Can The Students Be Silenced?

Wow. How long has it taken you to get that stupid??

I dunno. How long it take you?

I am known to be rational. But it is nice to see that you do not deny the fact that you are stupid. At last, a near honest moment.

Rational people dont spew numbers they pull out of their ass as truth.

Exactly, dipshit. Which is why I never pull numbers from anywhere but a valid source. But you would know about pulling numbers from you ass, eh me poor ignorant con troll.

So lets see your supporting evidence for this little gem....

"And, while the us sees hundreds killed every year by nut cases with assault rifles, they simply outlawed them in 1997. And have had no mass killings since then. Here, we see hundreds killed yearly in mass killings"

I'll wait Einstein.

What? May I assume that as a con troll you are too stupid to use google. Last few months;

Sourherland Church, Texas 26 killed 20 wounded
LasVegas, NV 59 killed 441 wounded
Parkland, FL 17 Killed
Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive

That, me boy, is over a hundred in the last 7 months. And the numbers of mass shootings are growing. And it does not include at least 300 mass shootings, where the numbers of killed were under 10 and some deaths were no doubt from assault rifles.

Relative to Australia:

28–29 April 1996 was a mass shooting in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded

  • Australia has not witnessed a mass shooting since 1996 — the same year the country passed a sweeping set of gun regulations.
Australia has eliminated mass shootings — here's what the US can learn
Yes, me boy, between 1996 and today, exactly zero mass shootings.

So, there you go. I will be anxiously waiting for your apology.

Now, a little work for you. Go learn google, dipshit.

Sorry you did not know about impartial sources. All progressives know. All well educated folks know. But cons do not. Funny, eh, me poor con troll.

do you mean if students can be silenced?

or if Antifa thugs can be silenced?

the answer is it not

Antifa thugs can be not only silenced.... but also need to be neutralized.

Wakey wakey.

why don't these "students" do something like to talk to the alienated kids in their own classrooms and get to know them? why can't they work a bit more to include those they normally don't? there's a lot the kids can do in their own school and if these students wish to be taken seriously then they can start making changes "at home" where it *can* make a difference.

as it stands they're just making noise. their right i suppose but its not helping.

Don't be silly. I speak to my children all the time. I say things like, "Squeeze the trigger, don't pull."
You misunderstand,not everyone literally for Squeeze and Don't Pull...How STUPID ARE YOU?????This would never be uttered let alone thought of in Australia by anyone let alone a parent of children....Unbelievable,don't reply thanks I have read enough Stupidity today

Yeah, you WISH you could just spew whatever you like and then order people to not reply. God knows, it's the only way you'd ever win a debate.
Wow. How long has it taken you to get that stupid??

I dunno. How long it take you?

I am known to be rational. But it is nice to see that you do not deny the fact that you are stupid. At last, a near honest moment.

Being known as rational by your irrational friends is not much to hang a hat on.

Know what, you simply seem to think that one's friends are irrational. Must be projection.

But I have no irrational friends nearly all are degreed people with the ability to think rationally. Rationally is available for you to look up in any dictionary.

Degrees in gender studies dont boi.

They have degrees. There is no degree for gender studies, dipshit. But then, you would not know about college. Way beyond you.
I dunno. How long it take you?

I am known to be rational. But it is nice to see that you do not deny the fact that you are stupid. At last, a near honest moment.

Being known as rational by your irrational friends is not much to hang a hat on.

Know what, you simply seem to think that one's friends are irrational. Must be projection.

But I have no irrational friends nearly all are degreed people with the ability to think rationally. Rationally is available for you to look up in any dictionary.

Degrees in gender studies dont boi.

They have degrees. There is no degree for gender studies, dipshit. But then, you would not know about college. Way beyond you.

What You Can Do With a WGS Major – Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Online Women Gender Studies Degree | ASU Online
What can I do with a degree in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies? - Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies - Grand Valley State University
Women's & Gender Studies - Degree Programs and Requirements

What was that again, Petunia?
I dunno. How long it take you?

I am known to be rational. But it is nice to see that you do not deny the fact that you are stupid. At last, a near honest moment.

Rational people dont spew numbers they pull out of their ass as truth.

Exactly, dipshit. Which is why I never pull numbers from anywhere but a valid source. But you would know about pulling numbers from you ass, eh me poor ignorant con troll.

So lets see your supporting evidence for this little gem....

"And, while the us sees hundreds killed every year by nut cases with assault rifles, they simply outlawed them in 1997. And have had no mass killings since then. Here, we see hundreds killed yearly in mass killings"

I'll wait Einstein.

What? May I assume that as a con troll you are too stupid to use google. Last few months;

Sourherland Church, Texas 26 killed 20 wounded
LasVegas, NV 59 killed 441 wounded
Parkland, FL 17 Killed
Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive

That, me boy, is over a hundred in the last 7 months. And the numbers of mass shootings are growing. And it does not include at least 300 mass shootings, where the numbers of killed were under 10 and some deaths were no doubt from assault rifles.

Relative to Australia:

28–29 April 1996 was a mass shooting in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded

  • Australia has not witnessed a mass shooting since 1996 — the same year the country passed a sweeping set of gun regulations.
Australia has eliminated mass shootings — here's what the US can learn
Yes, me boy, between 1996 and today, exactly zero mass shootings.

So, there you go. I will be anxiously waiting for your apology.

Now, a little work for you. Go learn google, dipshit.

Sorry you did not know about impartial sources. All progressives know. All well educated folks know. But cons do not. Funny, eh, me poor con troll.

Your info is invalid.
Most of those listed had no deaths.
There have been fifty two deaths in mass shootings this year.
Try again me boi.
We're sick of you fuckers walking into our schools and colleges and opening fire.
You'll never silence us!

Wouldn't it be nice if a well trained teacher had a weapon to stop a shooter when he got into a classroom?
Simple JUST BAN GUNS...........FULL STOP and get rid of the 2nd

We'll get to that, right after we annex and colonize Straya, k? And even then, maybe not.

I think I'll go shoot my .303 tomorrow. How 'bout you?

No, you won't, because you're incapable. Sucks to be you.
Enjoy it while you still can Marion, Me,I'm gonna Shoot some Semen,Make Love ... Not War....Much more enjoyable,if you are CAPABLE....LOL

Your mind is beginning to Wayne(Wain) LOL......john,I have told you before Mariijon,NOT TO GO OUT IN THE SUN WITHOUT YOUR HAT ON

You were looking for "wane", Mental Midget. A wain is a large farm vehicle. :rolleyes:
So,What, I hope you understood the basis of the post,Sitting High in you Haywain brain
I dunno. How long it take you?

I am known to be rational. But it is nice to see that you do not deny the fact that you are stupid. At last, a near honest moment.

Being known as rational by your irrational friends is not much to hang a hat on.

Know what, you simply seem to think that one's friends are irrational. Must be projection.

But I have no irrational friends nearly all are degreed people with the ability to think rationally. Rationally is available for you to look up in any dictionary.

Degrees in gender studies dont boi.

They have degrees. There is no degree for gender studies, dipshit. But then, you would not know about college. Way beyond you.

Never had the need for college.
I retired at 46.
I dunno. How long it take you?

I am known to be rational. But it is nice to see that you do not deny the fact that you are stupid. At last, a near honest moment.

Being known as rational by your irrational friends is not much to hang a hat on.

Know what, you simply seem to think that one's friends are irrational. Must be projection.

But I have no irrational friends nearly all are degreed people with the ability to think rationally. Rationally is available for you to look up in any dictionary.

Degrees in gender studies dont boi.

They have degrees. There is no degree for gender studies, dipshit. But then, you would not know about college. Way beyond you.

You are some kind of stupid.
why don't these "students" do something like to talk to the alienated kids in their own classrooms and get to know them? why can't they work a bit more to include those they normally don't? there's a lot the kids can do in their own school and if these students wish to be taken seriously then they can start making changes "at home" where it *can* make a difference.

as it stands they're just making noise. their right i suppose but its not helping.

Actually, considering his stupidity and inability to concentrate, it may be better that he lost his kids, or at least kept shut while around them.
I am known to be rational. But it is nice to see that you do not deny the fact that you are stupid. At last, a near honest moment.

Being known as rational by your irrational friends is not much to hang a hat on.

Know what, you simply seem to think that one's friends are irrational. Must be projection.

But I have no irrational friends nearly all are degreed people with the ability to think rationally. Rationally is available for you to look up in any dictionary.

Degrees in gender studies dont boi.

They have degrees. There is no degree for gender studies, dipshit. But then, you would not know about college. Way beyond you.

Never had the need for college.
I retired at 46.

So you say. As a con troll, you never see the value in learning. Which keeps you ignorant. But then, maybe you are simply a congenital idiot. Which is a good deal for you. If it is congenital, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.

You may print this and post it in your front window or front door, whichever you prefer. Why should your neighbors be protecting you if you won't do the same for them?

Y U have a picture of my gun, man? S&W 10.
They have degrees. There is no degree for gender studies, dipshit. But then, you would not know about college. Way beyond you.

Why do you find it necessary to boldly display your ignorance about so many subjects? You exemplify the words and philosophy of Ronald Reagan.


UCLA Gender Studies

Keep up the good work!
Wouldn't it be nice if a well trained teacher had a weapon to stop a shooter when he got into a classroom?
Simple JUST BAN GUNS...........FULL STOP and get rid of the 2nd

We'll get to that, right after we annex and colonize Straya, k? And even then, maybe not.

I think I'll go shoot my .303 tomorrow. How 'bout you?

No, you won't, because you're incapable. Sucks to be you.
Enjoy it while you still can Marion, Me,I'm gonna Shoot some Semen,Make Love ... Not War....Much more enjoyable,if you are CAPABLE....LOL

Your mind is beginning to Wayne(Wain) LOL......john,I have told you before Mariijon,NOT TO GO OUT IN THE SUN WITHOUT YOUR HAT ON

You were looking for "wane", Mental Midget. A wain is a large farm vehicle. :rolleyes:
So,What, I hope you understood the basis of the post,Sitting High in you Haywain brain

Oh, I understood the basis of the post. It was that you're an illiterate moron who thinks he/she/it is above showing the English mastery of a 3rd grader.

You don't make points when you're incomprehensible, twit.
View attachment 180620 Let’s dumb it down ALL the way to the DEPLORABLES level so even they can understand it.
View attachment 180620 Let’s dumb it down ALL the way to the DEPLORABLES level so even they can understand it.
I am known to be rational. But it is nice to see that you do not deny the fact that you are stupid. At last, a near honest moment.

Rational people dont spew numbers they pull out of their ass as truth.

Exactly, dipshit. Which is why I never pull numbers from anywhere but a valid source. But you would know about pulling numbers from you ass, eh me poor ignorant con troll.

So lets see your supporting evidence for this little gem....

"And, while the us sees hundreds killed every year by nut cases with assault rifles, they simply outlawed them in 1997. And have had no mass killings since then. Here, we see hundreds killed yearly in mass killings"

I'll wait Einstein.

What? May I assume that as a con troll you are too stupid to use google. Last few months;

Sourherland Church, Texas 26 killed 20 wounded
LasVegas, NV 59 killed 441 wounded
Parkland, FL 17 Killed
Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive

That, me boy, is over a hundred in the last 7 months. And the numbers of mass shootings are growing. And it does not include at least 300 mass shootings, where the numbers of killed were under 10 and some deaths were no doubt from assault rifles.

Relative to Australia:

28–29 April 1996 was a mass shooting in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded

  • Australia has not witnessed a mass shooting since 1996 — the same year the country passed a sweeping set of gun regulations.
Australia has eliminated mass shootings — here's what the US can learn
Yes, me boy, between 1996 and today, exactly zero mass shootings.

So, there you go. I will be anxiously waiting for your apology.

Now, a little work for you. Go learn google, dipshit.

Sorry you did not know about impartial sources. All progressives know. All well educated folks know. But cons do not. Funny, eh, me poor con troll.

Your info is invalid. That, me boy, is a lie.
Most of those listed had no deaths. That, me boy, is lie number two.
There have been fifty two deaths in mass shootings this year. Uh, you are truly an idiot. We are just over two monghs this year. A year, me poor ignorant con troll, is 12 months long.
Try again me boi.
No need to. I gave you sources. and they are impartial. You simply post drivel. And no sources.

Here is another project for you, me poor ignorant con troll. Look up year, and see how many months are in it. This year would be 2018. A year, on the other hand, is the number of months you are tasked to learn make up a year.

Now, try again to understand the information I already provided you. It is not my fault that you are incapable of comprehension.

What? May I assume that as a con troll you are too stupid to use google. Last few months;

Sourherland Church, Texas 26 killed 20 wounded
LasVegas, NV 59 killed 441 wounded
Parkland, FL 17 Killed

Mass Shootings | Gun Violence Archive

That, me boy, is over a hundred in the last 7 months. And the numbers of mass shootings are growing. And it does not include at least 300 mass shootings, where the numbers of killed were under 10 and some deaths were no doubt from assault rifles.

Relative to Australia:

28–29 April 1996 was a mass shooting in which 35 people were killed and 23 wounded

  • Australia has not witnessed a mass shooting since 1996 — the same year the country passed a sweeping set of gun regulations.
Australia has eliminated mass shootings — here's what the US can learn
Yes, me boy, between 1996 and today, exactly zero mass shootings.

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