Can someone making $1 million a year afford a 5.87% tax increase?

Social security is no longer an individual retirement savings account. It is now a tax where by those working pay for the retirement of those who have lived long enough to retire.

As a tax, it should be collected on all income.

Problem solved, Next.

That was not the bill of goods that was sold all those years ago. The reason for the cap on contributions was your benefits were capped.

If you remove the cap on one and dont remove the cap on the other the purpose of the law written to create social security is changed in a basic and total way.

true, but when LBJ merged the SS fund with the general fund, it ceased to be what it was set up to be, it became a tax by which working people pay retired people.

we need to face that reality and collect in on all income, or at least raise the max above the current 106K, maybe to 1 mil.
Social security is no longer an individual retirement savings account. It is now a tax where by those working pay for the retirement of those who have lived long enough to retire.

As a tax, it should be collected on all income.

Problem solved, Next.

That was not the bill of goods that was sold all those years ago. The reason for the cap on contributions was your benefits were capped.

If you remove the cap on one and dont remove the cap on the other the purpose of the law written to create social security is changed in a basic and total way.

true, but when LBJ merged the SS fund with the general fund, it ceased to be what it was set up to be, it became a tax by which working people pay retired people.

we need to face that reality and collect in on all income, or at least raise the max above the current 106K, maybe to 1 mil.

Then we would need to lower all federal taxes by the corresponding amount.

The fed budget could use some trimming.
g5000, the rich do need to pay more than what they are, and you can count on that happening within the next decade: no way around that.

If we are ever going to pay down the $16 trillion debt, everyone is going to have to pay more. As we used to say when I was on active duty when things got really bad, "It's a big shit sandwich, and everybody has to take a bite."

You are also right that SS should be adjusted to live expectancy and working longevity.

The retirement age can be extend logically and fairly.

It should be indexed to 9 percent of the population. That's what percentage were above the age of 65 when Medicare was enacted. When Social Security was enacted, only 5.4 percent were over 65.

Today, 13 pecent are over 65. This is clearly unsustainable.

Raise the eligibility age to 70, then index to 9 percent going forward.

Tell that to a masons helper,or a pipe fitter or any of the other of trades that work with their backs. Adding on almost 5 years isn't going to work for many.

Then make the disability requirements lighter for the "back break" workers than the office and white collar folks.

The point is this: with good will from all sides, we can SS easily work in the future.
That was not the bill of goods that was sold all those years ago. The reason for the cap on contributions was your benefits were capped.

If you remove the cap on one and dont remove the cap on the other the purpose of the law written to create social security is changed in a basic and total way.

true, but when LBJ merged the SS fund with the general fund, it ceased to be what it was set up to be, it became a tax by which working people pay retired people.

we need to face that reality and collect in on all income, or at least raise the max above the current 106K, maybe to 1 mil.

Then we would need to lower all federal taxes by the corresponding amount.

The fed budget could use some trimming.

I agree that the fed budget could use some trimming, how about a 1/4 cut across the board. all programs, all agencies, all salaries, all benefits.
If we are ever going to pay down the $16 trillion debt, everyone is going to have to pay more. As we used to say when I was on active duty when things got really bad, "It's a big shit sandwich, and everybody has to take a bite."

It should be indexed to 9 percent of the population. That's what percentage were above the age of 65 when Medicare was enacted. When Social Security was enacted, only 5.4 percent were over 65.

Today, 13 pecent are over 65. This is clearly unsustainable.

Raise the eligibility age to 70, then index to 9 percent going forward.

Tell that to a masons helper,or a pipe fitter or any of the other of trades that work with their backs. Adding on almost 5 years isn't going to work for many.

Then make the disability requirements lighter for the "back break" workers than the office and white collar folks.

The point is this: with good will from all sides, we can SS easily work in the future.

If the SS tax is collected on all income, nothing needs to change. The current program would remain solvent forever.
The cost problem is that the richies do not pay their fair share along with bloated government, though the workforce is less than that of Bush's administration.

Reform entitlements, end the DOE, and cut DoD by 70% over ten years.
Wrong question. The right question is do you have the right to take the money that somebody else has earned regardless of whether they can afford it or not.

I would say no.

The Constitution says otherwise. Start a movement to repeal the income tax amendment and let us all know when it is ready for ratification by the states.

While you're at it, can you point where in Constitution does it say that tax rates have to be progressive?

I didn't know that equal protection clause is valid only when left needs it.
The cost problem is that the richies do not pay their fair share along with bloated government, though the workforce is less than that of Bush's administration.

Reform entitlements, end the DOE, and cut DoD by 70% over ten years.

They pay multiple increments of the average taxapayer, which subsidizes the rest of us.

How about this, for every increment over the average tax bill, they get one extra vote.

THAT would be FAIR.
The cost problem is that the richies do not pay their fair share along with bloated government, though the workforce is less than that of Bush's administration.

Reform entitlements, end the DOE, and cut DoD by 70% over ten years.

They pay multiple increments of the average taxapayer, which subsidizes the rest of us.

How about this, for every increment over the average tax bill, they get one extra vote.

THAT would be FAIR.

No, it wouldn't, and Citizens will be overturned before 2024.

They are not paying enough, but instead of raising rates, just shut off loopholes.
The cost problem is that the richies do not pay their fair share along with bloated government, though the workforce is less than that of Bush's administration.

Reform entitlements, end the DOE, and cut DoD by 70% over ten years.

you were making sense until the last. Cutting DOD by 70% would make the US unable to protect its interests and defend its borders. 20% would be a reasonable cut.

We should close all overseas bases or tell the host country that if they want us there, they will have to pay the entire cost of the base. China and Russia do not have bases all over the world, we should not either. We are not the world's police force and morals cops.
The cost problem is that the richies do not pay their fair share along with bloated government, though the workforce is less than that of Bush's administration.

Reform entitlements, end the DOE, and cut DoD by 70% over ten years.

They pay multiple increments of the average taxapayer, which subsidizes the rest of us.

How about this, for every increment over the average tax bill, they get one extra vote.

THAT would be FAIR.

No, it wouldn't, and Citizens will be overturned before 2024.

They are not paying enough, but instead of raising rates, just shut off loopholes.

Who the fuck are you to say who is or is not paying enough?

You are a typical progressive statist, you want to play with other people's money, and you want the government to get it for you.

You dont have the honor or the decency to go out and rob it yourself.

and howabout we shut off the deductions YOU get, put your money where your mouth is you socialist fuckwad.
The cost problem is that the richies do not pay their fair share along with bloated government, though the workforce is less than that of Bush's administration.

Reform entitlements, end the DOE, and cut DoD by 70% over ten years.

They pay multiple increments of the average taxapayer, which subsidizes the rest of us.

How about this, for every increment over the average tax bill, they get one extra vote.

THAT would be FAIR.

No, it wouldn't, and Citizens will be overturned before 2024.

They are not paying enough, but instead of raising rates, just shut off loopholes.

give us a list of the loopholes that you would close so that the evil rich would pay their "fair share".
They pay multiple increments of the average taxapayer, which subsidizes the rest of us.

How about this, for every increment over the average tax bill, they get one extra vote.

THAT would be FAIR.

No, it wouldn't, and Citizens will be overturned before 2024.

They are not paying enough, but instead of raising rates, just shut off loopholes.

Who the fuck are you to say who is or is not paying enough?

You are a typical progressive statist, you want to play with other people's money, and you want the government to get it for you.

You dont have the honor or the decency to go out and rob it yourself.

and howabout we shut off the deductions YOU get, put your money where your mouth is you socialist fuckwad.

don't let jake get to you, he/she/it is not a real person. he/she/it is a dem/lib talking point repeater.
g5000, the rich do need to pay more than what they are, and you can count on that happening within the next decade: no way around that.

If we are ever going to pay down the $16 trillion debt, everyone is going to have to pay more. As we used to say when I was on active duty when things got really bad, "It's a big shit sandwich, and everybody has to take a bite."

You are also right that SS should be adjusted to live expectancy and working longevity.

The retirement age can be extend logically and fairly.

It should be indexed to 9 percent of the population. That's what percentage were above the age of 65 when Medicare was enacted. When Social Security was enacted, only 5.4 percent were over 65.

Today, 13 pecent are over 65. This is clearly unsustainable.

Raise the eligibility age to 70, then index to 9 percent going forward.

But heaven forbid that anyone dare suggest indexing the max rate to earnings!

You are basically demanding they pay more money for a benefit which will not be increased for them. Just so you can retire at the same age your great-grandfather did.

You are a thief.
The cost problem is that the richies do not pay their fair share along with bloated government, though the workforce is less than that of Bush's administration.

Reform entitlements, end the DOE, and cut DoD by 70% over ten years.

Does the Constitution automatically make something right?

Can you imagine what the average citizen would have in their SS account if the Bush proposal to privatize 10% of SS contributions for investment into the market would amount too?

The Dow hit 16,000 today and anyone that would have been dollar cost averaging into the market for the last 5 years would have made a lot of money.

I know, because I did that with my own money.

Imagine someone retiring in November 2008 and their entire SS "portfolio" decimated by the market collapse!

If you look into roots of what/who inflated the bubble and caused it to burst, you would realize there probably wouldn't be collapse, or at least not this bad if government didn't put their noses into it.
Social Security proposals are wrongheaded - The Washington Post

For someone earning $1 million, the tax increase would be $58,700.

The options are keeping Social Security solvent or allowing those making $1 million a year to keep 5.87% of their pre-tax earnings.

Seems like a small enough increase for the long term benefit of the nation to a fiscal conservative like myself. And yes, I will personally pay more in taxes if this passes. But having a stable future for this nation means more to me than this paltry amount. If anything it is cheap at the price.

What is even more attractive is that it is a flat tax, something that fiscal conservatives have been advocating for ever since the Reagan era.

Besides the kneejerk opposition to any tax increase what are the legitimate objections to a reasonable and effective solution of this modest nature?

Asinine suggestion. We already have an incredibly progressive income tax code. The top rate 43.4% (39.6% plus the 3.8% Medicare rate)...and income is subject to AMT with many deductions reversed. Add state income taxes, and the combined rate is over 50%.

Punishing success is not a strategy to grow the economy and create jobs. More people would be better off in retirement if they had proper jobs and could take care of themselves.
No, it wouldn't, and Citizens will be overturned before 2024.

They are not paying enough, but instead of raising rates, just shut off loopholes.

Who the fuck are you to say who is or is not paying enough?

You are a typical progressive statist, you want to play with other people's money, and you want the government to get it for you.

You dont have the honor or the decency to go out and rob it yourself.

and howabout we shut off the deductions YOU get, put your money where your mouth is you socialist fuckwad.

don't let jake get to you, he/she/it is not a real person. he/she/it is a dem/lib talking point repeater.

Marty, Redfish, and I all have the right, as do all citizens, to chime in.

Their far right reactionary response to my GOP mainstream comments is "Nazi" "socialist" "liberal" and so forth. :lol:

We the People, son, have every right through our legislatures to create tax brackets.

So, yes, we can do that.

And I am quite sure I have paid more in taxes in my life than the two of you have earned in income.

Closing off the tax loop holes would "hurt" me as much as any other capitalist.

Those folks that have done well in the environment of this wonderful country do have a social obligation to help bring others up.

I don't care whether you agree, you two, because I have the votes and you don't.

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