Can political policy really evoke ambition among Blacks and Hispanics?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Free education K-college.
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Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?
Most of those people are multi generations conditioned from race baiters like Jesse Jackson that "the limit is the sky" (quoting Chris Rock). Unless you are a rapper or an athlete.

I meet many black kids at work who were doing temp work while trying to be rappers spending money on demo CDs etc. The one good thing I hoped would come out of Obama being president was to show that they can achieve outside of music and sports.

Some are just lazy and this is going to sound mean but we need to let them go. Before someone says what if it is a member of your family? I do a brother who will be one of the ones let go.

I have a wife and two children I don't have the money to support him and my children aren't going to go without so he can eat. My oldest brother had his kids just get out of the house. After years of him and his wife going without he wants to do stuff and will not continue to do without so our more than capable brother can mooch off us.
Dear BrokeLoser
Not based on handouts and dependence on govt or other welfare, no.

But based on microlending and business training and mentorship, ownership of property and self-govt, yes.

Economist Hernando de Soto lobbied for migrant workers to be able to own the land they worked in order to break the cycle of oppression and poverty.
Hernando de Soto (economist) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Native tribes have long fought the govt for return of their original lands and sovereignty.

Muhammad Yunus won the 2006 Nobel Prize for over 30 years of work in uplifting impoverished areas and families out of poverty through microlending through the Grameen Bank Foundation

Both Obama and Ben Carson advocate for microlending as a sustainable solution to ending poverty instead of handouts.

So why isn't this happening?

Because political parties have pitted people against each other by fear of class and beliefs, the rich blaming the poor and the poor blaming the rich, so both groups stay enslaved like field slaves and house slaves never uniting to overthrow the corporate masters running the game.

What people miss while fighting symbolic wars in the media is that solutions on both sides, left and right, actually agree. Both Sean Hannity a self-proclaimed Conservative and the Greens such as the far left Bernie Sanders supporters both want locally owned and run COOPERATIVES for sustainable and cost effective health care.

The workers unions recently called to split from the Democrats and to unite all workers from all parties to demand rights and restore economic justice.

The key factor is OWNERSHIP of land property and businesses, which is what the Black conservatives have been arguing is the solution - NOT DEPENDENCE ON GOVT FOR RIGHTS which is how the left generally approaches and defines political rights.

At this point, I believe we'd have to form agreements to set up whole city states along the border, and independently self-governing districts in cities where these minority populations have risen up against being sent to prisons and detention centers for criminal and immigration violations.

And let restitution for any crimes be invested in rebuilding communities and businesses owned and managed by these minority populations themselves. instead of their only choice being to depend on govt, handouts or welfare to exercise their rights. Why not let people invest their labor directly into ownership? Then like the Founding Fathers and colony settlers before our time, all people can experience and express an equal sense of ownership and empowerment and no longer have to fight against the establishment for that power. It comes from building and governing your own communities, cities, and states yourself.

So yes, on that political foundation, this level of ownership and self-governance can empower not only Blacks and Hispanics but all workers and individuals to be as empowered as any corporate leader or organization that has collective leverage.
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

Where are the programs that assist blacks and hispanics? You just named things that apply to all people. Basically you just named nouns.
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

Where are the programs that assist blacks and hispanics? You just named things that apply to all people. Basically you just named nouns.

What more can we do? Force a company to hire them or maybe the government can just give them a business
This is how the far left controls their protected groups. They need all these groups to stay poor, so they act like the government will protect them and be the go between all those evil rich people.

The funny things is that many in the far left are part of those evil rich people!

Just with education, the standards stay low to accommodate the influx of illegals in the country.

Our education system has not improved much desegregation in the 60's.

If everyone in the US was self sufficient the far left would not have any type of platform to promote.

Sure there will be some that will need government assistance and I have yet to see anyone claiming that it should not exist. Just that we should empower people to be self sufficient instead of being part of the government hand outs!
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

Where are the programs that assist blacks and hispanics? You just named things that apply to all people. Basically you just named nouns.

What more can we do? Force a company to hire them or maybe the government can just give them a business

Dear Mr.Blonde
Participate and promote Mentorship and Microlending to help minority community groups, leaders and district to buy out and develop their own programs to become self-sufficient and financially independent.

The residents at APV public housing developed plans to convert all such complexes into sustainable campuses to train families and communities to break the cycle of poverty:

Since Ben Carson is now head of HUD, and this plan was passed back in 1994-1996 under HOPE VI, this can still be implemented in every district that needs sustainable economic and educational development, and replicated along the border to solve problems with illegal immigration and drug/human traffficking as well.

The only thing stopping mass united reform is the people are too busy fighting and blaming each other's leaders by party. Instead of organizing resources around common solutions that everyone can agree will work better in the long run.

Since 2012, progressives such as Ralph Nader have called for unity with libertarians such as Ron Paul, to start uniting the real people and working class taxpayers to rise up against corporate cronyism and corruption in both parties and in the media.Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!

Recently, the AFLCIO called for workers and unions to break from support of Democratic party collusion and lobby to form a third party or movement to unite workers from all parties.
AFL-CIO's Trumka puts Democrats on notice
The head of the unions, Trumka, even met with Trump on agreements on reforms to trade policy and the keystone pipeline to ensure jobs for American workers.

If we continue this trend of focusing on solutions that help the real working people, taxpayers, and small business owners to rebuild local economy in each district, we can end this partisan hackery that creates dependency on party or govt for power. the people can reclaim power directly by uniting instead of fighting each other.
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Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

Where are the programs that assist blacks and hispanics? You just named things that apply to all people. Basically you just named nouns.

What more can we do? Force a company to hire them or maybe the government can just give them a business

Before you can ask what more can you do you have to answer what have you done?

You just named things available to all people.
I think ambition is something that has to come from within. As opposed to the wheedling of government bureaucrats.
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

Where are the programs that assist blacks and hispanics? You just named things that apply to all people. Basically you just named nouns.

What more can we do? Force a company to hire them or maybe the government can just give them a business

Before you can ask what more can you do you have to answer what have you done?

You just named things available to all people.

The OP did name what we have done. Everything on the list. If the government offers something at the tax payers expense then it needs to be available to everyone.

This is the land of equal opportunity not the land of equal results. There are plenty of people who started out with nothing and achieved great things. My father in-law's parents had farm hands not children. He barely went to school because his parents didn't send him or his siblings. He graduated high school with not even an elementary school education.

My father in-law went on to start his own business. He had to work 2x as hard as most people, but did it.

There are many stories like that.
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

Where are the programs that assist blacks and hispanics? You just named things that apply to all people. Basically you just named nouns.

What more can we do? Force a company to hire them or maybe the government can just give them a business

Dear Mr.Blonde
Participate and promote Mentorship and Microlending to help minority community groups, leaders and district to buy out and develop their own programs to become self-sufficient and financially independent.

The residents at APV public housing developed plans to convert all such complexes into sustainable campuses to train families and communities to break the cycle of poverty:

Since Ben Carson is now head of HUD, and this plan was passed back in 1994-1996 under HOPE VI, this can still be implemented in every district that needs sustainable economic and educational development, and replicated along the border to solve problems with illegal immigration and drug/human traffficking as well.

The only thing stopping mass united reform is the people are too busy fighting and blaming each other's leaders by party. Instead of organizing resources around common solutions that everyone can agree will work better in the long run.

Since 2012, progressives such as Ralph Nader have called for unity with libertarians such as Ron Paul, to start uniting the real people and working class taxpayers to rise up against corporate cronyism and corruption in both parties and in the media.Ralph Nader's America: Impeach Obama, decriminalize drugs, libertarians & progressives unite!

Recently, the AFLCIO called for workers and unions to break from support of Democratic party collusion and lobby to form a third party or movement to unite workers from all parties.
AFL-CIO's Trumka puts Democrats on notice
The head of the unions, Trumka, even met with Trump on agreements on reforms to trade policy and the keystone pipeline to ensure jobs for American workers.

If we continue this trend of focusing on solutions that help the real working people, taxpayers, and small business owners to rebuild local economy in each district, we can end this partisan hackery that creates dependency on party or govt for power. the people can reclaim power directly by uniting instead of fighting each other.

If people want to come together and help others that is wonderful. It is when you start using tax money is when I have start having problems.
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

Where are the programs that assist blacks and hispanics? You just named things that apply to all people. Basically you just named nouns.

Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

Where are the programs that assist blacks and hispanics? You just named things that apply to all people. Basically you just named nouns.

What more can we do? Force a company to hire them or maybe the government can just give them a business

Before you can ask what more can you do you have to answer what have you done?

You just named things available to all people.

You must have missed this part of my OP:
"Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color"

Affirmative action is available to all people?
None of the aforementioned programs are available to "all people". You're confused again.
I can teach you more if you like.
Can political policy really evoke ambition among Blacks and Hispanics?

Tell us some more about the wetbacks taking all of our jobs.

Can political policy really evoke ambition among Blacks and Hispanics?

Tell us some more about the wetbacks taking all of our jobs.


A few things Loon.
Beaner's aren't stealing my job… It requires cash flow, IQ, people and communication skills.
They're stealing jobs from the American poor and blacks.
Let me show you some simple arithmetic.
50 million beaners and 10 million jobs... are you starting to wrap your peanut brain around at all?
Let me know what else you would like to learn about.
Always going to be crooks, the greedy, the lazy & just not very smart people, we have plenty of them in government. Cant say it would help, but it would not hurt if we started treating people as equals from an birth on, let them proved them self's worthy of respect. plenty of good & bad people & they come in all colors.
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?
This is a cultural issue, not a legislative issue.
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

Where are the programs that assist blacks and hispanics? You just named things that apply to all people. Basically you just named nouns.

Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

Where are the programs that assist blacks and hispanics? You just named things that apply to all people. Basically you just named nouns.

What more can we do? Force a company to hire them or maybe the government can just give them a business

Before you can ask what more can you do you have to answer what have you done?

You just named things available to all people.

You must have missed this part of my OP:
"Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color"

Affirmative action is available to all people?
None of the aforementioned programs are available to "all people". You're confused again.
I can teach you more if you like.

Oh boy another white boy who' been given on half the information. Affirmative action is for minorities. Not blacks and Hispanics specifically. Guess who is a minority?

White women. Guess who is the #1 recepient of Affirmative Action? White women.

So which programs are for blacks and Hispanics again?
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?
This is a cultural issue, not a legislative issue.

Play footsy with racism wink
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?
This is a cultural issue, not a legislative issue.

Play footsy with racism wink
Yes, please stop doing that, wink.
I think ambition is something that has to come from within. As opposed to the wheedling of government bureaucrats.
And that's something that cuts across race. Ambition is a family issue, a cultural issue.

My family and extended family's Christmastime photos put any cheesy Celebrate Diversity! poster to shame. Some are doing great, and there are those who just can't seem to get their shit together. But neither my or my wife's parents took any excuses for ethnicity.

This has to improve in the home and in the culture.

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