Can OCTAs Provide Positive Evidence Flt 77 Was Hijacked?'re such a fucking useless pussy. You tried to say bin laden wasn't charged because it would be "useless" to charge someone before catching the person. You stupid fuck. The charges have to be filed before arresting the person. Then you want to twist my questioning the OCT into claiming I am a terrorist apologist? You're fucking pathetic and you continue to prove it by lying and trying to find any way to demonize me instead of discussing the facts. Fucking **** loser.

you gay moron. that isnt what i said at all. you are fucking lying again!!!

it is useless to file additional charges at this point because he already has charges filed against him. you lying piece of shit fuck face.

You really are too pathetic.
Lol...the CR claims there was a call so it must be true! Rotfl! Thank you for admitting you accept what the government says without verification. Also, why do you keep talking about your fantasies of dicks in asses? Doesn't the net have better places for you to find what you are looking for?

i already showed you records of the calls. these records were prepared for the 9/11 commission so i am fairly certain they saw them too. if you dont like they way they cite things take it up with them.

as far as the gay places to hang out on the net you seem to have infinitely more knowledge than me in that area. i dont go around championing gay rights like you do. i have no interest in the dick up your ass other than how it causing you to have brain damage that causes you to spew idiotic statements.'re such a fucking useless pussy. You tried to say bin laden wasn't charged because it would be "useless" to charge someone before catching the person. You stupid fuck. The charges have to be filed before arresting the person. Then you want to twist my questioning the OCT into claiming I am a terrorist apologist? You're fucking pathetic and you continue to prove it by lying and trying to find any way to demonize me instead of discussing the facts. Fucking **** loser.

you gay moron. that isnt what i said at all. you are fucking lying again!!!

it is useless to file additional charges at this point because he already has charges filed against him. you lying piece of shit fuck face.

You really are too pathetic.

no fuck, jackass.... because he already has charges filed against him!!!

so why dont you answer the fucking question and tell us what filing more charges would accomplish!!! :cuckoo:
hear⋅say  [heer-sey] Show IPA
1. unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge: I pay no attention to hearsay.
2. an item of idle or unverified information or gossip; rumor: a malicious hearsay.
3. of, pertaining to, or characterized by hearsay: hearsay knowledge; a hearsay report.

hey jackass, the secretary spoke with Olson. she is providing direct confirmation of a phone call she was involved in. that isnt hearsay. hearsay would be if she repeated the claims that there were hijackers on the flight made by Olson. :cuckoo:

Wow. You really keep reinforcing how fucking stupid you are. His regular secretary did not relay the call. Even if she did she had no way of knowing who was on the phone except for hearsay. SHE HEARD SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING. THAT MAKES IT HEARSAY YOU DUMB ****.

Ted claims his wife said some things but there is no way to verify who exactly he spoke with or what was said. He repeated WHAT HE HEARD WHICH MAKES IT HEARSAY YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE SNIVELING ****.
hear⋅say  [heer-sey] Show IPA
1. unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge: I pay no attention to hearsay.
2. an item of idle or unverified information or gossip; rumor: a malicious hearsay.
3. of, pertaining to, or characterized by hearsay: hearsay knowledge; a hearsay report.

hey jackass, the secretary spoke with Olson. she is providing direct confirmation of a phone call she was involved in. that isnt hearsay. hearsay would be if she repeated the claims that there were hijackers on the flight made by Olson. :cuckoo:

Wow. You really keep reinforcing how fucking stupid you are. His regular secretary did not relay the call. Even if she did she had no way of knowing who was on the phone except for hearsay. SHE HEARD SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING. THAT MAKES IT HEARSAY YOU DUMB ****.

Ted claims his wife said some things but there is no way to verify who exactly he spoke with or what was said. He repeated WHAT HE HEARD WHICH MAKES IT HEARSAY YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE SNIVELING ****.

Hearsay has a more precise meaning, which you are incapable of grasping because you remain a fucktard, an idiot and a liar, bent tight.

Hearsay is objectionable because it cannot be "tested" via cross examination.

But when one is able to have one's recollections examined under oath, the objection really (for the most part) wafts away....

And the RECORDS are not hearsay, anyway, you idiot.
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Lol...the CR claims there was a call so it must be true! Rotfl! Thank you for admitting you accept what the government says without verification. Also, why do you keep talking about your fantasies of dicks in asses? Doesn't the net have better places for you to find what you are looking for?

i already showed you records of the calls. these records were prepared for the 9/11 commission so i am fairly certain they saw them too. if you dont like they way they cite things take it up with them.

as far as the gay places to hang out on the net you seem to have infinitely more knowledge than me in that area. i dont go around championing gay rights like you do. i have no interest in the dick up your ass other than how it causing you to have brain damage that causes you to spew idiotic statements.

You didn't show any records of confirmed calls from the CR that proved May or Olson made the calls. Thank you for admitting you stalk my posts on here then try to insult me because I argue for Equal Rights. What kind of anti-American little bitch are you?'re such a loser and you know it.
Lol...the CR claims there was a call so it must be true! Rotfl! Thank you for admitting you accept what the government says without verification. Also, why do you keep talking about your fantasies of dicks in asses? Doesn't the net have better places for you to find what you are looking for?

i already showed you records of the calls. these records were prepared for the 9/11 commission so i am fairly certain they saw them too. if you dont like they way they cite things take it up with them.

as far as the gay places to hang out on the net you seem to have infinitely more knowledge than me in that area. i dont go around championing gay rights like you do. i have no interest in the dick up your ass other than how it causing you to have brain damage that causes you to spew idiotic statements.

You didn't show any records of confirmed calls from the CR that proved May or Olson made the calls. Thank you for admitting you stalk my posts on here then try to insult me because I argue for Equal Rights. What kind of anti-American little bitch are you?'re such a loser and you know it.

again you dont comprehend what you read. where the fuck did i say i had confirmed calls from the CR?

....and it was a similar claim by you when you claimed you didnt say something that i went back over your posts and proved you did say it. it was during this time i stumbled across your homo interests.

trust me, even if i was a stalker you still wouldnt be important enough to stalk.
Has anybody discrened anything that would lead you to believe curvelight has ever had a friend?
you gay moron. that isnt what i said at all. you are fucking lying again!!!

it is useless to file additional charges at this point because he already has charges filed against him. you lying piece of shit fuck face.

You really are too pathetic.

no fuck, jackass.... because he already has charges filed against him!!!

so why dont you answer the fucking question and tell us what filing more charges would accomplish!!! :cuckoo:

You are such a pathetic liar. Your first proclamation was it would be useless to charge him before being caught:

"you really have no idea how the legal system works, apparently. filing charges before he is caught would accomplish what exactly?

fucking moron....:cuckoo:"

You claim charges have not been filed because he has not been caught. Later on you change your statement to say he hasn't been charged due to him already having charges. Like divecon, you didn't know he had been charged with other crimes and when you found out you changed your original claim. You're such a lying lame ****.
hear⋅say  [heer-sey] Show IPA
1. unverified, unofficial information gained or acquired from another and not part of one's direct knowledge: I pay no attention to hearsay.
2. an item of idle or unverified information or gossip; rumor: a malicious hearsay.
3. of, pertaining to, or characterized by hearsay: hearsay knowledge; a hearsay report.

hey jackass, the secretary spoke with Olson. she is providing direct confirmation of a phone call she was involved in. that isnt hearsay. hearsay would be if she repeated the claims that there were hijackers on the flight made by Olson. :cuckoo:

Wow. You really keep reinforcing how fucking stupid you are. His regular secretary did not relay the call. Even if she did she had no way of knowing who was on the phone except for hearsay. SHE HEARD SOMEONE SAY SOMETHING. THAT MAKES IT HEARSAY YOU DUMB ****.

Ted claims his wife said some things but there is no way to verify who exactly he spoke with or what was said. He repeated WHAT HE HEARD WHICH MAKES IT HEARSAY YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE SNIVELING ****.

Hearsay has a more precise meaning, which you are incapable of grasping because you remain a fucktard, an idiot and a liar, bent tight.

Hearsay is objectionable because it cannot be "tested" via cross examination.

But when one is able to have one's recollections examined under oath, the objection really (for the most part) wafts away....

And the RECORDS are not hearsay, anyway, you idiot.

You are one dumb bitch.

"Hearsay is an out of court statement, made in court, to prove the truth of the matter asserted."
"Hearsay" Evidence - Criminal Law
Has anybody discrened anything that would lead you to believe curvelight has ever had a friend?

Is this thread about me or 9E you toxic twat?

Since you won't give us your opinion on what happened...we are forced to wonder what it is you are lacking. I think you have no friends and are simply being an idiot on purpose to get a reaction. In the real world, people shun morons like you so you're trying to make some sort of impact here.

Someday you may amount to a pile of shit but you'd better get busy if you want to achieve, what we know for you, such a lofty goal.
Has anybody discrened anything that would lead you to believe curvelight has ever had a friend?

It is possible that he is "asshole buddies" with Yukon or confusedatious.

wow you sure spend a lot of time with your homo erotic little fantasies....don't you

No ma'am. I just like to call out the scumbags, like you, as the occassion to do so comes around.

I can discuss drug abuse without being a user. I can discuss drunk driving without drinking and driving. And I can discuss the disgusting behavior of filth like Yukon and Confuredatious without being interested in pedophilia.

I don't know who is going to win the Oscar for best picture this year. I think it will be Nine.

See what I did there dumbfuck? I amitted I don't know something but I stated my opinion.

I went to an advance screening of "Nine" last night. I don't think it will win much of anything.

That movie sucked.
typical cop out. you got caught again saying stupid shit and instead of admitting you were wrong you simply claim i am dumb and not worth it.

so if i am dumb and not worth it why dont you stop replying to me? :lol:

You're the dumb **** that said the reason bin laden was not charged with 9E is because it would be worthless to do it before he was caught. I explained why that was stupid shit and you ignored it. I keep responding because you keep showing how fucking dumb and ignorant you are and this "why bin laden not charged" bit shows it even more. You're the one who made another stupid claim you can't support.

So explain to us all einstein how the Feds don't charge someone UNTIL the suspect is caught you dumb fucking ****.
you're the dumbfuck that doesnt know what Charges mean
Bin Laden hasnt been CHARGED with anything yet
you are not "charged" untill your arraignment, which is AFTER you are caught



BTW, I wasn't aware that prosecuting criminals was the job of the FBI. I was under the impression that they were in charge of capturing criminals and bringing them to the courts where they are properly charged and tried.
and lets not forget that al qeda takes credit for the attacks.

You bimbo. We've already covered this. Bin laden denied involvement and he's never been charged with anything about 9E. Yeah, yeah, your next move is to say he admitted it. Well genius, if that admission was credible the FBI would have used it to charge him. They never have. That means the FBI doesn't have enough evidence to charge bin laden. As for alkida admitting you even know who they are or do you just turn on the tv and wait for the government to tell you? How can you tell the difference between a member and non-member? Do they have Alkida Club Cards? As for extremists admitting responsibility. Well no shit! Do you have any idea how beneficial it would be for any anti-Western group to claim they played a role? Of course not because you're fucking clueless.

God you're a fucking idiot.

The fact that the FBI does not have enough evidence admissible in a civilian court of law does not mean bin Laden wasn't responsible for it. Much gathered intelligence is not admissible in a civilian court of law.

Now the government HAS charged Al Zawahiri. Zacarias Moussaoui was found guilty. Or is this all part of the conspiracy too?

I think I just figured out why CL doesn't want to ever state his position.

He doesn't know a fucking thing.

Now it will only be my mission to go and give a "thumbs up" to every post where he is pounded for her stupidity.

please link other examples of leaders who have committed acts of war against the united states who have been charged by the fbi for civilian crimes.

9e fell under the jurisdiction of the fbi so it wouldn't matter who did it.....that does not change the jurisdiction. Aren't you the genius that said you didn't know the truth movement was started by victims families and first responders? Now you want to delve into the legal arena of jurisdictions? Aha..slow down tyke and learn some basics before embarrassing yourself some more

aren't you the guy that dodges and weaves when asked questions? Why, yes you are! Its no surprise that you cannot link another person who has committed acts of war against the united states and has been charged by the fbi. Embarrassing yourself seems to be a constant for you.

The fact that 9/11 fall under the jurisdiction of the fbi does not mean bin laden is not responsible. The standards of proof and admissible evidence in a court of law are high, and much of the evidence linking bin laden to 9/11 comes through intelligence, much of which is not admissible in a court of law.

Acts of war against the united states are the purview of the legislative and executive branches. We may disagree with the bush administration's prosecution of the war on terror, but they viewed 9/11 as an act of war. The obama administration appears to think differently.

Also, as any prosecutor knows, it is far more difficult to prove a case against the guy at the top who directed or sponsored the crime than it is to prove a case against the guys who carried it out. Simply because bin laden has not been charged does not mean al-qaeda is not responsible. That is akin to saying that simply because a mob boss has not been charged, there is no proof of crimes by the mafia, or simply because the ceo of a corporation has not been charged, there is no proof of malfeasance by a corporation.

You are such a pathetic liar. Your first proclamation was it would be useless to charge him before being caught:

"you really have no idea how the legal system works, apparently. filing charges before he is caught would accomplish what exactly?

fucking moron....:cuckoo:"

You claim charges have not been filed because he has not been caught. Later on you change your statement to say he hasn't been charged due to him already having charges. Like divecon, you didn't know he had been charged with other crimes and when you found out you changed your original claim. You're such a lying lame ****.

then answer the fucking questions, fucking homo.

what is it going to accomplish?

it must suck to be so wrong all the time. as for your claim i didnt know he was already charged with other crimes here is proof you are lying once again:
he already is charged with crimes. (i did get your joke but want to make the point anyway).

he also declared war on the USA in the 90s.

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