Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

The phrase "not absolute" is meaningless.

You can’t even read a dictionary can you ? Nothing written by the SC has more scrutiny then their opinions after their decisions. Now you’re a dictionary publisher. .
Ha ha
….the bottom line is, you frauds when wrong, suddenly declare that you’re right and literally, EVERYONE ELSE tasked with enforcing the constitution is wrong. Same old bills hit whether it’s climate change denial, election denial or the constitution bill of rights. Aren’t you the least bit embarrassed by your ignorance ?
I'm not wrong. End of story. People who enforce the Constitution are wrong when they are wrong. They are not always right. They are not infallible. They themselves have admitted they are sometimes wrong.

Are you the least bit embarrassed about posting such obviously wrong claims?

You can’t even read a dictionary can you ? Nothing written by the SC has more scrutiny then their opinions after their decisions. Now you’re a dictionary publisher. .
Was your post supposed to mean something?
Huh….you’re moving the bar all over the place. All your rights as enumerated in the first two amendments are not absolute and are subject to regulation. Btw, very few regulate firearms more then the military does. Anyone who served knows that. Both free speech and firearm control are highly regulated.

The federal state and local gov are charged with enforcing these regs. Public access private owned businesses and corporations routinely limit free speech and post firearm restrictions, all with support of the constitution and enforced by local, state and federal authorities.
You're spewing meaning less babble.
I'm not wrong. End of story. People who enforce the Constitution are wrong when they are wrong. They are not always right. They are not infallible. They themselves have admitted they are sometimes wrong.

Are you the least bit embarrassed about posting such obviously wrong claims?
Ha Ha
You’re FOS on so many levels it’s hilarious. Now you’re denying what the SC, the final arbiter of the constitution has to say about free speech and firearm control. You’re ignorance knows no bounds. Spoken like a true BS artist and Humper.
Ha Ha
You’re FOS on so many levels it’s hilarious. Now you’re denying what the SC, the final arbiter of the constitution has to say about free speech and firearm control. You’re ignorance knows no bounds. Spoken like a true BS artist and Humper.
Are you claiming the SC is infallible?
he actions of ALL corporations in the restrictions they place on free speech are protected from suit by corporate law established by the judicial arm of the GOVERNMENT.
We aren't talking about corporations, dumb ass, we're talking about the federal government denying free speech and you STILL have not provided an example.
Huh….you’re moving the bar all over the place. All your rights as enumerated in the first two amendments are not absolute and are subject to regulation. Btw, very few regulate firearms more then the military does. Anyone who served knows that. Both free speech and firearm control are highly regulated.

The federal state and local gov are charged with enforcing these regs. Public access private owned businesses and corporations routinely limit free speech and post firearm restrictions, all with support of the constitution and enforced by local, state and federal authorities.

I have not moved the bar. I responded to your comment.

I am aware of how regulated firearms are within the military. I am a veteran. Members of the US military are governed by the UCMJ.

Yes, private businesses limit free speech and have firearm restrictions. But their firearm restrictions only apply if you are taking a firearm on to their property. They certainly do not try to decide who is allowed to own them and who is not.
I have not moved the bar. I responded to your comment.

I am aware of how regulated firearms are within the military. I am a veteran. Members of the US military are governed by the UCMJ.

Yes, private businesses limit free speech and have firearm restrictions. But their firearm restrictions only apply if you are taking a firearm on to their property. They certainly do not try to decide who is allowed to own them and who is not.
You really don’t get it do you ? The Govt decides who can posses firearms everywhere in the United States. Private business only limit free speech and firearm restrictions because it’s backed by THE GOVERNMENT. Private business don’t enforce regulating firearms on their property. The local police does. Why ? Because the SC in their interpretation of the constitution allows it EVERYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES.

HOw oblivious can you deniers be. Moving the bar again ?
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We aren't talking about corporations, dumb ass, we're talking about the federal government denying free speech and you STILL have not provided an example.
Look ignoramus, the SC court supports what corporations can do because it’s local, state and federal law enforce that will march in and enforce what you do on Private properties where your rights are regulated.
You’re watching way too much TV.

Oh, now it’s the federal Govt.
Geesus, how numb can you be. All state and local Govt are obliged to enforce federal fire arm and free speech laws. They are accountable for 12 year olds not selling schedule one drugs and carrying firearms and not acting like a-holes in public. Try parading around in the nude in public just to exercise your “free speech “ while carrying an automatic weapon. Then tell us all how you have unregulated rights....
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I'm not wrong. End of story. People who enforce the Constitution are wrong when they are wrong. They are not always right. They are not infallible. They themselves have admitted they are sometimes wrong.

Are you the least bit embarrassed about posting such obviously wrong claims?
You do know it’s sign mental illness to run around saying everyone else is wrong all time but you. You are one strange dude.
It makes you sound mentally challenged.

Having guns is not going to protect you from the police or military. With normal police equipment, SWAT teams, police tactics and fire power etc, they can easily neutralize any armed threat or movement. They wouldn't even break a sweat. Not to mention, police surveillance tactics will make it impossible for an anti-government group to organize a big enough threat to the regime. You don't have a chance. And that is only the police. Your little AR-15 isn't going to do anything to a drone, tank, apache helicopter, fighter jet or combat unit (much less special forces). There is a reason you have not seen a people's uprising to over-throw a government even in Africa in decade. And really only Sudan has been overthrown by a military coup.

No, the only reason you want certain guns (such as a AR-15) is because you like to have them.

It is true the vast majority of gun owners are responsible and good people, including AR-15 owners. But that 1% or 0.05% that are not responsible can cause havoc, as we just saw in Highland park (an event I was on my way to attend and an event to which I know many people that were directly effected).

If you want to hunt, then a single shot hunting rifle will suffice. If it is about home defense, then handguns and shotguns (which as both short-range) would be sufficient.

There are many things that can be done, such as arm teachers, have cops in schools, secure soft targets, better mental health facilities, red flag rules and immunity for snitching, involuntary institutionalization, high standards for gun ownership, higher and minimum sentences for illegal gun possession, Federal no buy lists, vicarious liability for guns for the gun owner etc., but stop with the argument that you need guns for tyrannical governments! Because it is foolish.

There should be a ban on all guns other then single shot hunting rifles, handguns and shotguns.

Now I know handguns are by far the weapon of choice in the vast number of homicides, but so called "assault rifles" (yes I know that is a term the liberals made up) it by far a more sufficient weapon to commit mass murder then a handgun, even if they are semi-automatic (vs full).

Keep sticking to these stances that turn off the moderates (e.g. ban on abortion and do nothing on guns) and then cry about how Demorats can win with gas over $5-6, out of control inflation, major blunders in foreign policy and everyone hating woke politics. If the Demorats keep the House and pick up senate seats you are going to see the most radical changes to this country that we haver ever seen.
True, our superior technology and fighter jets allowed us to kick ass in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

Here we are on our way out after a wonderful victory in both nations.


Our withdrawal from Vietnam.


Leaving Afghanistan.

At this time we really do not have any reason to overthrow our government. If some idiots started a real insurrection at this time it would be quickly squashed as it would lack support. Then the Dems would push draconian gun control through and we would be on the way to losing all our freedoms.

Sometime in the future if the Democrats establish a Marxist Socialist Workers’ Paradise as they dream of, we may find ourselves oppressed by a tyrannical government. Perhaps one that wishes to establish re-education campos for Christians and conservatives.

True, our superior technology and fighter jets allowed us to kick ass in Vietnam and Afghanistan.
And then leave both countries in DEFEAT with our tails between our legs after seeing thousands of our own soldiers maimed and killed in wars we misused our technology.

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