Can The Govt FORCE You To Promote A Choice That Goes Against Your Religion? The Fight Continues...

Some fool told you that children were a factor in the marriage (or divorce) of adults? They were wrong.

Which is kind of funny when you think about it since one of the most convincing arguments gays used to sway the Court to force Obergefell on the 50 states was "think of the children"... Suddenly now that your cult has gotten what it wants, children can go fuck themselves. Are you listening Sotomayor, Breyer, Ginsburg, Kagan and KENNEDY...?
That argument holds no water, and never did. It's irrelevant.
You won't get any arguments from me concerning public accommodation laws. People are okay with forcing others to follow PA laws, but the instant it effects them suddenly they've gone too far. Hypocrites.

So you would be against a Christian being able to force a gay billboard designer to print a sign that says "Homosexuality is a sin unto God"?

You people are stupid. Someone asked me a similar question last night. Would I support allowing a gay business owner to discriminate against a Christian.OF COURSE I WOULD, it's his fucking business, being gay doesn't change that fact. He has a right to work for whomever he wants.
Your world, the real world? Which one are you planning to live in so I can adjust my responses appropriately?
You won't get any arguments from me concerning public accommodation laws. People are okay with forcing others to follow PA laws, but the instant it effects them suddenly they've gone too far. Hypocrites.

So you would be against a Christian being able to force a gay billboard designer to print a sign that says "Homosexuality is a sin unto God"?

For the 8th or 9 time, yes. Absolutely. My answer will be the same when you inevitability ask me again tomorrow.
Name one, just one, that has?

You see, the courts like to deal with things that actually happen in the real world. So far that makes you and the courts very unalike.

Name one what that has done what you moron?

I discriminated just yesterday. Some guy came in and he was an asshole, so I tossed him out. Assholes aren't protected by the so called PA laws. PROVING that not every class is protected.

And if sues you then the court has something to deal with, but not until then. You may think a business might discriminate based on hair color but until you find one that actually does you are just pissing into the wind.

You are a moron.

I can most definitely discriminate based on hair color, ask any attorney.
By whom?

And, take it to court, that's how it works.

Are you retarded?

I don't have to take shit to a court. The law does not prohibit discrimination EXCEPT for certain things, PERIOD. That's why the law reads the way it does, and that is why MANY jurisdictions are adding sexual orientation to their law because if it isn't listed, you can LEGALLY discriminate.

Fuck , with morons like you voting it's no wonder we have Trump and Clinton as our Presidential candidates. You sire are STUPID.
I understand how it works. What I'm trying to find out is who are these unprotected classes of yours that are so being picked on? Muppets? Gnomes? One-eyed Jacks?
Name one what that has done what you moron?

I discriminated just yesterday. Some guy came in and he was an asshole, so I tossed him out. Assholes aren't protected by the so called PA laws. PROVING that not every class is protected.

And if sues you then the court has something to deal with, but not until then. You may think a business might discriminate based on hair color but until you find one that actually does you are just pissing into the wind.

You are a moron.

I can most definitely discriminate based on hair color, ask any attorney.
By whom?

And, take it to court, that's how it works.

Are you retarded?

I don't have to take shit to a court. The law does not prohibit discrimination EXCEPT for certain things, PERIOD. That's why the law reads the way it does, and that is why MANY jurisdictions are adding sexual orientation to their law because if it isn't listed, you can LEGALLY discriminate.

Fuck , with morons like you voting it's no wonder we have Trump and Clinton as our Presidential candidates. You sire are STUPID.
I understand how it works. What I'm trying to find out is who are these unprotected classes of yours that are so being picked on? Muppets? Gnomes? One-eyed Jacks?

Sonny, I've made the point a thousand times. That you are too stupid to follow along is no longer my problem, it is yours.
And if sues you then the court has something to deal with, but not until then. You may think a business might discriminate based on hair color but until you find one that actually does you are just pissing into the wind.

You are a moron.

I can most definitely discriminate based on hair color, ask any attorney.
By whom?

And, take it to court, that's how it works.

Are you retarded?

I don't have to take shit to a court. The law does not prohibit discrimination EXCEPT for certain things, PERIOD. That's why the law reads the way it does, and that is why MANY jurisdictions are adding sexual orientation to their law because if it isn't listed, you can LEGALLY discriminate.

Fuck , with morons like you voting it's no wonder we have Trump and Clinton as our Presidential candidates. You sire are STUPID.
I understand how it works. What I'm trying to find out is who are these unprotected classes of yours that are so being picked on? Muppets? Gnomes? One-eyed Jacks?

Sonny, I've made the point a thousand times. That you are too stupid to follow along is no longer my problem, it is yours.
I see. You don't have a list then. Okay.
Name one what that has done what you moron?

I discriminated just yesterday. Some guy came in and he was an asshole, so I tossed him out. Assholes aren't protected by the so called PA laws. PROVING that not every class is protected.

And if sues you then the court has something to deal with, but not until then. You may think a business might discriminate based on hair color but until you find one that actually does you are just pissing into the wind.

You are a moron.

I can most definitely discriminate based on hair color, ask any attorney.
By whom?

And, take it to court, that's how it works.

Are you retarded?

I don't have to take shit to a court. The law does not prohibit discrimination EXCEPT for certain things, PERIOD. That's why the law reads the way it does, and that is why MANY jurisdictions are adding sexual orientation to their law because if it isn't listed, you can LEGALLY discriminate.

Fuck , with morons like you voting it's no wonder we have Trump and Clinton as our Presidential candidates. You sire are STUPID.
I understand how it works. What I'm trying to find out is who are these unprotected classes of yours that are so being picked on? Muppets? Gnomes? One-eyed Jacks?

Fat people, dumb people, poor people, ugly people .... shall I go on? Society is full of irrational bias. The idea the government should regulate it is bonkers.
And if sues you then the court has something to deal with, but not until then. You may think a business might discriminate based on hair color but until you find one that actually does you are just pissing into the wind.

You are a moron.

I can most definitely discriminate based on hair color, ask any attorney.
By whom?

And, take it to court, that's how it works.

Are you retarded?

I don't have to take shit to a court. The law does not prohibit discrimination EXCEPT for certain things, PERIOD. That's why the law reads the way it does, and that is why MANY jurisdictions are adding sexual orientation to their law because if it isn't listed, you can LEGALLY discriminate.

Fuck , with morons like you voting it's no wonder we have Trump and Clinton as our Presidential candidates. You sire are STUPID.
I understand how it works. What I'm trying to find out is who are these unprotected classes of yours that are so being picked on? Muppets? Gnomes? One-eyed Jacks?

Fat people, dumb people, poor people, ugly people .... shall I go on? Society is full of irrational bias. The idea the government should regulate it is bonkers.

I believe being fat has been classified as a disability now and thus would be protected, but your point stands.
Some fool told you that children were a factor in the marriage (or divorce) of adults? They were wrong.

Which is kind of funny when you think about it since one of the most convincing arguments gays used to sway the Court to force Obergefell on the 50 states was "think of the children"... Suddenly now that your cult has gotten what it wants, children can go fuck themselves. Are you listening Sotomayor, Breyer, Ginsburg, Kagan and KENNEDY...?

Yes, I am sure the Justices spend countless hours pouring over the comments made on this forum. lol
What is the next step for you stupid left authoritarians? Do you make it illegal for businesses to discriminate against the poor? I mean "we didn't build that" will we soon have to give our products and services away to people who have no money?
What is the next step for you stupid left authoritarians? Do you make it illegal for businesses to discriminate against the poor? I mean "we didn't build that" will we soon have to give our products and services away to people who have no money?
Don't be stupid. Oh wait, never mind.
Simple....your rights to freedom of association do not apply to your business

We don't serve negroes no longer allowed

Negroes = race. Gay behaviors = behaviors. That is a legal problem for you. Work it out soon or your gains will unravel. BTW, when are you going to start stumping for polygamists to marry? If man/woman is "unfair", so is "two"... Check the 14th for details...
Two = same race, now any race.
Two = same religion, now any religion
Two = opposite sex, now same sex
Two = unrelated, soon related
Two = just two, soon three or more

We aren't going backwards, we're going forwards.

Um, again, if a mother and father are no longer legally important to children, what makes the number "two" special at all? Either all people may marry or there are exceptions. The number two is less significant than providing both a mother and father. Sexual orientation is sexual orientation. You don't get to pick your favorites.

No, only you're allowed get to play favorites apparently. Are you fine with the government not recognizing straight couples marrying?

Why not? PA laws play favorites, that's what authoritarians love the government to do.

How does a PA law play favorites?

OMG here we go again.....

I can discriminate , legally, for ANY reason not specifically listed under the law.

In fact, where I live , sexuality is NOT a protected class and therefor a gay store can discriminate against heteros, just as an example.
What is the next step for you stupid left authoritarians? Do you make it illegal for businesses to discriminate against the poor? I mean "we didn't build that" will we soon have to give our products and services away to people who have no money?

The 'next step' just happened in Louisiana, where 'first responders' (police and other emergency personnel), have been added to the protected classes. It's now more illegal (in Louisiana) to hate on cops than it is 'commoners'.
Simple....your rights to freedom of association do not apply to your business

We don't serve negroes no longer allowed

Negroes = race. Gay behaviors = behaviors. That is a legal problem for you. Work it out soon or your gains will unravel. BTW, when are you going to start stumping for polygamists to marry? If man/woman is "unfair", so is "two"... Check the 14th for details...
Two = same race, now any race.
Two = same religion, now any religion
Two = opposite sex, now same sex
Two = unrelated, soon related
Two = just two, soon three or more

We aren't going backwards, we're going forwards.

Um, again, if a mother and father are no longer legally important to children, what makes the number "two" special at all? Either all people may marry or there are exceptions. The number two is less significant than providing both a mother and father. Sexual orientation is sexual orientation. You don't get to pick your favorites.

No, only you're allowed get to play favorites apparently. Are you fine with the government not recognizing straight couples marrying?

Why not? PA laws play favorites, that's what authoritarians love the government to do.

How does a PA law play favorites?
Because it doesn't include every possible and theoretical thing someone just might discriminate based upon.

PA laws are unfair he will say, they don't include men dressed as Little Bo Peep riding a unicycle while singing God Save the Queen with a duck on their head.
What is the next step for you stupid left authoritarians? Do you make it illegal for businesses to discriminate against the poor? I mean "we didn't build that" will we soon have to give our products and services away to people who have no money?

The 'next step' just happened in Louisiana, where 'first responders' (police and other emergency personnel), have been added to the protected classes. It's now more illegal (in Louisiana) to hate on cops than it is 'commoners'.

I am saddened by the stupidity of the average American. I really am.
Simple....your rights to freedom of association do not apply to your business

We don't serve negroes no longer allowed

Negroes = race. Gay behaviors = behaviors. That is a legal problem for you. Work it out soon or your gains will unravel. BTW, when are you going to start stumping for polygamists to marry? If man/woman is "unfair", so is "two"... Check the 14th for details...
Two = same race, now any race.
Two = same religion, now any religion
Two = opposite sex, now same sex
Two = unrelated, soon related
Two = just two, soon three or more

We aren't going backwards, we're going forwards.

Um, again, if a mother and father are no longer legally important to children, what makes the number "two" special at all? Either all people may marry or there are exceptions. The number two is less significant than providing both a mother and father. Sexual orientation is sexual orientation. You don't get to pick your favorites.

No, only you're allowed get to play favorites apparently. Are you fine with the government not recognizing straight couples marrying?

Why not? PA laws play favorites, that's what authoritarians love the government to do.

How does a PA law play favorites?
Because it doesn't include every possible and theoretical thing someone just might discriminate based upon.

PA laws are unfair he will say, they don't include men dressed as Little Bo Peep riding a unicycle while singing God Save the Queen with a duck on their head.

I didn't say they were unfair you fucking idiot. I said they are unconstitutional.

1. who gave the government the authority to tell me who I must work for
2. They don't give equal protection of law to all Americans. If you are discriminated against for ANY reason not listed under that law, you are shit out of luck. Are you TRULY too stupid to grasp that kindergarten level logic?
Um, again, if a mother and father are no longer legally important to children, what makes the number "two" special at all? Either all people may marry or there are exceptions. The number two is less significant than providing both a mother and father. Sexual orientation is sexual orientation. You don't get to pick your favorites.

No, only you're allowed get to play favorites apparently. Are you fine with the government not recognizing straight couples marrying?

Why not? PA laws play favorites, that's what authoritarians love the government to do.

How does a PA law play favorites?
Because it doesn't include every possible and theoretical thing someone just might discriminate based upon.

PA laws are unfair he will say, they don't include men dressed as Little Bo Peep riding a unicycle while singing God Save the Queen with a duck on their head.

I didn't say they were unfair you fucking idiot. I said they are unconstitutional.

1. who gave the government the authority to tell me who I must work for
2. They don't give equal protection of law to all Americans. If you are discriminated against for ANY reason not listed under that law, you are shit out of luck. Are you TRULY too stupid to grasp that kindergarten level logic?
The regulation of commerce is in the Constitution.

As for you being some kind of slave for doing your job, that argument was tested in the Supreme Court long ago. It failed.

So, your options are 1. Live in the real world? 2. Don't?
No, only you're allowed get to play favorites apparently. Are you fine with the government not recognizing straight couples marrying?

Why not? PA laws play favorites, that's what authoritarians love the government to do.

How does a PA law play favorites?
Because it doesn't include every possible and theoretical thing someone just might discriminate based upon.

PA laws are unfair he will say, they don't include men dressed as Little Bo Peep riding a unicycle while singing God Save the Queen with a duck on their head.

I didn't say they were unfair you fucking idiot. I said they are unconstitutional.

1. who gave the government the authority to tell me who I must work for
2. They don't give equal protection of law to all Americans. If you are discriminated against for ANY reason not listed under that law, you are shit out of luck. Are you TRULY too stupid to grasp that kindergarten level logic?
The regulation of commerce is in the Constitution.

As for you being some kind of slave for doing your job, that argument was tested in the Supreme Court long ago. It failed.

So, your options are 1. Live in the real world? 2. Don't?

Too true, b/c once a law is law, it can never be changed. See slavery, oh wait.

As for regulation of commerce. Your house is connected to a road, and to a power source, therefor your home (or in your case the basement in your parent's home) is involved in commerce. Therefor, you won't mind when I stop by to help myself to some of your SNAP provided food (after all the food purchase was also regulated by commerce)

You fucking idiot.
Why not? PA laws play favorites, that's what authoritarians love the government to do.

How does a PA law play favorites?
Because it doesn't include every possible and theoretical thing someone just might discriminate based upon.

PA laws are unfair he will say, they don't include men dressed as Little Bo Peep riding a unicycle while singing God Save the Queen with a duck on their head.

I didn't say they were unfair you fucking idiot. I said they are unconstitutional.

1. who gave the government the authority to tell me who I must work for
2. They don't give equal protection of law to all Americans. If you are discriminated against for ANY reason not listed under that law, you are shit out of luck. Are you TRULY too stupid to grasp that kindergarten level logic?
The regulation of commerce is in the Constitution.

As for you being some kind of slave for doing your job, that argument was tested in the Supreme Court long ago. It failed.

So, your options are 1. Live in the real world? 2. Don't?

Too true, b/c once a law is law, it can never be changed. See slavery, oh wait.

As for regulation of commerce. Your house is connected to a road, and to a power source, therefor your home (or in your case the basement in your parent's home) is involved in commerce. Therefor, you won't mind when I stop by to help myself to some of your SNAP provided food (after all the food purchase was also regulated by commerce)

You fucking idiot.
If that is what you believe to be a valid argument, no one can help you so I won't even bother trying.
How does a PA law play favorites?
Because it doesn't include every possible and theoretical thing someone just might discriminate based upon.

PA laws are unfair he will say, they don't include men dressed as Little Bo Peep riding a unicycle while singing God Save the Queen with a duck on their head.

I didn't say they were unfair you fucking idiot. I said they are unconstitutional.

1. who gave the government the authority to tell me who I must work for
2. They don't give equal protection of law to all Americans. If you are discriminated against for ANY reason not listed under that law, you are shit out of luck. Are you TRULY too stupid to grasp that kindergarten level logic?
The regulation of commerce is in the Constitution.

As for you being some kind of slave for doing your job, that argument was tested in the Supreme Court long ago. It failed.

So, your options are 1. Live in the real world? 2. Don't?

Too true, b/c once a law is law, it can never be changed. See slavery, oh wait.

As for regulation of commerce. Your house is connected to a road, and to a power source, therefor your home (or in your case the basement in your parent's home) is involved in commerce. Therefor, you won't mind when I stop by to help myself to some of your SNAP provided food (after all the food purchase was also regulated by commerce)

You fucking idiot.
If that is what you believe to be a valid argument, no one can help you so I won't even bother trying.

So you're household doesn't participate in commerce?

By the way stupid. If the commerce clause is so powerful, why did anyone fight to free the blacks? Sorry negro, commerce clause means we can regulate you into slavery.

logic, try using it.

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