Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Except that as far as childless hetros compared to the impossibility of a same sex couple procreating.

One group MUST have medical procedures to insure they don't procreate, the other group must do nothing

One group MUST by birth control, some of which could be life threatening, to protect against procreation, the other group must do nothing.

One group may be reproductively disabled, the other group, fertility is never an issue.

One group may be beyond the age to reproduce, again, fertility is never an issue

Two completely different dynamics for the demographic groups.

Keep tryin,

Doesn't appear exactly the same except for those with a certain obsession.

No, they don't all have to have medical procedures. I've given you the stats on infertility, don't ignore them because they are inconvenient.

We must pay a great deal of money to have children so I'd say it evens out eh?

The basic dynamics in a marriage whether with or without children are the same in straight and gay couples. We marry for all the same reasons, we have the same wants, needs and desires within the marriage, we have the same fights, the same chores...there is no difference. Here's my day...

4:00 Wake up make coffee surf internet

5:30 Shower dress

5:45 Wake kids

6:45 Take kids to school

8:00-5:00 Work

6:00 Home, dinner, homework

7:00 Family TV time

9-10 Bed

How is that different than anyone else?

It's no different than a Mother/Daugher Couple Caring for the Daughter's Baby together...

You are not the same as Man and Woman... Come to Terms with that Fact.



Actually after 10 PM it's quite different. It's exactly like straight married couples.
Except that as far as childless hetros compared to the impossibility of a same sex couple procreating.

One group MUST have medical procedures to insure they don't procreate, the other group must do nothing

One group MUST by birth control, some of which could be life threatening, to protect against procreation, the other group must do nothing.

One group may be reproductively disabled, the other group, fertility is never an issue.

One group may be beyond the age to reproduce, again, fertility is never an issue

Two completely different dynamics for the demographic groups.

Keep tryin,

Doesn't appear exactly the same except for those with a certain obsession.

No, they don't all have to have medical procedures. I've given you the stats on infertility, don't ignore them because they are inconvenient.

We must pay a great deal of money to have children so I'd say it evens out eh?

The basic dynamics in a marriage whether with or without children are the same in straight and gay couples. We marry for all the same reasons, we have the same wants, needs and desires within the marriage, we have the same fights, the same chores...there is no difference. Here's my day...

4:00 Wake up make coffee surf internet

5:30 Shower dress

5:45 Wake kids

6:45 Take kids to school

8:00-5:00 Work

6:00 Home, dinner, homework

7:00 Family TV time

9-10 Bed

How is that different than anyone else?

Where is the part about taking a pill to avoid a pregnancy? The pill that can cause heart problems? I'm not seeing that anywhere?

Or the part where your stressing out about the sex you had with your partner last evening causing an unplanned pregnancy that could result in stress to the couple?

Not seeing this exact argument your making?

Like infertility, you need to read up more on birth control and it's uses. While never needing it to avoid pregnancy, birth control has still been prescribed.
An argument from over 125 years ago which was flawed then and is flawed now hardly proves a point, in fact it makes you appear like an idiot [Not that that's hard to do.]

I beleive the descendants of Thomas Jefferson might beg to differ on that preposition.

In addition, a mental perversion / abnormality / dysphoria /psychosis such as homosexuality is hardly relevant to race such as the case being presnted from a racist of 125 years ago.

The Mentally disturbed [Gay] do not comprise a class of people , they encompass all races equally. Advocating sanity [heterosexuality] does not discriminate against gays anymore than advocating clean drinking water over raw sewage .

Now you are beginning to understand what YOUR argument is like. :D

It's like irony smacking them square in the face, ain't it?

They truely cannot see the forest for the trees.
No, they don't all have to have medical procedures. I've given you the stats on infertility, don't ignore them because they are inconvenient.

We must pay a great deal of money to have children so I'd say it evens out eh?

The basic dynamics in a marriage whether with or without children are the same in straight and gay couples. We marry for all the same reasons, we have the same wants, needs and desires within the marriage, we have the same fights, the same chores...there is no difference. Here's my day...

4:00 Wake up make coffee surf internet

5:30 Shower dress

5:45 Wake kids

6:45 Take kids to school

8:00-5:00 Work

6:00 Home, dinner, homework

7:00 Family TV time

9-10 Bed

How is that different than anyone else?

It's no different than a Mother/Daugher Couple Caring for the Daughter's Baby together...

You are not the same as Man and Woman... Come to Terms with that Fact.



Actually after 10 PM it's quite different. It's exactly like straight married couples. some. :D
It's no different than a Mother/Daugher Couple Caring for the Daughter's Baby together...

You are not the same as Man and Woman... Come to Terms with that Fact.



Actually after 10 PM it's quite different. It's exactly like straight married couples. some. :D

Ha! Like someone else said...if you have to ask what gay folks do in bed...I either feel sorry for you or your spouse. :lol:
Now you are beginning to understand what YOUR argument is like. :D

It's like irony smacking them square in the face, ain't it?

They truely cannot see the forest for the trees.

Yes SeaHag you've been trying real hard to smack everybody in the face with that thing that you wish you had . Freud called it Penis Envy. You don't have one - you're envious.

Solution, your gay male friends that you donated a child to don't know what to do with theirs so ..... hmmmm.... any ideas ?
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It's like irony smacking them square in the face, ain't it?

They truely cannot see the forest for the trees.

Yes SeaHag you've been trying real hard to smack everybody in the face with that thing that you wish you had . Freud called it Penis Envy. You don't have one - you're envious.

Solution, your gay male friends that you donated a child to don't know what to do with theirs so ..... hmmmm.... any ideas ?

Don't encourage her. She is dying to describe what she and her "partner" do to each other. She even offered to PM me with the details. I said I was not interested and did not want to vomit on my keyboard. I am not the least interested in watching two old fat butch lesbians lick each other.
faggots need their own bathrooms to. they spread disease

You can't catch it from a dirty toilet seat :lol:
But yes they do spread disease

The most dangerous disease they spread is societal decay and sexual perversion via misinformation - the lunatics on this board are evidence of that .
They truely cannot see the forest for the trees.

Yes SeaHag you've been trying real hard to smack everybody in the face with that thing that you wish you had . Freud called it Penis Envy. You don't have one - you're envious.

Solution, your gay male friends that you donated a child to don't know what to do with theirs so ..... hmmmm.... any ideas ?

Don't encourage her. She is dying to describe what she and her "partner" do to each other. She even offered to PM me with the details. I said I was not interested and did not want to vomit on my keyboard. I am not the least interested in watching two old fat butch lesbians lick each other.

She keeps PMing these photos - here's one of the less disgusting ones .... :eusa_angel:

They truely cannot see the forest for the trees.

Yes SeaHag you've been trying real hard to smack everybody in the face with that thing that you wish you had . Freud called it Penis Envy. You don't have one - you're envious.

Solution, your gay male friends that you donated a child to don't know what to do with theirs so ..... hmmmm.... any ideas ?

Don't encourage her. She is dying to describe what she and her "partner" do to each other. She even offered to PM me with the details. I said I was not interested and did not want to vomit on my keyboard. I am not the least interested in watching two old fat butch lesbians lick each other.

Why are you lying Fishy? I offered to maybe answer your questions in a PM. I only offered because you couldn't stop bringing up your perception of my sex life in threads unrelated to "the ghey".

If it sickens you so as you claim, why bring it up at every turn?
Yes SeaHag you've been trying real hard to smack everybody in the face with that thing that you wish you had . Freud called it Penis Envy. You don't have one - you're envious.

Solution, your gay male friends that you donated a child to don't know what to do with theirs so ..... hmmmm.... any ideas ?

Don't encourage her. She is dying to describe what she and her "partner" do to each other. She even offered to PM me with the details. I said I was not interested and did not want to vomit on my keyboard. I am not the least interested in watching two old fat butch lesbians lick each other.

Why are you lying Fishy? I offered to maybe answer your questions in a PM. I only offered because you couldn't stop bringing up your perception of my sex life in threads unrelated to "the ghey".

If it sickens you so as you claim, why bring it up at every turn?

To point out just how nasty you are , like a wet green booger dripping out ya nose. Would ya lick it - would ya like it ? That's how sane people view your activites - kindly stop flatterring yourself re: your perverted lifestyle - nobody enjoys hearing about some fat greasy bull dyke licking slimy green boogers outa her partners yeast infected crotch!
Don't encourage her. She is dying to describe what she and her "partner" do to each other. She even offered to PM me with the details. I said I was not interested and did not want to vomit on my keyboard. I am not the least interested in watching two old fat butch lesbians lick each other.

Why are you lying Fishy? I offered to maybe answer your questions in a PM. I only offered because you couldn't stop bringing up your perception of my sex life in threads unrelated to "the ghey".

If it sickens you so as you claim, why bring it up at every turn?

To point out just how nasty you are , like a wet green booger dripping out ya nose. Would ya lick it - would ya like it ? That's how sane people view your activites - kindly stop flatterring yourself re: your perverted lifestyle - nobody enjoys hearing about some fat greasy bull dyke licking slimy green boogers outa her partners yeast infected crotch!
It's fascinating what you dwell on...a lot.
Why are you lying Fishy? I offered to maybe answer your questions in a PM. I only offered because you couldn't stop bringing up your perception of my sex life in threads unrelated to "the ghey".

If it sickens you so as you claim, why bring it up at every turn?

To point out just how nasty you are , like a wet green booger dripping out ya nose. Would ya lick it - would ya like it ? That's how sane people view your activites - kindly stop flatterring yourself re: your perverted lifestyle - nobody enjoys hearing about some fat greasy bull dyke licking slimy green boogers outa her partners yeast infected crotch!
It's fascinating what you dwell on...a lot.

Yes, they are soooooooooo disgusted by it that they can't stop talking about it every chance they get.
To point out just how nasty you are , like a wet green booger dripping out ya nose. Would ya lick it - would ya like it ? That's how sane people view your activites - kindly stop flatterring yourself re: your perverted lifestyle - nobody enjoys hearing about some fat greasy bull dyke licking slimy green boogers outa her partners yeast infected crotch!
It's fascinating what you dwell on...a lot.

Yes, they are soooooooooo disgusted by it that they can't stop talking about it every chance they get.

people talk a lot about tornadoes and earthquakes, but that doesn't mean they want to experience one.

your perversion gets talked about--------------because it is a perversion, an abnormality, an illness, a human aberation.

you are mentally ill. We have sympathy for you, but we will no more call you normal than we will call a bi-polar person normal.
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It's fascinating what you dwell on...a lot.

Yes, they are soooooooooo disgusted by it that they can't stop talking about it every chance they get.

people talk a lot about tornadoes and earthquakes, but that doesn't mean they want to experience one.

your perversion gets talked about--------------because it is a perversion, an abnormality, an illness, a human aberation.

you are mentally ill. We have sympathy for you, but we will no more call you normal than we will call a bi-polar person normal.

So...people like you dwelling and dwelling and dwelling on the particulars of gay sex (actually, sex that straights also do) is the same as people talking about the weather and natural disasters. Really?

We can see where the mental illness lies. :D
Yes, they are soooooooooo disgusted by it that they can't stop talking about it every chance they get.

people talk a lot about tornadoes and earthquakes, but that doesn't mean they want to experience one.

your perversion gets talked about--------------because it is a perversion, an abnormality, an illness, a human aberation.

you are mentally ill. We have sympathy for you, but we will no more call you normal than we will call a bi-polar person normal.

So...people like you dwelling and dwelling and dwelling on the particulars of gay sex (actually, sex that straights also do) is the same as people talking about the weather and natural disasters. Really?

We can see where the mental illness lies. :D

sorry, but its you and seabytch that are dwelling on gay sex, I don't give a crap what you do in private---------just don't call it normal, because its not. two women going down on each other to two men taking it up the ass is not normal human sexuality--------end of story.
people talk a lot about tornadoes and earthquakes, but that doesn't mean they want to experience one.

your perversion gets talked about--------------because it is a perversion, an abnormality, an illness, a human aberation.

you are mentally ill. We have sympathy for you, but we will no more call you normal than we will call a bi-polar person normal.

So...people like you dwelling and dwelling and dwelling on the particulars of gay sex (actually, sex that straights also do) is the same as people talking about the weather and natural disasters. Really?

We can see where the mental illness lies. :D

sorry, but its you and seabytch that are dwelling on gay sex, I don't give a crap what you do in private---------just don't call it normal, because its not. two women going down on each other to two men taking it up the ass is not normal human sexuality--------end of story.

You are free to show where I talk about gay sex here. Ready? Go.
people talk a lot about tornadoes and earthquakes, but that doesn't mean they want to experience one.

your perversion gets talked about--------------because it is a perversion, an abnormality, an illness, a human aberation.

you are mentally ill. We have sympathy for you, but we will no more call you normal than we will call a bi-polar person normal.

So...people like you dwelling and dwelling and dwelling on the particulars of gay sex (actually, sex that straights also do) is the same as people talking about the weather and natural disasters. Really?

We can see where the mental illness lies. :D

sorry, but its you and seabytch that are dwelling on gay sex, I don't give a crap what you do in private---------just don't call it normal, because its not. two women going down on each other to two men taking it up the ass is not normal human sexuality--------end of story.

Riiiighhhttt...says the guy who has to bring a dildo into every unrelated thread he sees me in. Are you even convincing yourself 'cause nobody else is buying it.
So...people like you dwelling and dwelling and dwelling on the particulars of gay sex (actually, sex that straights also do) is the same as people talking about the weather and natural disasters. Really?

We can see where the mental illness lies. :D

sorry, but its you and seabytch that are dwelling on gay sex, I don't give a crap what you do in private---------just don't call it normal, because its not. two women going down on each other to two men taking it up the ass is not normal human sexuality--------end of story.

Riiiighhhttt...says the guy who has to bring a dildo into every unrelated thread he sees me in. Are you even convincing yourself 'cause nobody else is buying it.

Maybe they don't realize how much they are doing's subconscious.....the inner-Redfish trying to come out, so to speak.

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