Can someone educate MTG on the process of swearing in a new politician?

She thinks you cannot take the oath of office using a Quran. Can someone tell her that there is no requirement to use the Bible?

Thomas Jefferson used the Quran, as have many other elected officials.

MTG is without a doubt one of the dumbest ***** ever elected to public office.

Her ex has got to be one of the happiest men alive.
Probably because the Founders took it as such COMMON SENSE, like the Sun rising in the East, that they never dreamed having to DEFINE it.
It has nothing to do with common sense. They swore on a Bible because it MEANT something to the person being sworn in. If the Bible has no value to you, why swear on it?

That is only to assure freedom from the government defining YOUR religion, not elected members from swearing allegiance to a foreign enemy. Something maybe MTG can fix for us.

How is swearing on a religious text (or on anything) other than a Bible “swearing allegiance to a foreign enemy?

You could put lipstick on a pig, but it would still just be as smelly swine.

Ya….MTG cones to mind….
It is called religious freedom.

The Abrahamic God is on our money, it is mentioned or symbolized in most every DC building and monument, even suggested in the symbolism of the layout of the city. There is no real or implied incursion on one's own personal practice of their religion by swearing their oath on the Bible. Maybe we should start asking people more questions running for office, such as:
  • Are you a Natural-born true American?
  • Do you put the United States and its people and territory ahead of all else?
  • Do you swear allegiance to be faithful to our history and traditions and values?
I would suggest that anyone who has a problem putting their hand on the Bible is not swearing to God their allegiance and should consider a career running for office instead in maybe Saudi Arabia or the UAE if they should want instead to swear allegiance to Allah.

God, no wonder this country is so fucked up--- you progs can't even align yourself with this country's oldest and most central and established traditions and values.

Maybe next year we will all start using an old copy of Harper's Weekly and using that to put our hand on in swearing allegiance, because whenever a rule can mean ANYTHING, it suddenly then means NOTHING.

Quite confusing anarchy for progress my dear.
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I’m still waiting

And you will continue to wait. The only way it could be proven wrong is to post a link to the entire US Federal legal code. You could read the hundreds of thousands of pages to see that there is no law requiring using the Bible.

Other than that, there is no proving a negative.

So either accept that Article VI forbids a religious test for the oath of office or keep waiting.
I’m still waiting
Waiting for what?

Proof that a law doesn’t exist? There’s no legal requiremeant for the to take any oath at all. Check the Constitution. The only person required to take an oath of office is the President.
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The Abrahamic God is on our money, it is mentioned or symbolized in most every DC building and monument, even suggested in the symbolism of the layout of the city. There is no real or implied incursion on one's own personal practice of their religion by swearing their oath on the Bible. Maybe we should start asking people more questions running for office, such as:
  • Are you a Natural-born true American?
  • Do you put the United States and its people and territory ahead of all else?
  • Do you swear allegiance to be faithful to our history and traditions and values?
I would suggest that anyone who has a problem putting their hand on the Bible is not swearing to God their allegiance and should consider a career running for office instead in maybe Saudi Arabia or the UAE if they should want instead to swear allegiance to Allah.

God, no wonder this country is so fucked up--- you progs can't even align yourself with this country's oldest and most central and established traditions and values.

Maybe next year we will all start using an old copy of Harper's Weekly and using that to put our hand on in swearing allegiance, because whenever a rule can mean ANYTHING, it suddenly then means NOTHING.

Quite confusing anarchy for progress my dear.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Does this look even vaguely familiar?
The Abrahamic God is on our money, it is mentioned or symbolized in most every DC building and monument, even suggested in the symbolism of the layout of the city. There is no real or implied incursion on one's own personal practice of their religion by swearing their oath on the Bible. Maybe we should start asking people more questions running for office, such as:
  • Are you a Natural-born true American?
  • Do you put the United States and its people and territory ahead of all else?
  • Do you swear allegiance to be faithful to our history and traditions and values?
I would suggest that anyone who has a problem putting their hand on the Bible is not swearing to God their allegiance and should consider a career running for office instead in maybe Saudi Arabia or the UAE if they should want instead to swear allegiance to Allah.

God, no wonder this country is so fucked up--- you progs can't even align yourself with this country's oldest and most central and established traditions and values.

Maybe next year we will all start using an old copy of Harper's Weekly and using that to put our hand on in swearing allegiance, because whenever a rule can mean ANYTHING, it suddenly then means NOTHING.

Quite confusing anarchy for progress my dear.
Do ya think it would make a diference if someone swore on a copy of Harper's OR a Bible?

if it was up to some of you such as the Genius MTG, you'd prefer to swear in on a selfie of Trump's ass.
If the Bible has no value to you, why swear on it?
If the Bible (or any other book opf religion) has no value to you, then what do you care? It is only a symbolic act which is a 250 year old tradition of our goverance in this country. I'd wionder more why if something so basic bothers a person so much, why they even ran for an American office in the first place? You see, natural born or immigrant, the entire POINT to coming here, much less being an official of our government is to UPHOLD, PRESERVE and DEFEND our traditions and values, not bring your own.

How is swearing on a religious text (or on anything) other than a Bible “swearing allegiance to a foreign enemy?
Because the Koran is the book of Allah, and represents the book which our most fanatical enemies value! What next, Coyote--- will we start electing people who swear allegiance to Nazi Germany and fascist Hitler? I mean, it is all the same, right? Just get it over with because it doesn't suggest anything concerning of a person about to RUN YOUR GOVERNMENT, right?

I mean, except if they swear alligience to MAGA or Trump--- THEN they are a dangerous deviant! :rock:
The Abrahamic God is on our money, it is mentioned or symbolized in most every DC building and monument, even suggested in the symbolism of the layout of the city. There is no real or implied incursion on one's own personal practice of their religion by swearing their oath on the Bible.
I don’t care which deity appears where or means what.

Requiring that one swear an oath on a religious text is forcing religion on someone Unless you think the Bible is just a book. If so, why would you require someone to swear on it? If you are swearing an oath, it is supposed to mean something and be sworn on something meaningful to you. In a sense, if one is devoutly religious, it could be deeply offensive to swear upon an alien religious tract.

Maybe we should start asking people more questions running for office, such as:
  • Are you a Natural-born true American?
  • Do you put the United States and its people and territory ahead of all else?
  • Do you swear allegiance to be faithful to our history and traditions and values?

And how do you define #3? Who’s interpretation of history? Who’s values? The rightwingers?

I would suggest that anyone who has a problem putting their hand on the Bible is not swearing to God their allegiance and should consider a career running for office instead in maybe Saudi Arabia or the UAE if they should want instead to swear allegiance to Allah.
Sounds like religious freedom ain’t your thing.

God, no wonder this country is so fucked up--- you progs can't even align yourself with this country's oldest and most central and established traditions and values.

There are more important values than swearing allegience on a religious text.

Maybe next year we will all start using an old copy of Harper's Weekly and using that to put our hand on in swearing allegiance, because whenever a rule can mean ANYTHING, it suddenly then means NOTHING.

So the Bible and only the Bible means something?

Quite confusing anarchy for progress my dear.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Does this look even vaguely familiar?

Has no bearing on the swearing in process. Putting your hand on the Abrahamic Bible does not force the electee to become a Roman Catholic.

BOTTOM LINE: Here in America, WE USE THE BIBLE in our official proceedings as this nation was FOUNDED on Christianity and Christian principles. If you don't like it, then don't run for office because you will never represent me.

Can you tell me hoew many EU countries swear in their elected officers on the Koran? :th_waiting:

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