Can political policy really evoke ambition among Blacks and Hispanics?

No need to read your signature you'v been around long enough where people know this game you play
Translation: "I don't wanna know! I don't wanna know!"


Know what? I'm mobile so the sigs don' show either way but your game where you pretend to be in the middle while also saying minorities are culturally inferior doesn't jive
Never said "culturally inferior". That's just something you created in your ideologically distorted mind.

You guys really need to get me out of your heads, seriously. It's flattering, but creepy.

Right, it's' the semantics game.

Me: Mac youre a fag
Mac: I don't like men
Me: Never said you "like men"

Its the Mac game.
Has the OP identified those programs specifically for blacks and Hispanics yet?

If not, what is the OP about? His fantasy?
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BrokeLoser , my apologies, this happens often. I hold up a mirror to the Regressive Left, and they react by trying to make the thread personal, and about me.

It's obviously a good sign, their defensiveness shows that I'm nailing it, but I don't mean for your thread to be hijacked.
And let restitution for any crimes be invested in rebuilding communities and businesses owned and managed by these minority populations themselves. instead of their only choice being to depend on govt, handouts or welfare to exercise their rights. Why not let people invest their labor directly into ownership? Then like the Founding Fathers and colony settlers before our time, all people can experience and express an equal sense of ownership and empowerment and no longer have to fight against the establishment for that power. It comes from building and governing your own communities, cities, and states yourself.

So yes, on that political foundation, this level of ownership and self-governance can empower not only Blacks and Hispanics but all workers and individuals to be as empowered as any corporate leader or organization that has collective leverage.
Maybe I'm wrong, but your long-winded post just sounds like more of the same: "Give these people MORE free stuff." I say, FUCK that. Let's STOP giving them free stuff. Let them sink or swim. Same as everyone else has to do.

People are not getting ahead so you say, "I know what, let's give them some land and pay to set them up in business. Then everything will be hunky-dory."

But if these people are not motivated enough to find ways to get ahead on their own (as every other group has had to do), then why on Earth would we waste even more billions of dollars on their sorry asses by GIVING them land and/or footing the bill to put them in business?

And, if these two groups are really so unsuccessful at raising themselves up in America, then it is unlikely that anything will help them succeed, anywhere. If they can't make it here, on their own, then they're hopeless.

If these groups are too clueless to be able to help themselves, then the best answer would probably to STOP allowing more of the people in these groups into this country. If they are already a liability and a drain on the government, then why allow a single member of these groups into the country going forward. And while we're at it, maybe we should deport any who are not yet citizens, before they too can become a drain on this country.

If someone wants a little piece of land, fine. If someone wants a small business, fine. I have four short word of advice for them: Find a fucking job.

Work hard, save your money, educate yourself, use your brains. Earn your own way. And most of all: quit expecting handouts.
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

I can tell you -- that in the case of Hispanic immigrants, both parties have wrong-headed expectations about "their future".. Both parties view them as a perennial "underclass" that will be always be doing menial work or skilled labor at reduced wages. That's garbage. Silicon Valley is WELL represented by 3 or 5th gen Mexican immigrants at EVERY LEVEL of high tech work. They are FULLY integrated into a VERY COMPETITIVE workforce.

And I believe the 2nd/3rd gen Mexicans will be FULLY integrated into most every niche of the work force and won't prefer the "comfort and safety" of segregated living that the Black community just can't seem to give up.

Policy better reflect that. Because they're NOT gonna be blowing your leaves, replacing your roof and changing your granny's bed pan for generations. You can already see the expected mobility CLEARLY..
Free education K-college.
Free rides through trade schools
Interest free and or heavily subsidized loans based on minority status
Jobs awarded based on skin color

We spend a good amount of time discussing and fabricating creative methods that may motivate Blacks and Hispanics to become self sufficient yet more than 40% remain on the taxpayer tit and require a hand holding from .GOV.
Is there really anymore that can be done from a political policy standpoint?
Should we simply accept the 40-45% on the back of taxpayers as the "necessary evil"?

This op is a complete denial of all the things whites have been given based only on their whiteness for 241 years.

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