Can we be honest here?

Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
It certainly could be worse since Wuhan Plague was released. The result is the economy has tanked, and the sitting President always gets the blame/credit for it warranted or not.

However Dems have gone so radical with their BLM support, many are running away from the Democratic Party.
If the Dems had backed Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, I agree they may have shot themselves in the foot.

But Joe Biden is a moderate with a long record of pragmatic decisions.

As Trump works to solidify his right wing base, Biden is seizing the center.

Is Biden going to condemn the radicals DEFUNDING THE POLICE or trying to drive the federal government from Portland?

Or is he going to try to have it both ways? And hope the vile media can lie to the American voter enough for him to get away with it?

HInt: imagine reading the question, with a good deal of sarcasm. Like say, a Pacific Ocean of sarcasm.

Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police.

Not going to fly
Biden gets confused easily. His own campaign put out a video where he was asked if he would redirect police funds. He said “Yes. Absolutely”. No ambiguity there and approved by his campaign.

They are just trying to walk it back now because they know how unpopular that is. Supporting Social Justice Terrorists and defunding police will lose him the election.
He was very vague about what redirect means
It could be anywhere.
When asked specifically if he would defund Police, Biden said no
It doesn’t matter where “redirecting” funds goes, it’s taking money AWAY from police. Which IS defunding.
Not necessarily.
Could be redirected to more training. They need it

So you think they are going to take money used to pay police officers, and give them more training for when they get laid off? Don't get me wrong, I expect that kind of thinking from a Democrat, but to us, that makes no sense.
It's difficult to see how he survives his ignoring and even preventing testing of the virus. The virus itself is apolitical. Saying Team Trump did a good job not only requires ignoring facts, it requires ignoring the world. LOL

Even assuming a large maj of Whites change their minds on policing and systemic racise - OR MORE LIKELY - if the uncivil and anarchist protestors become the story, Trump still wears the dead albatross around his neck.

Trump's campaign will be more negative that Obama's 12 campaign. We'll see.

Do you think Americans are that dumb? Protests and riots took place in Democrat cities, and Democrat states, the Mayors did little to nothing about it, the rioters were Democrats, and they were upset about the conduct of a police officer in one of their Democrat cities.

But that's Trump's fault?

If you care to drill down on this map, you'll see most towns and cities with populations over 100K are Democrat.
Go ahead, see for yourself.
Kansas City, Kansas - Blue
Des Moines, Iowa - Blue
Iowa City, Iowa - Blue
Columbia, Missouri - Blue
OK City and Tulsa - Blue

Try it, I dare ya.

You're mouthing Trump's bullshit instead of thinking.

Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
It certainly could be worse since Wuhan Plague was released. The result is the economy has tanked, and the sitting President always gets the blame/credit for it warranted or not.

However Dems have gone so radical with their BLM support, many are running away from the Democratic Party.
If the Dems had backed Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, I agree they may have shot themselves in the foot.

But Joe Biden is a moderate with a long record of pragmatic decisions.

As Trump works to solidify his right wing base, Biden is seizing the center.

Is Biden going to condemn the radicals DEFUNDING THE POLICE or trying to drive the federal government from Portland?

Or is he going to try to have it both ways? And hope the vile media can lie to the American voter enough for him to get away with it?

HInt: imagine reading the question, with a good deal of sarcasm. Like say, a Pacific Ocean of sarcasm.

Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police.

Not going to fly

That is nice. Now, do you want to address my point, the one I made in the post you "replied" to, or are you just here to play silly troll games?
If you care to drill down on this map, you'll see most towns and cities with populations over 100K are Democrat.
Go ahead, see for yourself.
Kansas City, Kansas - Blue
Des Moines, Iowa - Blue
Iowa City, Iowa - Blue
Columbia, Missouri - Blue
OK City and Tulsa - Blue

So how does that refute what I said?
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
It certainly could be worse since Wuhan Plague was released. The result is the economy has tanked, and the sitting President always gets the blame/credit for it warranted or not.

However Dems have gone so radical with their BLM support, many are running away from the Democratic Party.
If the Dems had backed Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, I agree they may have shot themselves in the foot.

But Joe Biden is a moderate with a long record of pragmatic decisions.

As Trump works to solidify his right wing base, Biden is seizing the center.

Is Biden going to condemn the radicals DEFUNDING THE POLICE or trying to drive the federal government from Portland?

Or is he going to try to have it both ways? And hope the vile media can lie to the American voter enough for him to get away with it?

HInt: imagine reading the question, with a good deal of sarcasm. Like say, a Pacific Ocean of sarcasm.

Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police.

Not going to fly
Biden gets confused easily. His own campaign put out a video where he was asked if he would redirect police funds. He said “Yes. Absolutely”. No ambiguity there and approved by his campaign.

They are just trying to walk it back now because they know how unpopular that is. Supporting Social Justice Terrorists and defunding police will lose him the election.
He was very vague about what redirect means
It could be anywhere.
When asked specifically if he would defund Police, Biden said no

Sounds like he is trying to have it both ways. Mmm, where have I heard that before?

Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
It certainly could be worse since Wuhan Plague was released. The result is the economy has tanked, and the sitting President always gets the blame/credit for it warranted or not.

However Dems have gone so radical with their BLM support, many are running away from the Democratic Party.
If the Dems had backed Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, I agree they may have shot themselves in the foot.

But Joe Biden is a moderate with a long record of pragmatic decisions.

As Trump works to solidify his right wing base, Biden is seizing the center.

Is Biden going to condemn the radicals DEFUNDING THE POLICE or trying to drive the federal government from Portland?

Or is he going to try to have it both ways? And hope the vile media can lie to the American voter enough for him to get away with it?

HInt: imagine reading the question, with a good deal of sarcasm. Like say, a Pacific Ocean of sarcasm.

Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police.

Not going to fly
Biden gets confused easily. His own campaign put out a video where he was asked if he would redirect police funds. He said “Yes. Absolutely”. No ambiguity there and approved by his campaign.

They are just trying to walk it back now because they know how unpopular that is. Supporting Social Justice Terrorists and defunding police will lose him the election.
He was very vague about what redirect means
It could be anywhere.
When asked specifically if he would defund Police, Biden said no
It doesn’t matter where “redirecting” funds goes, it’s taking money AWAY from police. Which IS defunding.
Not necessarily.
Could be redirected to more training. They need it

DEFUND does not mean LESS MONEY, it means NO MONEY.

If cops are just randomly murdering black males, for the sheer joy of Evul, which is the Mainstream position of the Dem party and libs, then a small reduction of funding is not a reasonable policy.

Cutting a budget of a force of murderers by 10% doesn't make them not murderers.

THe only way that policy makes any sense is if the plan is to zero it out. Shutting down the Police Department, so that are no cops with guns and badges to go out and murder random black people, is the only reaction that fits the shit you lefties have been saying.

BUT, Biden is not going to do that, because all you white liberals know that the shit you guys talk, is just that, shit.

BUT, you want to keep talking that shit, to rile up blacks and browns, so he and you will keep talking the shit, but you will not walk the walk and follow though.

THe only question is, is the media good enough to lie enough to cover that fact up, until after the election is over.
It's difficult to see how he survives his ignoring and even preventing testing of the virus. The virus itself is apolitical. Saying Team Trump did a good job not only requires ignoring facts, it requires ignoring the world. LOL

Even assuming a large maj of Whites change their minds on policing and systemic racise - OR MORE LIKELY - if the uncivil and anarchist protestors become the story, Trump still wears the dead albatross around his neck.

Trump's campaign will be more negative that Obama's 12 campaign. We'll see.

Do you think Americans are that dumb? Protests and riots took place in Democrat cities, and Democrat states, the Mayors did little to nothing about it, the rioters were Democrats, and they were upset about the conduct of a police officer in one of their Democrat cities.

But that's Trump's fault?

If you care to drill down on this map, you'll see most towns and cities with populations over 100K are Democrat.
Go ahead, see for yourself.
Kansas City, Kansas - Blue
Des Moines, Iowa - Blue
Iowa City, Iowa - Blue
Columbia, Missouri - Blue
OK City and Tulsa - Blue

Try it, I dare ya.

You're mouthing Trump's bullshit instead of thinking.

/-----/ Blaine Sweeter - about your signature meme. I fixed it for you. No need to thank me. I'm here to help.
three pointing finger.jpg
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
It certainly could be worse since Wuhan Plague was released. The result is the economy has tanked, and the sitting President always gets the blame/credit for it warranted or not.

However Dems have gone so radical with their BLM support, many are running away from the Democratic Party.
If the Dems had backed Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, I agree they may have shot themselves in the foot.

But Joe Biden is a moderate with a long record of pragmatic decisions.

As Trump works to solidify his right wing base, Biden is seizing the center.

Is Biden going to condemn the radicals DEFUNDING THE POLICE or trying to drive the federal government from Portland?

Or is he going to try to have it both ways? And hope the vile media can lie to the American voter enough for him to get away with it?

HInt: imagine reading the question, with a good deal of sarcasm. Like say, a Pacific Ocean of sarcasm.

Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police.

Not going to fly
Biden gets confused easily. His own campaign put out a video where he was asked if he would redirect police funds. He said “Yes. Absolutely”. No ambiguity there and approved by his campaign.

They are just trying to walk it back now because they know how unpopular that is. Supporting Social Justice Terrorists and defunding police will lose him the election.
He was very vague about what redirect means
It could be anywhere.
When asked specifically if he would defund Police, Biden said no
It doesn’t matter where “redirecting” funds goes, it’s taking money AWAY from police. Which IS defunding.
Not necessarily.
Could be redirected to more training. They need it
Bullshit. Money used for training police isn’t redirecting money from police.

But thanks for proving your thread title is a farce, you’re incapable of being honest.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
It certainly could be worse since Wuhan Plague was released. The result is the economy has tanked, and the sitting President always gets the blame/credit for it warranted or not.

However Dems have gone so radical with their BLM support, many are running away from the Democratic Party.
If the Dems had backed Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, I agree they may have shot themselves in the foot.

But Joe Biden is a moderate with a long record of pragmatic decisions.

As Trump works to solidify his right wing base, Biden is seizing the center.

Is Biden going to condemn the radicals DEFUNDING THE POLICE or trying to drive the federal government from Portland?

Or is he going to try to have it both ways? And hope the vile media can lie to the American voter enough for him to get away with it?

HInt: imagine reading the question, with a good deal of sarcasm. Like say, a Pacific Ocean of sarcasm.

Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police.

Not going to fly
Biden gets confused easily. His own campaign put out a video where he was asked if he would redirect police funds. He said “Yes. Absolutely”. No ambiguity there and approved by his campaign.

They are just trying to walk it back now because they know how unpopular that is. Supporting Social Justice Terrorists and defunding police will lose him the election.
He was very vague about what redirect means
It could be anywhere.
When asked specifically if he would defund Police, Biden said no
It doesn’t matter where “redirecting” funds goes, it’s taking money AWAY from police. Which IS defunding.
Not necessarily.
Could be redirected to more training. They need it
Bullshit. Money used for training police isn’t redirecting money from police.

But thanks for proving your thread title is a farce, you’re incapable of being honest.

The white libs talk shit about cops being murderers, but when it comes time to actually do something about it,

you find out that they were just talking shit.

THey talk shit, but they won't walk the walk.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
It certainly could be worse since Wuhan Plague was released. The result is the economy has tanked, and the sitting President always gets the blame/credit for it warranted or not.

However Dems have gone so radical with their BLM support, many are running away from the Democratic Party.
If the Dems had backed Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, I agree they may have shot themselves in the foot.

But Joe Biden is a moderate with a long record of pragmatic decisions.

As Trump works to solidify his right wing base, Biden is seizing the center.

Is Biden going to condemn the radicals DEFUNDING THE POLICE or trying to drive the federal government from Portland?

Or is he going to try to have it both ways? And hope the vile media can lie to the American voter enough for him to get away with it?

HInt: imagine reading the question, with a good deal of sarcasm. Like say, a Pacific Ocean of sarcasm.

Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police.

Not going to fly
Biden gets confused easily. His own campaign put out a video where he was asked if he would redirect police funds. He said “Yes. Absolutely”. No ambiguity there and approved by his campaign.

They are just trying to walk it back now because they know how unpopular that is. Supporting Social Justice Terrorists and defunding police will lose him the election.
He was very vague about what redirect means
It could be anywhere.
When asked specifically if he would defund Police, Biden said no
It doesn’t matter where “redirecting” funds goes, it’s taking money AWAY from police. Which IS defunding.
Not necessarily.
Could be redirected to more training. They need it

That's a load of shit. I work with 44 Deputies and those guys are always training. Both physically and mentally. They have to pass more tests than a kid in school.

You know nothing you dumbass.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
It certainly could be worse since Wuhan Plague was released. The result is the economy has tanked, and the sitting President always gets the blame/credit for it warranted or not.

However Dems have gone so radical with their BLM support, many are running away from the Democratic Party.
If the Dems had backed Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, I agree they may have shot themselves in the foot.

But Joe Biden is a moderate with a long record of pragmatic decisions.

As Trump works to solidify his right wing base, Biden is seizing the center.

Is Biden going to condemn the radicals DEFUNDING THE POLICE or trying to drive the federal government from Portland?

Or is he going to try to have it both ways? And hope the vile media can lie to the American voter enough for him to get away with it?

HInt: imagine reading the question, with a good deal of sarcasm. Like say, a Pacific Ocean of sarcasm.

Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police.

Not going to fly
Biden gets confused easily. His own campaign put out a video where he was asked if he would redirect police funds. He said “Yes. Absolutely”. No ambiguity there and approved by his campaign.

They are just trying to walk it back now because they know how unpopular that is. Supporting Social Justice Terrorists and defunding police will lose him the election.
He was very vague about what redirect means
It could be anywhere.
When asked specifically if he would defund Police, Biden said no
It doesn’t matter where “redirecting” funds goes, it’s taking money AWAY from police. Which IS defunding.
Not necessarily.
Could be redirected to more training. They need it

That's a load of shit. I work with 44 Deputies and those guys are always training. Both physically and mentally. They have to pass more tests than a kid in school.

You know nothing you dumbass.

When you are kneeling on someone’s throat and they become need to stop
Looks like Trump is changing course in response to plunging poll numbers

He is back to pretending that COVID is a big deal to him. He is declaring masks to be “patriotic”

Three months too late Donnie
Looks like Trump is changing course in response to plunging poll numbers

He is back to pretending that COVID is a big deal to him. He is declaring masks to be “patriotic”

Three months too late Donnie

Covid is a big deal to everyone. Its just to bad you can't order Americans to do what they should do. Many ignore the CDC warnings.

Only a whiny little shit like you would think differently.

Plunging poll numbers?? Oh the Washington Post tells that story but then its a lefty rag. Of course a lefty loon like you will believe anything they print.
Looks like Trump is changing course in response to plunging poll numbers

He is back to pretending that COVID is a big deal to him. He is declaring masks to be “patriotic”

Three months too late Donnie

Covid is a big deal to everyone. Its just to bad you can't order Americans to do what they should do. Many ignore the CDC warnings.

Only a whiny little shit like you would think differently.

Plunging poll numbers?? Oh the Washington Post tells that story but then its a lefty rag. Of course a lefty loon like you will believe anything they print.
In the interest of public safety, you CAN order people to do what they should do.

Since COVID, Trumps poll numbers have plummeted. His lack of leadership has caught up with him. Not just liberal polls but Rasmussen, Fox
Looks like Trump is changing course in response to plunging poll numbers

He is back to pretending that COVID is a big deal to him. He is declaring masks to be “patriotic”

Three months too late Donnie

Covid is a big deal to everyone. Its just to bad you can't order Americans to do what they should do. Many ignore the CDC warnings.

Only a whiny little shit like you would think differently.

Plunging poll numbers?? Oh the Washington Post tells that story but then its a lefty rag. Of course a lefty loon like you will believe anything they print.
In the interest of public safety, you CAN order people to do what they should do.

Since COVID, Trumps poll numbers have plummeted. His lack of leadership has caught up with him. Not just liberal polls but Rasmussen, Fox

You can order them but how do you enforce that order for 350 million Americans?? Most American do as they please and you know it.

I don't believe in polls. You know Polls told us that HItlery would be POTUS in 2016. Surprise.
Looks like Trump is changing course in response to plunging poll numbers

He is back to pretending that COVID is a big deal to him. He is declaring masks to be “patriotic”

Three months too late Donnie

Covid is a big deal to everyone. Its just to bad you can't order Americans to do what they should do. Many ignore the CDC warnings.

Only a whiny little shit like you would think differently.

Plunging poll numbers?? Oh the Washington Post tells that story but then its a lefty rag. Of course a lefty loon like you will believe anything they print.
In the interest of public safety, you CAN order people to do what they should do.

Since COVID, Trumps poll numbers have plummeted. His lack of leadership has caught up with him. Not just liberal polls but Rasmussen, Fox

If you managed to win the election, by massive lying, it will be a form of stealing the election.
Looks like Trump is changing course in response to plunging poll numbers

He is back to pretending that COVID is a big deal to him. He is declaring masks to be “patriotic”

Three months too late Donnie

Covid is a big deal to everyone. Its just to bad you can't order Americans to do what they should do. Many ignore the CDC warnings.

Only a whiny little shit like you would think differently.

Plunging poll numbers?? Oh the Washington Post tells that story but then its a lefty rag. Of course a lefty loon like you will believe anything they print.
In the interest of public safety, you CAN order people to do what they should do.

Since COVID, Trumps poll numbers have plummeted. His lack of leadership has caught up with him. Not just liberal polls but Rasmussen, Fox

If you managed to win the election, by massive lying, it will be a form of stealing the election.
Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner!

Setting up a Trump defeat already.
Trump didn’t lose....he was cheated

Going to get ugly after the election as Trump embarrasses himself and the country
Looks like Trump is changing course in response to plunging poll numbers

He is back to pretending that COVID is a big deal to him. He is declaring masks to be “patriotic”

Three months too late Donnie

Covid is a big deal to everyone. Its just to bad you can't order Americans to do what they should do. Many ignore the CDC warnings.

Only a whiny little shit like you would think differently.

Plunging poll numbers?? Oh the Washington Post tells that story but then its a lefty rag. Of course a lefty loon like you will believe anything they print.
In the interest of public safety, you CAN order people to do what they should do.

Since COVID, Trumps poll numbers have plummeted. His lack of leadership has caught up with him. Not just liberal polls but Rasmussen, Fox

If you managed to win the election, by massive lying, it will be a form of stealing the election.
Winner, winner, Chicken Dinner!

Setting up a Trump defeat already.
Trump didn’t lose....he was cheated

Going to get ugly after the election as Trump embarrasses himself and the country

Since Trump won't be losing your blowing your horn a little soon.

Madam President?? LOL
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
It certainly could be worse since Wuhan Plague was released. The result is the economy has tanked, and the sitting President always gets the blame/credit for it warranted or not.

However Dems have gone so radical with their BLM support, many are running away from the Democratic Party.
If the Dems had backed Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, I agree they may have shot themselves in the foot.

But Joe Biden is a moderate with a long record of pragmatic decisions.

As Trump works to solidify his right wing base, Biden is seizing the center.

Is Biden going to condemn the radicals DEFUNDING THE POLICE or trying to drive the federal government from Portland?

Or is he going to try to have it both ways? And hope the vile media can lie to the American voter enough for him to get away with it?

HInt: imagine reading the question, with a good deal of sarcasm. Like say, a Pacific Ocean of sarcasm.

Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police.

Not going to fly
Biden gets confused easily. His own campaign put out a video where he was asked if he would redirect police funds. He said “Yes. Absolutely”. No ambiguity there and approved by his campaign.

They are just trying to walk it back now because they know how unpopular that is. Supporting Social Justice Terrorists and defunding police will lose him the election.
He was very vague about what redirect means
It could be anywhere.
When asked specifically if he would defund Police, Biden said no
It doesn’t matter where “redirecting” funds goes, it’s taking money AWAY from police. Which IS defunding.
Not necessarily.
Could be redirected to more training. They need it

That's a load of shit. I work with 44 Deputies and those guys are always training. Both physically and mentally. They have to pass more tests than a kid in school.

You know nothing you dumbass.

When you are kneeling on someone’s throat and they become need to stop
So all cops are guilty of what one guy did?

You BLMers are real fascists.
Are any of our USMB Conservatives more concerned about Trumps re-election chances compared to six months ago?
It certainly could be worse since Wuhan Plague was released. The result is the economy has tanked, and the sitting President always gets the blame/credit for it warranted or not.

However Dems have gone so radical with their BLM support, many are running away from the Democratic Party.
If the Dems had backed Bernie Sanders or Liz Warren, I agree they may have shot themselves in the foot.

But Joe Biden is a moderate with a long record of pragmatic decisions.

As Trump works to solidify his right wing base, Biden is seizing the center.

Is Biden going to condemn the radicals DEFUNDING THE POLICE or trying to drive the federal government from Portland?

Or is he going to try to have it both ways? And hope the vile media can lie to the American voter enough for him to get away with it?

HInt: imagine reading the question, with a good deal of sarcasm. Like say, a Pacific Ocean of sarcasm.

Biden has repeatedly said he does not support defunding the police.

Not going to fly
Biden gets confused easily. His own campaign put out a video where he was asked if he would redirect police funds. He said “Yes. Absolutely”. No ambiguity there and approved by his campaign.

They are just trying to walk it back now because they know how unpopular that is. Supporting Social Justice Terrorists and defunding police will lose him the election.
He was very vague about what redirect means
It could be anywhere.
When asked specifically if he would defund Police, Biden said no
It doesn’t matter where “redirecting” funds goes, it’s taking money AWAY from police. Which IS defunding.
Not necessarily.
Could be redirected to more training. They need it

That's a load of shit. I work with 44 Deputies and those guys are always training. Both physically and mentally. They have to pass more tests than a kid in school.

You know nothing you dumbass.

When you are kneeling on someone’s throat and they become need to stop
So all cops are guilty of what one guy did?

You BLMers are real fascists.

Apparently RWer doesn't know there are bad seeds in every walk of life and police are no exception.

We've had bad cops down her in Florida as well. But we also have boatloads of good cops. No one remembers them, just the bad ones.

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