Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

And? Is producing a child the requirement for legal marriage? Anywhere?

And? Has a gay couple ever worried about a pregnancy from a sexual encounter between the two?

Shall we continue a discussion about how different the dynamics are between these couples?

Nope. No accidental pregnancies. No "oops" in the back seat of a Buick, requiring a shotgun marriage ending in divorce.

See, we carefully plan our children usually, ensuring we are economically and emotionally ready for children so when they come, we can dedicate more of our time and energy to them. It's why we do so well raising children.

Parents are not interchangeable parts which can be gender-shuffled without creating a deficit in the development of children.

Sociologists have demonstrated over and over again that the optimal nurturing environment for young children is in a home where they are raised in a two-parent family headed by a man and a woman who are married to each other.
Further, men and women are fundamentally different from each other, in every cell of their bodies, meaning that a father has a unique contribution to make to the lives of his children as does a mother. As Hansen points out, males tend to "embrace reason over emotion, rules over relationship, risk-taking over caution, and standards over compassion, while (females) generally embrace the reverse."

Opposite sex parenting gives children examples of both masculinity and femininity in action, and the complementary interaction of these qualities enables them to grow up with a healthy and balanced view of life and relationships.

Same-sex marriage definitely isn't in the best interest of children.

Walter R. Schumm of Kansas State University verifies that a homosexual home environment has a profound and disturbing impact on a child’s sexual identity. According to Schumm’s research, the percentage of children of gay and lesbian parents who adopt non-heterosexual identities ranges anywhere from 16% to 57%, with daughters of lesbians at the highest risk.

... according to Charles Cooke writing at NRO. Less than 2 percent of children in intact, biological families reported experiencing sexual abuse, but the figure for same-sex couples is a frightening 23 percent.

Bryan Fischer: Same-sex parenting is bad for kids, period - RIGHTLYCONCERNED.COM
And? Is producing a child the requirement for legal marriage? Anywhere?

And? Has a gay couple ever worried about a pregnancy from a sexual encounter between the two?

Shall we continue a discussion about how different the dynamics are between these couples?

Nope. No accidental pregnancies. No "oops" in the back seat of a Buick, requiring a shotgun marriage ending in divorce.

See, we carefully plan our children usually, ensuring we are economically and emotionally ready for children so when they come, we can dedicate more of our time and energy to them. It's why we do so well raising children.


Completely different dynamics.

Thanks for the assist
And? Has a gay couple ever worried about a pregnancy from a sexual encounter between the two?

Shall we continue a discussion about how different the dynamics are between these couples?

Nope. No accidental pregnancies. No "oops" in the back seat of a Buick, requiring a shotgun marriage ending in divorce.

See, we carefully plan our children usually, ensuring we are economically and emotionally ready for children so when they come, we can dedicate more of our time and energy to them. It's why we do so well raising children.


Completely different dynamics.

Thanks for the assist

No, exact same dynamics as any childless couple. The only difference is in gender and that's not a deal breaker any more than race was...despite people thinking it would be.

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."
The message here in case you missed it is: "if you are concerned about the homosexual cult taking over your society, you are a closeted gay".

This is the one they save for last...when they are really worried about something. Like an open discussion about whether or not teaching the dogma of the church of LGBT to kids by example is such a good thing to do.

Usually just demonizing you with calling you a "bigot" or "hater" or "homophobe" gets you to shut up. It serves to shut down the conversation, which is the true goal. The more people talk about the gay agenda, the harder it is to insert the needle under the skin of society. So when the going gets really tough, they pull out the "you're a closet homo" trick. It usually works.

Except now that you know about it, you just tell them to piss off. You have a right to be as avidly opposed to the advancements of the gay agenda in direct proportion to how avidly they advance it against the will of the People affected...especially children...

"the church of LBGT"
You prove their suspicions.

That she's just a little insane? Yes.

She's totally wrong about us wanting her to shut up though...the more people like her talk, the more we win.
Nope. No accidental pregnancies. No "oops" in the back seat of a Buick, requiring a shotgun marriage ending in divorce.

See, we carefully plan our children usually, ensuring we are economically and emotionally ready for children so when they come, we can dedicate more of our time and energy to them. It's why we do so well raising children.


Completely different dynamics.

Thanks for the assist

No, exact same dynamics as any childless couple. The only difference is in gender and that's not a deal breaker any more than race was...despite people thinking it would be.

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Except that as far as childless hetros compared to the impossibility of a same sex couple procreating.

One group MUST have medical procedures to insure they don't procreate, the other group must do nothing

One group MUST buy birth control, some of which could be life threatening, to protect against procreation, the other group must do nothing.

One group may be reproductively disabled, the other group, fertility is never an issue.

One group may be beyond the age to reproduce, again, fertility is never an issue

Two completely different dynamics for the demographic groups.

Keep tryin,

Doesn't appear exactly the same except for those with a certain obsession.
Last edited:

Completely different dynamics.

Thanks for the assist

No, exact same dynamics as any childless couple. The only difference is in gender and that's not a deal breaker any more than race was...despite people thinking it would be.

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Except that as far as childless hetros compared to the impossibility of a same sex couple procreating.

One group MUST have medical procedures to insure they don't procreate, the other group must do nothing

One group MUST by birth control, some of which could be life threatening, to protect against procreation, the other group must do nothing.

One group may be reproductively disabled, the other group, fertility is never an issue.

One group may be beyond the age to reproduce, again, fertility is never an issue

Two completely different dynamics for the demographic groups.

Keep tryin,

Doesn't appear exactly the same except for those with a certain obsession.

No, they don't all have to have medical procedures. I've given you the stats on infertility, don't ignore them because they are inconvenient.

We must pay a great deal of money to have children so I'd say it evens out eh?

The basic dynamics in a marriage whether with or without children are the same in straight and gay couples. We marry for all the same reasons, we have the same wants, needs and desires within the marriage, we have the same fights, the same chores...there is no difference. Here's my day...

4:00 Wake up make coffee surf internet
5:30 Shower dress
5:45 Wake kids
6:45 Take kids to school
8:00-5:00 Work
6:00 Home, dinner, homework
7:00 Family TV time
9-10 Bed

How is that different than anyone else?
Pop, this is how laws against blacks marrying whites were justified:

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Not good company to keep...
And? Has a gay couple ever worried about a pregnancy from a sexual encounter between the two?

Shall we continue a discussion about how different the dynamics are between these couples?

Nope. No accidental pregnancies. No "oops" in the back seat of a Buick, requiring a shotgun marriage ending in divorce.

See, we carefully plan our children usually, ensuring we are economically and emotionally ready for children so when they come, we can dedicate more of our time and energy to them. It's why we do so well raising children.


Completely different dynamics.

Thanks for the assist

Touche Pops - SeaHag Fuzzy Logic at work :lol:
Pop, this is how laws against blacks marrying whites were justified:

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Not good company to keep...

An argument from over 125 years ago which was flawed then and is flawed now hardly proves a point, in fact it makes you appear like an idiot [Not that that's hard to do.]

I beleive the descendants of Thomas Jefferson might beg to differ on that preposition.

In addition, a mental perversion / abnormality / dysphoria /psychosis such as homosexuality is hardly relevant to race such as the case being presnted from a racist of 125 years ago.

The Mentally disturbed [Gay] do not comprise a class of people , they encompass all races equally. Advocating sanity [heterosexuality] does not discriminate against gays anymore than advocating clean drinking water over raw sewage .
Pop, this is how laws against blacks marrying whites were justified:

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Not good company to keep...

An argument from over 125 years ago which was flawed then and is flawed now hardly proves a point, in fact it makes you appear like an idiot [Not that that's hard to do.]

I beleive the descendants of Thomas Jefferson might beg to differ on that preposition.

In addition, a mental perversion / abnormality / dysphoria /psychosis such as homosexuality is hardly relevant to race such as the case being presnted from a racist of 125 years ago.

The Mentally disturbed [Gay] do not comprise a class of people , they encompass all races equally. Advocating sanity [heterosexuality] does not discriminate against gays anymore than advocating clean drinking water over raw sewage .
Now you are beginning to understand what YOUR argument is like. :D
Pop, this is how laws against blacks marrying whites were justified:

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Not good company to keep...

A Black Man and a White Woman can Reflect Marriage... Two Men nor Two Woman of ANY Race can... Ever. :thup:


Pop, this is how laws against blacks marrying whites were justified:

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Not good company to keep...

An argument from over 125 years ago which was flawed then and is flawed now hardly proves a point, in fact it makes you appear like an idiot [Not that that's hard to do.]

I beleive the descendants of Thomas Jefferson might beg to differ on that preposition.

In addition, a mental perversion / abnormality / dysphoria /psychosis such as homosexuality is hardly relevant to race such as the case being presnted from a racist of 125 years ago.

The Mentally disturbed [Gay] do not comprise a class of people , they encompass all races equally. Advocating sanity [heterosexuality] does not discriminate against gays anymore than advocating clean drinking water over raw sewage .
Now you are beginning to understand what YOUR argument is like. :D

Hardly ,my dear - but then again your glass of raw sewage is half empty , while my glass of water is half full.
An argument from over 125 years ago which was flawed then and is flawed now hardly proves a point, in fact it makes you appear like an idiot [Not that that's hard to do.]

I beleive the descendants of Thomas Jefferson might beg to differ on that preposition.

In addition, a mental perversion / abnormality / dysphoria /psychosis such as homosexuality is hardly relevant to race such as the case being presnted from a racist of 125 years ago.

The Mentally disturbed [Gay] do not comprise a class of people , they encompass all races equally. Advocating sanity [heterosexuality] does not discriminate against gays anymore than advocating clean drinking water over raw sewage .
Now you are beginning to understand what YOUR argument is like. :D

Hardly ,my dear - but then again your glass of raw sewage is half empty , while my glass of water is half full.

The segregationists were once in the "I'm sure I'm right" position you are in right now. History repeating itself...including the eventual loss by such as you....relegated to the ash heap of history. :D
Now you are beginning to understand what YOUR argument is like. :D

Hardly ,my dear - but then again your glass of raw sewage is half empty , while my glass of water is half full.

The segregationists were once in the "I'm sure I'm right" position you are in right now. History repeating itself...including the eventual loss by such as you....relegated to the ash heap of history. :D

The Nazis were once in the "I'm sure I'm right" position you are in right now. History repeating itself...including the eventual loss by such as you....relegated to the dung heap of history.

The Marxists were once in the "I'm sure I'm right" position you are in right now. History repeating itself...including the eventual loss by such as you....relegated to the dung heap of history.
Last edited:
Now you are beginning to understand what YOUR argument is like. :D

Hardly ,my dear - but then again your glass of raw sewage is half empty , while my glass of water is half full.

The segregationists were once in the "I'm sure I'm right" position you are in right now. History repeating itself...including the eventual loss by such as you....relegated to the ash heap of history. :D

No two Men or two Women have ever Created Life... Ever.

Black Women and White Men have been since the beginning of Time.

Race and your Chosen Sexual Deviation are not Analogous.... Fact.


No, exact same dynamics as any childless couple. The only difference is in gender and that's not a deal breaker any more than race was...despite people thinking it would be.

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Except that as far as childless hetros compared to the impossibility of a same sex couple procreating.

One group MUST have medical procedures to insure they don't procreate, the other group must do nothing

One group MUST by birth control, some of which could be life threatening, to protect against procreation, the other group must do nothing.

One group may be reproductively disabled, the other group, fertility is never an issue.

One group may be beyond the age to reproduce, again, fertility is never an issue

Two completely different dynamics for the demographic groups.

Keep tryin,

Doesn't appear exactly the same except for those with a certain obsession.

No, they don't all have to have medical procedures. I've given you the stats on infertility, don't ignore them because they are inconvenient.

We must pay a great deal of money to have children so I'd say it evens out eh?

The basic dynamics in a marriage whether with or without children are the same in straight and gay couples. We marry for all the same reasons, we have the same wants, needs and desires within the marriage, we have the same fights, the same chores...there is no difference. Here's my day...

4:00 Wake up make coffee surf internet
5:30 Shower dress
5:45 Wake kids
6:45 Take kids to school
8:00-5:00 Work
6:00 Home, dinner, homework
7:00 Family TV time
9-10 Bed

How is that different than anyone else?

Where is the part about taking a pill to avoid a pregnancy? The pill that can cause heart problems? I'm not seeing that anywhere?

Or the part where your stressing out about the sex you had with your partner last evening causing an unplanned pregnancy that could result in stress to the couple?

Not seeing this exact argument your making?
No, exact same dynamics as any childless couple. The only difference is in gender and that's not a deal breaker any more than race was...despite people thinking it would be.

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Except that as far as childless hetros compared to the impossibility of a same sex couple procreating.

One group MUST have medical procedures to insure they don't procreate, the other group must do nothing

One group MUST by birth control, some of which could be life threatening, to protect against procreation, the other group must do nothing.

One group may be reproductively disabled, the other group, fertility is never an issue.

One group may be beyond the age to reproduce, again, fertility is never an issue

Two completely different dynamics for the demographic groups.

Keep tryin,

Doesn't appear exactly the same except for those with a certain obsession.

No, they don't all have to have medical procedures. I've given you the stats on infertility, don't ignore them because they are inconvenient.

We must pay a great deal of money to have children so I'd say it evens out eh?

The basic dynamics in a marriage whether with or without children are the same in straight and gay couples. We marry for all the same reasons, we have the same wants, needs and desires within the marriage, we have the same fights, the same chores...there is no difference. Here's my day...

4:00 Wake up make coffee surf internet
5:30 Shower dress
5:45 Wake kids
6:45 Take kids to school
8:00-5:00 Work
6:00 Home, dinner, homework
7:00 Family TV time
9-10 Bed

How is that different than anyone else?

Google Gay Agenda - Click on Images in the upper right hand corner - what do you get - a thousand He-Shes and She-Hes vomiting he same noise thatyou just posted , and that's all it is Noise - designed to drown out the true issue - a form of deflection. So that was that you were saying SeaWytch - Louder I can't hear you ! or actually ..speak to the hand :eusa_hand:
If you're concerned that a homosexual cult is going to take over your society, then yeah..........maybe you ARE a closeted gay.

And what does it mean when a supposed man wishes violence upon women if they don't share his political views, bicycle-boy?

If you're talking about that other thread, cool............I've already answered your question.

You never did address your disgraceful and misogynistic comments. In fact, you have assiduously avoided doing so, bicycle-boy.
No, exact same dynamics as any childless couple. The only difference is in gender and that's not a deal breaker any more than race was...despite people thinking it would be.

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Except that as far as childless hetros compared to the impossibility of a same sex couple procreating.

One group MUST have medical procedures to insure they don't procreate, the other group must do nothing

One group MUST by birth control, some of which could be life threatening, to protect against procreation, the other group must do nothing.

One group may be reproductively disabled, the other group, fertility is never an issue.

One group may be beyond the age to reproduce, again, fertility is never an issue

Two completely different dynamics for the demographic groups.

Keep tryin,

Doesn't appear exactly the same except for those with a certain obsession.

No, they don't all have to have medical procedures. I've given you the stats on infertility, don't ignore them because they are inconvenient.

We must pay a great deal of money to have children so I'd say it evens out eh?

The basic dynamics in a marriage whether with or without children are the same in straight and gay couples. We marry for all the same reasons, we have the same wants, needs and desires within the marriage, we have the same fights, the same chores...there is no difference. Here's my day...

4:00 Wake up make coffee surf internet
5:30 Shower dress
5:45 Wake kids
6:45 Take kids to school
8:00-5:00 Work
6:00 Home, dinner, homework
7:00 Family TV time
9-10 Bed

How is that different than anyone else?

It's no different than a Mother/Daugher Couple Caring for the Daughter's Baby together...

You are not the same as Man and Woman... Come to Terms with that Fact.


Pop, this is how laws against blacks marrying whites were justified:

State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883): "They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites."

Not good company to keep...

An argument from over 125 years ago which was flawed then and is flawed now hardly proves a point, in fact it makes you appear like an idiot [Not that that's hard to do.]

I beleive the descendants of Thomas Jefferson might beg to differ on that preposition.

In addition, a mental perversion / abnormality / dysphoria /psychosis such as homosexuality is hardly relevant to race such as the case being presnted from a racist of 125 years ago.

The Mentally disturbed [Gay] do not comprise a class of people , they encompass all races equally. Advocating sanity [heterosexuality] does not discriminate against gays anymore than advocating clean drinking water over raw sewage .

Now you are beginning to understand what YOUR argument is like. :D

It's like irony smacking them square in the face, ain't it?

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