Can I Be A Democrat For A While?

Doesn't Toob make a good democrat?

  • In his dreams.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Not if hell froze over first.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • He'll make a real asset to the DNC.

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Toob is a dyed in the wool forever conservative.

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
I don't know that you quite make the cut.
Am I a cut of meat now?

You also have to:
--Believe climate change is the worst existential threat to humankind
Sure. Soon as you can prove that.

and be willing to implement the most draconian totalitarian policies to pretend you're doing something about it
My mother was German. So being like a Nazi shouldn't be too hard!

even as you try to figure out how to have fewer humans on Earth.
We could try cutting down on birthrate for a couple generations as old people died off, by simply tying a person's tube's after 1-2 babies! But then, I realized that birth control would be a good and necessary thing a good 50 years ago.

--Be a strong advocate for the WEF and NWO
So long as I get cut in for a thick percentage.

--Forgive student loans no matter how much that costs
Just donate generously to my reelection fund!

--Keep implementing policies that strip the people of their liberties, resources, and options
In other words, same old same old.

until they have no power left to resist you.
Kinda like that scene in the Exorcist. :smoke:
Odd. I declared I was changing to being a democrat and no one in the democrat party welcomed me!

I told them that the GOP was a failed party of old hasbeens too slow and out of touch.

I told them I wanted to be part of the winning team.

And still, no one on the Left welcomed me! Some even said they didn't believe me!

I mean, I thought political affiliation and ideology was just like gender and being offended: all that mattered was how you FELT.

I thought the Left would welcome a new team member. I was wrong. Don't I make a good democrat?
They don't need you, they already have a team that gets the votes they need when they need them.
Pfffft ...

You're not pussy enough for the Democrat Party ...

What if I rentapussy?

I don't know that you quite make the cut. You also have to:

--Believe climate change is the worst existential threat to humankind and be willing to implement the most draconian totalitarian policies to pretend you're doing something about it even as you try to figure out how to have fewer humans on Earth.

--Be a strong advocate for the WEF and NWO

--Don't care whether those you appoint to do various jobs do them or not or do them competently and half the women in your administration need to be women.

--Close the churches (or at least require they be out of sight) and put an abortion clinic in every neighborhood and mandate unlimited and unrestricted abortion on demand.

--Replace basic school curriculum with 'woke' sexual content and critical race theory.

--Forgive student loans no matter how much that costs the responsible and encourages irresponsibility and pay reparations to anybody you need to keep supporting you.

--Keep implementing policies that strip the people of their liberties, resources, and options until they have no power left to resist you. (That includes finding ways to confiscate all the guns.)

There's probably more but that amendment to your campaign planks should get you into the club.
If all of that is true then all Republicans are racists
Well if you don't believe that and can't name any other democrats who have claimed that, then why do you think I need to say that?

That wouldn't make me a democrat, it would just make me an idiot.

Unless you don't think there is any difference.

Funny how no one on the Left wants to admit that they love Joe Biden or are even a registered Democrat!
The only politician "loved" is Trump. Biden is just the guy I voted for. Cause he was a better choice than his opponent..and still is. I have been registered as an Independent for over 20 years now.
My concern with Republicans is they've lost their minds and direction with their slavish devotion to their "loved" standard bearer. He demands loyalty and expects devotion, and in return, they fear him.
Not a guy you want running the country (again).

Go back to being the election denying, Trump supporting troll you were.
You were a lot more fun that way. This act???., just plain old creepy. :)
My concern with Republicans is they've lost their minds and direction with their slavish devotion to their "loved" standard bearer. He demands loyalty and expects devotion, and in return, they fear him.
Not a guy you want running the country (again).

Go back to being the election denying, Trump supporting troll you were.
You were a lot more fun that way. This act???., just plain old creepy. :)
Well said.
The only politician "loved" is Trump.
Maybe that really says something about how bad democrats are?

He demands loyalty and expects devotion,
Kinda like a CEO of a corporation expects of its officers? Trump is a businessman.

and in return, they fear him.
People fear Biden too. They fear his AG. They fear his FBI. They fear his IRS, And they fear his DOJ, because Joe has weaponized all of them like a fascist state to attack his political opponents. All he needs to do is label them as some sort of existential "threat" to "democracy."

Go back to being the election denying, Trump supporting troll you were.
Nah, I'm a blue blood certified democrat now. Thru and Thru. Gimme some Tranny pussy.

Joe Biden 2024 Rah Rah Rah.

See? You can't disbelieve your eyes!
You do know that, as a Democrat, you will have to screw trannies to exhibit your dedication to cause, right?
You would have to get a frontal lobotomy to become a bed wetter.

I don't believe they can reverse it.

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