Can Trump supporters learn from Trump's mistakes.

How do all you repub patriots feel that Trump can get better treatment than you could if you had the virus? I thought doctors had to do the best they could for EVERYBODY
The most secure and tested man in Murica got the Commievirus.

And you panic porn peddlers think that your idiotic flimsy masks are going to save you?

If anyone has something to learn.....

You might have a valid point if Trump had actually worn a mask and followed the protocols.
Since when does you wearing the mask protect yourself?

You wear it to protect other people from your germs.

As president, it was his responsibility to set an example for the country, instead of belittling people who did wear a mask. Many are as stupid as him, and think of not wearing a mask as a political statement.
That doesn't have much to do with my post and remember their was conflicting guidelines from the CDC.

Yes. The CDC did change their guidelines as they learned more about the virus. That's what science does. Trump never changed though. He claimed it was a hoax from the first.
Right. So Trump has to be 100% correct months before we learn anything? Trump said the media hysteria is a hoax, and he's right.

We still haven't seen any scientific evidence that masks do any good.

You're a fucking moron.

Trump was given the facts months before he admitted it to the country.
But he didn't want to panic the nation???? The POS tries to panic the nation every time he opens his racist ,white supremacist loving mouth Couldn't even denounce the scum proud boys
What did the proud boys do to upset you, stand for the national anthem?

Are you saying that you support the proud boys? Now, that is unsettling at best.
What's NOT to stand for? They're mean to rioters?
Have 4 all washable Think as an older person with copd I want to be an AH like Trump???
Every time you put the mask on you are infecting your face from what is on your hands. Frankly I don't give a shit what you do but you felt the need to denigrate someone else for not wearing a mask. People like you need to STFU.
How do all you repub patriots feel that Trump can get better treatment than you could if you had the virus? I thought doctors had to do the best they could for EVERYBODY
I'm not into class envy. What treatment is he getting that you cant?

He got the disease late in the cycle. We now KNOW MORE as far as treatment. I'm glad hes getting great treatment. Why do you hate that,
We're praying for the whole Trump family

One problem. Rump has no fever. Guess what, it very well may be a common every day cold or flu or just something the Scrooge had for dinner. This isn't coming off as Covid 19.
POOL source Vitals of president over LAST 24 hours very concerning Who is lying?
The fake news would claim a hemorroid is "very concerning." In fact the did say exactly that when Carter was diagnosed with a hemorrhoid.
Hoax ,fake? Bullshit Anytime you don't like what's posted you follow the pos trump always saying ,Hoax fake
We all know the fake news is an endless source of lies, bullshit and hoaxes. That's why it's called the "fake news."
Yeah the fake news,the ones reported by the corporate controlled media,are the only news he ever listens to AND takes it as the gospel truth,same as the OP, :auiqs.jpg:
Have 4 all washable Think as an older person with copd I want to be an AH like Trump???
Every time you put the mask on you are infecting your face from what is on your hands. Frankly I don't give a shit what you do but you felt the need to denigrate someone else for not wearing a mask. People like you need to STFU.
Talk to Trump and the 11 not wearing masks that got the virus. People like you need to get a clue and stop acting like uneducated morons supporting another moron
Have 4 all washable Think as an older person with copd I want to be an AH like Trump???
Every time you put the mask on you are infecting your face from what is on your hands. Frankly I don't give a shit what you do but you felt the need to denigrate someone else for not wearing a mask. People like you need to STFU.
Talk to Trump and the 11 not wearing masks that got the virus. People like you need to get a clue and stop acting like uneducated morons supporting another moron

No, everyone needs to get the virus now, before the more deadly variants come years from now.
Viruses do not just disappear, and if you skip getting a safe one like covid-19, then you will likely die when a really deadly one comes along.
Talk to Trump and the 11 not wearing masks that got the virus. People like you need to get a clue and stop acting like uneducated morons supporting another moron
I don't go around admonishing others for their personal choices because I think I "know better." You seem to miss the whole point here. Maybe you are being deprived of oxygen by your fucking mask. Ever think of that dumbass?
Have 4 all washable Think as an older person with copd I want to be an AH like Trump???
Every time you put the mask on you are infecting your face from what is on your hands. Frankly I don't give a shit what you do but you felt the need to denigrate someone else for not wearing a mask. People like you need to STFU.
Talk to Trump and the 11 not wearing masks that got the virus. People like you need to get a clue and stop acting like uneducated morons supporting another moron
The problem here is you believe a mask will make you invincible. While it MAY help, people still get this flu. It is YOUR thinking that is wrong.

And you keep assuming Trump and his supporters NEVER wear your pacifier. You dont know that. I do when I enter an business. I dont want to watch you Karen's crap your pants over it so I do To appease you.
Have 4 all washable Think as an older person with copd I want to be an AH like Trump???
Every time you put the mask on you are infecting your face from what is on your hands. Frankly I don't give a shit what you do but you felt the need to denigrate someone else for not wearing a mask. People like you need to STFU.
Talk to Trump and the 11 not wearing masks that got the virus. People like you need to get a clue and stop acting like uneducated morons supporting another moron

No, everyone needs to get the virus now, before the more deadly variants come years from now.
Viruses do not just disappear, and if you skip getting a safe one like covid-19, then you will likely die when a really deadly one comes along.
Like I said, Trumps got it, and hell get over it.

Biden WILL get it. Will HE SURVIVE? He's in poor health. That constant cough of his tells me hes got old age problems
At the ceremony introducing his SC choice with all those getting the virus ,,all I can say is thank you R.B.G. Good looking out
Have 4 all washable Think as an older person with copd I want to be an AH like Trump???
Every time you put the mask on you are infecting your face from what is on your hands. Frankly I don't give a shit what you do but you felt the need to denigrate someone else for not wearing a mask. People like you need to STFU.
Talk to Trump and the 11 not wearing masks that got the virus. People like you need to get a clue and stop acting like uneducated morons supporting another moron
The problem here is you believe a mask will make you invincible. While it MAY help, people still get this flu. It is YOUR thinking that is wrong.

And you keep assuming Trump and his supporters NEVER wear your pacifier. You dont know that. I do when I enter an business. I dont want to watch you Karen's crap your pants over it so I do To appease you.
Stop the BS No I don't think it will make me invincible but it sure as shit gives me an edge , and it also helps protect those in my space. Think if the AH told everyone to wear a mask when he decided not to panic anyone 1000's more would be alive now?
Talk to Trump and the 11 not wearing masks that got the virus. People like you need to get a clue and stop acting like uneducated morons supporting another moron
I don't go around admonishing others for their personal choices because I think I "know better." You seem to miss the whole point here. Maybe you are being deprived of oxygen by your fucking mask. Ever think of that dumbass?
They have no science on their side, so they replace that with piety and nagging.
Stop the BS No I don't think it will make me invincible but it sure as shit gives me an edge , and it also helps protect those in my space. Think if the AH told everyone to wear a mask when he decided not to panic anyone 1000's more would be alive now?
Your TDS is acting up :cuckoo:
How do all you repub patriots feel that Trump can get better treatment than you could if you had the virus? I thought doctors had to do the best they could for EVERYBODY
Since when does the right have an issue with Envy ?

This is the major problem the left has/can't deal with they think everyone is the same and thinks like them.
Stop the BS No I don't think it will make me invincible but it sure as shit gives me an edge , and it also helps protect those in my space. Think if the AH told everyone to wear a mask when he decided not to panic anyone 1000's more would be alive now?
Your TDS is acting up :cuckoo:
What TDS ?? Just because I and others can smell the stink Trump and his senate emits doesn't mean we have TDS And just be careful ,,,If you can't smell it you might have the virus

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