Can The Students Be Silenced?


In addition to the nearly $2 million in donations to their GoFundMe page, and the contributions from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, and George and Amal Clooney, “Gun-control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety said on Friday it will donate up to $2.5 million to support marches around the United States on March 24, the date of a planned March For Our Lives in Washington to demand an end to school shootings.” That’s getting close to $4.5 million for those of you keeping a tally.

“Organizers said more than 300 other related events are being organized in support of the march both in the United States and abroad. Everytown will give grants of $5,000 to organizers of up to 500 "sibling" marches, to help with permits, equipment rentals, transportation and other costs.”

By all indications, the grassroots movement started by the students who survived the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is gathering momentum very quickly.

This momentum is showing itself to be contagious among high school students across the nation and elsewhere, which will encourage young voters, even those who have graduated over the past few years, to vote in the 2018 mid-term elections and in the 2020 presidential primary and general elections.

This voting block will be dedicated to those candidates who will take positive action on common sense gun control legislation. Perhaps, their influence coupled with that of the progressive voters, will motivate even more of the old Republican geezers in the Senate to retire. This will open the door to elect a Democratic majority to the Senate, a majority capable of overriding any veto by the idiot Trump.

As stated in the OP, conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very, very afraid. The $4.5 million is just the beginning.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. But as we have already seen, the conservatives' responses in this thread, to this point, have been everything people of reason expected. The conservatives' typical nonsense is unchanged, and their denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness are the usual. The conservatives' mindless prattle proves, again and again, that people of reason are correct in the assertion that any reply to the conservatives' endless nonsense is a waste of time.

U.S. gun-control group pledges $2.5 million for marches to end school shootings

And exactly how much is the going price for convincing the majority of Americans to surrender their Constitutional rights? You seem all impressed with lots and lots of dollars, so you must have some idea how much you're going to have to pay to buy freedoms from people. What's the bottom line?

You are apparently too stupid to understand that you have NEVER had the right to have any weapon that you would like to have. Or did someone allow you to have a fixed position machine gun. How about a cannon. Outlawing a gun type is quite legal, me boy.
You see, in every advanced country in the world, except the us, assault weapons are outlawed. And our constitution allows that to happen here. Because, you see, most people world wide, see more value in saving human life, especially that of our kids, than protecting your right to shoot any weapon you would like.
this is the mindset of every lefty activist:View attachment 179998
David Hogg isn't smart enough to hide his handler's real agenda.
Democrats have been living in the 60s most of their lives.
They think they can set us back 50 years and re-live the good ole days of civil unrest.
David Hogg is 100 times more articulate and smarter than Trump and he’s only 17 years old.
He has no “ handlers” you numbskull.
He’s his own person and sincere in his beliefs. Being on the wrong side of an AR-15 will do that to you.

No, he's really not. He's actually very much like Trump. The difference is that the blathering, melodramatic bullshit he's spewing is what you want to hear.

Oh, and sincerity does not equal correctness.
this is the mindset of every lefty activist:View attachment 179998

No Hog it doesnt seem like we're living in the sixties.
We didnt have school shootings in the sixties ya fuken moron.
What a weak ass attempt to try and tie the Little Rascals protest to the sixties.
The children of America have shown that the generation of Americans,DO HAVE A BACK BONE

If by DO HAVE A BACK BONE, you mean are indoctrinated, easily-led chattle, then yes!

this is the mindset of every lefty activist:View attachment 179998
David Hogg isn't smart enough to hide his handler's real agenda.
Democrats have been living in the 60s most of their lives.
They think they can set us back 50 years and re-live the good ole days of civil unrest.

the best thing about the 60s was the miniskirts, why cant they bring those back?

But they didnt have yoga pants and leggings....:eusa_drool:

View attachment 180007
View attachment 180008

If they did, they'd be much shorter! :)
Easily led? You fell for a PT Barnum like huckster. You fell for a con man. Those kids are a lot smarter and clearer thinkers than you will ever be.

If you're marveling at the brilliance and wisdom of adolescents, all that tells us is that YOUR intellect never developed beyond that stage.
If these kids really had a backbone and a brain, they be calling for local school policy, local LEO, and FBI review and reform.

That's what failed them.
No those kids aren’t going to do your dirty work for you by castigating the FBI in order to protect your criminal president.

No, they're going to do YOUR work by castigating people who literally had no connection to what happened at all. You SHOULD be sorry, but I am dubious about your ability to feel shame.
Who needs to silence students? What uncontrollable fear?

Why are you so afraid of people being armed and prepared to defend themselves?
I think it's pretty reasonable for kids to not want to get shot in their classroom while the "adults" do nothing except just tell them to deal with it and hope nothing bad happens to them (because knowing something and telling someone apparently doesn't work).
It is also reasonable to believe that employing retired police and military personnel to shoot back immediately instead of waiting for the uniformed police to arrive and count the bodies will reduce the casualties in school shootings and eventually decrease the frequency of them. Schools being kept "gun free zones" will never work. Shooters are attracted to gun free zones simply because they exist.
Simply posting con talking points with NO impartial sources just shows you to be a con troll and stupid. Which is an oxymoron.
In many cases, mass shootings in gun free zones ocured with armed guards, dipshit. The gun free designation was there to keep the public from being armed. Because, you see, the fact is that in almost no cases have people with guns simply do nothing to help the situation. Though they do complicate the situation for police, who do not know who is the shooter and who is the ls the guy carrying a concealed weapon. Which gets the concealed weapon and the cop shot. And makes everyone tentative. Which explains, me boy, why only con trolls and the nra the only ones who think gun free zones are bad.
But then, you simply prove that con trolls simply post con talking points.

Do you have any research that proves gun free zones dont attract shooters?
Because there is plenty of evidence that says they do indeed attract shooters.

In addition to the nearly $2 million in donations to their GoFundMe page, and the contributions from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, and George and Amal Clooney, “Gun-control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety said on Friday it will donate up to $2.5 million to support marches around the United States on March 24, the date of a planned March For Our Lives in Washington to demand an end to school shootings.” That’s getting close to $4.5 million for those of you keeping a tally.

“Organizers said more than 300 other related events are being organized in support of the march both in the United States and abroad. Everytown will give grants of $5,000 to organizers of up to 500 "sibling" marches, to help with permits, equipment rentals, transportation and other costs.”

By all indications, the grassroots movement started by the students who survived the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is gathering momentum very quickly.

This momentum is showing itself to be contagious among high school students across the nation and elsewhere, which will encourage young voters, even those who have graduated over the past few years, to vote in the 2018 mid-term elections and in the 2020 presidential primary and general elections.

This voting block will be dedicated to those candidates who will take positive action on common sense gun control legislation. Perhaps, their influence coupled with that of the progressive voters, will motivate even more of the old Republican geezers in the Senate to retire. This will open the door to elect a Democratic majority to the Senate, a majority capable of overriding any veto by the idiot Trump.

As stated in the OP, conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very, very afraid. The $4.5 million is just the beginning.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. But as we have already seen, the conservatives' responses in this thread, to this point, have been everything people of reason expected. The conservatives' typical nonsense is unchanged, and their denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness are the usual. The conservatives' mindless prattle proves, again and again, that people of reason are correct in the assertion that any reply to the conservatives' endless nonsense is a waste of time.

U.S. gun-control group pledges $2.5 million for marches to end school shootings

And exactly how much is the going price for convincing the majority of Americans to surrender their Constitutional rights? You seem all impressed with lots and lots of dollars, so you must have some idea how much you're going to have to pay to buy freedoms from people. What's the bottom line?

You are apparently too stupid to understand that you have NEVER had the right to have any weapon that you would like to have. Or did someone allow you to have a fixed position machine gun. How about a cannon. Outlawing a gun type is quite legal, me boy.
You see, in every advanced country in the world, except the us, assault weapons are outlawed. And our constitution allows that to happen here. Because, you see, most people world wide, see more value in saving human life, especially that of our kids, than protecting your right to shoot any weapon you would like.

Whats a fixed position machine gun?
And you can currently own a cannon.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


You will never get enough votes in the Senate to make any change or repeal the Second Amendment.

Also you would the States to ever support such a change.

So protest all you want but in the end you will never have the votes to do anything.

Leftists and their pet special interest groups have bought wholeheartedly into the odd notion that America governs by way of screaming mobs with signs.
I think it's pretty reasonable for kids to not want to get shot in their classroom while the "adults" do nothing except just tell them to deal with it and hope nothing bad happens to them (because knowing something and telling someone apparently doesn't work).
It is also reasonable to believe that employing retired police and military personnel to shoot back immediately instead of waiting for the uniformed police to arrive and count the bodies will reduce the casualties in school shootings and eventually decrease the frequency of them. Schools being kept "gun free zones" will never work. Shooters are attracted to gun free zones simply because they exist.
Simply posting con talking points with NO impartial sources just shows you to be a con troll and stupid. Which is an oxymoron.
In many cases, mass shootings in gun free zones ocured with armed guards, dipshit. The gun free designation was there to keep the public from being armed. Because, you see, the fact is that in almost no cases have people with guns simply do nothing to help the situation. Though they do complicate the situation for police, who do not know who is the shooter and who is the ls the guy carrying a concealed weapon. Which gets the concealed weapon and the cop shot. And makes everyone tentative. Which explains, me boy, why only con trolls and the nra the only ones who think gun free zones are bad.
But then, you simply prove that con trolls simply post con talking points.

Do you have any research that proves gun free zones dont attract shooters?
Because there is plenty of evidence that says they do indeed attract shooters.

Notice how many shooters walk into a police station or gun range to vent their rage

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

No one wishes to silence the students. We just want to make sure that their inexperience and lack of maturity is taken into consideration.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

The only ones that want the kids silenced are the ones that make money off the deaths of school shootings and their pathetic enablers which we all know who they are.

No one wants to silence the arrogant little punks. Most adults are accustomed to teenagers being an enormous burden on any social interaction. The annoying people we'd like to hear less from would be manipulative 'tards like YOU, hiding behind the little brats and using them to get what you're too unappealing to achieve on your own.

Here is the thing, me boy. Calling students who were the target of a nut case carrying an assault rifle, and killed 17 students and staff of their school, "arrogant little punks" pretty much cements who and what you are. Just an ignorant con troll posting right wing talking points. That you are a piece of shit is unquestionable. Nice effort at uncovering what you are, me boy.
Their upcoming temper-tantrum will solidify the vote for November. All real Americans will realize that they are indeed coming for your guns.
Yep, but it is not the absolute best thing, it is the people, climate, food etc., as Americans realize when they come here never hear a bad word,and they like here and migrate and are very Welcome..but NO GUNS.steve

Anywhere my guns are not welcome, I'm not welcome and I'm not going, unless they're providing 24/7 armed security.
I think it's pretty reasonable for kids to not want to get shot in their classroom while the "adults" do nothing except just tell them to deal with it and hope nothing bad happens to them (because knowing something and telling someone apparently doesn't work).
It is also reasonable to believe that employing retired police and military personnel to shoot back immediately instead of waiting for the uniformed police to arrive and count the bodies will reduce the casualties in school shootings and eventually decrease the frequency of them. Schools being kept "gun free zones" will never work. Shooters are attracted to gun free zones simply because they exist.
Simply posting con talking points with NO impartial sources just shows you to be a con troll and stupid. Which is an oxymoron.
In many cases, mass shootings in gun free zones ocured with armed guards, dipshit. The gun free designation was there to keep the public from being armed. Because, you see, the fact is that in almost no cases have people with guns simply do nothing to help the situation. Though they do complicate the situation for police, who do not know who is the shooter and who is the ls the guy carrying a concealed weapon. Which gets the concealed weapon and the cop shot. And makes everyone tentative. Which explains, me boy, why only con trolls and the nra the only ones who think gun free zones are bad.
But then, you simply prove that con trolls simply post con talking points.

Do you have any research that proves gun free zones dont attract shooters?
Because there is plenty of evidence that says they do indeed attract shooters.

Notice how many shooters walk into a police station or gun range to vent their rage

I know right!!
He says there is no evidence that gun free zones attract shooters yet virtually every mass shooting happens in a gun free zone.

You have to be a special kind of stupid not to connect the dots.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.
No one wishes to silence the students. We just want to make sure that their inexperience and lack of maturity is taken into consideration.

What you are doing is proving that your inexperience and lack of maturity is beyond question. Thanks for that, me con troll.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.

The only ones that want the kids silenced are the ones that make money off the deaths of school shootings and their pathetic enablers which we all know who they are.

No one wants to silence the arrogant little punks. Most adults are accustomed to teenagers being an enormous burden on any social interaction. The annoying people we'd like to hear less from would be manipulative 'tards like YOU, hiding behind the little brats and using them to get what you're too unappealing to achieve on your own.

Here is the thing, me boy. Calling students who were the target of a nut case carrying an assault rifle, and killed 17 students and staff of their school, "arrogant little punks" pretty much cements who and what you are. Just an ignorant con troll posting right wing talking points. That you are a piece of shit is unquestionable. Nice effort at uncovering what you are, me boy.

Are you Irish?
One last hurrah before the fall. Enjoy!

That's what they keep saying.
Of course it tends to be the same people who thought Hillary Clinton could win.

You mean like 90% of people? Even most Trump supporters thought he was done for after Access Hollywood.

Anyway, the republicans are horrendous with young voters, Now they are either ignoring or attacking their future voters. Not sure how that's supposed to end up going well for them. But you keep living in this fantasy land where Trump's white Christian crutch lives on forever.

The Parkland Highschool students don't speak for all "young Americans," moron.

No, they don't, but they speak for a good many.

Kids want to be safe in school. Who'd have imagined such a thing? I know, it's hard to believe that people DON'T want to get shot.

Not many young folks appreciate our lying, cheating, know-nothing president either, or the morons who defend him.

On February 28, BuzzFeed reported that Rep. Debbie Wassermann Schultz aiding in the lobbying in Tallahassee, a teacher’s union organizing the buses that got the kids there, Michael Bloomberg’s groups and the Women’s March working on the upcoming March For Our Lives, doing social media promotion and (potentially) march logistics, and training for student activists provided by federally funded Planned Parenthood.

The president of the American Federation of Teachers told BuzzFeed they’re also behind the national school walkout, which journalists had previously assured the public was the sole work of a teenager. So, the odds are that the "students" speak for very few actual students.
Yep, but it is not the absolute best thing, it is the people, climate, food etc., as Americans realize when they come here never hear a bad word,and they like here and migrate and are very Welcome..but NO GUNS.steve

Anywhere my guns are not welcome, I'm not welcome and I'm not going, unless they're providing 24/7 armed security.

Damn. We will miss you soooooo much.

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