Can someone tell me when it was that Gays had different drinking fountains?...

Not in 50% of the US currently, and 100% soon enough, should they choose the path many of us do.

If you think about it about, shouldn't the best way to raise a child be two or three generations around them? That was reality for ages and ages. Do you oppose tradition?

No child has ever been produced through a male to male or a female to female coupling. Try again.

And? Is producing a child the requirement for legal marriage? Anywhere?

And? Has a gay couple ever worried about a pregnancy from a sexual encounter between the two?

Shall we continue a discussion about how different the dynamics are between these couples?
No child has ever been produced through a male to male or a female to female coupling. Try again.

And? Is producing a child the requirement for legal marriage? Anywhere?

And? Has a gay couple ever worried about a pregnancy from a sexual encounter between the two?

Shall we continue a discussion about how different the dynamics are between these couples? marriage is because people are worried about getting pregnant. Interesting take on what you think marriage is about. Very interesting.
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Gays can't? How odd then that they so often do? And we were speaking of Siblings. They also seem to have limited issues.

Do they bronze the test tube to memorialize the occasion? Or the Dixie cup, whatever?
It's not any of my business. What have you made it yours?

Experience on boards like this message board has shown that many anti-gay posters have a heavy lean towards voyeurism when it comes to gays, gay sex, and the business of gay people in general.

I would become exhausted if I spent as much time and effort thinking and posting about straights, straight sex, and the business of straight people in general....Simply exhausted.
Do they bronze the test tube to memorialize the occasion? Or the Dixie cup, whatever?
It's not any of my business. What have you made it yours?

Experience on boards like this message board has shown that many anti-gay posters have a heavy lean towards voyeurism when it comes to gays, gay sex, and the business of gay people in general.

I would become exhausted if I spent as much time and effort thinking and posting about straights, straight sex, and the business of straight people in general....Simply exhausted.
Mixed up my what, why, where there but I fixed it. As for their fixation on gay sex, it seems to be limitless. A common thing among homophobes.
It's not any of my business. What have you made it yours?

Experience on boards like this message board has shown that many anti-gay posters have a heavy lean towards voyeurism when it comes to gays, gay sex, and the business of gay people in general.

I would become exhausted if I spent as much time and effort thinking and posting about straights, straight sex, and the business of straight people in general....Simply exhausted.
Mixed up my what, why, where there but I fixed it. As for their fixation on gay sex, it seems to be limitless. A common thing among homophobes.

It is a puzzlement. But then again...maybe not.....:eusa_whistle:
Experience on boards like this message board has shown that many anti-gay posters have a heavy lean towards voyeurism when it comes to gays, gay sex, and the business of gay people in general.

I would become exhausted if I spent as much time and effort thinking and posting about straights, straight sex, and the business of straight people in general....Simply exhausted.
Mixed up my what, why, where there but I fixed it. As for their fixation on gay sex, it seems to be limitless. A common thing among homophobes.

It is a puzzlement. But then again...maybe not.....:eusa_whistle:

They’re afraid of you.
The message here in case you missed it is: "if you are concerned about the homosexual cult taking over your society, you are a closeted gay".

This is the one they save for last...when they are really worried about something. Like an open discussion about whether or not teaching the dogma of the church of LGBT to kids by example is such a good thing to do.

Usually just demonizing you with calling you a "bigot" or "hater" or "homophobe" gets you to shut up. It serves to shut down the conversation, which is the true goal. The more people talk about the gay agenda, the harder it is to insert the needle under the skin of society. So when the going gets really tough, they pull out the "you're a closet homo" trick. It usually works.

Except now that you know about it, you just tell them to piss off. You have a right to be as avidly opposed to the advancements of the gay agenda in direct proportion to how avidly they advance it against the will of the People affected...especially children...
If you're concerned that a homosexual cult is going to take over your society, then yeah..........maybe you ARE a closeted gay.

I don't really worry about the sex that others are having, I just worry about the sex I may (or may not) be having, and adjust my life accordingly.

If the couple who lives a few houses down the block (be they gay or lesbian) are having rocking orgasms and screaming at the rafters................good for them.

However..............I'm not having sex with them because their ideas of good sex may be very different from mine.

But................if someone who feels the same way about sex as I do shows up? I'm gonna be helping someone (and hopefully myself) to scream at the rafters as well.

It doesn't matter what gender you love, it just matters that you love.
If you're concerned that a homosexual cult is going to take over your society, then yeah..........maybe you ARE a closeted gay.

And what does it mean when a supposed man wishes violence upon women if they don't share his political views, bicycle-boy?
If you're concerned that a homosexual cult is going to take over your society, then yeah..........maybe you ARE a closeted gay.

And what does it mean when a supposed man wishes violence upon women if they don't share his political views, bicycle-boy?

If you're talking about that other thread, cool............I've already answered your question.

You don't have to share my political views (that's you getting things confused), but however, if you're going to talk about something as serious as waterboarding and comparing it on an equal status to've got to back up and do a couple of things.

Either (a) you spend 4 years in the military fighting those terrorists to show not only do you not fear them, but you are willing to defend this country against them, and are willing to learn how they operate, or (b) you can spend a month or so getting "baptized" so that you understand the means you are using against them.

They have a choice. Me? I chose to spend over 20 years in the U.S. Navy, serving in no less than 4 war zones.
The message here in case you missed it is: "if you are concerned about the homosexual cult taking over your society, you are a closeted gay".

This is the one they save for last...when they are really worried about something. Like an open discussion about whether or not teaching the dogma of the church of LGBT to kids by example is such a good thing to do.

Usually just demonizing you with calling you a "bigot" or "hater" or "homophobe" gets you to shut up. It serves to shut down the conversation, which is the true goal. The more people talk about the gay agenda, the harder it is to insert the needle under the skin of society. So when the going gets really tough, they pull out the "you're a closet homo" trick. It usually works.

Except now that you know about it, you just tell them to piss off. You have a right to be as avidly opposed to the advancements of the gay agenda in direct proportion to how avidly they advance it against the will of the People affected...especially children...

Bill Maher [HBO] Maher spoke sacrilege and put his career in grave danger when he called out an element of the gay activist community that enforces political correctness like the Gestapo enforced Anti-Semitism. I think there is a gay mafia, I think if you cross them, you do get whacked. [Bill Maher]

Try googling Barry Diller, David Neuman, Garth Ancier, Sandy Gallin, or Kevin Huvane a core of the Elite Queer Mafia that controls the entertainment Industry and what you are permitted to watch - what they do to people who cross them is something you can't make up .
The idea that two men living together or two women living together is anything close to the same as a man living with a women is nonsense. The dynamic of the relationships are as different as night and day. To say they must be treated the same simply because they both have two individuals is silly.

No they aren't. Gay couples have all the same "dynamics" that heterosexual couples have. Seriously, where do you get this shit? Have you ever spent any time around a gay couple?

Wow, you can't see the forest from the trees!

Simply silly

So I'll take that as a no, you don't know any gay couples.
No child has ever been produced through a male to male or a female to female coupling. Try again.

And? Is producing a child the requirement for legal marriage? Anywhere?

And? Has a gay couple ever worried about a pregnancy from a sexual encounter between the two?

Shall we continue a discussion about how different the dynamics are between these couples?

Nope. No accidental pregnancies. No "oops" in the back seat of a Buick, requiring a shotgun marriage ending in divorce.

See, we carefully plan our children usually, ensuring we are economically and emotionally ready for children so when they come, we can dedicate more of our time and energy to them. It's why we do so well raising children.
The message here in case you missed it is: "if you are concerned about the homosexual cult taking over your society, you are a closeted gay".

This is the one they save for last...when they are really worried about something. Like an open discussion about whether or not teaching the dogma of the church of LGBT to kids by example is such a good thing to do.

Usually just demonizing you with calling you a "bigot" or "hater" or "homophobe" gets you to shut up. It serves to shut down the conversation, which is the true goal. The more people talk about the gay agenda, the harder it is to insert the needle under the skin of society. So when the going gets really tough, they pull out the "you're a closet homo" trick. It usually works.

Except now that you know about it, you just tell them to piss off. You have a right to be as avidly opposed to the advancements of the gay agenda in direct proportion to how avidly they advance it against the will of the People affected...especially children...

"the church of LBGT"
You prove their suspicions.

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