Can The Govt FORCE You To Promote A Choice That Goes Against Your Religion? The Fight Continues...

Here's liberal "logical" for you

" I can punish you for not serving a gay, you can't punish me for murdering an unborn child"

You dumb fucks really need to do the world a favor and just kill yourselves.

Apple meet screwdriver

Only b/c you are patently stupid and dishonest.

The point remains however. You stupid authoritarians on the left and the right ALWAYS want to use the government behaviors that you approve of and scream bloody murder when the "other side" does the same.
I think the "will catholic hospitals be required to perform abortions" concept pretty much is the harbinger for how this AZ lawsuit will turn out. :popcorn: After all, women have a right to an abortion. (an action, not an inborn trait). Men "have the right" to marry men.... (an action, not an inborn trait)

Is anyone forced to perform abortions?
He probably finds it deeply unfair, that abortions are only provided for women.
And these rules cannot be derived from "law" that sets one set of behaviors (homosexuality) above another (polyamory/polygamy). All or none may access those protections. So, as I said, if your cult doesn't want it's legal gains to unravel before your eyes, you'd better start stumping and stumping hard for polygamists to have the same rights. Otherwise adios.

Using this moronic logic, the behaviors of heterosexuality not do have a right to marriage as well. Remember: All or none may access those protections according to your standards. Something tells me you have a nice self-serving exemption for those behaviors, though.

Bingo , no one has a right to a government sanctioned marriage. A state could just throw up their hands and say "we're not issuing marriage licenses anymore (and who gave the government the authority to do so anyway) and there is nothing anyone can do about it. But , if the government DOES offer a service, they must offer it to all.

The states won't. Civil marriage is not going to disappear, and since that's the case, same sex marriage retains the right of equal protection under civil marriage laws.
As an individual, you are free to hate anyone you wish
Nobody can force you to invite someone you don't like into your home. Nobody can force you to have blacks or gays to dinner.

But once you open a business, your business is subject to the rules of your community and the Constitution. These rules include what you must pay your workers, business hours, building codes, public safety and public accommodation

If you do not like the rules being applied to your business, you are free to seek another occupation

Please explain the "logic" you use to determine that the government can force me to allow people into my business, but not my home.

There is none. It's just a wedge created by the broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause. If and when they find a similar wedge into our homes, it will be used.

Of course there is none. Not only that, as I've explained , the idiots don't even understand that they PA laws are in violation of the 14th Amendment b/c they don't give equal protection to all Americans.
And what level of protection would that be, PA laws apply to all those still breathing?

Who, is not covered?

Who's not covered? You fucking dolt, there are more classes of people NOT covered than there are covered.

A business can legally discriminate based on hair color, eye color, names, state of origin, and right on down the line.
The states won't. Civil marriage is not going to disappear, and since that's the case, same sex marriage retains the right of equal protection under civil marriage laws.

...while polygamy does not....

You'd better get to work on that one...and fast... Don't let the two gals in AZ beat you to it.
You can't legally avoid your taxes on the grounds that your religion opposes wars/militarism and tax money goes to support that.
I think the "will catholic hospitals be required to perform abortions" concept pretty much is the harbinger for how this AZ lawsuit will turn out. :popcorn: After all, women have a right to an abortion. (an action, not an inborn trait). Men "have the right" to marry men.... (an action, not an inborn trait)

Is anyone forced to perform abortions?
He probably finds it deeply unfair, that abortions are only provided for women.

LOL I'm the ultimate abortion advocate. I think conservatives who don't want liberals aborting their future idiotic children are dumb. I encourage them to abort more of their idiotic children, and in fact I would support post birth abortion.
And these rules cannot be derived from "law" that sets one set of behaviors (homosexuality) above another (polyamory/polygamy). All or none may access those protections. So, as I said, if your cult doesn't want it's legal gains to unravel before your eyes, you'd better start stumping and stumping hard for polygamists to have the same rights. Otherwise adios.

Using this moronic logic, the behaviors of heterosexuality not do have a right to marriage as well. Remember: All or none may access those protections according to your standards. Something tells me you have a nice self-serving exemption for those behaviors, though.

Bingo , no one has a right to a government sanctioned marriage. A state could just throw up their hands and say "we're not issuing marriage licenses anymore (and who gave the government the authority to do so anyway) and there is nothing anyone can do about it. But , if the government DOES offer a service, they must offer it to all.

Sounds wonderful to me. I would love the government to get out of the marriage business altogether. Sil; however, feels only heterosexual behaviors have a right to marriage. Those sexual behaviors get a pass from her standard b/ just do.
Here's liberal "logical" for you

" I can punish you for not serving a gay, you can't punish me for murdering an unborn child"

You dumb fucks really need to do the world a favor and just kill yourselves.

Apple meet screwdriver

Only b/c you are patently stupid and dishonest.

The point remains however. You stupid authoritarians on the left and the right ALWAYS want to use the government behaviors that you approve of and scream bloody murder when the "other side" does the same.

The same can be said of stupid authoritarians on the right. To wit: I heard very little complaining about religion being granted protected class status, with all the privileges that grants via PA laws. But when we try to add sexual orientation, they're all up in arms about it. Precious few people make the effort to see things from both sides.
Simple....your rights to freedom of association do not apply to your business

We don't serve negroes no longer allowed

Negroes = race. Gay behaviors = behaviors. That is a legal problem for you. Work it out soon or your gains will unravel. BTW, when are you going to start stumping for polygamists to marry? If man/woman is "unfair", so is "two"... Check the 14th for details...
Two = same race, now any race.
Two = same religion, now any religion
Two = opposite sex, now same sex
Two = unrelated, soon related
Two = just two, soon three or more

We aren't going backwards, we're going forwards.
The states won't. Civil marriage is not going to disappear, and since that's the case, same sex marriage retains the right of equal protection under civil marriage laws.

...while polygamy does not....

You'd better get to work on that one...and fast... Don't let the two gals in AZ beat you to it.

If the Court ruled that polygamy was sufficiently similar to monogamy to make them equal under the law, then polygamy would be a right equal to monogamy.
The states won't. Civil marriage is not going to disappear, and since that's the case, same sex marriage retains the right of equal protection under civil marriage laws.

...while polygamy does not....

You'd better get to work on that one...and fast... Don't let the two gals in AZ beat you to it.

Polygamy is a good example

Polygamy was an accepted practice of the Mormon Church. The "Government" forced them to abandon the practice.

Isn't that the Government FORCING you to go against your religion?
Here's liberal "logical" for you

" I can punish you for not serving a gay, you can't punish me for murdering an unborn child"

You dumb fucks really need to do the world a favor and just kill yourselves.

Apple meet screwdriver

Only b/c you are patently stupid and dishonest.

The point remains however. You stupid authoritarians on the left and the right ALWAYS want to use the government behaviors that you approve of and scream bloody murder when the "other side" does the same.

The same can be said of stupid authoritarians on the right. To wit: I heard very little complaining about religion being granted protected class status, with all the privileges that grants via PA laws. But when we try to add sexual orientation, they're all up in arms about it. Precious few people make the effort to see things from both sides.

Yep, make much the same point myself. Authoritarians on both sides screaming that the government should punish people for thinks they don't like have fucked this country up.
Simple....your rights to freedom of association do not apply to your business

We don't serve negroes no longer allowed

Negroes = race. Gay behaviors = behaviors. That is a legal problem for you. Work it out soon or your gains will unravel. BTW, when are you going to start stumping for polygamists to marry? If man/woman is "unfair", so is "two"... Check the 14th for details...

Heterosexuality = behaviors. That is a legal problem for you. When are you going to demand polygamists to marry? Check your imagination for details. lol
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Simple....your rights to freedom of association do not apply to your business

We don't serve negroes no longer allowed

Negroes = race. Gay behaviors = behaviors. That is a legal problem for you. Work it out soon or your gains will unravel. BTW, when are you going to start stumping for polygamists to marry? If man/woman is "unfair", so is "two"... Check the 14th for details...
Two = same race, now any race.
Two = same religion, now any religion
Two = opposite sex, now same sex
Two = unrelated, soon related
Two = just two, soon three or more

We aren't going backwards, we're going forwards.

Um, again, if a mother and father are no longer legally important to children, what makes the number "two" special at all? Either all people may marry or there are exceptions. The number two is less significant than providing both a mother and father. Sexual orientation is sexual orientation. You don't get to pick your favorites.
The states won't. Civil marriage is not going to disappear, and since that's the case, same sex marriage retains the right of equal protection under civil marriage laws.

...while polygamy does not....

You'd better get to work on that one...and fast... Don't let the two gals in AZ beat you to it.

Polygamy is a good example

Polygamy was an accepted practice of the Mormon Church. The "Government" forced them to abandon the practice.

Isn't that the Government FORCING you to go against your religion?

This is a point conservatives are wrong on. IF the government can define marriage AT ALL , they can define it whichever way they want.

If 100 dudes want to get "married" why would anyone else care?

But that has no bearing on PA laws, which are unconstitutional, and hence you can't post one single logical defense of them. All you can muster is "if you own a business you have to do what we say"
If the Court ruled that polygamy was sufficiently similar to monogamy to make them equal under the law, then polygamy would be a right equal to monogamy.

Sexual orientation is sexual orientation. Who deemed you King to get to decide which is more important? Marriage equality includes all sexual orientations, not just your favorites. Now you are pitching for states to be able to regulate who may marry and who may not...BASED ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION!!

Start stumping for polygamists now...while there's still time to stop the unraveling....
As an individual, you are free to hate anyone you wish
Nobody can force you to invite someone you don't like into your home. Nobody can force you to have blacks or gays to dinner.

But once you open a business, your business is subject to the rules of your community and the Constitution. These rules include what you must pay your workers, business hours, building codes, public safety and public accommodation

If you do not like the rules being applied to your business, you are free to seek another occupation

Please explain the "logic" you use to determine that the government can force me to allow people into my business, but not my home.

There is none. It's just a wedge created by the broad interpretation of the Commerce Clause. If and when they find a similar wedge into our homes, it will be used.

Of course there is none. Not only that, as I've explained , the idiots don't even understand that they PA laws are in violation of the 14th Amendment b/c they don't give equal protection to all Americans.
And what level of protection would that be, PA laws apply to all those still breathing?

Who, is not covered?

Who's not covered? You fucking dolt, there are more classes of people NOT covered than there are covered.

A business can legally discriminate based on hair color, eye color, names, state of origin, and right on down the line.
Name one, just one, that has?

You see, the courts like to deal with things that actually happen in the real world. So far that makes you and the courts very unalike.
I predict that at some point in the future polygamy will become a liberal cause and NYCarbiner will change his tune completely.
Simple....your rights to freedom of association do not apply to your business

We don't serve negroes no longer allowed

Negroes = race. Gay behaviors = behaviors. That is a legal problem for you. Work it out soon or your gains will unravel. BTW, when are you going to start stumping for polygamists to marry? If man/woman is "unfair", so is "two"... Check the 14th for details...
Two = same race, now any race.
Two = same religion, now any religion
Two = opposite sex, now same sex
Two = unrelated, soon related
Two = just two, soon three or more

We aren't going backwards, we're going forwards.

Um, again, if a mother and father are no longer legally important to children, what makes the number "two" special at all? Either all people may marry or there are exceptions. The number two is less significant than providing both a mother and father. Sexual orientation is sexual orientation. You don't get to pick your favorites.

Why not legal polygamy?

You are allowed by law to have a legal wife and a mistress on the side

It is only if you try to make the mistress legal that you are breaking the law

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