Can The Students Be Silenced?

View attachment 180151

Trump whores: That’s why we voted for him.
Brennan has already admitted to LYING!
CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

....and your cute little captioned pictures are merely liberal bullshit. As a matter of fact, most all of your posts are bullshit.
Because Trevor Timm said so? Lmao. I so love it when idiots like you punk yourself.
Why don't you read the goddamned article, you fuckwit? Brennan has apologized for lying. All but the dumbest of people know this.
only the mindless alt right believes the guardian's opinion.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


Great thread. Thank you. However, I see it has turned into an NRA gun nutter circle-jerk.

People of reason must learn to expect conservatives' responses to rational posts to always turn into a circle jerk of conservative convoluted logic, regardless of the topic.

After many years of message board participation, I understand the inevitability of the "conservative circle jerk", so I rarely return to a thread once it's posted. As the closing paragraph in most of my posts state, to reply to the conservatives is a waste of time for any person of reason. The conservatives' responses consistently contain their typical nonsense, transferal, deflection, alternate facts, denial, etc. (However, when a conservative rates an OP "Funny" it is obvious the truth in that post has really pi$$ed them off.)

My replies are usually limited to other people of reason, because it TRULY IS a waste of time to attempt any form of rational exchange with a conservative. And, it's gotten far worse since the idiot Trump moved into the White House, as he has inspired conservatives' logic to become even more convoluted.

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One last hurrah before the fall. Enjoy!

That's what they keep saying.
Of course it tends to be the same people who thought Hillary Clinton could win.

You mean like 90% of people? Even most Trump supporters thought he was done for after Access Hollywood.

Anyway, the republicans are horrendous with young voters, Now they are either ignoring or attacking their future voters. Not sure how that's supposed to end up going well for them. But you keep living in this fantasy land where Trump's white Christian crutch lives on forever.

The Parkland Highschool students don't speak for all "young Americans," moron.

No, they don't, but they speak for a good many.

Kids want to be safe in school. Who'd have imagined such a thing? I know, it's hard to believe that people DON'T want to get shot.

Not many young folks appreciate our lying, cheating, know-nothing president either, or the morons who defend him.

That's a strawman argument; when did anyone ever suggest that students don't deserve to feel safe in school? I agree they should be safe in school, I just think these students, who have been through a major trauma affecting their judgment, are going about in it a way I don't think is productive, that's all. I don't want them silenced, they can share their opinions publicly to their hearts' content, I simply don't happen to agree, that's all. Is that really so terrible?
Who has silenced them? They have a right to express their inexperienced, idealistic nonsense and the rest of us have the same right to ignore it. Freedom of speech doesn't promise your ideas will have a huge amount of public support.

If nothing substantial is done, the republicans are basically telling these kids that their lives aren't important. Which is something people just do not forget. Not now. Not twenty years from now.

But NOBODY has silenced them! They've been all over the media constantly expressing their views for the past couple of weeks! Where's the censorship? And are you honestly, seriously telling me that teenagers are legally entitled to having adults support their every word, just to "make their lives feel important," as you suggested?

My point is, mass shootings are on the rise, and we have a government that has shown itself to be incapable of addressing the problem in any substantial way. I'm not even a huge proponent of "taking away" or banning guns, but something useful needs to be done. Unless you people secretly take pleasure in these tragedies, which wouldn't surprise me much.

The fact that you think I "enjoy" these school shootings because I disagree with certain gun control laws simply proves to me, and the rest of this board, exactly where your rather dirty mind is and what some of your paranoid dreams and ambitions are all about.
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Who has silenced them? They have a right to express their inexperienced, idealistic nonsense and the rest of us have the same right to ignore it. Freedom of speech doesn't promise your ideas will have a huge amount of public support.

If nothing substantial is done, the republicans are basically telling these kids that their lives aren't important. Which is something people just do not forget. Not now. Not twenty years from now.

But NOBODY has silenced them! They've been all over the media constantly expressing their views for the past couple of weeks! Where's the censorship? And are you honestly, seriously telling me that teenagers are legally entitled to having adults support their every word, just to "make their lives feel important," as you suggested?

My point is, mass shootings are on the rise, and we have a government that has shown itself to be incapable of addressing the problem in any substantial way. I'm not even a huge proponent of "taking away" or banning guns, but something useful needs to be done. Unless you people secretly take pleasure in these tragedies, which wouldn't surprise me much.

The fact that you think I "enjoy" these school shootings because I disagree with certain gun control laws simply proves to me, and the rest of this board, exactly where your rather dirty mind is and what some of your paranoid dreams and ambitions are all about.

Will ... you seem like a decent fellow ... don't take it so seriously.

Since the student survivors of the mass murder at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School began their drive to ban the sale of semi-automatic, assault type rifles, the tremendous response from other students nationwide has turned their cause into a strong, grass roots movement.

Conservatives and their leaders are deeply concerned over the possible results this overwhelming number of kids could have. Conservatives, gun nuts, and Republican politicians are appalled by these kids demanding their safety be a priority over the gun nuts’ lunatic desire to own the phallic symbol that is their favorite to stroke and kiss.

Due to this uncontrollable fear conservatives have at the thought of losing their penile substitute, Mitch McConnell decided to ignore the growing number of young voters in this movement. With the coming mid-term elections, these many, many, many students now have the potential to join with tens-of-millions of progressive voters and put the Democrats in control of congress.

In addition to Mitch, conservative community leaders, conservatives on school boards and school administrators have done all they can to stifle the students’ enthusiasm. And now, the National Parks Service is doing so.

A “March For Our Lives” rally was planned by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to take place on the Mall in D.C., but organizers were refused a permit by the National Parks Service management. A representative for the Park Service cited a conflict with a “talent show” as the reason.

The co-executive producer of “Dancing With the Stars” Deena Katz was brought in by the Stoneman Douglas survivors to plan the major event and has a nearly $2 million budget. The money is was raised with a “GoFundMe page, along with donations from Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and George and Amal Clooney.”

The “talent show” permit application listed equipment for the film crew’s use for the Mall as two tables, two bikes and jump ropes.

The list on the permit application for the March For Our Lives rally included 14 Jumbotrons, 2,000 chairs and 2,000 portable restrooms to be funded with part of the $2 million.

This equipment will be used by the “student speakers, musical performers, guest speakers and video tributes,” and up to an estimated 500,000 attendees, according to the permit application.

The D.C. location for March For Our Lives rally is just one of many big and small events planned in cities across the nation on the same day.

For the conservatives, the gun nuts, and Republican politicians sworn to serve the NRA, be afraid, be very afraid. And keep trying to silence this protest by these young voters. Their anger is not going away, and their numbers are growing. How many millions in 2018? And how many millions more in 2020? Yes, be afraid, be very, very afraid. (And keep pi$$ing them off. It can only help their cause.)

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, the conservatives remain either unaware or will deny their individual response to this thread is their typical nonsense consisting of denial, alternate facts, and/or off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, deflection, memes, etc.). Their mindless prattle is expected by people of reason, who also realize it is a waste of time to offer the conservatives any reply.


One notes the desire for thoughtful comments from a thoughtless OP.
View attachment 180151

Trump whores: That’s why we voted for him.
Brennan has already admitted to LYING!
CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

....and your cute little captioned pictures are merely liberal bullshit. As a matter of fact, most all of your posts are bullshit.

Your ridiculous comment,stupid comment on such a complicated matter and situation,RENDERS YOUR COMMENT AS INANE.....,IS THE QUALIFICATION TO BE A MODERATOR,MERELY CHEAP SLACK ONE LINERS.......Not Good Enough,Off to the Naughty Corner...steven

My comment is ACCURATE, which is why it pisses you off. We KNOW how to prevent these mass killings and morons, like you, prevent those policies from being enforced. Furthermore, it is morons, like you, who allowed this vile piece of shit to be walking around as a free person. Had they done the proper thing when this little shit started attacking teachers, and his family, he would have been precluded from buying a gun. ANY gun. But no, you idiots felt that he needed a chance. Your "chances" seem to end up with dead people an inordinate amount of the time.
Nothing Pisses me off other than Dead Children.....You KNOW how to prevent these mass killings!!!!!What a load of SHIT that is...your failure rate must be Worlds Best,you Dope....Your AGGRESSIVE STANCE of "It is Morons,like you who allowed this Vile Piece of Shit to be walking around" is such Stupidity as to render You an IBECILE.......We had one Mass Shooting...THEN OUR Conservative Government,BANNED GUNS=LOW GUN DEATH RATE.............You are Guilty and Carry the GUILTINESS.....Always,stand aside let the YOAmerica decide...YOU ARE A FAILURE as complete failure can be.....but keep blaming everyone else.........Gutless Westwall Gutless indeed and Irresponsible...steve

We're not Kiwi convict UK reject faggots in America, sorry.

Straya! :badgrin:
O BUT YOU ARE THE ORIGINAL ONES,British Convicts only came to Australia AFTER THE CONVICT COLONY IN THE US,was closed,New Zealand by the way I believe never had a Convict you ERRED and should have admitted that THE REJECT FAGGOTS ESTABLISHED America.....a little silly of you Marion,in future do due diligence when you attempt to be Insulting,NOT SELF can get off your knees now,I do hate to see Obsequesous Men fawn..LOL.steve

Here's the situation: We kicked the country's ass that kicked your ancestors' ass out and shipped them off to the middle of nowhere.

You have no room to talk. You stupid tards gave up your guns and are being infiltrated by Muslims, due to your leftist government. I predict in the end, The Aborigines will defeat the Muslims and maybe save a few of you.

Hey, what kind of tards give up their guns in a land with 17-foot Crocodiles and 20-foot snakes? Incredibly stupid ones, that's what kind.
Look at their murder rate asshole.
Your solution: more of the same for the United States.
No Hog it doesnt seem like we're living in the sixties.
We didnt have school shootings in the sixties ya fuken moron.
What a weak ass attempt to try and tie the Little Rascals protest to the sixties.
The children of America have shown that the generation of Americans,DO HAVE A BACK BONE

Brains would be more useful.

i dont know about Australia but here in the United States begging to having your freedoms taken away

by men with guns does not sound like "having a back bone"

sound more like "brainwashed parrot "
We don't beg..EVER.....You are a Spineless bunch of delusional Heros(In your own Stupid Minds)

Let us explore why the US always want us in with them in these failed Wars they keep creating...our SAS are the best fighters But they have a stipulation...Never to go into Combat with or beside American Troops.....4 obvious reasons...see you around and stop talking shit for a while

even worse you just let them disarm you

you do not deserve freedom
Best thing that happened for Australia...NO GUNS...we grasped the Nettle and cannot change,well 30% of you because your Brains can see no further than the ends of your Noses.....We Won,YOU LOSE CONSTANTLY....Your Youth are much Brighter than the 30% of you who are Mired in Indecision....just Admit You don't have Freedom but we are a laughing stock
View attachment 180151

Trump whores: That’s why we voted for him.
Brennan has already admitted to LYING!
CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

....and your cute little captioned pictures are merely liberal bullshit. As a matter of fact, most all of your posts are bullshit.
Because Trevor Timm said so? Lmao. I so love it when idiots like you punk yourself.
Why don't you read the goddamned article, you fuckwit? Brennan has apologized for lying. All but the dumbest of people know this.
only the mindless alt right believes the guardian's opinion.
It is not opinion that Brennan lied and apologized.

Here's another source:

...and another:
After Lying and Apologizing, Brennan Qualifies Both

....and another:
No Not those repressed in thought by a DUMD ASSED PARENT LIKE YOU,MORONIC MORON

True. I surpress idiotic thought. I don't want my kids to be idiots like yours.

Yeah, come back when you can spell "suppress" correctly. You should probably hope your kids are more like me and less like you, to be honest.

As I've pointed out numerous times, harping on spelling errors is the sign of an internet asshole.

Calling people idiots is also, and if you're calling someone an idiot while doing something stupid (misspelling is a pointless mistake, especially since we have spellcheck on everything these days), then you're gonna get called out for it.
I don't always use my spell check because it's a pain in the ass. It's still bad manners to point out spelling mistakes.

Furthermore, the guy was calling me stupid, so I just returned what he dished out.
Not Really...BUT IT IS BAD MANNERS EVERY TIME YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH...go figure,see you in a couple of years when you have.
You sound desperate,,,,,,,YOU ARE LOSERS

I am assuming you didn't come to that conclusion based on the fact the GOP controls the House, Senate, White House, 32 governor mansions, and both legislative chambers in 32 States.
...all Americans are Narrow Minded,it matters not who is in power,....

At least you’ve given up on pretending you’re interested in anything but your predictable, banal anti-Americanism.
Rubbish I have many American friends,...

Yeah, just like Archie Bunker had many black friends. :rolleyes:
You sound desperate,,,,,,,YOU ARE LOSERS

I am assuming you didn't come to that conclusion based on the fact the GOP controls the House, Senate, White House, 32 governor mansions, and both legislative chambers in 32 States.
...all Americans are Narrow Minded,it matters not who is in power,....

At least you’ve given up on pretending you’re interested in anything but your predictable, banal anti-Americanism.
Rubbish I have many American friends,...

Yeah, just like Archie Bunker had many black friends. :rolleyes:
There is something Mentally WRONG with you,go seek help ASAP
View attachment 180151

Trump whores: That’s why we voted for him.
Brennan has already admitted to LYING!
CIA director John Brennan lied to you and to the Senate. Fire him | Trevor Timm

....and your cute little captioned pictures are merely liberal bullshit. As a matter of fact, most all of your posts are bullshit.
Because Trevor Timm said so? Lmao. I so love it when idiots like you punk yourself.
Why don't you read the goddamned article, you fuckwit? Brennan has apologized for lying. All but the dumbest of people know this.
only the mindless alt right believes the guardian's opinion.

The guardian is a leftwing publication, moron. Conservatives generally ignore everything it publishes.
The alt right are beyond help.

To the OP: the students can no more be stopped now than they could in the 1960s.
I am assuming you didn't come to that conclusion based on the fact the GOP controls the House, Senate, White House, 32 governor mansions, and both legislative chambers in 32 States.
...all Americans are Narrow Minded,it matters not who is in power,....

At least you’ve given up on pretending you’re interested in anything but your predictable, banal anti-Americanism.
Rubbish I have many American friends,...

Yeah, just like Archie Bunker had many black friends. :rolleyes:
There is something Mentally WRONG with you,go seek help ASAP

Oh yeah, you have LOTS of American friends, Archie...:rolleyes:
Of course students can be silenced ...


Yeah, nuns and child molesters can keep them in line but sticks, Fire hoses and big dogs do okay to. Would it be to soon for Kent State jokes?
The children of America have shown that the generation of Americans,DO HAVE A BACK BONE

Brains would be more useful.

i dont know about Australia but here in the United States begging to having your freedoms taken away

by men with guns does not sound like "having a back bone"

sound more like "brainwashed parrot "
We don't beg..EVER.....You are a Spineless bunch of delusional Heros(In your own Stupid Minds)

Let us explore why the US always want us in with them in these failed Wars they keep creating...our SAS are the best fighters But they have a stipulation...Never to go into Combat with or beside American Troops.....4 obvious reasons...see you around and stop talking shit for a while

even worse you just let them disarm you

you do not deserve freedom
Best thing that happened for Australia...NO GUNS...we grasped the Nettle and cannot change,well 30% of you because your Brains can see no further than the ends of your Noses.....We Won,YOU LOSE CONSTANTLY....Your Youth are much Brighter than the 30% of you who are Mired in Indecision....just Admit You don't have Freedom but we are a laughing stock

Best thing that happened for Australia...NO GUNS..

No guns? Are you sure?
I haven't seen a thread yet on this, so thought I'd pass it along. Florida has REJECTED an assaults weapon ban as I knew they would, :yes_text12: they did the right thing and voted to start arming the teachers.

Florida Senate rejects ban on assault weapons, votes to arm teachers

Guns are going NO WHERE and you cannot create a draconian Police State in order to solve a much smaller problem. This nation will not let the Left use our children as a ploy in the hopes of disarming a nation to their warped ends. It is time to look at the real problem of addressing mental health and school safety. A few people right on this board have clearly shown the low ebb of mental health and maturity sorely lacking in this country.

And to that asshat boy who challenges the president to solve a problem his buddy schoolkids helped create, I tell him to go suck an egg. Governments do not control people's behavior, PEOPLE do. Governments can only come after the fact when a law has been broken and arrest and lock the perp up.

Time to hold school kids accountable for their own bad behavior. Time to hold their parents accountable.
Time to hold the Schools, townships, police departments and FBI accountable.
They ALL have a hand in allowing these shootings to happen!

That is the most stupid thing ever.. it's like saying it's the girls fault for getting raped..

Sorry, no, Dolt, girls don't rape themselves, they are victimized. And EVERY ONE of these school shootings has been perpetrated by a student victimizing others with deep psychological problems, and it is about time we hold them accountable. It is about time we look at the public schools where this happens over and over again. At the townships, police and other authorities as to the CAUSE of this mental disease. This FANTASY about solving the issue by just taking all the guns away IS A JOKE. It is a DEFLECTION.

Blaming the president won't solve a thing. Blaming the NRA won't solve a thing. Saying that the solution to school shootings is to just "take all of the guns away" is about as smart as thinking you can solve the smog problem by taking all the air away. You CAN'T take all of the guns away. It will never happen. It's a moot point.

The PEOPLE won't allow it.
The POLICE will not enforce it.
And the MILITARY won't have anything of it.

What if every school killing was done with a car? Car, after car, after car, after car? What would you do then? Blame the NRA? Maybe the AAA? Perhaps NASCAR?

These children have been made VERY SICK, and the ONE thing they all have in common is a murderous, suicidal HATRED of the PUBLIC SCHOOLS.


It's a lot harder to fix than just saying "take the guns away!" But to think that absent guns, these kids are all going to just settle down and behave and go away and not just resort to other methods is crazier than the shootings themselves, and it has been DECADE AFTER DECADE of idiots like you IGNORING THE REAL ISSUE HERE and just saying its a "gun thing" that has allowed it to go on so long and grow to the problem it is and get so many more children slaughtered.

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