Can The Dems Right Their Ship In Time For 2020?


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Do they even want to? With the party lurching leftward and their candidates falling over each other and themselves to establish their socialist bone fides their election chances are slip sliding away. The battle line has been drawn as the 2 who had the temerity to say socialism is not the answer were booed by the faithful who want "free" stuff and want it NOW.
There really are no "Democrats" left, the party has self-destructed. There's no cohesion, just a competition to see who can out-Left each other making ridiculous promises to ignorant voters.

What they don't comprehend is that they're only preaching to the vocal extremists, and not to true Democrats at all. The disarray is staggering; when Pelosi makes the most sense of them all, you know the DNC is well and truly finished.
The Dems have a lock on 47% of the electorate, and that number grows every year.
Do they even want to? With the party lurching leftward and their candidates falling over each other and themselves to establish their socialist bone fides their election chances are slip sliding away. The battle line has been drawn as the 2 who had the temerity to say socialism is not the answer were booed by the faithful who want "free" stuff and want it NOW.
2020 may very well hinge on the economy, and 17 months is an eternity where the economy is concerned.

There's just no way to know, although the general consensus is that a slowdown is definitely on the way.
Hell NO, not with them still talking about impeachment and trying to rig The Electoral College to favor their candidates.

The President is projected to win 53% of the popular vote as it stands today.
Do they even want to? With the party lurching leftward and their candidates falling over each other and themselves to establish their socialist bone fides their election chances are slip sliding away. The battle line has been drawn as the 2 who had the temerity to say socialism is not the answer were booed by the faithful who want "free" stuff and want it NOW.
2020 may very well hinge on the economy, and 17 months is an eternity where the economy is concerned. There's just no way to know, although the general consensus is that a slowdown is definitely on the way...
The other side of that coin is the Dem's promise to undo all of our winning if we are dim enough to elect them. They have nothing to offer that will make most American's lives better.

Democrat Socialist Platform:

1) Hate Trump
2) Expensive gov't programs
3) Significantly higher taxes to pay for the new programs
4) Hate Trump

Seem like a winning strategy?
Do they even want to? With the party lurching leftward and their candidates falling over each other and themselves to establish their socialist bone fides their election chances are slip sliding away. The battle line has been drawn as the 2 who had the temerity to say socialism is not the answer were booed by the faithful who want "free" stuff and want it NOW.
2020 may very well hinge on the economy, and 17 months is an eternity where the economy is concerned. There's just no way to know, although the general consensus is that a slowdown is definitely on the way...
The other side of that coin is the Dem's promise to undo all of our winning if we are dim enough to elect them. They have nothing to offer that will make most American's lives better.

Democrat Socialist Platform:

1) Hate Trump
2) Expensive gov't programs
3) Significantly higher taxes to pay for the new programs
4) Hate Trump

Seem like a winning strategy?
Roughly half the country isn't a big fan, and they have their own reasons and priorities.
Do they even want to? With the party lurching leftward and their candidates falling over each other and themselves to establish their socialist bone fides their election chances are slip sliding away. The battle line has been drawn as the 2 who had the temerity to say socialism is not the answer were booed by the faithful who want "free" stuff and want it NOW.

No way Jose. They passed the point of no return a while back. The current demodummie party is done for. So there's more room for an alternative party now like the libertarian party perhaps.

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