Can someone explain what Bernie Sander's policies are?

Ok so back to the question from the OP

1. universal single payer healthcare.

we would each pay a 9% increase in federal income tax so as to have guaranteed healthcare.

what this means. currently most americans have some form of private insurance. unless you are poor or old, then you have medicare/Medicaid/CHIP or you are a veteran with VA benefits.

you would basically have no more copays or deductibles or premiums. you would just be able to walk into the doctor and get treatment no matter how much money is in your checking account.

2. tuition free college

Bernie wants to impose a 0.5% tax on every stock trade over $100 to generate the approximately $70-$80 billion needed subsidize tuition at a state school.

call it free stuff that we pay for I guess.

3. End mass incarceration

he wants to change the mandatory minimum laws and take marijuana off the federal narcotic list

4. he wants to end fossil fuel subsidies
basic premise is the federal government shouldn't be subsidizing companies that make billions in profits each year

5. infrastructure program to rebuild/upgrade public utilities and roadways

not really a policy or legislative agenda, but he wants to nominate a supreme court justice who is clearly in favor of overturning Citizens United

he also wants to move us towards public funding of elections

4. he wants to end fossil fuel subsidies
basic premise is the federal government shouldn't be subsidizing companies that make billions in profits each year

Does he also want to end hunting of unicorns?

I am not making the claim that subsidies/tax breaks are good or bad. I am stating Bernie's positions on the issues

Good? Bad? How can we decide if you don't list them?

I am linking them. I posted the link

and here it is again FFSR progress report to G20 2014 Final.pdf

Writing off business expenses is a subsidy?
Businesses also write off employee expenses.
Are those subsidies that Bernie wants to end?

and it is pretty impressive that you simplified that PDF which covered 23 separate deductions and tax breaks into 21 words
4. he wants to end fossil fuel subsidies
basic premise is the federal government shouldn't be subsidizing companies that make billions in profits each year

Does he also want to end hunting of unicorns?

I am not making the claim that subsidies/tax breaks are good or bad. I am stating Bernie's positions on the issues

Good? Bad? How can we decide if you don't list them?

I am linking them. I posted the link

and here it is again FFSR progress report to G20 2014 Final.pdf

Writing off business expenses is a subsidy?
Businesses also write off employee expenses.
Are those subsidies that Bernie wants to end?

go to to read his positions. go to transcripts of his floor speeches, watch his floor speeches on Cspan youtube channel. I gave broad strokes.

I am not prepared to specifically quote Bernie Sanders on each position he has taken on every line of tax code involving fossil fuel companies. for 1 I have not read through every single federal rule and regulation he supports and opposes. nor would I expect that I could word for word quote his position on every single subsection of every single piece of legislation he has voted on. You are going to have to do your own research if you want that specific of an answer.

go to to read his positions. go to transcripts of his floor speeches, watch his floor speeches on Cspan youtube channel.

I'd rather have surgery without anesthetic than listen to that angry moron.
4. he wants to end fossil fuel subsidies
basic premise is the federal government shouldn't be subsidizing companies that make billions in profits each year

Does he also want to end hunting of unicorns?

I am not making the claim that subsidies/tax breaks are good or bad. I am stating Bernie's positions on the issues

Good? Bad? How can we decide if you don't list them?

I am linking them. I posted the link

and here it is again FFSR progress report to G20 2014 Final.pdf

Writing off business expenses is a subsidy?
Businesses also write off employee expenses.
Are those subsidies that Bernie wants to end?

and it is pretty impressive that you simplified that PDF which covered 23 separate deductions and tax breaks into 21 words

How many words does it take to say deducting business expenses is not a subsidy for fossil fuels?

Now if he wants to end "green energy" subsidies which actually cost the government money, I'd be interested.
I am not making the claim that subsidies/tax breaks are good or bad. I am stating Bernie's positions on the issues

Good? Bad? How can we decide if you don't list them?

I am linking them. I posted the link

and here it is again FFSR progress report to G20 2014 Final.pdf

Writing off business expenses is a subsidy?
Businesses also write off employee expenses.
Are those subsidies that Bernie wants to end?

go to to read his positions. go to transcripts of his floor speeches, watch his floor speeches on Cspan youtube channel. I gave broad strokes.

I am not prepared to specifically quote Bernie Sanders on each position he has taken on every line of tax code involving fossil fuel companies. for 1 I have not read through every single federal rule and regulation he supports and opposes. nor would I expect that I could word for word quote his position on every single subsection of every single piece of legislation he has voted on. You are going to have to do your own research if you want that specific of an answer.

go to to read his positions. go to transcripts of his floor speeches, watch his floor speeches on Cspan youtube channel.

I'd rather have surgery without anesthetic than listen to that angry moron.

I take it you are not a fan of Bernie Sanders.

I must say you are the only anti Bernie person I have met who only took issue with his position on fossil fuel companies. Interesting. Well I enjoyed our back and forth. I take it you were hoping I would come at you as a die hard Bernie supporter instead of someone just seeking to give a little more explanation of the issues. If I disappointed you that is unfortunate.

In closing I will say you seem like the kind of guy who prefers to be spoon fed issues. I would encourage you to spend more time digging deeper into the issues as opposed to prima facie hating a candidate.

Good luck in finding a candidate who expresses opinions that pander to what you believe
Good? Bad? How can we decide if you don't list them?

I am linking them. I posted the link

and here it is again FFSR progress report to G20 2014 Final.pdf

Writing off business expenses is a subsidy?
Businesses also write off employee expenses.
Are those subsidies that Bernie wants to end?

go to to read his positions. go to transcripts of his floor speeches, watch his floor speeches on Cspan youtube channel. I gave broad strokes.

I am not prepared to specifically quote Bernie Sanders on each position he has taken on every line of tax code involving fossil fuel companies. for 1 I have not read through every single federal rule and regulation he supports and opposes. nor would I expect that I could word for word quote his position on every single subsection of every single piece of legislation he has voted on. You are going to have to do your own research if you want that specific of an answer.

go to to read his positions. go to transcripts of his floor speeches, watch his floor speeches on Cspan youtube channel.

I'd rather have surgery without anesthetic than listen to that angry moron.

I take it you are not a fan of Bernie Sanders.

I must say you are the only anti Bernie person I have met who only took issue with his position on fossil fuel companies. Interesting. Well I enjoyed our back and forth. I take it you were hoping I would come at you as a die hard Bernie supporter instead of someone just seeking to give a little more explanation of the issues. If I disappointed you that is unfortunate.

In closing I will say you seem like the kind of guy who prefers to be spoon fed issues. I would encourage you to spend more time digging deeper into the issues as opposed to prima facie hating a candidate.

Good luck in finding a candidate who expresses opinions that pander to what you believe

Right, not a fan of economic illiterates who miss the USSR.

I must say you are the only anti Bernie person I have met who only took issue with his position on fossil fuel companies.

It's one of his more obvious idiocies.

In closing I will say you seem like the kind of guy who prefers to be spoon fed issues.

When liberals make ill-informed suggestions, it helps to get them to flesh them out, to better illustrate their stupidity.
I've honestly kinda stopped following him since I assume he's going to lose (Clinton is too well backed), but the general understanding is that his economic policies are horrible and his social stances (assuming you are liberal) are probably the best you will ever see from a modern candidate.

Writing off business expenses is a subsidy?
Businesses also write off employee expenses.
Are those subsidies that Bernie wants to end?

go to to read his positions. go to transcripts of his floor speeches, watch his floor speeches on Cspan youtube channel. I gave broad strokes.

I am not prepared to specifically quote Bernie Sanders on each position he has taken on every line of tax code involving fossil fuel companies. for 1 I have not read through every single federal rule and regulation he supports and opposes. nor would I expect that I could word for word quote his position on every single subsection of every single piece of legislation he has voted on. You are going to have to do your own research if you want that specific of an answer.

go to to read his positions. go to transcripts of his floor speeches, watch his floor speeches on Cspan youtube channel.

I'd rather have surgery without anesthetic than listen to that angry moron.

I take it you are not a fan of Bernie Sanders.

I must say you are the only anti Bernie person I have met who only took issue with his position on fossil fuel companies. Interesting. Well I enjoyed our back and forth. I take it you were hoping I would come at you as a die hard Bernie supporter instead of someone just seeking to give a little more explanation of the issues. If I disappointed you that is unfortunate.

In closing I will say you seem like the kind of guy who prefers to be spoon fed issues. I would encourage you to spend more time digging deeper into the issues as opposed to prima facie hating a candidate.

Good luck in finding a candidate who expresses opinions that pander to what you believe

Right, not a fan of economic illiterates who miss the USSR.

I must say you are the only anti Bernie person I have met who only took issue with his position on fossil fuel companies.

It's one of his more obvious idiocies.

In closing I will say you seem like the kind of guy who prefers to be spoon fed issues.

When liberals make ill-informed suggestions, it helps to get them to flesh them out, to better illustrate their stupidity.

Ok then fair enough. take a specific policy and explain how its is USSR economically illiterate. I would love to be able to put any policy into a context and either agree with you that it is dumb or disagree as to why I don't think it's dumb
Writing off business expenses is a subsidy?
Businesses also write off employee expenses.
Are those subsidies that Bernie wants to end?

go to to read his positions. go to transcripts of his floor speeches, watch his floor speeches on Cspan youtube channel. I gave broad strokes.

I am not prepared to specifically quote Bernie Sanders on each position he has taken on every line of tax code involving fossil fuel companies. for 1 I have not read through every single federal rule and regulation he supports and opposes. nor would I expect that I could word for word quote his position on every single subsection of every single piece of legislation he has voted on. You are going to have to do your own research if you want that specific of an answer.

go to to read his positions. go to transcripts of his floor speeches, watch his floor speeches on Cspan youtube channel.

I'd rather have surgery without anesthetic than listen to that angry moron.

I take it you are not a fan of Bernie Sanders.

I must say you are the only anti Bernie person I have met who only took issue with his position on fossil fuel companies. Interesting. Well I enjoyed our back and forth. I take it you were hoping I would come at you as a die hard Bernie supporter instead of someone just seeking to give a little more explanation of the issues. If I disappointed you that is unfortunate.

In closing I will say you seem like the kind of guy who prefers to be spoon fed issues. I would encourage you to spend more time digging deeper into the issues as opposed to prima facie hating a candidate.

Good luck in finding a candidate who expresses opinions that pander to what you believe

Right, not a fan of economic illiterates who miss the USSR.

I must say you are the only anti Bernie person I have met who only took issue with his position on fossil fuel companies.

It's one of his more obvious idiocies.

In closing I will say you seem like the kind of guy who prefers to be spoon fed issues.

When liberals make ill-informed suggestions, it helps to get them to flesh them out, to better illustrate their stupidity.

Ok then fair enough. take a specific policy and explain how its is USSR economically illiterate. I would love to be able to put any policy into a context and either agree with you that it is dumb or disagree as to why I don't think it's dumb

So, why do we need to reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act?
After Glass-Steagall was repealed in 1999, banks were free to invest their customers’ money in a variety of risky loans, including the housing market. Remember that bubble of speculation that put Americans’ savings at risk? Many experts, including Nobel Prize-winning economists Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman, agree that the repeal of Glass-Steagall contributed to the global financial crisis.

Bernie Sanders on Financial Regulation

He thinks banks wouldn't have lost money in the housing market if Glass-Steagall was in effect.
Have you ever heard anything so stupid?
Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb? or are you saying all 3 are dumb?

The housing bubble definitely played a significant role in the recession. But to say that no other banking practices contributed is untrue. Now if Bernie is over stating the impact of Glass Steagall on financial security for our system then that is definitely worth discussing
Utilities cannot be monopolies.
Corporations that made it big in the US and leave are tariffed.
Hedge Fund managers, like the rest of the universe, must pay an income tax.
Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb? or are you saying all 3 are dumb?

The housing bubble definitely played a significant role in the recession. But to say that no other banking practices contributed is untrue. Now if Bernie is over stating the impact of Glass Steagall on financial security for our system then that is definitely worth discussing

Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb

Yes, Bernie Sanders is dumb.

or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb?

If they said that Glass-Steagall would have prevented banks from losing money in the housing market, then they are dumb as well.
I will address the 2 policies that are most widely referred to.

1. universal single payer healthcare.

we would each pay a 9% increase in federal income tax so as to have guaranteed healthcare.

what this means. currently most americans have some form of private insurance. unless you are poor or old, then you have medicare/Medicaid/CHIP or you are a veteran with VA benefits.

you would basically have no more copays or deductibles or premiums. you would just be able to walk into the doctor and get treatment no matter how much money is in your checking account.

2. tuition free college

Bernie wants to impose a 0.5% tax on every stock trade over $100 to generate the approximately $70-$80 billion needed subsidize tuition at a state school.

call it free stuff that we pay for I guess.
I see a couple of problems with this right away. A 9% tax increase would devastate many families and mean nothing for others. The good thing about Obamacare are the exchanges which foster competition. Republicans won't admit it because they are racist and hate everything Obama.

And think about how many state colleges there are. 70 to 80 billion is not nearly enough. And what about technical schools and Jr. Colleges.

And all that money is not free.

And he doesn't even mention jobs. What kind of jobs is that free college preparing kids for? I don't have a good feeling about this. I like Clinton's plan better.

Where I work, if you go to college, the company will pay for it if it's in a field they need. When you graduate, if you stay four years longer, they will pay the balance of your education. That's very close to Mrs. Clinton's plan.
Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb? or are you saying all 3 are dumb?

The housing bubble definitely played a significant role in the recession. But to say that no other banking practices contributed is untrue. Now if Bernie is over stating the impact of Glass Steagall on financial security for our system then that is definitely worth discussing

Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb

Yes, Bernie Sanders is dumb.

or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb?

If they said that Glass-Steagall would have prevented banks from losing money in the housing market, then they are dumb as well.

No where am I finding any information that claims housing was the ONLY factor or cause.

This is a quote from US News and World Report.

"It is true that the financial crisis has enough blame to go around. Borrowers were reckless, brokers were greedy, rating agencies were negligent, customers were naïve, and government encouraged the fiasco with unrealistic housing goals and unlimited lines of credit at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Yet, the fact that there were so many parties to blame should not be used to deflect blame from the most responsible parties of all—the big banks. Without the banks providing financing to the mortgage brokers and Wall Street while underwriting their own issues of toxic securities, the entire pyramid scheme would never have got off the ground

It was Glass-Steagall that prevented the banks from using insured depositories to underwrite private securities and dump them on their own customers. This ability along with financing provided to all the other players was what kept the bubble-machine going for so long."

Also, on the link I did not see any statement where Bernie is making the claim you are asserting

Now if you are asking my position on reinstating Glass-Steagall I will answer with a resounding "YES" please reinstate it
Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb? or are you saying all 3 are dumb?

The housing bubble definitely played a significant role in the recession. But to say that no other banking practices contributed is untrue. Now if Bernie is over stating the impact of Glass Steagall on financial security for our system then that is definitely worth discussing

Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb

Yes, Bernie Sanders is dumb.

or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb?

If they said that Glass-Steagall would have prevented banks from losing money in the housing market, then they are dumb as well.
Trickle down is tarded, way past dumb. And not a single Nobel Prize winner supports it. Good.
Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb? or are you saying all 3 are dumb?

The housing bubble definitely played a significant role in the recession. But to say that no other banking practices contributed is untrue. Now if Bernie is over stating the impact of Glass Steagall on financial security for our system then that is definitely worth discussing

Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb

Yes, Bernie Sanders is dumb.

or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb?

If they said that Glass-Steagall would have prevented banks from losing money in the housing market, then they are dumb as well.

No where am I finding any information that claims housing was the ONLY factor or cause.

This is a quote from US News and World Report.

"It is true that the financial crisis has enough blame to go around. Borrowers were reckless, brokers were greedy, rating agencies were negligent, customers were naïve, and government encouraged the fiasco with unrealistic housing goals and unlimited lines of credit at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Yet, the fact that there were so many parties to blame should not be used to deflect blame from the most responsible parties of all—the big banks. Without the banks providing financing to the mortgage brokers and Wall Street while underwriting their own issues of toxic securities, the entire pyramid scheme would never have got off the ground

It was Glass-Steagall that prevented the banks from using insured depositories to underwrite private securities and dump them on their own customers. This ability along with financing provided to all the other players was what kept the bubble-machine going for so long."

Also, on the link I did not see any statement where Bernie is making the claim you are asserting

Now if you are asking my position on reinstating Glass-Steagall I will answer with a resounding "YES" please reinstate it

No where am I finding any information that claims housing was the ONLY factor or cause.

We're not discussing the cause of the crisis. We're discussing the idiocy of Bernie's suggestions.
Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb? or are you saying all 3 are dumb?

The housing bubble definitely played a significant role in the recession. But to say that no other banking practices contributed is untrue. Now if Bernie is over stating the impact of Glass Steagall on financial security for our system then that is definitely worth discussing

Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb

Yes, Bernie Sanders is dumb.

or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb?

If they said that Glass-Steagall would have prevented banks from losing money in the housing market, then they are dumb as well.
Trickle down is tarded, way past dumb. And not a single Nobel Prize winner supports it. Good.

Yes, people who use the phrase "trickle down" are tards.
Ok there its is, I see it. Housing with respect to mortgage backed securities.

The economists are referencing the securities swaps
Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb? or are you saying all 3 are dumb?

The housing bubble definitely played a significant role in the recession. But to say that no other banking practices contributed is untrue. Now if Bernie is over stating the impact of Glass Steagall on financial security for our system then that is definitely worth discussing

Ok on this 1, are you saying Bernie Sanders is dumb

Yes, Bernie Sanders is dumb.

or the 2 Nobel prize winning economists are dumb?

If they said that Glass-Steagall would have prevented banks from losing money in the housing market, then they are dumb as well.

No where am I finding any information that claims housing was the ONLY factor or cause.

This is a quote from US News and World Report.

"It is true that the financial crisis has enough blame to go around. Borrowers were reckless, brokers were greedy, rating agencies were negligent, customers were naïve, and government encouraged the fiasco with unrealistic housing goals and unlimited lines of credit at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Yet, the fact that there were so many parties to blame should not be used to deflect blame from the most responsible parties of all—the big banks. Without the banks providing financing to the mortgage brokers and Wall Street while underwriting their own issues of toxic securities, the entire pyramid scheme would never have got off the ground

It was Glass-Steagall that prevented the banks from using insured depositories to underwrite private securities and dump them on their own customers. This ability along with financing provided to all the other players was what kept the bubble-machine going for so long."

Also, on the link I did not see any statement where Bernie is making the claim you are asserting

Now if you are asking my position on reinstating Glass-Steagall I will answer with a resounding "YES" please reinstate it

Also, on the link I did not see any statement where Bernie is making the claim you are asserting

I copied and pasted his section on Glass-Steagall. It's right there.

After Glass-Steagall was repealed in 1999, banks were free to invest their customers’ money in a variety of risky loans, including the housing market.

Now if you are asking my position on reinstating Glass-Steagall I will answer with a resounding "YES" please reinstate it.

Why? It wouldn't have prevented banks from writing bad mortgages.
It wouldn't have prevented the crisis.

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