangerous sex-reassignment surgeries? I'm a troll because I'm against depriving children of puberty? I'm a troll because I don't want men who think they're women destroying women's sports? I'm a troll because I believe every law abiding American has a right to own a firearm, even combat rifles (and that of course includes access to ammunition). I'm a troll because I'm against all of this capitalist funded degeneracy and decadence, that you support.

Why would a communist be for disarming the people? Marxism according to Marx is democracy. Rule of the people. I want the people to keep their fangs and claws. I don't want to defang or declaw the populace.
The Constitution makes NO reference to self defense.

Article 1 Section 8 however says the following

To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces;

"To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

The militia was twice used to put down such insurrections in those early years (Shay's Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion)

By te way...that's the Constitutional description of a "Well Regulated Militia" and it's not a bunch of fat slobs sitting around the barber shop cursing the government
That is because self defense is a natuural right.

you pointed out no refference to the second amendment

How do you figure that a genuine Marxist is going to ally himself/herself (binary yes, binary) with purple-haired libtard regressives, that can't even define what a woman is? I'm a troll because I don't want to subject children to dangerous hormone treatments in an attempt to "transition" them to the opposite gender? I'm a troll because I don't want to subject children to dangerous sex-reassignment surgeries? I'm a troll because I'm against depriving children of puberty? I'm a troll because I don't want men who think they're women destroying women's sports? I'm a troll because I believe every law abiding American has a right to own a firearm, even combat rifles (and that of course includes access to ammunition). I'm a troll because I'm against all of this capitalist funded degeneracy and decadence, that you support.

Why would a communist be for disarming the people? Marxism according to Marx is democracy. Rule of the people. I want the people to keep their fangs and claws. I don't want to defang or declaw the populace.
Marxism is not democratic and he never claimed it was.

Communism and marxism is authoritarian and tyrannical as designed BY Marx
Marxism is not democratic and he never claimed it was.

Communism and marxism is authoritarian and tyrannical as designed BY Marx
No, that's not what he wrote:

Socialism espouses the rule of the people or of the "proletariate". Capitalism defends the rule of vested interests and profits at the expense of the public good.
No, that's not what he wrote:

Socialism espouses the rule of the people or of the "proletariate". Capitalism defends the rule of vested interests and profits at the expense of the public good.

Marx and socialists in general are always authoritarian and in support of Tyrannty.

As mentioned earlier you may have read Marx but you are ignorant about what he said.

Marx SPECIFICALLY called foer gtyrannjy and despotism. The dictatorship of the proletariate means ............wait for it......................DICTATORSHIP which by definition is authroitarian and tyrannical,

He stated it , he wanted it and called for it. This is why every communist nation is a brutal and genocidal dictatorship.

Marx was a girfter and total fool who wished for a regression back to univeral slavery and the desctruction of all social orders including democracy and any form of a relublic
Pretty much true. But, there will be horrible bloodshed and our liberties will be few and far between during the Armageddon.

Very true.

Civil war will be horrible.

Worse yet, the Nazi democrats are starting a civil war knowing that after they lose, China will march in on a weakened America. Those like Lesh are engaging in treason on behalf of Communist China.

Marx and socialists in general are always authoritarian and in support of Tyrannty.

As mentioned earlier you may have read Marx but you are ignorant about what he said.

Marx SPECIFICALLY called foer gtyrannjy and despotism. The dictatorship of the proletariate means ............wait for it......................DICTATORSHIP which by definition is authroitarian and tyrannical,

He stated it , he wanted it and called for it. This is why every communist nation is a brutal and genocidal dictatorship.

Marx was a girfter and total fool who wished for a regression back to univeral slavery and the desctruction of all social orders including democracy and any form of a relublic

No wrong again. You're ripping that term out of context. The dictatorship of the people means just that, that the people dictate, not corporations or the profit-pursuing interests of the rich and powerful. Your cheap cold-war rhetoric against communism only impresses the ignorant. Are you getting prepared now for communism? It's coming whether you like it or not. As wage labor is replaced with technology, communism naturally becomes a necessity. The inevitable consequence of high-tech production is communism, so you may resist now all you want but you and your children, and their children, are all going to be communists. Welcome comrade.


That is because self defense is a natuural right.

you pointed out no refference to the second amendment
I pointed out the CONSTITUTION stupid. Article one Section Eight

Did you think the Constitution begins and ends with the 2A?
No wrong again. You're ripping that term out of context. The dictatorship of the people means just that, that the people dictate, not corporations or the profit-pursuing interests of the rich and powerful. Your cheap cold-war rhetoric against communism only impresses the ignorant. Are you getting prepared now for communism? It's coming whether you like it or not. As wage labor is replaced with technology, communism naturally becomes a necessity. The inevitable consequence of high-tech production is communism, so you may resist now all you want but you and your children, and their children, are all going to be communists. Welcome comrade.

That is always the evasion of communists.

It is not taking it out of context it is the PRECISE context.

Dictatorship of the proletariate means DICTATORSHIP which means iron fisted despotic tyranny. It means that one person or a few people dictate to otrhers how to live or to die.

That is what he meant and it is not out of context, You can NOT provide any expolanation by marx to the contrary.

This is an accurate understanding of what he meant and has nothing to do with the cold war.

It is notr coming it is a dead and defeated idea which you will cry about but never see come to exist.

You are a liar sir who like all sociali8sst supports tyranny as your god marx instructed you.
No, that's not what he wrote:

Socialism espouses the rule of the people or of the "proletariate". Capitalism defends the rule of vested interests and profits at the expense of the public good.

The most democratic society in history was Vladimir Lenin in Petrograd the winter of 1922-23.

Most leftists are morons an know nothing of what Marx wrote or what socialism is. Perhaps you're better versed. Soviets are a type of congress. In Lenin's USSR there were soviets at all levels, right down to the neighborhood.

It was all very democratic - sure the bourgeoisie, that is the Middle Class - were denied the right to vote or any sort of representation. But among the proletarians at the behest of the aristocracy and oligarchs, everyone got to vote. In fact Lenin had soviets voting on what jobs people would do - so doctors often were field hands. They would vote on what the needs of people were - so shop owners were often found to not need food. They voted on housing, so tradesmen often were found to not need to sleep indoors in the arctic city.

A third of the population was murdered through this savagery, but it was all so very democratic.

PJ O'Roark wrote that "Democracy is three wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch." (no, it wasn't Ben Franklin)

Marxists are the most brutal of all creatures, or perhaps equal to their conjoined twin the Nazis.
I pointed out the CONSTITUTION stupid. Article one Section Eight

Did you think the Constitution begins and ends with the 2A?
Your point is moot Irrespective of how you interpret the second amendment, the federal government, and the states can enact laws that grant the people the right to own firearms for self-defense. Indeed there are laws that grant people the right to keep and bear arms, for self-defense. If the majority of people want this right, then there's no good reason for them to lose it. People like you will just start a war. Americans who value what they consider to be a right to keep and bear arms, will not relinquish that right without a war. So you can fantasize all you want about a disarmed American populace, but it's not going to happen outside of your brain. Just in your brain, that's it.
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You said it was referrenced several times but you failed DUMBASS
Now you're babbling

I said the militia was USED several times to put down the sort of insurrection you folks claim the 2A supports.

I showed you WHERE in the Constitution it describes and calls for that to happen.

Jesus you are stupid
Your point is mute. Irrespective of how you interpret the second amendment, the federal government, and the states can enact laws that grant the people the right to own firearms for self-defense. Indeed there are laws that grant people the right to keep and bear arms, for self-defense. If the majority of people want this right, then there's no good reason for them to lose it. People like you will just start a war. Americans who value what they consider to be a right to keep and bear arms, will not relinquish that right without a war. So you can fantasize all you want about a disarmed American populace, but it's not going to happen outside of your brain. Just in your brain, that's it.
The word is "moot" troll

Now go away
This guy (Communistfront) is a troll

Unclear if he is a pretend communist but actual right wing troll or an actual Russian agitprop troll

But no supposed communist is going to attack liberals in MAGA terms like this creep does.

Troll fail
Keep this in mind

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