Can Gun Nuts Please Stop Saying You Need Guns to Protect Yourself From A Potential Tyrannical Government!!!

Apparantly you believe the government is free to use power however it likes.
The government in a free democracy acts according to the will of the PEOPLE as described in the constitution. Since the constitution was enacted we have always qualified the rights of persons to exclude those who MAYBE, underaged, criminal, mentally or physically incapacitated. The idea that every person has every right right is wrong and it’s a fking joke to say it is.
Obviously you have no idea wtf you are talking. None of your rights as described in the first and second amendment are absolute. You’re a flaming idiot.
The government in a free democracy acts according to the will of the PEOPLE as described in the constitution. Since the constitution was enacted we have always qualified the rights of persons to exclude those who MAYBE, underaged, criminal, mentally or physically incapacitated. The idea that every person has every right right is wrong and it’s a fking joke to say it is.
Obviously you have no idea wtf you are talking. None of your rights as described in the first and second amendment are absolute. You’re a flaming idiot.
We aren’t a democracy, dumbass.
Nope. Neither can anyone purchase a firearm, possess any firearm and in any place. They are all regulated
Who you are, What you say and where you say it, are regulated as well.
That you don’t get that makes you an illiterate.
Please provide examples.
And just as an aside: when one is commenting on an online forum, stating that another commenter responding to you is "illiterate" does not speak well for your level of intelligence.
Please provide examples.
And just as an aside: when one is commenting on an online forum, stating that another commenter responding to you is "illiterate" does not speak well for your level of intelligence.
You can’t be serious…
Youre such a fking idiot, you can’t think of anyone who is routinely denied from possessing a firearm or from practicing his free speech ? I’ve never heard such ramblings from such stooopid people.
Illiteracy aptly describes you fools who can’t or won’t read the Heller majority opinion and all the rules and regulations federally, state and local that prohibit the possession of firearms and regulate the practice free speech to unqualified persons.
You can’t be serious…
Youre such a fking idiot, you can’t think of anyone who is routinely denied from possessing a firearm or from practicing his free speech ? I’ve never heard such ramblings from such stooopid people.
Illiteracy aptly describes you fools who can’t or won’t read the Heller majority opinion and all the rules and regulations federally, state and local that prohibit the possession of firearms and regulate the practice free speech to unqualified persons.
I am serious - and I am, and have been, only talking about Free speech.
Who the fuck is "unqualified" to have free speech?
Take your time.
Dumb ass.
The US Supreme Court has consistently ruled that the 2nd amendment is an individual right, not contingent on military service.
Wow, and the Supreme Court has also ruled your right to possess a firearm is not absolute and is subject to regulation…..regulations that prohibits some citizens from practicing free speech and possessing a firearms…idiot.
Trump from Facebook. And, anyone of you fking a-holes who promote violence. Go ahead. Try it. We‘ll then report your sorry ass and hopefully you’ll be suspended.
THAT is your example?
Facebook is not the government, dumb ass.
THAT is your example?
Facebook is not the government, dumb ass.
Are you that dumb ? The actions of ALL corporations in the restrictions they place on free speech are protected from suit by corporate law established by the judicial arm of the GOVERNMENT.

“No firearms allowed” and the like ..,clearly or not, that are posted or implied on all federal buildings, schools, state and local buildings and public buildings are backed by the constitutions and federal state and local gov. They are ALL backed by the SC in qualifying your rights.
The government in a free democracy acts according to the will of the PEOPLE as described in the constitution. Since the constitution was enacted we have always qualified the rights of persons to exclude those who MAYBE, underaged, criminal, mentally or physically incapacitated. The idea that every person has every right right is wrong and it’s a fking joke to say it is.
Obviously you have no idea wtf you are talking. None of your rights as described in the first and second amendment are absolute. You’re a flaming idiot.
A lynch mob is the will of the people, and a just society doesn't allow that. Your exceptions to the principle that everyone has a right to do what he likes are too miniscule to matter. That isn't what's up for debate here, and you know it. You focus on that because you got shot down and every other claim you made.
Wow, and the Supreme Court has also ruled your right to possess a firearm is not absolute and is subject to regulation…..regulations that prohibits some citizens from practicing free speech and possessing a firearms…idiot.
The SC ruled incorrectly on that issue.
Wow, and the Supreme Court has also ruled your right to possess a firearm is not absolute and is subject to regulation…..regulations that prohibits some citizens from practicing free speech and possessing a firearms…idiot.

Lighten up, Francis. I made a point against one of your comments.

And yes, the Supreme Court has said the right can be regulated. But not by any connection to a military.
And yes, the Supreme Court has said the right can be regulated. But not by any connection to a military.
Huh….you’re moving the bar all over the place. All your rights as enumerated in the first two amendments are not absolute and are subject to regulation. Btw, very few regulate firearms more then the military does. Anyone who served knows that. Both free speech and firearm control are highly regulated.

The federal state and local gov are charged with enforcing these regs. Public access private owned businesses and corporations routinely limit free speech and post firearm restrictions, all with support of the constitution and enforced by local, state and federal authorities.
Huh….you’re moving the bar all over the place. All your rights as enumerated in the first two amendments are not absolute and are subject to regulation. Btw, very few regulate firearms more then the military does. Enlist…..
The federal state and local gov are charged with enforcing these regs. Public access private owned businesses and corporations routinely limit free speech and post firearm restrictions, all with support of the constitution and enforced by local, state and federal authorities.
The phrase "not absolute" is meaningless. Prog idiots use it to mean the government can regulate them. Based on what? Certainly nothing in the Constitution allows government to regulate them.

How does the military regulate firearms? People can establish rules about what's allowed on their property. That's what the right to own property means.
The SC ruled incorrectly on that issue.
Ha ha
….the bottom line is, you frauds when wrong, suddenly declare that you’re right and literally, EVERYONE ELSE tasked with enforcing the constitution is wrong. Same old bills hit whether it’s climate change denial, election denial or the constitution bill of rights. Aren’t you the least bit embarrassed by your ignorance ?

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